Did NBC hype Gabby Douglas as role model for … devoutly Christian young girls?
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Did NBC hype Gabby Douglas as role model for … devoutly Christian young girls?

Did NBC hype Gabby Douglas as role model for … devoutly Christian young girls?

Last night I highlighted how NBC falsely was being accused of racism for running a promo for a new television series featuring a monkey after Bob Costas commented on Gabby Douglas’ Gold Medal win.

There’s another aspect of the controversy.  Why did Costas and NBC feel the need to focus on Douglas’ race at all?

Friend of the blog Joel Engel posts at his blog, Inverted Priorities:

Here’s the fourth graf of a NY Times article, written by Juliet Macur, about the Olympic gold medal-winning gymnast Gabby Douglas:

Douglas, a 4-foot-11, 94-pound package of rocket-fueled energy, on Thursday became the first black gymnast to win the individual all-around Olympic gold medal. She also became the first American to win both the all-around and team events at the same Olympics, and only the fourth American woman to win the all-around title.

What an insane–and racist–calculation. In the hands of a less race-obsessed publication and writer, the paragraph would appear this way:

Douglas, a 4-foot-11, 94-pound package of rocket-fueled energy, on Thursday became the first American to win both the all-around and team events at the same Olympics, and only the fourth American woman to win the all-around title. (She also became the first black gymnast to win the individual all-around gold medal.)

Did no editor at the Times stop to consider the inversion of importance?  Keep it in mind the next time the august New York Times calls someone a racist.

A similar theme was the focus of this Twitchy post:

The #NBCFail hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper.

As Americans of all races, colors, and creeds buzzed with excitement about gold medal-winning U.S. gymnast Gabby Douglas’s amazing poise, artistry, and athleticism in the all-around competition on Thursday night, veteran NBC sports anchor Bob Costas rambled on about the 16-year-old athlete’s … race. She’s the fourth American woman and the first African-American gymnast to capture the title.

I have not watched NBC that much, but I’m wondering, did Costas also hold Douglas out as a role model for devoutly Christian young girls, or would hit too close to home for the base?

Yet after her victory, one of the first responses that truly resonated for me was from a colleague who noted, “I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.” Which raises the question – what is Jesus going to do now for Gabby Douglas’ career?


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LukeHandCool | August 5, 2012 at 1:15 pm

What a coincidence!

I just posted a comment for the first time earlier this morning at Joel’s blog. I was going to post a link to his post in the tip line when I was distracted by the kids fighting again (what day does school begin??!!)

I come back to see the Professor posting about Joel’s blog!

The Lord and Gabby Douglas work in mysterious and beautiful ways!

LukeHandCool (who thought the monkey in the commercial was kinda funny … and, perhaps it speaks to Luke’s insensitivity, but he never thought to draw an association between a monkey and a darling little girl).

    ncmont in reply to LukeHandCool. | August 5, 2012 at 5:23 pm

    It’s almost like the race-baiters want people to be racist.

    The monkey commercial was funny – monkeys are very funny in general.

That Salon article is just mindblowing. Read through some of the comments too; the bigotry is astounding. In my mind, I tried to imagine how different that article would have been if Gabby were a muslim.

byondpolitics | August 5, 2012 at 1:24 pm

I was touched that, when asked about being “the first African-American…” she said “Gosh, I forgot about that!” On the other hand, she made her beliefs immediately clear through her verbal statements and on twitter.

The reality is that this is the 21st century and issues that were important to baby-boomers are less important to youth than the baby-boomers think. When I was in college (many years ago while BO was just a community organizer ..unimportant but hanging around), we read William Julius Wilson’s The Declining Significance of Race. It has surprised me how long “race” has out-trumped other issues of more importance. Indeed, I think it’s plausible that a focus on victimhood has exasperated issues of dependence, hopelessness, and poverty.

It’s not surprising but it is extraordinarily bigoted for others to to try to claim a young woman’s glory instead of celebrating her story that arose through extraordinary determination, hard work, tenacity, perseverance, selfless family love and sacrifice, and the mercy of fellow Christians.

Those stories are much more interesting and inspirational but “don’t fit the narrative.”

The site shoulda been called saloon.com – because any normal person would have to be s__t-faced drunk to think any of their contributors or comments make any sense.

LukeHandCool | August 5, 2012 at 1:33 pm

A few nights ago Greg Gutfeld and the gang on “Red Eye” were taking Salon’s David Sirota to task for his piece titled, “Don’t Chant ‘U.S.A.!'”

