Branco Cartoon – Telephone Poll
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Branco Cartoon – Telephone Poll

Branco Cartoon – Telephone Poll

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I have never seen an incumbant president use his office so blatantly. Also, he really doesn’t need all those million in donations. The lsm will let him come on their networks and in their newspapers for free. He calls it keeping the public informed from the office of the presidency not campaigning. Which is another lie…one of so many it’s impossible to keep count. Vote buying is an art the dims and especially obama have perfected.

OT I see where the NAACP has gone before the UN asking them to investigate voter fraud by forcing people to show ID. This is a hardship for the black people, doncha know.

    Love Bush or hate him – he has acted most graciously after leaving office and has kept himself out of the public limelight.

    If Obama is defeated in this election – God willing – I expect to see four more years of nightly Obama courtesy of the LSM.

NC Mountain Girl | September 28, 2012 at 5:14 pm

What’s beyond viral? The original Obamaphone Lady video has almost 1.3 million views in two days.

Somehow I don’t think droves of Obama fans are watching this to feel good about themselves.

“If Romney get’elected, he gonna ship all us black people back to Africa.” 14-yr old Jarvielle W. to Mr.Neo this very evening. Mentoring the pup and a little, youthful-lively crew color,’Yo, in Clermont, Florida, 2-Fridays a month for 3+years now.

CANNOT make this S*** up!!

When I heard the lady in the ‘Obamaphone’ video, with her deep, gravelly, and yet screeching voice, I was immediately reminded of the old Flip Wilson TV show and his Geraldine character. When Geraldine got wound up she sounded very much the same.

Flip Wilson was playing to stereotype, but the Obamaphone lady is living it.

TeaPartyPatriot4ever | September 28, 2012 at 8:59 pm

What’s almost as worse than what Obama has done to the country and the American people,(not including the Obama anti-American marxist drones), is the fact that he will enjoy a life of luxury in the richest part of Hawaii after he is thrown out of office on 6 Nov., and all at the expense of the America tax payers of one degree or another.. No charges, no indictments, no trial for Treason.. Just tax payer subsidized life of luxury for the rest of his life.

I suggest that the next Congress have a Grand Jury indictment against Obama- Crimes against the United States of America and the American people.

    (Psssst… You must not have received the memo yet. What we’re gonna do is, after Obama is gone and comfortably ensconced in Hawaii, each of us conservatives back on the mainland is gonna mail him one brick. The weight of all those bricks – according to a Democrat congressman – will tip the island right over. Icksnay on the anplay).

And, naturally, IF our side played this true video in a Romney-Ryan ad it would be piled-on by the usual MSM-Lapdawgs for…Wacism….Wascally WAAACCIISSSSSMM..!

    NeoConScum in reply to NeoConScum. | September 29, 2012 at 10:40 am

    Wooopsie…! Thought I was at the Free Phones Video thread. Too much Puerto Rican hi-test coffee this a.m. But, hey, the comment fits anyway(-: