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Uninstalling Obama……… █████████████▒▒ 95% complete
That is very clever! It made me laugh.
A. F. Having smoked dope in same , this looks like a late 70’s doper van. Does it contain a shag carpet ,self installed interior? Hanging bead drapes? Radio Shack casset system? Does the interior reek of spilled bong water?
In the early days of his reign, Obama liked to frequently remark that George Bush drove the car into the ditch.
I would LOVE to see what Obama has done! Drove the car OUT of the ditch, careened into oncoming traffic, sharply veered to the left to avoid a head-on, and now he’s taking us over a cliff!
Good comic though! Helps to have a bit o’ comic relief!
That’s FOWARD, according to Obama/Biden supporters.
I’M SURE THE SHIRTS WERE UNION-MADE: Spelling is hard: Obama supporters wear ‘Foward’ T-shirts at Biden rally. Imagine the press reaction if this happened at a Tea Party event. Posted at 1:38 pm by Glenn Reynolds
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