As Gutfeld rightly pointed out, Sirota just wrote this for his fellow writers and group-thunkers at Salon … and asked (paraphrasing) “Do you think other countries don’t cheer for their athletes?” and “Have you ever heard the non-stop cheering at a soccer match between two different countries, punctuated by fistfights and knifings?”

As one guest put it (paraphrasing again), “Have you ever actually tried to read, Salon? It’s awful!”

    TrooperJohnSmith in reply to LukeHandCool. | August 5, 2012 at 2:14 pm

    Salon is to Lefty Readers what Burning Man is to Hippies.

    Unless you’re as whacked as they are, stay out, or else you might need to detox.

Bob Costas made a big point of an “African-American” winning. Funny, that didn’t occur to me. The left (i.e., people like Costas and the idiots at Salon), who are never wrong, say conservatives are bigoted racist haters. So, I should have been FURIOUS. Instead, I was thinking warm thoughts that an American won. /Irony alert/ What’s WRONG with me?

As for Costas, he is a wretched little man, from physical stature to character. At a celebrity golf tournament some years ago, I watched as Costas, trolling for groupie laughs, publicly humiliated his young son.

    98ZJUSMC in reply to CalMark. | August 5, 2012 at 2:16 pm

    As for Costas, he is a wretched little man, from physical stature to character. At a celebrity golf tournament some years ago, I watched as Costas, trolling for groupie laughs, publicly humiliated his young son.

    Do not doubt that in the slightest. A despicable scumbag.

    ncmont in reply to CalMark. | August 5, 2012 at 5:28 pm

    Yeah, the whole race thing is getting really tiring.
    “It all comes down to whether a person wins or loses. I don’t bring race into the game, ’cause then you’re talking about excuses. I. Hate. Excuses. Excuses are a disease.” – Cam Newton

    KitsapJay in reply to CalMark. | August 6, 2012 at 11:29 am

    Funny, I don’t recall Costas heralding the 1,000th African-American to win a track event.

    ‘she said “Gosh, I forgot about that!” On the other hand, she made her beliefs immediately clear through her verbal statements and on twitter.’ Way to reply Gabby.

    I myself prefer that one’s gender preference and faith be left unsaid. At the same time I applaud those that wish to state the joy of their faith.

Yet after her victory, one of the first responses that truly resonated for me was from a colleague who noted, “I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.” Which raises the question – what is Jesus going to do now for Gabby Douglas’ career?

..and people wonder why I have this desire to pummel Liberals into the consistency of Jello®.

Did anyone notice how NBC handled “Mo” Farah the winner of the 10,000 meter race? “Mo” is short for “Mohammad”, but they didn’t mention that, or that he was originally from Somalia. Upon winning the gold, “Mo” dropped to his knees and bowed twice to Mecca. On the replays, NBC cut out the bowing.

Cassandra Lite | August 5, 2012 at 2:40 pm

“’I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.’ Which raises the question – what is Jesus going to do now for Gabby Douglas’ career?”

Clearly, this person needs to turn the other cheeky.

There’s another aspect of the controversy. Why did Costas and NBC feel the need to focus on Douglas’ race at all?

Because she didn’t build that routine. She is achieving glory because Obama is in the White House. /sarc

The ongoing excellance of our female gymnasts is amazing. It is a tribute to the system. At the Olympic trials where they pick the team Gabby snuck in under the radar. Other more prominate names were inconsistant. NBC treated her as a cute afterthought. In the initial days NBC focused on the more prominate names on the team. Through it all Gabby remained steady while others faltered. NBC did not see what was happening and was late to the party. It was only at the end they treated her with the respect she always deserved. It was a blatent example of liberal white condescension.

stevewhitemd | August 5, 2012 at 2:59 pm

The writer of the Salon piece, Mary Elizabeth Williams, is your usual progressive tool. She claims to be a Catholic which shames me, a Catholic myself. Read her piece:

We are a nation that is lousy with Christians — a fair number of whom are not nearly as nice as Gabby Douglas. A lot of them aren’t super-clear on the whole “freedom of religion” thing and can get pretty gung-go about trying to shut down people with different beliefs. A lot of them are insistent that everybody in the world should conform to what they know for an absolute fact is the one and only truth.

I wonder, does she listen to herself? Try this substitution —

We are a nation that is lousy with progressives — a fair number of whom are not nearly as nice as Mary Elizabeth Williams. A lot of them aren’t super-clear on the whole “tolerance” thing and can get pretty gung-go about trying to shut down people with different beliefs. A lot of them are insistent that everybody in the world should conform to what they know for an absolute fact is the one and only narrative.

Wonder how she and her pals at Salon would react to that. No, I don’t wonder at all.

Dr. White: Bravo! A perfect juxtaposition.

