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perfect rendition.
just because it might be impossible to characterize just how deeply disappointing it is for the President of the United States of America to put out such a base ad. It’s so . . . no more words
For all this talk of a bad economy there are a lot of people who don’t feel it and will vote for the “cool” Obama.
My daughter graduated from nursing school in May 2010 and couldn’t get a full-time nursing job until February 2011 and she had to move to get it.
A nurse told me that in times of recession when men experience layoffs, their wives with nursing skills who have been housewives or newly retired, return to work and new nurses then have a hard time getting their first jobs.
To all those whose “first time” was a vote for OBOZO in 2008 – vote for Romney in 2012 since he’s the penicillin you so desperately now need.
So, she’s thinking, “Not what I had in mind about my first time!”
Hey, isn’t Dunham the last name of Obama’s mom? So is she related to the president? And her first time was with… well, an investigation must be commenced immediately!
Obama put the “screws” on us from the very start – “Hope and Change” extortion.