How brilliant is Clint Eastwood?
His empty chair performance captured the essense of The One so effectively that even liberals now have the image in their heads. Do not talk about the empty chair in the White House!
I love the sight of The New Yorker running an image on its cover of an empty chair as a stand in for Obama … it smells like … victory:
(Image via JWF)
In honor of The New Yorker cover, I’m going to dig back into the very large stack of unpublished National Empty Chair Day photos submitted by readers, and roll them out as time permits. Maybe once a day, maybe in groups once a week, to be determined.
Fuzzy Slippers, friend of the blog since the early days, will be helping me on the project.
What better way to remember what is at stake on November 6 than to keep National Empty Chair Day alive?
[Do NOT send more photos, they will be deleted]

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to the full extent allowed by law.
As Chumlee would say, “Awesome!”
It especially goes well with this video from a few weeks back…
Speaking of Chumlee and Empty Chair Day …
Love it!
Yep, Chumlee is correct!
My neighbor and I keep our empty chairs right out front, 24×7, right by the steps to our adjoining townhouses. Our HOA doesn’t allow lawn signs but our empty chairs serve as our political signs this year.
Clint recognized that in order to stick in the memory, an event has to be new, even bizarre. Who expected a rambling, old guy comedy routine with a simple, distinctive symbol? But did you detect the tone on that sorrowful and sad, but wise advice to America, “… you have to let him go”?
Pitch perfect.
$5.99 for a magazine? And there ain’t any nekkid pictures in it? Really?!!!
What the hell has happened to my country?
I’ m sure our Narcissist-in-Chief will enjoy being mocked by millions.
I half expect him to go Full Abe Lincoln on us any day now, and “act out” by nuking us down here in Texas. Of course, we could then invade and liberate the rest of y’all. Except California; nobody wants that mess.
P’fessor J will become the Enlightened Despot of the New England Military District.
There would be some action in California.
There most certainly would be.
Except California; nobody wants that mess.
Are you kidding? All those natural resources, economic and otherwise!
There is nothing wrong with California that can’t be addressed by sending the people who wrecked the state to Mexico.
I did not say the people who ruined CA should be sent back to Mexico, if you get my drift…
Okay… okay. I’ll admit it when ‘um wrong. Y’all are back in.
An empty chair published by a premier liberal rag can only viewed with a glass of fine wine
A glass of warm Schmitz tastes good when you are looking at that!
And you know what this says…???
It tells us The New Yorker is NOT racist…at least not all the time.
They CAN criticize Pres. Paracosm, and that is significant.
1. After the GOP convention, a commenter posted about the empty chair:
sigh Of course they threw it away. They’re Republicans!
2. Maybe things will be different now that the (MSM!) New Yorker has administered a stroke of the clue bat. An empty chair somewhere on the stage of every RR appearance would be an pungent touch, and the buzz just might get under The One’s thin skin as the next debates approach.
3. We’re mocking Obama again instead of being angry. Good sign.
4. His own allies are mocking him too. An even better sign.
5. But not to get cocky.
The only thing that could’ve made that debate better would be if Clint had walked in, approached Jim Lehrer, squinted, and taken over the moderator’s chair.
Heh… Gives the earlier term, “empty suit,” new dimension.
I’m catching the scent of a sweet November in the near future..
Somebody had to say it. I’m glad Clint Eastwood did, because our Million of Dollars paid, biggest comedians are nothing but Terrorized, Bullied, Tiny Cowards, Cowards, Cowards. And they need to be reminded of their dereliction!
Agreed. But the more accurate word is ‘corruption.’
Somebody had to say it. I’m glad Clint Eastwood did, because our Million of Dollars paid, biggest comedians are nothing but Terrorized, Bullied, Tiny Cowards, Cowards, Cowards. And they need to be reminded of their dereliction!
How about an accompanying caption for each photo or group of them? It would deal with some aspect of Obama’s presidency and highlight how he has been an “empty chair” with regard to it.
