The New Yorker cover depicting the Empty Chair in Chief “debating” Mitt Romney is classic evidence that Clint Eastwood hit a home run with his speech at the RNC.
To honor the cover, Professor Jacobson has decided to roll out previously unpublished National Empty Chair Day photos sent in by LI readers on September 3, 2012. (Note: DO NOT SEND additional photos, we are using only photos originally submitted on National Empty Chair Day.)
Thus, the Election Day Empty Chair Countdown feature is born, and I’ll be posting one empty chair photo a day until election day.
Today’s contribution comes to us from DB, Chicago suburbs:
WAJ adds: Thanks to Fuzzy for helping with this. Be sure to check out her blog, Fuzzy Logic.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
New photos will be deleted, eh?
Knowing what I know about Fuzzy Slippers, I’d like to see her just try and delete a picture of an empty chair with the most adorable, cutie-pie cat stretched out on it in blissful semi-slumber.
Delete that? Are you kitten me?
Yayy Fuzzy 🙂
I am feeling an uncontrollable urge to break out the show tunes from the musical adaptation of the Obama years.
” Do You Hear the People Sing? “
Thanks so much Mary Sue. I love that show and that song 😀
Clint really hit it out of the park with that empty-chair meme – when even Leftists use it to represent Obama.
Clint Eastwood hit a grand slam. The ’empty chair’ is now even in the pages of the NY Times sports section. NY Times’ Harvey Araton imagines Eastwood talking to an empty chair in Yankee post season baseball that’s normally occupied by Yankee relief pitcher Mariano Rivera (not playing now due to injury) and wondering about Rivera’s replacement:
“Eastwood to Soriano’s chair, “But can you do it now, under the postseason gun, like my main man over here, Panama Slim?””…
10/6/12, “Soriano Fills Empty Chair in Yankees’ Bullpen,” NY Times, Harvey Araton
SORRY, Chili & NY Times: Buck’s Scamps are gonna b’yotch splap’um 3 outta 5 starting tonight. This is well known.
Eastwood created a politcal picture that is the most effective ever…a page in history
Thank you Fuzzy Slippers and Professor Jacobson for publishing Empty Chairs. It’s a great idea.
OT – This link provides the best encapsulation of the dismal phenomenon called “Barak Obama” I’ve ever read. Andrew Klavan in City Journal nails it:
A Fantasy Election, an Imaginary Man
Barack Obama has always been less real than dream—a media dream.
In the article he provides a link to a famous youtube cartoon video (1:30) that perfectly analogizes the Romney/Obama Debate # 1:
Klavan’s post was absolutely brilliant. Thank you, HH.
As for Empty Chair… how Alinskyicious! (Ridicule as political tactic)
OT on the empty chair imagery, but This SNL parody of MSNBC is pretty hilarious…
Seems like a tone deaf decision by Obama to choose a very expensive and ritzy restaurant for an anniversary dinner smack dab in the middle of a campaign, where gas prices in California are $5 a gallon, people are hurting.
They should have shown their solidarity with people who are struggling by going to a Five Guys… Or maybe they should have eschewed the whole dinner and gone to help feed the homeless at a shelter.
Sounds like Obama took the whole day off yesterday – also odd, given the disaster of his debate.
My bet is that Romney would have postponed his anniversary dinner until AFTER the election.
I think Michael Ramirez has inked the last empty chair cartoon ever. There’s nothing more that needs to be said after that.
A folding chair. How appropriate.
IKEA just released the Obama “Empty Chair,” at a Recession-proofed price of $19.99.
EVERYONE at Dr.J’s: I e-mailed our Landlord a link an hour ago to last night’s SNL faux-MSNBC meltdown coverage after the debate Wednesday night. PRICELESS!! Beck has it on his Blaze e-send this a.m. Rev.Tawana Sharpton is especially wonderful to behold. But, Wretched Madcow and Lil’Chrissy are pluperfect as well.