Either that, or …
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Either that, or …

Either that, or …

I’ll let you finish the sentence in light of the bumper sticker below.

From reader Amy, who took this photo a few days ago in Aurora, CO:

I found a bumper sticker for you in the humor category. It made me laugh anyway, and I thought I’d point out the driver is female.

I probably wouldn’t put a Romney sticker on my car, since my support for him is tepid at best (yes, I’ll vote for him, but only with a big sigh).

But this is the kind of sticker I could get behind for this election season. 🙂

Keep up the good work.


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I have a growing warm feeling regarding this election… Let O’bammy take the bus back to Chicago!

Either that, or…”I’m dumber than Joe Biden”

Love it!


Ever since 2008, those are my thoughts when I glance at the driver to see the face of one more dumb*** with an Obama sticker!

“I probably wouldn’t put a Romney sticker on my car, since my support for him is tepid at best (yes, I’ll vote for him, but only with a big sigh).”

If you can’t see sufficient distinctions between BO and Romney than to promote this opinion, I think it might be advisable to consider who the, well, . . .

The candidate is the candidate. To not vigorously support Romney is an invitation to a BO victory.

probably wouldn’t put a Romney sticker on my car, since my support for him is tepid at best (yes, I’ll vote for him, but only with a big sigh).

Yeah, I remember the RINOs talking that way about Reagan too, in August/September of 1980.

Or: “I be down wid da dumbasss!”

Begs an alternative to the WWJD bracelet — regarding the reasons most-cited for voting for the Obamessia (emphasis on the MESS) — WWMD: What Would MLK Do?

Content vs Pigment. Hmmm…that’s a hard one. Let’s give any dummycrat readers plenty of time to cogitate on that Gordian Knot of a decision.

That’s a good one. What I’d like to see is a variation on the “If you’re not angry you haven’t been paying attention” bumper sticker, only it would say “If you’re voting for Obama you haven’t been paying attention”.

…..Dead, your typical Democrat voter.