Remind me again why I should watch.
Also, I can’t wait for the warm welcome Chief Justice Roberts gets this time, now that he cast the deciding vote in favor of Obamacare.
Update: From RCP:
The president’s speech, described by White House officials as an expansion of January’s inauguration theme of “opportunity for all,” will kick off a week of campaign-style Obama travel designed to pressure GOP lawmakers to bend to the wishes of a majority of Americans — or risk their election-year wrath.
He doesn’t know any other way. Truly amazing.

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Because if you do watch you can summarize it here tomorrow morning.
So then I won’t have to watch
Diane Sawyer sent out this Tweet today:
Fill in the blank: the State of the Union is _______. #SOTU
Little did she expect such hilarious responses. Here are but a few….
1. Waste of time and money
2. Lamentable
3. All talk
4. Sad
5. politics ad nausea
6. Boring
7. Failing to actually tell us the state of our union
8. Nothing but political posturing
I may record it and watch it later, my version of Fast and Furious!
9. propaganda
Not a tough choice at all… Root Canals bring an end to the pain and the rot, and you only have to pay for the care you receive; When it’s over, you can smile again.
Your choices were UNNECESSARY root canal (so no pain to relieve) or watch the State of the Union address.
Let the drinking games begin!!
Great! Scalia BOTH offers another choice AND pulls some of the oxygen out of Obama’s dog and pony show!
I can predict what Pres. Sleeper will say…
I think I’ll take a corporate jet to the Cayman Islands tonight and sequester my funds.
No reason to watch. It is curious, as history’s greatest orator, he’s given no speeches with any memorable lines.
He doesn’t know any other way. Truly amazing
Not really amazing. Obama is an empty suit who latches onto leftists slogans and propaganda. There is no “there, there.”
He lacks the intellect and politcal skills of a Bill Clinton and has to resort to attack as his mode of “leadership” (of course, it is nothing remotely resembling actual ledership, certainly not American style leadership).
Rather than BO’s approach being truly amazing, I’d say it’s truly pathetic.
1. He lacks the intellect and politcal skills of a Bill Clinton and has to resort to attack as his mode of “leadership”…<snip>…it’s truly pathetic.
Given the clown show that the GOP coalition has become, Obama doesn’t need Bill Clinton’s skills.
2. You want pathetic? Here’s pathetic: Republican “rising star” Marco Rubio will give the GOP response in English and Spanish.
3. I will attend what Rand Paul has to say.
To clarify: It’s fine with me if Rubio’s Spanish response is broadcast on Hispanic media. To broadcast it on national media together with (or before) the English response is way too cute.
I’ve been concerned that sooner or later there would be pressure for a bilingual USA, but I didn’t expect that Republican pandermeisters would lead the way.
Don’t watch Professor. Spare yourself. Pre Speech critique : It was marginally less tedious than a F. Castro speech. Definitely shorter. Full of platitudes, lies overblown rhetoric. Covered a lot of the same ground. It was wildly acclaimed by the usual suspects in media, castle lackeys & usual crowd with nothing better to do. GOP response was tepid. They signaled a hope to be able to work with the president. Both Boehner & McConnell looked dour. (Do they have another look? ) 30.
Root canal.
Release the Carson!
At least for a root canal you get an anesthetic.
So I can bill the case of cheap vodka to obamacare then.
I will not be watching, but rather get the summarization and analysis, later.
While Marco Rubio will be giving the official republican response, Sen. Rand Paul will be delivering a “tea party” response to the SOTU. (3rd Party??)
The freedom hating lefties have their panties in a wad because pro-freedom rock star Ted Nugent will be there. I may watch just to hear Nugent interviewed with my own ears so I can compare his actual words to however the freedom haters distort it tomorrow.
Plus Marco and Rand are always worth my time.
Terrible Ted needs to pull out one of his most famous concert bits, “this is my rod and I’m gonna yank on it.”
Seriously. The Republicans need to invite Dr. Carson and seat him in the first row.
There is no point in watching. We’ve heard it all before…over and over again. He’s in permanent campaign/lecture mode and has no off switch.
Everything he and his administration does is campaign mode – with the complicit media behind him.
Did you hear Biden’s latest “gaffe”? (gaffe means truth slipping out)
Do you know your Congressman and Senators phone number, fax number?
It’s joe bidden. That doesn’t even qualify as day old!
At least with a root canal, you won’t remember it afterwards.
First, secondwind is being generous to all parties in his advance review.
Second, I figure that the inevitable insults to Conservatives will be well covered, that Chief Justice Roberts will be exempt and probably praised, that the BS level will be pegged, and that the Institutional Republican response will not only be tepid, but bilingual.
The interesting things to watch involve the only variables in the equation. We know what the Tyrant will say, and that any specific promises are a lie. I am hoping that one thing that was predicted is true; the withdrawal of about half our troops in Afghanistan. The place is a trap at the end of an insecure supply line. I can easily see Obama happily munching popcorn as he watches a reprise of Benghazi writ large.
The real thing to see will be if and how badly Rubio compromises himself by speaking for the Institutionals, and to watch Rand Paul audition for the job of spokesperson for the coming SECOND party. And as with auditions, they are not over until they are over.
For myself, our local TEA Party will be having a guest at our general meeting. Our County Sheriff will be discussing preserving the Second Amendment. I think it is more important to be there.
Subotai Bahadur
I plan to drink heavily. a) it dulls the pain, b) is more enjoyable than a root canal or the SOTU, c) since I’ll be at a faux sports bar, there will be some sport on TV, d) it’s Shrove Tuesday (or Mardi Gras, if you perfer the French verbage).
I won’t be able to watch the SOTU, I don’t think I could stay awake through it.
But I will enjoy the Democrat prebuttal, they are already in damage control for whatever verbal diareha Obama spews.
And Rubio and then Rand for the encore…
Aside of the actual SOTU, this should be fun!
Fortunately, the Westminster Kennel Club dog show is on at the same time! Saved by the dogs!
Egyptian Human Rights Activist In Open Letter To President Obama: ‘Your Administration Ha[s] Given Political Cover To In the SOTU, Obama won’t mention the open letter from a desperate Egyptian: American Support for Current Egyptian Regime Will Only Lead To More Egyptians Being Beaten, Raped, Tortured, And Killed. (MEMRI – via Atlas Shrugs)
Of course, Obama won’t mention the fact that the ‘Arab Spring’ has just turned out to be a perpetual Groundhog Day scenario with all the same power-grabbing, bloodlust, rape and pillage that Islamists have been enacting for centuries.
Sorry. What I meant to post:
In the SOTU, Obama won’t mention the open letter from a desperate Egyptian: American Support for Current Egyptian Regime Will Only Lead To More Egyptians Being Beaten, Raped, Tortured, And Killed. (MEMRI – via Atlas Shrugs)
Of course, Obama won’t mention the fact that the ‘Arab Spring’ has just turned out to be a perpetual Groundhog Day scenario with all the same power-grabbing, bloodlust, rape and pillage that Islamists have been enacting for centuries.
I’d choose the unnecessary root canal AND two colonoscopies AND three series of rabies shots (with square rusty needles) AND six months on a deserted island with Geraldo AND the removal of my sex organs before I’d choose to watch another Obama speech.
AND I’d do all of the above while lying in a vat of rubbing alcohol.
While smoking a cigar.
The possibility of Mr. D-O-G serving up a helping of middle finger to princess barry mom pants almost makes it worth watching.
[…] » Tough choice — undergo unnecessary root canal surgery or watch SOTU – Le·gal In·sur·re… […]