Yesterday was supposed to be a day of self reflection, and all I could reflect on was this picture and what it symbolizes:
An American citizen exercised his First Amendment right to produce a crappy film. In response, the President of the United States sent “brownshirted enforcers,” as law professor Glenn Reynolds put it, to “voluntarily” take that man in for “questioning,” thereby trampling on the Constitution overtly enough that Reynolds called on Obama to resign.
That thought kept bumping against another thought: Tomorrow night, the same president who couldn’t find any time to meet with Netanyahu for a strategy session on keeping nukes out of Iran’s hands will be flying to New York to raise perhaps millions of dollars for his own reelection campaign at an event with Jay-Z.
Did you ever wonder who Jay-Z is? In case you don’t know, he’s a renowned hip-hop artist and entrepreneur who began his rise to .1 percent status by writing, uh, lyrics like this (caution: bad language ahead):
Motherfuckers wanna act loco
Hit ’em wit, numerous shots with the fo’-fo’
Faggots wanna talk to po-po’s, smoke ’em like cocoa
Fuck rap, coke by the boatload
Fuck that, on the run-by, gun high, one eye closed
Left holes through some guy clothes
Stop your bullshittin’, glock with the full clip
Motherfuckers better duck when the fool spit
One shot could make a nigga do a full flip
See the nigga layin’ shocked when the bullet hit
Make room in the Great American Songbook. No wonder Obama lavished such praise on him:
Every time I talk to Jay-Z, who is a brilliant talent and a good guy, I enjoy how he thinks.
And what about how Jay-Z acts?
In early December of 1999, Jay-Z was charged with first-degree assault and second-degree assault after Untertainment Records executive Lance “Un” Rivera was stabbed once in the stomach and once in the shoulder. According to Newsweek, Jay-Z suspected that Rivera had released bootleg copies of his fourth album, an act that would lead to the loss of millions of dollars in rightful profits.
Jay-Z later pleaded guilty, and in a deal with prosecutors served three years probation for acts of violence that had been motivated by what Democrats like to call “greed”—which, come to think about it, pretty much describes the whole fundraiser.
If Barack Obama consciously intended to demonstrate his contempt for this constitutional republic and its citizens—and who knows, maybe he does—he couldn’t do it any more dramatically than tonight’s event.
Think about it. Just a few days after trying to deprive a man no one had ever heard of from enjoying his free-speech rights because some foreigners claim they were offended, the President of the United States flies off to party with another man who’s earned a pasha’s fortune exercising his own free-speech rights with language that offends many more Americans than not.

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What really floors me is that Barrackah has no time for Bibi.
But two of the most thuggish of people in the pop culture…Letterman and J-Z?
Oh, YEAH…!!!
A man is known by the company he keeps. Obama: Churchill “No,” Jay-Z “Yes.”
Jay-Z should be the one covered up in the above photo.
(I am protected by the First Amendment and if that is not enough I have the Second Amendment as a backup.)
You are just…just a raaaaacist, for making fun of Obama’s musical selections!
As my husband always says, ‘If you hang around crap long enough, you’ll start to smell like it.’
Professor, please reconsider what it is you think you see in that still. Here’s video of what happened. That is not a perp walk. Note his hands in his pockets.
Also, please consider the aftermath and the actual effect on Nakoula. You see the “brownshirts” went back yesterday, to “voluntarily” take his whole family to the station IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT!!
That isn’t violating them. The cops and Probation have collaborated to do this guy a huge favor and I don’t believe Barack Obama had a damned thing to do with it. I know this is a great meme for firing people up, but it isn’t true and it does a grave disservice to these cops who are being smeared. I’d be the first to hammer them if they were violating his rights, but I also need to be the first to defend them when they’ve done nothing but protect and serve the Nakoula family.
Please, let’s leave the half-baked hysterics to the left. They’re so much better at them.
Pablo, are you really that naive?
I dont for the most part disagree with your point ; however. Certain Arizona Sheriffs more familier with the Constitution would have told the feds to pound sand.
So Pablo, you don’t think Nakoula could have made it to the station for question on his own? It sounds like he was cooperative and it isn’t difficult to think that was his position all along. It’s quite naive to not recognize the need for the photo op here.
Sure, he could have just hopped in his car! The media mob and everyone else would have totally just left him alone and let him go on his way unmolested and without getting a picture of his face. Besides, he loves all the attention he’s getting!
Or maybe not.
BTW, what need does this picture fill? Do you think it’s going to soothe the muslim savages? Do you think anyone thinks that will happen? And if so, why aren’t they loudly broadcasting the notion that they picked him up for making a movie (and immediately let him go?)
Hint: That would get Obama fired 7 weeks from now.
Pablo, it’s difficult to believe that your comment was serious. A man and his family are forced to leave their home and you think that his detention was doing him a favor? As Pelosi might say, “Are you serious”?
Who forced them to leave their home? The government or the media mob and the billion or so who want him dead? They’re out of there because they want to be out of there.
Pablo: I dont agree with you but you are entitled to your stand. You make your case as well as it can be made. You show original thought and that is a dwindling commodity. Ultimitly tho the unfortunate guy and his familys lives have been trashed by the system. This is what happens when a system goes contra~ Constitution.
Thank you, secondwind. But I submit that it wasn’t the system that trashed him, it was the media, starting with al-Nas TV in Egypt and ending with the mob at his door. The cops got him out of a bad spot.
