Not really surprising, but there still are stupid supporters of Israel who believe that removing Jerusalem from the DNC platform was just a technical error.
Via Haaretz, White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama
The White House declined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s request on Tuesday to meet U.S. President Barack Obama during a UN conference in New York at the end of the month.
An official in Jerusalem said that the prime minister’s office sent the White House a message stating that although Netanyahu will spend only two and a half days on U.S. soil, he is interested in meeting Obama and is willing to travel to the U.S. capital specifically for that purpose. The official added that the White House rejected the request and said that at this time Obama’s schedule does not allow for a meeting.
The White House’s response marks a new low in relations between Netanyahu and Obama, underscored by the fact that this is the first time Netanyahu will visit the U.S. as prime minister without meeting the president.
Just wait for that second term.
These billboards placed in South Florida by the Republican Jewish Coalition seem appropriate:
From the archives, Friends of Israel, We Have A Problem and We Are All Bibi Netanyahu Now.
Update: Friend of the blog and soon to be contributor Joel Engel writes:
Reuters just reported that Obama has refused to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu during the Israeli prime minister’s upcoming visit. Our president clearly doesn’t like Netanyahu’s bellicose pleas for American assurances that Iran will not be allowed to complete its nuclear-annihilation mission. The AP even refers to Netanyahu’s utterances as “ratcheting up a public feud with the U.S.”
It seems increasingly apparent Obama does not understand that by not standing publicly behind Israel, he actually increases the possibility that (a) Israel will be forced to act by itself; (b) Iran will come believe that the only martial retaliation for launching a strike on Israel will come from Israel itself; or (c) both of those.
For Netanyahu, acting before November is likely to have unpredictable electoral consequences—possibly including an Obama landslide. This is an unintended consequence he must guard against for the same reason that acting after the election, if Obama wins, may be impossible tactically and militarily. Is it inconceivable that the U.S. would shoot down Israeli warplanes? No one knows. Which is the point.
For Obama, refusing to meet with Netanyahu now is a purely political calculation. Judging by the angry reaction of delegates at the Democratic National Convention when Jerusalem was corruptly re-inserted into the platform, any public reaffirmation of America’s commitment to Israel risks damaging Obama’s base. And in a contest between an existential threat to one of America’s closest allies and his reelection, it’s no contest at all.
WH confirms President Obama & PM Netanyahu will NOT meet in NY later this wk but they say it’s wrong to say POTUS “refused” a meeting
— Ed Henry (@edhenryTV) September 11, 2012

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Meanwhile, our Embassy in Cairo has been stormed and our flag lowered, shredded and burned.
How sad that we’ve surrendered on 9/11.
Boy, these technical errors are piling up. Due to another technical error, the US Embassy in Cairo was stormed today, the US flag torn down, and a black flag run up instead. Egyptian Spring, indeed. The White House needs to get a handle on these technical errors, lest Israel find itself isolated and without a friend. Oh. Right.
And our Arab Spring buds show us just how much they now love us, and respect us.
On 9/11 they attack our embassy in Cairo, tearing down our flag, ripping it to shreds and burning the pieces.
If this does not clarify things for anyone who cares about Israel, nothing will.
I hate to consider the demographics of Obama’s core voting block, when he so explicitly disses important allies (former?) such as Israel.
In the long run it is extremely important that Israel knows exactly where they stand in relation to Obama and any support from his administration.
It would be far too dangerous to depend on U.S. support only to find that Obama was on the 11th fairway when needed.
Yea, he’s too busy campaigning and playing golf.
C’mon people – it’s G O L F I N G weather! Those sweaty, hot and humid days are but a recent memory. Maybe Obozo’s got a new driver he wants to try out.
I suggest Bibi meet with DWS – and Lil’ Debbie will relay the message.
If that don’t beat all…
Obama too busy appearing on David Letterman to meet with Netanyahu
Failure to respond and engage in a respectful manner is a cowardly act, from Rags mouth to your ears.
I hope Israel acts in their own best interest. And if they do they can remind all that they tried to meet with Barack Obama but he was “too busy.”
If I were the Romney team I’d be on the phone right now saying, “Mitt would love to get together while you’re here.”
My first thought!
No time for Bibi, but damn it if I don’t have time for my boy Pimp with a Limp.
Perhaps if Netanyahu was a Union (pronounced: YUN-yun) Thug (pronounced: BIZ-nis EY-juhnt) or George Soros’ pocket lint, he could breeze right into White House, the marital bedroom, even.
Too busy arranging more funding for Egypt where they storm a US embassy on 9/11? Arrogant poseur.
“Report – Obama declines request from Netanyahu for meeting in D.C., says too busy”
…of course, the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD is welcome anytime.
“It seems increasingly apparent Obama does not understand that by not standing publicly behind Israel, he actually increases the possibility that (a) Israel will be forced to act by itself;….”
THAT, is exactly what this devious Jew Hater has in mind. I’d suggest someone look for that “mind”, up his rectum.
Uhh, ‘dat ain’t racis is it, like it’s all DARK up there.
To bad The Pizza Guy didn’t do a body slam after the lift.
This statement sure has gotten a lot of use lately, “It seems increasingly apparent Obama does not understand _______”
I’m curious how President Obama will respond to a mob of muslims ripping up our flag. His response says what he thinks about that insult to our country. I’m hoping Egypt will be punished in some way. One idea is to lower the number of muslims from Egypt who are allowed to visit here, not just tourists but students and business people as well. Do we need muslim mobs here? Another idea, how about giving Egypt less aid and not forgiving their debt to us? How about sending some Egyptian diplomats home?
Netanyahu should be told about the one sure way to get face time with Obama: host a multi-million dollar fund raising party, with big name celebrities in attendance.
[…] Posted on September 11, 2012 2:02 pm by genes I’m not as nice as Professor Jacobson. Report – Obama declines request from Netanyahu for meeting in D.C., says too busy Golfing or kissing CAIR ass? Via Haaretz, White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with […]
“Friend of the blog and soon to be contributor Joel Engel writes …”
Please tell me this is the Joel Engel who invented cell phone technology … or the Joel Engel who composed early 20th-century music … or the Joel Engel who analyzes handwriting …
… and not Hollywood Joel Engel who is wanted in 57 states.
Netanyahu wants to meet Obama? I can tell him how. Benni, come with a bag of money from American Jews in Israel. That’s all Obama wants from Jews. Money. He doesn’t want conversation. He doesn’t want to off Israel anything. He doesn’t want to hear what Jews want from him. The meeting will be very short, Benni. You come in, and he stretches out his hand and takes the bag. A staffer will then escort you to the side door of the UN. Give him the money and shut up cuz he has to meet and have dinner with Ahmadinejad.
Or a staffer will escort him out the back door, next to the black garbage bags ‘Dali Lama’ style. Don’t want to offend our debt holders, the Chicoms.
Can a half Black, half White man be a racist if he hates Jews and prefers to support Muslims. I heard that dog whistle and the Jew hating code words when he said, “I’m too busy”!
You said this, “Can a half Black, half White man be a racist if he hates Jews and prefers to support Muslims.” It should’ve been this: “Can a half Black, half White man, who helped Louis Farrakhan organize the Million Man March, be a racist if he hates Jews and prefers to support Muslims.”
At this point I think it would be foolish to not recognize that Obama IS indeed an antisemite. No need to be witty and soften this observation.
I just checked Obama’s schedule on the days Bibi will be here. 09/24/2012 “No public appearances”
09/25/2012 “No public appearances”
So, whatever excuse he uses is pure, unadulterated BS.
Maybe some CHOOM GANG BUDS are coming over for a toke. They wouldn’t put that on the schedule. Then again, maybe Obozo is just acting childish.
Baruk Hashem! Israel is forever!
There are today in Israel a voting campaign for the U.S. election. There are 150,000 American expats registering to vote in Israel and that’s a sizable number.
Don’t grieve over another Obambi sin. Grieve for what the G-d of Israel will do to the enemies of Israel. The Holy Tanakh says Israel wins! Pray for mercy and read Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s book “The Harbinger”
AMERICAN JEWS – continue to vote for your black messiah [idiots …].
Uh, Barack! It’s me! Bibi, your friend! Yes, yes, yes, I was told by your secretary just how busy you are. What do I know. I mean you’ve got the campaign, and, and the campaign and . . . What’ve I got? The Iranian thing.
Anyway, look. You like burgers. There’s this place in New York (will somebody please find out the name of that damn joint) with the best burgers in the world. I know you’d love it. You like beer. I can drink a cold one. Hey. Come to New York. Burgers and beer. We’ll grab a couple of buckets of balls, go up on the roof, and drive some into the Hudson. We’ll chat a bit.
Afterwards, we’ll have some photos taken. It’ll be good for your campaign and for me back home. So, what’d you say Barack? Barack? Who am I talking to? What’s that you say? Valerie who?
DESPICABLE=His Infantile Majesty Obama.
Romney-Ryan need to come out punching with Bare Knuckles on this Wednesday. Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a ghastly Moral Midget.
We have to vote these children out of office. I just can’t belive we are now responding and trying to massage the meaning of words in a news report….”say it’s wrong to say POTUS “refused” a meeting”. Wow we’re suffering from some serious THIN SKIN.
BTW – hear O’s gonna speak before the cranial rectal inversion club next week to ask for their all important vote.
Yep, and then he’s distributing flashlights to search for
Next stop for The One is the Vast Testicular Concavity Club handily located in the same building.
If Bibi wants to hear what Obama has to say, have him tune in to Pimp with a Limp, or David Letterman. Obama has some really important things to go over with them.
[…] chaos across the globe. These troubles are very likely to impact us dreadfully (even though Obama doesn’t want to hear the news from Israel’s Netanyahu.). Chuck Devore had a great tweet, which ties into my theme about the media […]
[…] economic meetings of any kind even as the economy staggers toward another recession, says he is too busy to meet with our only real ally in the violently unraveling Middle East. Yet on the same day he […]
[…] In Israel, the Prime Minister requests a meeting with Obama later this month while the United Nations General Assembly is in session. Obama to Israel: Drop Dead. […]
[…] Report – Obama declines request from Netanyahu for meeting in D.C., says too busy ( […]
[…] economic meetings of any kind even as the economy staggers toward another recession, says he is too busy to meet with our only real ally in the violently unraveling Middle East. Yet on the same day he […]
[…] Report – Obama declines request from Netanyahu for meeting in D.C., says too busy […]
[…] Report – Obama declines request from Netanyahu for meeting in D.C., says too busy […]