This headline at DEBKAfile is spot on, Barack Obama wins reelection: Mid East faces nuclear Iran, Brotherhood grip:
The prospect of another four years of Obama in the White House fills some Middle East nations, including the Persian Gulf and Israel, with trepidation.
They envisage a foreign policy that continues to focus on hitching US influence in the Muslim world – Sunni and Shiite alike – on to a wagon led by Iran as the first Islamic Shite Muslim nuclear power and the sponsorship of Muslim Brotherhood rule of Sunni Arab nations.
For Israel, this policy translates bleakly into American backing for the two most forbidding ideological foes it has faced in all its 63 years: Iran, whose leaders call openly for Israel’s extinction – even from the UN platform – although this is achievable only by nuclear aggression; and the hostile Muslim Brotherhood…
This goal actuated the Arab Revolt – or Spring – which erupted in December 2010. It has condemned Israel to an ever-tightening Islamist noose around its borders with worse to come: The last gap will be filled after the Brothers attain power in Damascus and ultimately set their sights on Jordan as the springboard to Saudi Arabia.
The American party of anti-Israeli internationalists and liberal Islamist delusionists has another four years to bring Israel to its knees.
The anti-Israeli internationalists were in full display at the DNC, vocally objecting to references to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and throughout the left-wing media.
The liberal Islamist delusionalists are represented at mainstream media outlets which do not view themselves as anti-Israeli, but are in denial of reality, as ably demonstrated by Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times in this tweet today:
This would be the same Nickolas Kristof who wrote of the “Arab Spring” in Egypt on February 3, 2011:
The lion-hearted Egyptians I met on Tahrir Square are risking their lives to stand up for democracy and liberty, and they deserve our strongest support — and, frankly, they should inspire us as well. A quick lesson in colloquial Egyptian Arabic: Innaharda, ehna kullina Misryeen! Today, we are all Egyptians!
Along with co-columnists like Roger Cohen, Kristof failed to recognized the anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli, Islamist revolutionary nature of the Arab Spring.
Demonizing Bibi Netanyahu has been a part of that delusion since the start, as Cohen wrote on February 3, 2011:
Already we hear the predictable warnings from Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu: This could be Iran 1979, a revolution for freedom that installs the Islamists. But this is not 1979, and Egypt’s Facebook-adept youth are not lining up behind the Muslim Brotherhood, itself scarcely a band of fanatics.
Israel faces mortal enemies. Some of them have rockets and soon nuclear weapons and intend Israel harm, others have columns in The NY Times and are too blinded to see reality.
Israel will need to hunker down, again. The anti-Israeli internationalists and the liberal Islamist delusionists still control U.S. foreign policy.

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Yep, Israel is about to get gang raped by her neighbors with the Democrats watching and doing nothing.
AND after Israel is destroyed, Dems will be puzzled to learn that Islam is not satisfied. The target will be moved to Kashmir…or Al Andalus (Spain)…or whatever else is convenient.
It is certainly a shame. At least with Carter, the people wised up. Re-electing Obama shows a slackening that is hard to take.
Ummm, afer Israel will be America.
Worse than that, they’ll hold the neighbors cloaks while decrying Israel’s existence.
Nice touch. Wish I had thought of that. Emulating no doubt their hero Saul Alinksky.
There WERE lion-hearted Egyptians in Tahrir square. Those aren’t the people this administration supported.
Spot on Professor. So many of my Jewish brethren voted for Obama too. I guess Israel is not important to the American Jew.
Israel should lie down and take it. With luck they don’ get overrun, nuked, … Attacking Iran right now would guarantee disaster, while waiting might not. This pains me oh so much to say. I want nothing more than for Bibi to show the world how a nation defends itself, but I don’t think it’s advisable. I am in the grip of fear for Israel, and for us.
War is coming to Israel. It is only a matter of time.
Now it is a matter of choosing how: on your enemies terms, or on your own?
“Israel faces mortal enemies. Some of them have rockets and soon nuclear weapons and intend Israel harm, others have columns in The NY Times and are too blinded to see reality.”
And still others sit in the seats of power (or leave them mTee), and indulge in magic thinking about Islamists and their own loopy ideology, denying reality AND any help when reality bites…others.
If Pres. Bumps will not aid people in his own administration in an hours-long fire-fight, there is no reason in the world to imagine him helping Israel.
There is a certain nameless Persian nation that is about to get nuked …..
When is Obama going to realize that placating Israel is pro-Arab, because if the Israel gets mad, millions upon millions of arabs/Persians will die.
Not. gonna. happen. Israel will not nuke preemptively unless it has evidence of impending first strike by Iran. Iran won’t first strike until it has enough of a first strike capability to wipe out a return strike, and that’s still a decade out. But Israel’s ability to defend itself from conventional (and asymmetric) attack will be immediately compromised by Iran’s possession of any nukes. That’s the game for now.
kemmer, you seem to believe that Iran will behave like a normal, blood-thirsty, hate-filled, belligerent country that wants to survive.
On the contrary, Iran is a theocracy whose believers, as they constantly tell us, “love death.” They can hardly wait for the return of the Mahdi “in the end of days” and they believe, as Dinnerjacket has said, that, if they hasten the conflagration the Mahdi will return sooner and they will all go to heaven while the kuffir (the rest of us) go to hell. What’s not to like about that?
So, no, I wouldn’t count on a decade. Israel must conclude that Iran will strike as soon as it believes in can obliterate them.
