Michelle Obama, the Joan of Arc leading the crusade against food freedom, brags in this week’s US Magazine to enjoying fried twinkies in Iowa!
The magazine published a feature about Michelle entitled “Exclusive: First Lady Michelle Obama: 5 Things You Don’t Know about Me.” From the article [emphasis mine]:
1. I think one of the most important things anyone can do is vote. Gottavote.com makes it easy to do.
2. Sometimes I let our Portuguese Water Dog, Bo, sleep in our bed when Barack is gone.
3. I skipped the second grade.
4. The best thing about campaigning is meeting amazing and inspiring people. Another perk is getting to try specialties from around the country along the way. I’ve tried everything from local farmers’ market produce in North Carolina to fried Twinkies in Iowa.
5. We love watching sports — especially when there’s a Kiss-Cam involved!
This is all quite odd, because just a month ago, President Obama sheepishly admitted at the Iowa State Fair that the First Lady had forbidden him from eating the all-American creation.
Either Michelle follows the “do as I say, not as I do,” rule or she’s had a change-of-heart. It couldn’t be because Iowa’s in play this November, could it?

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I’ve tried everything from local farmers’ market produce in North Carolina to fried Twinkies in Iowa.
And yet, our boy Barry has told us that the Mooch is, bottom line (and I use the term advisedly), a genuine tamale freak. Who knew?
Just wait till she finds out about “fried pickles”
Either Michelle follows the “do as I say, not as I do,” rule or she’s had a change-of-heart.
I thought all liberals follow the “do as I say, not as I do” rule. She’s looking for votes, but I doubt if she has to force herself to eat the Twinkies.
Seriously. Who reads this twaddle?
Webster has yet to coin a term that describes just how little I care about what she does, what she eats or what she likes.
“We love watching sports — especially when there’s a Kiss-Cam involved!”
Holy syrup of ipecac…!!!
I was looking forward to dinner, too…
Five Things I know About Michelle Obama
1] She has a broad back-side, about the width of one axe handle.
2] She has just recently become proud to be an American. Before then she felt either apathy or anger at being considered being an American.
3] She agrees with the doctrines and teachings of Rev. “GOD DAMN AMERICA” Wright – why else sit under his tutilage for over twenty years?
4] She is a hypocrite; eating greasy french fries, etc. while castigating others for eating the same things.
5] She loves spending money that doesn’t belong to her (some would call this theft) as exampled with her outrageous vacations and attendant comforts.
6] EXTRA CREDIT: She likes to make Howard Johnson drapes into dresses and then wear them to official government functions.
There are so many good causes the FLOTUS could have embraced: the murderous violence and depravities in her ‘home town’ of Chicago, toddlers and teenagers beaten and shot on a daily basis, for one. Female circumcision, for another.
But no, she becomes the nanny statist in chief, and wastes our tax dollars dictating to others. Hypocritically so, it is known.
November can’t come soon enough. VOTE, and take 5 others to the polls.
This is trite stuff.
I believe there is a sorta big election coming up & nowhere have I seen Romney. Where is Ryan?
embasies attacked across the globe & Obama watches football Romney goes to dinner & Ryan has been ‘shackled’.
where are all the rallies? The crowds ?
“It couldn’t be because Iowa’s in play this November, could it?”
It couldn’t be because she’s LYING, could it?
If she ate it once it would be one thing, but we all suspect that she eats junk regularly.
If her lips were moving or her fingers were typing, she was lying; otherwise, she was just hiding something.
The key is moderation. It is not fanaticism.
It is simply amazing that for many people the least understood system is their own body.
Incidentally, the prerequisite for liberty is individuals capable of self-moderating behavior.