Allen West serves Chick-fil-A to Cong. Black Caucus, impeached fed judge (D-FL) upset
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Allen West serves Chick-fil-A to Cong. Black Caucus, impeached fed judge (D-FL) upset

Allen West serves Chick-fil-A to Cong. Black Caucus, impeached fed judge (D-FL) upset

I’m not sure on whom this reflects more poorly, Alcee Hastings (D-FL, ex-Judge, 1 of 8 fed officials ever successfully impeached, now sometimes spokesman for your Democratic Party), or HuffPo for actually reporting this nonsense.

But it’s out there, and has been picked up many places, so here you go from HuffPo’s Jennifer Bendery, Allen West Sends Chick-Fil-A To Black Caucus Meeting And Offends Everyone, Says Dem Rep (h/t CassandraLite):

A Democratic lawmaker says Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) offended the entire Congressional Black Caucus by delivering Chick-fil-A chicken and biscuits to their weekly meeting — and then walking out — when it was his turn to provide the group with a formal lunch.

This was just recently after the Chick-fil-A controversy broke, right?  No, it happened six months ago, HuffPo just decided to run the story anyway:

Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.) told The Huffington Post that the incident happened about six months ago but is now fresh in his mind given West’s recent comments in support of the fast food chain, which is run by a well-known Christian and backer of anti-gay religious organizations. Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy last week sparked a nationwide response from gay rights activists after publicly denouncing marriage equality.

And the problem was? Read the HuffPo article, it’s pretty clear that the CBC did not consider chicken and biscuits sufficiently sumptuous:

“We have a rotation in the Congressional Black Caucus where every member provides the lunch one of the weeks when we meet,” Hastings said in a Monday interview. The lunches, he said, are often quite delicious.

“We have fried chicken. And we have catfish and BBQ. We do not have watermelon, although sometimes people will have fruit. We serve a full course meal with collard greens. We have Jamaican beans and rice,” Hastings said. But West “sent Chick-fil-A with biscuits. Ok?”

“That was an ‘in your face.’ Every member of the Congressional Black Caucus that was there was offended,” he said.

But HuffPo, being the keen investigative journal that it is, didn’t accept “not sufficiently sumptuous” for an answer, it probed:

Asked more specifically why lawmakers were insulted, Hastings said it was because they saw West’s actions as making a statement in support of the conservative views held by Chick-fil-A leaders. West is the only Republican member of the caucus.

“He did it deliberately,” Hastings said, explaining that he saw West’s message as, “You know, ‘That’s what I think of you all.'”

Believe it or not (I do), this story has received a fair amount of play, including at ABC News and NBC News.

To quote Hastings, “He did it deliberately [to say] ‘You know, That’s what I think of you.'”

You can donate to West’s CBC Chick-fil-A fund here.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Rep. Allen West’s Chick-fil-A Treat Gnaws at Black Caucus—HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, …West, you’re a riot !!!!!! Of course, the CBC won’t let any good deed go unpunished, so they’ll attack West as they would in fighting over the last piece of watermelon at a picnic.

    Of course, the CBC won’t let any good deed go unpunished, so they’ll attack West as they would in fighting over the last piece of watermelon at a picnic.

    LIans have justly criticized leftist race-baiting against minorities who don’t play by Democrat rules.

      I note this watermelon referance didnt get the same mine did re the upcoming Chicago parade. Thats ok ,i’ll still chuckle over it.

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to MicahStone. | August 8, 2012 at 6:59 pm

    Hastings is experiencing “retroactive indignation”, just like he did when he decided to run for congress after being impeached.

    Juba Doobai! in reply to MicahStone. | August 8, 2012 at 8:46 pm

    Amusingly, he pointed out they don’t have watermelon at these lunches as if that is some kind of virtue. Watermelons are a fantastically quick and easy way of rehydrating the body and keeping its electrolytes in balance.

      malclave in reply to Juba Doobai!. | August 8, 2012 at 10:47 pm

      I kind of miss picnics with the extended family back in Texas… fried chicken, corn on the cob, potato salad, and watermelon.

I’m not sure I understand. Did congressman West send a sumptuous lunch to the White Congressional Caucus that very same day?

Cassandra Lite | August 8, 2012 at 3:56 pm

Allen West for president.

Note the stereotypical meals the other members of the CBC provides their colleagues. If a white Congresscritter provided that menu (even without watermelon), the cries of “Racist” would reverberate through the halls of Congress.

I guess not all fried chicken is equal in Alcee’s eyes.

Keep ’em moving, Colonel. A man that eloquent has to be saved.
–Gen. George S. Patton

I’d like a follow-up with the Dishonorable Mr. Hastings…

“Were you insulted because you fundamentally disagree with the support of Biblical marriage?”

