There are times it seems overwhelming how corrupted various aspects of society have become in the effort to impose Obamacare on the country.
Hollywood is being pitched by the ad agency hired by California to promote its Obamacare health exchanges to promote Obamacare through sitcoms, reality shows and the equivalent of product placement.
Instead of helping sell soap, television will help sell a political platform.
Via The NY Times (h/t James Pethokoukis):
And Hollywood, an industry whose major players have been supportive of President Obama and his agenda, will be tapped. Plans are being discussed to pitch a reality television show about “the trials and tribulations of families living without medical coverage,” according to the Ogilvy plan. The exchange will also seek to have prime-time television shows, like “Modern Family,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and Univision telenovelas, weave the health care law into their plots.
“I’d like to see 10 of the major TV shows, or telenovelas, have people talking about ‘that health insurance thing,’ ” said Peter V. Lee, the exchange’s executive director. “There are good story lines here.”
Is there any doubt that Hollywood will play along?
All of this, or course, will be paid for by the taxpayers at both ends:
Mr. Brown is hoping voters will approve a package of temporary tax increases in November to avoid $6 billion more in cuts. Ms. Dooley said that without the tax package, carrying out the health law might be at risk, including the expansion of Medicaid.

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The “Honey Boo Boo Rules” require a better headline: Hollywood Supports Persecution of Peaceful Religion.
You beat me to it, Joan.
Here is the link.
Everyone needs to read that link. Powerful tool for Political Judo.
How about “Hollywood to propagandize for Obamacare”? Even the worst of the HoneyBs knows the word propaganda, and knows it’s A Bad Thing.
“…a package of temporary tax increases in November to avoid $6 billion more in cuts.”
Coupla thangs…
1. there is no such thing as a “temporary tax increase” (See War, Spanish-American)
2. if we get the tax, we’ll never see any cuts
3. if we can “starve the beast” of ObamaCare, LET’S DO THAT!
We have reached the point in California that any class warfare “initiative” has a good chance to win in a general election. We have beaten back a couple, but we are hanging by a thread.
This is foul.
In San Diego, at least, the taxpayers are restive. They are the same, generous, tax-and-spend Democrats they’ve always been, but they know they aren’t getting what they pay for. Too bad there’s no viable alternative party.
I don’t know why they shouldn’t. I don’t watch a lot of network TV, but this morning while doing chores, I caught a re-run of a spinoff of ‘The Closer’ called Major Crimes.
Opening scene: a haz-mat dump company named Keystone. Plot development incorporated the use of drones for the benefit of law enforcement, crazy white guy who is a gun nut and believes in the sovereign citizen concept* who ‘do not even stop for red lights’, gun dealers who are morally responsible for what buyers do with their purchases and multiple gun sales for buyers in Mexico – not a fictional concept, but strictly a private business problem, haha.
Their target audience is apparently one who won’t question, let along think about the scripted grace notes.
So yeah, bring it. What’s not realized is people might only seem to be sheep.
*I don’t subscribe to that idea at all, but the heavy-handed presentation was a bit much.
The only way to stop this is to boycott the advertisers. The left will respond in kind — as they tried to do and failed in the past — but our numbers are greater.
“the trials and tribulations of families living without medical coverage,”
‘that health insurance thing,’ ” said Peter V. Lee.
So umm, Mr. Lefty, trials and tribulations is/are A THING?
What good will it be to make these films? Film profits are down and going further down all the time. People are waking up to the fact the media (and that includes Hollywood) is trying to brainwash them. More than likely the majority of people going to movies are kids, teens, the bored and the choir. OTOH, the choir mostly likes captioned foreign films. They think these films make them look intelligent.
I was mildly suprised to see an episode of Bones where they had their baby Baptised in a full blown Catholic Cathedral. Booth is a practicing Catholic and as a character is treated with respect. Thru his influance Bones is evolving into a more full charcter.
Another example of why John McCain was so, so wrong on campaign finance reform. The Left has, and will use, all forms of support (institutional, academic, journalistic, entertainment, etc…) to spread their ideology, but when we conservatives want to finance and advertise pro-constitutional, limited government message, its the end of the World.
Has anyone noticed all the “right wing wackos bearing weapons and hating the government” themes out there? I’ve gotten to the point where I yell at the tv when I can see it developing…usually in murder mysteries. It’s never a left wing wacko or even a wild eyed Islamic terrorist.
It’s alway anti-government right wing wackos.
I guess they think we’re stupid.
[…] was first alerted to this tidbit by Professor Jacobson, who notes: There are times it seems overwhelming how corrupted various aspects of society have become in the […]
“Instead of helping sell soap, television will help sell a political platform.”
Agreed. And this Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide is raking in the big bucks from DNC friendly PACS for their ‘White House product placement.’
But aren’t the networks which air this stuff making an ‘in kind’ campaign contribution?
And shouldn’t all that fall under the scrutiny of the Federal Election Commission??
Oh. Wait. It’s Obama campaign sheenanigans. Never mind.
[…] entire television shows to promoting a government program for your own good. It’s not 1984. Maybe it’s 2013. Plans are being discussed to pitch a reality television show about “the trials and tribulations […]
[…] various aspects of society have become in the effort to impose Obamacare on the country,” observed William Jacobson, associate clinical professor at Cornell Law School. “Instead of helping sell […]
[…] various aspects of society have become in the effort to impose Obamacare on the country,” observed William Jacobson, associate clinical professor at Cornell Law School. “Instead of helping sell […]
If you disagree with what the Hollywood/Sitcoms are doing, hit them where it hurts… in their pockets. Contact their advertisers and tell them you will boycott their products if they advertise during shows that promote Obamacare.
[…] various aspects of society have become in the effort to impose Obamacare on the country,” observed William Jacobson, associate clinical professor at Cornell Law School. “Instead of helping sell […]