I would only dicker with the fact that “free stuff” is only a campaign promise. Voting for free stuff will lose freedom, and then the free stuff is also lost.
RUNAWAY SLAVE is a compelling, insightful look at how government policies have systematically re-enslaved the black population in the United States.
Runaway Slave Movie Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55aujTwuJY8
I would only dicker with the fact that “free stuff” is only a campaign promise. Voting for free stuff will lose freedom, and then the free stuff is also lost.
Yes… I think that it’s akin to kickin’ the can down the road until you reach the end.
Of course if you’re into instant gratification, that might be a good choice providing you’re real old and will reach another end.
I’m somewhat old but still prefer to address the issue…
The government giveth and the government taketh away.
I don’t suppose Arbeit Macht Frei will take off .
Most Odumbo supporters are idiots who want the free stuff.
[…] In America we always get the government we deserve. People of America you’ve been given a clear unambiguous choice this time. […]
RUNAWAY SLAVE is a compelling, insightful look at how government policies have systematically re-enslaved the black population in the United States.
Runaway Slave Movie Trailer
Choose wisely.
Ever since the change to the share ap. I am unable to share to FB.
I’m a little bit afraid of the answer many people would give.
TWEET that, @BarakObama.
Since when does a poor attempt at Photoshop constitute an actual bumper sticker?
The sticker -as shown- is unnecessarily wordy. A better form would have been:
Pick one.”
Arrgh. Can’t center the second line.