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Really gutsy call

Really gutsy call

Parking in a university lot with an anti-Obama bumper sticker.

From a reader on staff at Cornell:

I don’t remember seeing this bumper sticker on your site.

The photo was taken in the parking lot of Cornell’s parking office.


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How ’bout:

If Obama Is The Answer
What In The H*** Was The Question?

It’s such a great bumper sticker–even those who are resolute about not adorning their cars with messages might be won over…

casualobserver | August 24, 2012 at 8:56 am

No doubt this is a pick-driving, woman-hating one-percenter at Cornell (sarcasm). My money is on the fact this person is a worker at the school and far, far from being an academic or perhaps a student. Or, wait for it…..maybe they are the “R” word!!

There are so many stupid questions in reply to this sticker! “How about four more years?”…..”Who will give you the most free stuff?”…..

I’m still very fond of “How’s that hopey-changey stuff working out for your?”

That’s another one capable of penetrating the fog.

LOL. Love this bumper sticker!

That picture is from Cornell?

We need to buy you a gunrack, Professor Jacobson!

Just goes to show that there are pockets of free thinkers in liberal land…