“I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.”

And I might like you better if you weren’t such a goddam bigot.

On second thought, no, I wouldn’t. >:-(

9thDistrictNeighbor | August 5, 2012 at 3:32 pm

Actually, I like Gabby Douglas more because she is “so, so, so into Jesus.”

Ps : I have watched the Olymics since Melborne. I dont claim to be an expert but what has always struck me is how individual the atheletes are. The coverage is centered more on the number of assorted medals and cute little side stories that to often miss the person. Even the Soviet ,E. Germans of yesteryear and Chinese atheletes of today each burn with an individual fire no matter the age. Each time they interview Micheal Phelps you can see his tolerant wonder at how they fail to ask an original relevant question.

NC Mountain Girl | August 5, 2012 at 4:20 pm

Funny how the crowd that firmly believes “you didn’t build that yourself” gets so incredibly bent out of shape whenever someone expresses gratitude for all that has been bestowed on them by God. They’d be positively orgasmic in the unlikely event an Olympic caliber athlete gave thanks for the public funded park they ran in or the school gym.

“I would like her more if she were not so, so, so into Jesus.” Which raises the question – what is Jesus going to do now for Gabby Douglas’ career?

The greatest Jewish rabbi of all time will continue to bless this young woman while she does her part just like the other Christian 2012 Olympic athletes, 1. Kevin Durant – Basketball
2. Charlie Houchin – Swimming 3.Amy Rodriguez – Soccer
4.Sanya Richards – 5. Track Jonathan Horton – Gymnastics
6.Kendrick J. Farris – Weightlifting 7.Arielle Martin – BMX Cyclist 8.Jennifer Nichols – Archer 9.Jared Frayer – Wrestling 10.Brittany Viola – Diving

All the blatant anti-Christianity\anti-Jesus rhetoric is starting to get a little scary. Isn’t this what God said would happen before the coming of the anti-christ?

    ncmont in reply to ncmont. | August 5, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    What I mean is that, for many people in a lot of areas, blasphemy is considered cool and perfectly acceptable. Sometimes their rage is unrestrained. I don’t even think many atheists realize some of the profoundly ignorant things you must believe to not believe in God.

Gabby better watch out. Thanking Jesus is one thing. If she spouts any conservative dogma, she’ll be labeled as tiny brainwashed automaton and a betrayer of her race.

Agree with the thoughts about Costas generally. I read/listened to his insightful comments yesterday and thought…what a fricking bigot. Watch what that young lady did and we can think of at least 5 things to say about her and believe me skin color isnt among them. I simply cant understand the liberal obsession with skin color.
Maybe its similar to the old adage about atheists being more preoccupied with God than the believers.
In all this about Gabby, I was also struck by (see ABC News) how eager liberal reporters were to plan out her marketing strategy for her. Some of them …sheesh…were basically salivating over the endorsements and were full of advice about creating her “brand” to better reap benefits of her talent.
Obviously liberal reporters are better equipped to make those decisions than the individual herself.

BannedbytheGuardian | August 5, 2012 at 8:58 pm

This stuff happens every 4 years on Tv. The gymnasts themselves just expect it.

As to being black – there is another girl Elizabeth Price that is just as good but there are only 5 spots. As a reserve she has had to stay in Birmingham UK 🙁 -however she just could not push out the Jewish girl or the Asian -American.

The race card is endless & can be played any which way. However it is not a factor in gymnastics selection . Elizabeth got the reserve spot because she was newer on the scene.

The Christian factor is only a problem in the USA. The Russian team always receive blessings. This year they went to The World Heritage NONODECICHY CONVENT where there are beautiful photos of the girls in mum’s headscarves & boys meeting with the Bishops.

(i can direct anyone if nterested ).

The American media despises the very beautiful Russian girls & snarls at them for being ‘divas’ as it is . Please keep their christianity a secret from them !

Proggies are all about your group memebership. You as an individual don’t achieve anything unless you belong to a group. I too was appalled that her race seemed to be the big story, even leading some in the media to whine incessantly about the coverage Phelps has gotten compared to Douglas. That she medaled in two events is historic but Phelps is the bigger story. I think in this case NBC is being colorblind and THAT is a story in itself. I’m really surprised no one has taken issue with her nickname, “the flying squirrel”. I think it’s cute but how many knee jerk bigots out there are frothing at the mouth over that RAAAACCCIIISSSTTTT nickname? We will never move past race until liberals stop focusing on it as the most important thing in the world.

[…] better way to tear down an Olympian than to criticize her faith. Via Professor Jacobson, the Slate delves into Christian bashing with […]