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Branco Cartoon – Red Tide Rising

Branco Cartoon – Red Tide Rising

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco

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Brutha’Branco..You Be The Mang..! Today’s may top earlier in the week…Certainly at least a tie,’Yo.

Adding to the swell of the red tide rising is the use of the Obama-demonized luxury “corporate” jets by AG Holder:

Holder can fly over us little people to come the aid of Black Panthers with billy clubs.

Barack Hussein Obama is treating Lady Liberty America the same way Muslims usually treat a lady. Take her dowry, plunder and pillage it, rape and beat her senseless, to make her do things his way, and then throws her to the dogs.

Branco, Eric Boehlert checked your spelling of “dike.”

Be careful, MMFA’s stenographers are watching.

On the other hand, so is the fetching Dana Perino!

    A.F. Branco in reply to LukeHandCool. | February 28, 2013 at 10:19 pm

    “L” do you know how hard it is to draw when you’re shaking with fear!!! over Dana checking my work.. MMFA and Eric, not so much.