I became a Catholic in 2010, in part as a response to my involvement in the Tea Party movement.
So, I was very excited about the news that Pope Benedict XVI is resigning:
He will be the first head of the Roman Catholic Church to resign in almost 600 years, with his departure expected to leave the post vacant for around three weeks.
The 85-year-old German’s resignation letter said: “After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.
I became Catholic, because as a citizen activist, the church helped me with two issues that arose from being involved with politics: Handling insults with grace and, the opposite effect, letting the attention go to my head. As this will be the first new pope selected since my conversion, I am following the news with real interest.
The Anchoress, Elizabeth Scalia, is my “Blog-Mother”. She has inspired my political writing as well as my faith. She has some poignant thoughts about this retirement, comparing it to the last pope’s exit via the gates of death:
Perhaps Benedict’s retirement is meant to remind this exceedingly busy world — the non-stop, twenty-four-hour-live and very self-important world — that we are none of us indispensable; that there comes a time to step back, throw oneself into the arms of the Lord and trust that all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.
Yes, I am sad. I have loved Benedict XVI; he has been my favorite pope — I loved John Paul, of course, but as I have said before, he was a grand, dramatic pipe organ of a man; he belonged to the whole world and his writings are often so dense I cannot plumb them. Benedict has always been the more accessible tinkling piano, simply inviting one to come closer.
Personally, I suspect that the very sensible Pope Benedict thinks that by retiring rather than staying in the Papacy until death, he can direct the choice of the next pope and ensure a conservative successor. And, as I saw Pope John Paul II at the Vatican for myself and felt the love Catholics had for him because of his traditional faith approach, I hope this is the case.
No matter who is selected next to head the Catholic Church, with over 1 billion Catholics worldwide, the man will have enormous influence on the world stage. Unsurprisingly, Twitter comments are flying fast and furious:
However, as Twitchy reports, the resignation is a great excuse for a flood of hate-tweets:
Because nothing says “tolerance” or “civility” like telling the head of the Catholic Church to slit his wrists instead.
For a Pope to resign is a historic event, as the year was 1415 AD the last time one did (ending Great Western Schism among competing papal claimants). I am looking forward to sharing news about the next papal election, especially as it is covered using all the new social media.

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And not to be left out of ANY conversation, Obama, Our Holy Egotist, released a statement about the Pope’s resignation. Once again, the “I’s” have it. I counted four times he refers to himself.
“On behalf of Americans everywhere, Michelle and I wish to extend our appreciation and prayers to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Michelle and I warmly remember our meeting with the Holy Father in 2009, and I have appreciated our work together over these last four years. The Church plays a critical role in the United States and the world, and I wish the best to those who will soon gather to choose His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI’s successor.”
The narcissist manifesto…
He [Pope Benedict] described how he initially regarded Marxism as a potential corrective to certain strains of modern thought. But he came to identify it with “terror.” He added: “I think that in those years, I learned where discussion must stop because it is turning into a lie and resistance must begin in order to maintain freedom.”
The Pope will appear on 60 Minutes this week with Obama.
Somehow, that devalues the Pope and over-values Obama.
Obama has made it a point to hire and use the most heretical/lapsed/dissenting to orthodoxy ‘Christians’ in name only for his morally and societally destructive purposes.
Using the Pope is a step too far.
I converted last year, Leslie. When I first heard this news, I was shocked. Not that Pope Benedict was resigning, although I understood later that that is very unusual in modern times. I was shocked at the timing of his resignation. Why half-way through Lent, the holiest time of the year for Christians? I had heard that last year the Pope was discussing the possibility of resigning because of his health, so why not resign in January? Or wait until after Easter? I find the timing troubling.
However, I am relieved after hearing what Michael Voris had to say: https://www.facebook.com/ChurchMilitant.TV/posts/509706662406660
I had read that the Pope’s reasoning was that there would be a new Pope in time for Easter.
Kitty, my take is much simpler. Lent is a time for sacrifice. what greater sacrifice than giving up the Papacy for the good of the Church and leaving it perhaps in the hands of someone younger?
One could counter that the true sacrifice would be to wait until after Easter.
Holiest time of the year is not Lent. Christmas, cuz He’s born to die. Passover/Good Friday, cuz He dies. Resurrection….
For a better understanding of the changes in the Catholic Church, I suggest the documentary “Deliver Us From Evil” and also consider the recent fate of Cardinal Mahoney. Bear in mind that Ratzinger was instrumental in hiding similar abuses that took place in Wisconsin and cases in Germany.
The details of the crimes are unmistakably terrible. It is shocking that any adult would overlook the acts of powerful bullies much less that their more-powerful superiors would do so.
I’m involved with a situation where an institution with great power sweeps the crimes of its senior officials aside despite the great expense their civilian victims face. It has given me a small insight into what happened to these thousands of abuse victims. The fact that their very faith (and the faith of their families) was destroyed by these abusers is deeply tragic.
It is understandable why the leaders who allowed this are facing tremendous animosity. It is shocking to me how much grace Mahoney and Ratzinger will receive until their final days. In a battle in the war of Good vs Evil, they made the wrong choice.
“I’m involved with a situation where an institution with great power sweeps the crimes of its senior officials aside despite the great expense their civilian victims face.”
Wouldn’t it have been easier to just say you work for obama?
I was thinking a unionized public school…
The Anchoress, Elizabeth Scalia, is my “Blog-Mother”. She has inspired my political writing as well as my faith.
Well, then.
Why didn’t you say so earlier–INSTA-CRED.
