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If this binder nonsense doesn’t prove team O is circling the drain, I don’t know what does. Every day they keep this up brings us one day closer to saying President Romney and Vice President Ryan – keep it up.
Bet there are many women who wish their resumes had been in that binder!
And I thought the vagina costumes at the RNC meme was bad? This is pathetic.
My husband was with a major law firm (over 500 attorneys) for thirty years, twenty-three as a partner, and he started laughing at this “Binder-gate” meme. He said that every year, as they made decisions about 1) which law students to whom they might offer summer clerkships 2) which summer clerks should get offers of permanent employment and 3) which associates should receive bonuses, etc. they had at least THREE of those GIANT binders (you know the ones- the HUGE ones at the office supply store, the D-ring ones). Male or female, you WANTED to be in those binders (especially the ones that meant that you MIGHT get a job!
[…] Finally here’s your cartoon, courtesy of the ever talented A.F. Branco at Legal Insurrection. […]
For the last three decades or so, the Dem-leftists have been saying it’s necessary and virtuous for employers to make a special effort to hire talented women. They didn’t tell us that when a Republican does exactly that, it’s just another form of “discrimination.”
Did Democrats suddenly discover that “affirmative action” is, in plain fact, discriminatory?
[…] Cartoon at Legal Insurrection […]