That would be fun…

    Juba Doobai! in reply to Ragspierre. | August 8, 2012 at 9:00 pm

    I’d like a follow up with the Muslims and the Muslim-supporters in the CBC. What’s your stand on marriage, guys? What does Conyers, the ‘gentleman’ from Michigan; Keith Ellison, the gentleman from Minnesota; and, that other fat slimeball who told Muslims he wants to see sharia here? What do they have to say? Hypocritical bastards trying to make political hay over a six month old lunch.

      Why isn’t there a CCC [Congressional Christian Caucus]? They could serve pork chops at their lunches.
      Or a CJC? They could serve matzah ball soup.
      Or CWC? They could serve tuna sandwiches with the crusts removed.
      Or a Congressional American Caucus? They could skip lunch and serve WE THE PEOPLE.

I’m beginning to wonder about West? Doesn’t he have any sense of taste?
I mean, after all, biscuits? What’s wrong with him? He ought to have realized that for such an occasion it’s not bisuits, but corn bread that’s the fare of the day!

NC Mountain Girl | August 8, 2012 at 4:18 pm

Is it time to ask if black America’s leaders are out of touch with the beliefs of their constituents. The last time I was through an urban black neighborhood there seemed to be a church on every block.

    1. Aha! Here is a pretext to link Cynthia Tucker’s column decrying electoral gerrymandering by race.

    Voting Rights Act: I was wrong about racial gerrymandering

    As Richard Harpootlian (cq), chairman of the South Carolina Democratic party, told me: “When the only issue is race, idiots win, black and white.”

    As Mountain Girl notes, there are a lot of black churches. I’m not at all convinced that de-gerrymandering would hurt the GOP in the South.

    2. Iirc some white religious conservatives are doing outreach to black churches.

    Ragspierre in reply to NC Mountain Girl. | August 8, 2012 at 4:50 pm

    Contra some of the others here, I think that there are a lot of Black Americans who are much more committed to their God than to their party.

David Yotham | August 8, 2012 at 4:18 pm

A slap in the face? Was he supplying a stereotype that the CBC didn’t want to be associated with? Obviously our esteemed and honorable Congressional legislators with the hyphenated American linage have a tender and soft conscience.

Myself, one who celebrates diversity and multiculturalism, I would rejoice to see the day when there is a CWC (Congressional White Caucus) – but doubt that the racists would allow such diversity within their midst.

LukeHandCool | August 8, 2012 at 4:23 pm

One question:

Did they eat it?

Or did their tummies balk on principle?

Any reporters out there asking the pertinent questions?

Captain Hate | August 8, 2012 at 4:32 pm

Only the MFM would consider an impeached judge (for bribery iirc) being offended by a distinguished war hero to be a sympathetic figure.

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to Captain Hate. | August 8, 2012 at 5:31 pm

    A brilliant observation from a common sense perspective.

    Well said, bravo!

    Hepcat in reply to Captain Hate. | August 8, 2012 at 7:15 pm

    In 1988, the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives impeached and convicted Hastings by a vote of 413-3 for bribery ($150,000 in exchange for a lenient sentence) and perjury.

    After that, Pelosi wanted him to Chair the House Select Committee on Intelligence. She later changed her mind.

    Yup, Pelosi wanted a man proven to have taken a bribe for chairman of that sensitive committee.

I’m guessing the beans and rice day was Sheila Jackson Lee’s contribution. She isn’t known for her generous spirit. Or her intelligence, but I digress.

If West ever told Alcee Hastings, Jr. what he actually thought of the bribe-taking crook, I doubt Hastings would be rushing out to repeat it to the press.

An impeached judge serving as Democrat spokesman…

(Is this a bad dream or some rotten TV show we’re all in, or is all this really happening?)

Henry Hawkins | August 8, 2012 at 4:46 pm

For Hastings I’d have sent peaches. For Sheila Jackson Lee… Mars Bars.

MaggotAtBroadAndWall | August 8, 2012 at 5:13 pm

“We do not have watermelon, although sometimes people will have fruit”.

The only Congressional caucus ever formed for the purpose of discrimating based on race engages in melon bigotry. Where’s the justice?

I keep harping on this, but imagine if someone like West was the GOP house speaker, instead of the talentless and cowardly John Boehner?

Idea for a new job for Boehner: “You die, we cry:”

So the CBC has a bone to pick with LTC West?

Joseph Warren | August 8, 2012 at 6:15 pm

Oh, no.

Hank “Guam is going to tip over” Johnson and Sheila Jackson (“Is the Mars rover going to visit where the astronauts placed the flag?”) Lee are offended.