There is no finer writer on the internet than Anchoress. Inspiring to boot, and I’m not even Catholic (anymore).
I just want to put out there, this isn’t a election in the sense Americans are used to. There are no constituents, there’s no pork for the Cardinals to bring home. There are no front runners who we can profile. We have little idea of what issues will sway the voting and we are unlikely to ever discover them.
We are meant to put our faith the Cardinals, in secret, will choose the Pope God has already chosen to succeed Benedict.
I’m with you on the belief that Pope Benedict is making a intuitive and wise decision, in that, he certainly can be influential as regards his successor. The Church would greatly benefit from his influence.
For those haters out there, the Church will stand long after your mortal bodies lie moldering in the grave. There is some comfort in knowing that, especially for those of us who have had to put up with such incredible vile and vitriolic from you as you have sought to destroy people of faith, Christian and Jews alike.
While the Left attacked the Church using the sexual abuse scandals, the Left keeps the focus away from their own decadent and hedonistic lifestyle. At least the Church seeks to be moral, the Left seeks amorality.
Oops, forgot to proofread. It should be “an intuitive” and “vitriolic speech”
But I think Joseph Ratzinger — aka Pope Benedict XVI — is one of the greatest men of the age — possibly the only great man of the age — and almost certainly the last great man Europe will produce. As far as I’m concerned, he should turn the continent’s lights out as he steps down at the end of the month.
Reactions to his resignation seem to be a litmus test for cynicism. How hard is it to believe that an 85 year old might think it’s wiser to leave a job that demanding? I prefer to see it a historic gesture of wisdom and humility.
It is admirable that conscious of his weakening mental and physical states he puts the button on them directly. He’s quite right, too. His office requires acuity to fulfill its spiritual demands, and it takes a big man to say he’s losing it. For him it’s not abut dying in office, it’s about serving the Body. He gets it.
How the Pope’s resignation helps Obama
Headline soon to be written….
Senile Nazi Pope Quits: Women And Children Hardest Hit
Tooooo easy…
Prof, while I congratulate you on following the dictates of your heart, I am amazed that anyone would convert to Catholism. Maybe it was all of those years attending Mass six days a week when it was conducted in Latin? Then having religious homework on top of that? I got completely burnt out on it at a very early age. To each their own, I guess.
It’s too bad you maintain that perspective. I’m currently inflicting this very treatment on my own children: daily traditional Latin Mass, and religious education delivered by nuns in full habit. The only difference today is that the Sisters don’t get to whack them with a ruler. They send home a note, and the issue gets taken care of.
It’s my hope that the next pope ushers in a complete return to tradition, first in doctrine and then in liturgy.
I’m amazed that you would be amazed.
Structure and tradition are the bedrock of ANY society, let alone ours.
Many don’t understand that until their later years, which is why I’m thinking You’re still in your “younger years”.
Nope, I am 56. I had the whole deal: uniforms, CCD, etc… I overdosed on it all. Like I said, to each their own.
That’s a shame.
You’re still hung over on your burn out. Sad.
I left the Church of Rome as a kid but still remember the Latin and still appreciate the order and discipline of the liturgy. The comforting thing abut the repetition, the sameness of the liturgy is that when you’re old and sick, when you can’t remember much but deep inside you still want to pray but your mind won’t bring up the words, if someone goes through the liturgy with you, you can say along because it has been deeply engrained in your heart and mind through the years. A church without liturgy isn’t much of a church cuz the liturgy stays with you till death when it helps take you home.
So get over your discontents.
BUMPED FROM ELSEWHERE: The pope has offered his resignation. How long before Vanderbilt and other American universities demand that a non-Catholic be considered for the post … in the interests of inclusion, of course?
>>>>>So get over your discontents<<<<<
And just who are you to tell me what to do?
I’m surprised the Left isn’t calling him “a quitter”.
First thing out of their mouth. Not sure how you missed it-
ratzinger’s legacy will include, both from when he was grand inquisitor and as pope, his demonization of gay people in terms that put the westboro cult to shame while, simultaneously, protecting the pedophiles in his church’s ranks. perhaps it’s time that the vatican be stripped of the ‘statehood’ put in place by mussolini so that the criminal abusers in the catholic church can be prosecuted just as any other citizen would be.
Bureaucracy killed the Inquisition.
There has been a steep decline in Town Square burning s & tortures . People loved it all.
I am quite a fan of the Catholic church being who & what they are ie the Roman Empire.
Full Roman style Catholicism is fun & very interesting .
May all good Roman Catholics enjoy this time of joyful intrigue.
I am hopeful of a new Crusade . So pony up Rome. . bring it on!
Wow – I doubt that the Pope is overly concerned about the legacy he leaves among those who object to the basic positions of the Church and celebrate the religion’s downfall.
I am nothing more than a sinner in need of Gods unending mercy.
I have been struggling with the news of Pope Benedicts resignation. My first thoughts of fear, have evolved into a feeling astonishment. The world is bearing witness to a miracle being performed in our midst. I firmly believe that Pope Benedict, as time goes on will prove to be the greater Saint of the Church and not the late Pope John Paul.
One of Pope Benedicts gifts from the Holy Spirit is the gift of piety. His life echoes the true piety suffered by former great saints in the Church. He has humbled Himself before God and the world. Taken up the Cross of Christ, during Lent. And what we are witnessing is the true living example of following Christ in the modern age and by the Holy See nonetheless. He has given EVERYTHING in this earthly life to God. By example the truest Apostle in Christ Jesus. We bear witness as lowly students before our great Teacher.