No, I am predicting. I also happen to think (see earlier comment) that assured disaster is not as good as waiting and trying to head off disaster. But mostly i think that’s very likely what Bibi will settle for. That said, if military analysis is convincing that disaster won’t follow Israel preemptively using nukes, then i prefer that, i just haven’t seen it, and my own guess is that disaster would follow.
Add to the mix that the Saudis are scared shiiteless about a nuclear Iran. Many have speculated that the Saudis have Pakistani nukes on stand by for delivery the day Iran has their first operational nuclear missile.
The Sunnis in the region are not too welcoming of Iran either. I think they might turn their back if Israel were to launch, and then act upset later.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but,the Israeli left will now conspire with the Obama administration to replace Netanyahu.
All you need to know about Israel’s position is that Valarie Jarret is overseeing secret direct talks with Iran.
What could possibly go wrong?
Why do you, Prof, assume that Kristof “failed to recognized the anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli, Islamist revolutionary nature of the Arab Spring”?
Our former allies are just one of America’s assets that Obama will give away.
Keep in mind that Pres Obama will unilaterally disarm America and scrap our nukes as much as he can. He will also sell prospective allies like Poland down the river.
There is going to be painful slippage that puts all of us in danger. Keep alert–it won’t be reported in the media.
All part of that infamous “flexability” we heard about! Who is most thrilled today? Vlad the Putin, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Morsi, Castro, Hu Jintao, Hollande ……………..?
Since most Jews voted for Obama, why should we give a flip over Israel?
That’s kind of akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face.
We’re talking about Israel, not American Jews. And Romney would’ve won the votes of Israelis in a huge landslide.
If you believe that the looming holocaust will only be directed towards Israel, you need to take a closer look at the extermination of Christians in the Middle East.
“We’re in this for the species, boys and girls.” – Starship Troopers
I agree with Robert Avrech that Bibi Netanyahu is now the leader of the free world.
Bill Clinton and Stanley Greenberg turfed out Netanyahu in 1999, only to get the Second Intifadah and the end of Oslo.
Personally, I think that Netanyahu will beat his rivals despite the best efforts of the US, he has done it twice before.
Trusting in God, we Israeli Jews will be all right.
I wish I could say the same for the USA.
I’ll go further: this is the beginning of a war.
No it is not cutting off my nose. Their is a very close association between American Jews and Israel. One of the major reasons that the politicians cater to Israel is to get the Jewish voter. If the Jewish voter goes for someone who is against their interest, then they can lose Israel as a consequence.
“One of the major reasons that the politicians cater to Israel is to get the Jewish voter.”
—No, they do it because it’s the right thing to do. The number of votes to be gained is small, and time and time again we’ve seen there is no reward for it (in terms of swaying Jewish voters) other than the comfort that comes with doing the right thing.
If the Jewish voter goes for someone who is against their interest, then they can lose Israel as a consequence.
Number one, that should put to rest the claim that American Jews are guilty of dual loyalty. Second, it’s a free country, and they can vote for whomever they like. You and I may think they are misguided, but their votes are their votes. It’s a free country. It’s nonsense to say thus we should abandon a friend and ally.
Their is a very close association between American Jews and Israel.
So? What’s wrong with that? I’d guess those Jews who feel closest to Israel are Republicans.
Do what’s right.
Got distracted so didn’t put poster’s words, to which I was replying, in quotes.
“If the Jewish voter goes for someone who is against their interest, then they can lose Israel as a consequence.”
“Their is a very close association between American Jews and Israel.”
What is that HUGE mushroom cloud I se up north near New York?
I doubt iran would nuke israel. They want the land as a prize, not as a wasteland. It’s probably just stupid posturing. That being said, the threat to Israel is very real. The administration has abandoned Israel, the whole middle east knows it. Israel knows it, and very sadly the Israeli population now should have lost faith in the US. I’m not sure they should “hunker down”.
I’d say they need to make sure they show their teeth and make damn sure anyone in the region knows they will be utterly decimated if they make a move at them. It’s dog eat dog world and anyone showing any sign of weakness is going to get picked off. Welcome to the post America world.
The reality is that Obama/socialist marxists/islamic muslim fanatics are now allied, aligned, and combined in this worst of both worlds, in their end goal agenda to destroy not just Israel, but America internally, and all of western civilization as we know it, which is being right before our very eyes.. To reshape the world in where their ideology and philosophy rule and control the world, and all who live in it..
Israel, and a few other Nations, like Canada stand alone against the enemies of Freedom, Liberty, and the western free world.. Obama has turned America from the defender of Freedom and Liberty and Democracy, to it’s enemy.. He has indirectly declared America will do whatever it takes to aid that destruction of Israel, by preventing Israel from defending itself, by aiding those who are actively engaged in Israel’s destruction by force, etc..
But Israel will not just lie down and roll over.. So when Israel does defend itself from a nuclear attack by Iran, and it will be sooner not later, then it will domino..
Hunker down? Practicing the Texan dialect, eh?
Here’s what’s going to happen to Israel from the Tanakh
“… Ezekiel 38 – 39 . . .
GOD warns Iran (Persia), with Russia (Magog), and a coalition of allies (including Turkey, Libya, and Sudan) will attack and will invade Israel. In Ezekiel 38-39 the Bible warns this coming war between Iran (Persia) and Israel will take place sometime after Israel has been re-gathered into Her land as a nation (which was fulfilled on May 14, 1948) … this prophetic war has never yet taken place … the only time in history Persia (Iran) has ever gone to war against Israel was to help Israel throw off the yoke of the Byzantine Empire around 614 AD…”