Via David Hogberg, who was in court today:
Today both parties were back in court in front of Appellate Judge Nelson Rupp. This time, Walker was represented by attorney Reginald Bours.
Kimberlin made a number of statements, but his basic argument boiled down to Walker wanted to encourage people to blog about Kimberlin to incite others to harass him and send him death threats. As evidence, Kimberlin again had pages of Twitter feeds and blog posts.
This time, though, Judge Rupp did something extraordinary that Judge Vaughey did not. He actually looked at the evidence Kimberlin presented. After looking at them, Rupp declared, “I see nothing in here that threatens you personally.” ….
In the end, Judge Rupp wasn’t buying Kimberlin’s spiel. He ruled that there was no evidence to support stalking or harassment, and the peace order against Walker was thrown out.
Kimberlin quickly left the court room.
I asked Walker if he had any comment. He replied, “It’s a great day for the First Amendment.”
Aaron also has a post about today’s court proceeding, including a link to the Order vacating the “Peace Order” Kimberlin had obtained.
Here’s what I said in my first post about this situation, What’s going on in Maryland?
I will caution readers with some life advice. When you are up against someone with a long history of using the legal system as a tool to go after others, you have to be very careful and very strategic. Get a good lawyer. Don’t go up against a former “jailhouse lawyer” yourself.
And don’t take the bait:
Folks, this is how agitators do it. They agitate you, and then when you react, you are in trouble.

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System working.
Is Walker expecting another visit from the SWAT team? It’d be prudent to expect them.
[…] Popehat The Camp of the Saints Breitbart Legal Isurrection […]
Prof, I just opened up LI and found this post at the top. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. 🙂
I wonder how the police are coming in their SWATting of Walker investigation. 😉
Someone is getting SWATted tonight…Kimmie isn’t happy.
But who?
Maybe they’ll be ready to trace the call this time.
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Congratulations to Mr Arron Walker, for there are still good Judges out there willing to adjudicate with integrity and honor, to uphold the truth, free speech, and the US Constitution, who are not radical leftwing plants of marxist subversion.
Yes, you are exactly right, you do need a good, or great Attorney to represent you in any and all cases such as this, where one is being falsely accused of something that clearly is without evidence of facts. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such good attorneys when the need arises..
“Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such good attorneys when the need arises.”
You can direct your attorney to settle. If you can’t win, you can at least cut your losses.
[…] Legal Insurrection […]
A good day for the 1st Amendment and liberty!
Hip Hip Horray!
Sociopaths make good witnesses. They continue the lie by piling on more and more lies. Until you can figure this out, they will often win. Look at Obama, Pelosi and Reid as good examples. They can look you in the eye, make up a story and convince you that the lie is really truth.
It’s rather sad that this is great news. His free speech was horribly violated in the first place. This is just restoring rightness and sanity.
Great news. I don’t believe this is the end. Kimberlin seems like a pretty determined sort and I am sure there is going to be another chapter to this episode.
[…] follow up here, Stranahan’s story at Breitbart here ,Camp of the Saints here, Bill Jacobson here, Popehat, Hogwash and investors business daily […]
There are other battles to be fought. You can’t sleep when it comes to defending the first amendment. I am posting on it too. Somethings you have to resist.