Woo-hoo! Go Fuzi! Does this mean I can now brag about being friends with a big-time contributor?! 😉
[…] STUNNING FRIGHTFUL SHOCK: Is the Editorial Staff of the New Yorker Comprised of Racist Xenophobes? Posted on October 6, 2012 by admin Heh […]
Caption for Romney should be: “Karma is a bitch, little man.”
Maybe Obama was channeling an ex-congressman from Ohio
Jim Traficant
Michelle Obama was in the audience. A a photo was taken of her in silhouette. Can you pick her out? —
That wasn’t funny enough to overcome my initial repulsion.
No down arrow for you but I don’t like it.
That’s trashy and completely unnecessary, TFR. Go play in traffic. >:-(
Well, that’s the first and last time I’ll be visiting
I don’t like to pile on, and I know we all make mistakes and go too far sometimes, but come on!
I don’t care much for Michelle Obama. I think that, like her husband, she is supremely arrogant and a phony.
But that is just completely wrong! There’s no excuse for that.
You shouldn’t tarnish the Professor’s blog with something so vile. I hope this is just a rare, “What was I thinking?” moment for you.
In the words of a late,great PBS hero,”Can any one say preference cascade? I knew that you could!”
I am astonished that they ran with this cover. A few weeks ago Jeff Toobin did a puff piece on Elizabeth Warren. He dismissed the Native American controversy.
Get ready for some traffic, Bill. This post is at the top of Larwyn’s Lynx this morning.
What a great way to start they day.
Let’s just say I hope Hillary and Bill are laughing as hard as the rest of us (former Dems) are. We tried to warn ’em.
Obama is the empty chair and Biden is the empty head.
After that debate, I’m beginning to think that O has the empty head too.
[…] […]
Same artist who did the fist-bump cover.
It would be ironic if the New Yorker Magazine cover featuring “M. T. Chair” is enough to make David Letterman cancel his subscription.
[…] An empty Obama chair on the cover of The New Yorker smells like … victory. […]
Here another great empty chair cartoon – Mitt takes Bambi to school:
Can’t wait for your Empty Chair(s)Display, Professor! I plan to send them to legions of Lib-Lefties of my acquaintance. Call it…Rendition,’Yo.
Professor: About 2 hours before the New Yorker image came out in the web, I wrote a post predicting that the elite media was poised to abandon Obama. This is the first lemming off that cliff.
More will follow.
The American press may hate Republicans, but it hates losers more.
Yes, you are right: This smells like victory. Any leftists who clutches onto evidence to the contrary is whistling past the graveyard.
No, we can’t stop working — we simply work harder now to increase the margin of victory.
I want to hear the elite media say “historic landslide” on the evening of Nov. 6th.
“we can’t stop working”
Per the professor’s excellent advice, my final donations will go out on the 15th (payday, so I can add any OT that shows up), rather than holding part of it until the end of the month.
In fact, this final donation to Romney/Ryan will max me out for that campaign (never thought I’d say that about anyone unless Reagan rose from the grave to run again). Am donating to other important campaigns too, such as Love and West (though I won’t come close to maxing them out). Generally I don’t have that kind of money, but have been saving for since the 2010 elections to make it happen.
EVERYONE KEEP WORKING to send Bambi packing.
Don’t get cocky, kids.
There is no doubt in my mind that Romney practice the debate with an empty chair.
An empty suit so empty, there’s not even a suit, just a chair to hang it on.
I liked the quote I saw on Drudge this morning. Some big Dem donor said it looked like Obama took the million dollars he donated and spent it all on weed.
As this presidential campaign unfolds, who knew how “interesting” it would become. There’s Clint and the empty chair. There’s the panic about Big Bird’s fate should Romney be elected. There’s Bill Maher lamenting the million dollar donation to Obama because he suggested that, after Wed’s debate, O must have used it “for weed.” There’s Mitt’s “magic hanky” that he had at the podium on Wed night. There’s Al Gore suggesting, we all know about his suggestions, that O was on a “Rocky Mountain High”. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
[…] An empty Obama chair on the cover of The New Yorker smells like … victory ( […]