Pablo, how did the “media mob” come to be at this man’s house that early in the morning? A. – the feds tipped them off OR B. the press was monitoring the police scanner. Am I missing another option? If the call on the scanner was simply for potential parole violations and had nothing to do with the anti-muslim film, then the announcement would not have attracted that much frenzy. How many different news organizations were there for the pick up? Do you think they all have someone monitoring the scanner at that hour? Would they all have recognized Mr. Noulaka’s (sp?) name? No, a more likely scenario is that the feds contacted multiple news outlets ahead of time so that his (non-)arrest could be filmed and he could be targeted. To think the feds weren’t trying to send a chilling message by deliberately setting this man up for muslim violence is naive. Obviously, he is so scared he will not return to his home. You may not think the President had anything to do with it, but to tell me that no one in the administration played a deliberate part in the thuggish way this was handled doesn’t pass the smell test. What a shame we are becoming that we don’t value our freedoms as they slip away!
No, he was talking to the AP on 9/11 and they figured out who he is. And then they mobbed him.
I think this media op was done precisely so the Muslim radicals will take it as this guy being arrested due to their violence. Those who set it up think it will placate the radicals, but in fact the radicals will see it as a success and it will embolden them to do more. As Instapundit says, whatever you reward, you get more of.
Good post! Like all leftists, Obama thinks that there is “good” speech (i.e. approved) and “bad” speech (i.e. not approved). The list of things that fall under “bad” speech is far longer than that approved but can be surmised by this administration’s characterization of “terrorists” as Americans who hold conservative values. This was first detailed in the spring of ’09 with a DHS memo that was sent to the nation’s police departments. It has since been codified by other executive branch agencies, including but not limited to the FBI, ATF, and TSA.
There is nothing really contradictory here or hypocritical. This is how totalitarianism/tyranny/communism (pick your poison) works: there are literally two separate standards. One for the “friends” of the dictator, one for his “enemies.” We keep being outraged and whinging about apparent contradictions, but there simply are none. Remember when we dems were complaining about the deadlock in Congress, and we pointed out that it’s a feature not a flaw of the Constitution? Think of this sort of apparent contradiction as the same thing: it’s how their worldview is constructed. To them, it’s perfectly acceptable, indeed desirable, to claim to support free speech and religious freedom while actively working against it . . . for certain people (i.e. “enemies of the state”: Christians, Jews, conservatives, et al).
Every tyrant has his enemies, and those enemies are always treated to a separate “justice” than his friends. We need to understand this because it’s important. They aren’t thinking as Americans who are bound by and proud of a Constitution that establishes liberty and justice for all. They don’t believe in equal justice, and they don’t believe in individual liberty, so the moral relativism we often engage in (I do it, too) just doesn’t apply.
Having fun with the now classic photograph of the movie producer’s arrest. These photoshops should go viral.
IF the Republican Presidential campaign doesn’t STOP proclaiming B.Hussein Obama a nice fella, just trying to play outta his league..over his head…good guy, but wrong..
BHO RE: Jay-Z: “..I enjoy how he thinks.”
…this old neocon cabal member is gonna put his fist thru some drywall and scream,’Yo! AAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGG….!
The Republican superpacs need to go unfettered after these activities that reflect unpresidential behavior.
This whole administration is one of disgust with its disregard of the constitution, traditions and let’s face it… Just disgusting deed after deed after deed.
I’m voting to evict in November.
My name is Grumpy and I approved this message..
Since I don’t listen to that trash music, I had no idea it was so in the gutter.
Thanks for informing those of us who didn’t know the degree of filth with which obama is hob-nobbing with.
Such a great post, Joel. It should be read by everyone. How can we get it to the top of google news…
I find Jay-Z’s lyrics to be blasphmous to my tender sensibilities.
I’m going to go burn some toast.
[…] UPDATE: Barack Obama Cannot Be Serious. “If Barack Obama consciously intended to demonstrate his contempt for this constitutional […]
[…] America Has An Unserious President In Seriously Perilous Times. About that meetup with Jay Z. …Tomorrow night, the same president who couldn’t find any time to meet with Netanyahu for a […]
Pablo, how did the “media mob” come to be at this man’s house that early in the morning? A. – the feds tipped them off OR B. the press was monitoring the police scanner. Am I missing another option? If the call on the scanner was simply for potential parole violations and had nothing to do with the anti-muslim film, then the announcement would not have attracted that much frenzy. How many different news organizations were there for the pick up? Do you think they all have someone monitoring the scanner at that hour? Would they all have recognized Mr. Noulaka’s (sp?) name? No, a more likely scenario is that the feds contacted multiple news outlets ahead of time so that his (non-)arrest could be filmed and he could be targeted. To think the feds weren’t trying to send a chilling message by deliberately setting this man up for muslim violence is naive. Obviously, he is so scared he will not return to his home. You may not think the President had anything to do with it, but to tell me that no one in the administration played a deliberate part in the thuggish way this was handled doesn’t pass the smell test. What a shame we are becoming that we don’t value our freedoms as they slip away!
Sorry, duplicate post.
[…] America Has An Unserious President In Seriously Perilous Times. About that meetup with Jay Z. …Tomorrow night, the same president who couldn’t find any time to meet with Netanyahu for a […]
Hey, Muslims! See that guy? He’s the soon-to-be former President of the United States. He Murdered you best bud and hero Osama Bin-Laden! Remember that face! We’ll try to make sure you can keep track of his whereabouts (It’ll probably be someplace with a lot of discreet, out-of-the-way gay bars.)
[…] Barack Obama Cannot Be Serious ( […]