Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in town to follow President Obama’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, met with Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan along with peace activists and other members of “Abrahamic religions” on Tuesday evening. While both the U.S. and Israel delegations, among others, boycotted the Iranian dictator’s speech today, Farrakhan’s “nation” saw fit to meet with Ahmadinejad.
Coverage on the Iranian Government’s website proclaimed that Ahmadinejad said “religions [sic] leaders’ role in establishment of new world order is very important and influential” and referred to “Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities.” During his speech, Ahmadinejad said that his country Iran is “better off today” than when he took office. According to the website, Ahmadinejad also said “the Iranian nation is scared of nothing and will confront all bullying powers.”
[Sidenote, I wonder if the Left is glad to see that their *bullying* meme has now completely entered into the Iranian dictator’s consciousness. In an interview with the AP, he brought bullying up again.]
This isn’t the first time Farrakhan has met with the Iranian dictator. Nor is it the only time in recent months that Farrakhan’s presence has been requested.
A few months ago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel met with Louis Farrakhan and enlisted his help to police the streets of Chicago. The Nation of Islam, which has been steadily increasing its presence in the poorer neighborhoods of Chicago, was only too happy to provide. Chicagoans are now able to see the uniformed Nation of Islam “police force,” known as the “Fruit of Islam,” roaming its streets, presumably enforcing some sort of rule of law.
Tonight at 8pm eastern, Farrakhan is holding a live, online townhall. He will take questions from Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. The hashtag is #AskFarrakhan.
Anyone have any questions for Farrakhan?

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[…] s); })();TweetTonight Louis Farrakhan, who just met with Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is hosting an online three-hour townhall. You can submit questions via twitter, facebook, or YouTube (instructions here), and follow the […]
According to Gateway Pundit, the US delegation sat tight and listened to this POS. They dissed Israel and stood with Iran. Nice, huh?
Whatever happened to laws of sedition when our citizens meet with our enemies? Out the window in the obamaworld. Much like the Hatch Act.
The world is descending into chaos — literally. We won’t escape it here. I’m hoping at this point we don’t have to start the discussion on to whether ‘Barack Obama’ is a lunatic or not, as that issue seems to be settled.
What we need to deal with at this time is the fact that chaos will be used here to oppress opposition to Barack Obama. The chaos and its use by the left was predicted by many of us who blog and comment on blogs.
Our only hope out of this is the recognition of what we are dealing with in terms of just who is at the head of our government. (Have you asked yourself lately what Obama’s 100+ secret ‘czars’ have been up to?)
Romney needs to drop his “Obama nice-guy” stupidity. And we need to drop Boehner as Idiot/Speaker-of-the-House if we want to win our country back.
So how about we start all discussions accordingly? Or do we have to put our heads back in the sand?
Maybe Farrakhan is learning innovative ways to control Chicago’s gangs.
My favourite iranian dispatch method is ..
1- round up pests .
2- locate a bus terminal
3 – take pests to terminal
4 – attach nooses to roof beams
5- get pests to climb up
6 -attach pests to nooses
7 – drive buses off .
8 – crowd cheers.
9- normal timetable resumes.
10- take down corpses in about one week.
I exaggerated number 10. In good Islamic tradition they bury them before sundown.
I have a question for the good reverend Farrakhan:
Do you still believe an Islamic mothership orbits Earth and if so, will you use it to enforce law and order in Chicago?
A couple of questions for Louis Farrakhan:
1) It seems to me that you frequently appear in the news as an angry person. What’s that about?
2) Rather curious. This country causes you considerable pain and heartache. Is the reason you stay and not leave that you love it that much?
3) That thing about America being on the wrong side of history isn’t clear to me. Do you think you could clarify?
Thanks, in advance, for your consideration of my questions.
I don’t think we need to ask Farrakhan any questions at all. We need to ask the likes of John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell et al just why they’re not using the House and the Senate to ask these questions. The only question we should be asking is to the GOP hacks: why the hell aren’t you asking these questions??