Remind me to lose sleep over this.

I’ll bet they had no idea that CFA was owned by a conservative guy until last week. My guess is that no one objected and Hastings is lying to see if he could generate some negative buzz about West.

I never heard one peep (pun intended) about it 6 months ago.

Asked more specifically why lawmakers were insulted, Hastings said it was because they saw West’s actions as making a statement in support of the conservative views held by Chick-fil-A leaders.

So he would have been fine with KFC or Popeye’s?

I love Allen West!

If there is a gawd out there, please make him the VP candidate.

I have a dream…

The only colors one can identify Allen West with are: Red, White and Blue..

TrooperJohnSmith | August 8, 2012 at 7:02 pm

Why is Hastings upset? It was free. And it won’t get him impeached… again.

Can you fathom how stupid, clueless and dumb the people of that district must be to send Alcee Hastings to Congress, after all the sh!t he’s pulled?

Midwest Rhino | August 8, 2012 at 7:06 pm

Kentucky Fried might have qualified for the old stereotype … but not Chick-fil-A.

Ever notice … Democrats are The Party of The Perpetually Offended.

Would it be wrong to start mailing Chick-fil-A sandwiches to the CBC at:

Congressional Black Caucus
Washington, DC 20515

No, seriously. Would it be so terribly wrong…

I am glad he brought them fried chicken, but he really should have only brought left wings.

There was even bigger news last week than the Ted Cruz victory party with Chick-fil-A: HISPANICS DID NOT SHOW UP TO VOTE!

Raquel Pinkbullet | August 8, 2012 at 7:49 pm

I thought there was a second black republican member Tim Scott (SC) in the CBC. Or I may be mistaken. Either way, this is a non-story.

BannedbytheGuardian | August 8, 2012 at 8:22 pm

Where did this meeting take place ?

It must have a Time Machine . I gotta get there right away.

VetHusbandFather | August 8, 2012 at 8:39 pm

Asked more specifically why lawmakers were insulted, Hastings said it was because they saw West’s actions as making a statement in support of the conservative views held by Chick-fil-A leaders. West is the only Republican member of the caucus.

“He did it deliberately,” Hastings said, explaining that he saw West’s message as, “You know, ‘That’s what I think of you all.’”

So the Democrat members of the caucus never try to slight the one Republican on the caucus? And don’t you feel bad for all those poor democrats getting bullied by the one Republican in their ‘club’? My guess is that he doesn’t like to associate much with anyone in the caucus, and probably didn’t enjoy being included in their ‘lunch rotation’ either.

I wonder . . .

If MLK, Jr. were alive today, he might look at blacks, specifically and minorities in general, and say something to the effect that the way they’re treating one another isn’t what he died for.

I wonder if he might turn to the whites and say something like improving equality among peoples doesn’t mean giving up or comprising the best that is within you, rather it means contending with and defeating the worst that is within.

I think he would believe that his “dream” has turned into a national nightmare . . .

What do you think?

The CBC has always only been interested in 3 things … and the last is a warm place to take a dump.

I’m confused. How could West bring them “Chick-fil-A chicken and biscuits” when Chick Fil A doesn’t have biscuits on their lunch/dinner menu?

theduchessofkitty | August 8, 2012 at 11:48 pm

It gets even more hilarious!

Allen West Responds to Black Caucus: When I Brought You Chick-fil-A, “There Was Nothing Left”

They’re upset now after they gorged themselves on Chick-fil-A? What a bunch of hypocrites!

Has anyone figured out why this guy fought so hard against the Tea Party a year ago to get the Debt Ceiling raised?

[…] Allen West serves Chick-fil-A to Cong. Black Caucus, impeached fed judge (D-FL) upset ( […]

G-d bless Colonel West forever! For a military veteran of over 20 years and multiple deployments eating MREs (formerly called GI rations-same cardboard taste), Chick-fil-a would be a sumptous feast.
Look at pictures of those Mulatto National Caucus members, Colonel West was probably concerned about their health. They should publish their BMRs, they obviously have obesity problems along with the hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes problems and chikin from Chick-fil-a is very healthy food, not ribs BBQ and that other high caloric indulgences.

Next time, Colonel West, send Chick-fil-a carryout to the Combat Outpost Zerop or Zangabad in Afghanistan. Those soldiers are grateful for Spam, canned beans,& ramen noodles.

[…] As far as I know, no prominent black leader has stepped forward to defend West or criticize this ad, they way they would be dominating headlines by howling in outrage if he were a Democrat.  The last comment from the Congressional Black Caucus about West, who is a member, involved complaints that he retroactively insulted them by bringing Chick-fil-A sandwiches to a meeting six months ago. […]