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A good swarm

A good swarm

The RNC and other groups have been coming out with some pretty effective ads.

Given the likely money advantage in the last 60 days, these ads should swarm the television stations in swing states.

Call it a good swarm.

(video h/t Marathon Pundit)


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This is another great theme for the Republicans. Because there are so many, it is tough to be smartly selective.

Obama’s burn rate is built-in: his payroll is nearly three times that of Romney’s, fixed expenses on high-dollar rents and furnishings won’t go away.

BUT Obama just finally paid the $25K he owed the Clark County School District from 2008 – just before he needed to use their facilities again (Romney paid promptly for using them this year). Hope they were smart enough to demand cash up front, eh?

Want to bet the Obama campaign just stiffs everyone for the last month or so and blows it all on TV? This is why you can’t “bill” political campaigns, once they are over, the entity dissolves.

Who will try to evict the President for non-payment from his campaign offices around the country? And will the media report it?

We are advancing constantly and we’re not interested in holding on to anything except the enemy. We’re going to hold on to him by the nose and we’re going to kick him in the ass; we’re going to go through him like crap through a goose.”
— George S. Patton

Attack! Attack! Today, attack!

DINORightMarie | August 22, 2012 at 4:34 pm

This is an excellent ad.

As Mark Levin mentioned on his radio show last night (2nd hr., around the 37 min. mark), while he was discussing Dr. Thomas Sowell’s op-ed piece, this is just one symptom of the massive problem with Obama and his administration: he’s lawless!! They are lawless and have turned the Constitution on its head – i.e. he’s shredding it with each E.O. like this one noted in the ad!

Mark Levin put it well (I paraphrase): this Imperial president has used the E.O. privilege, and other means, to grab power and authority he does not have under the Constition; he then lists SEVERAL impeachable offenses Obama has gotten away with, to-date.

Obama is a tyrant. This commercial exposes a glaring, clear-as-crystal GLIMPSE of that.

Easy prediction: Obama will burn thru money and services he doesnt have and cant pay for. Anyone who doesnt get paid up front is a fool. When ,if he loses , many of his vendors will never be paid.

Gotta say:

What’s the point?

Few people actually see the ad–fewer care.

Yet, we pump dollar after dollar into these campaigns and causes, only to feed the media we despise…thinking we are helping a cause, when actually eyes gloss over. We decide on real life experiences, not a “Hollywood production”.

Sorry, I don’t get the hoopla over a “good ad”.

Yea, they’re necessary—to a point. After that point, there is no point….

…except to waste your hard earned money feeding a political machine instead of feeding your family–born and yet to be born.

Mind you–I didn’t watch the ad–I’ve seen it 1,000 times, and I’m sure it changed the same amount of minds as the other 999.

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