We’re making progress, of sorts. Not everyone jumped in with Brian Ross and ABC News in trying to link Colorado shooter James Holmes to the Tea Party.
One left-wing blogger quickly wrote that he did not suspect a Tea Party connection because, in his view, a real wingnut would have targeted a more artsy film or one related to gays or Muslims. Another left-wing blogger, the father of right-wing eliminationist theory, also left open the possibility that this could be the exception to the usual rule of right-wing nativist psychopathy.
Like I said, progress “of sorts.”
I know I shouldn’t take the bait, like I did before. But anyway, here goes on the “real wingnut” theory:
I wouldn’t be surprised if this gun fan [“Jim Holmes”] is the Aurora tea party guy, but I bet it’s not our shooter. The age is just wrong.
This won’t turn out to be motivated by right-wing politics. A wingnut shooter would shoot up an indie film or a Sean Penn film or a film with Susan Sarandon or Rosie O’Donnell in it. Or something gay-themed or maybe sympathetic to Muslims.
This is going to turn out to be just plain old American apolitical weapon-loving craziness. That’s my guess.
The eliminationist theorist-in-chief, who keeps looking for “the Next Timothy McVeigh” at right-wing rallies, did not dismiss the possibility of a Tea Party / right-wing connection. No, he kept an open mind in the absence of proof since so many violent psychopaths are, at heart, nativist Tea Partiers:
But that does not mean that there is never an ideological component when a psychopath perpetrates some horrendous tragedy, either. Indeed, certain right-wing movements are highly prone to attracting psychopaths and mentally ill, unstable personalities, because their rhetoric and appeals so closely replicate the discontents of these people’s interior lives….
The rhetoric of the Minutemen and their related nativist organizations – including, nowadays, the Tea Party – appealed to psychopaths ….
We’ll have to wait and see what motivated James Holmes to open fire on a theater full of innocent moviegoers. But if he turns out to be a psychopath with an unholy attachment to some right-wing ideology, it will not really be surprising. Indeed, it will be all too familiar, all too predictable.
All too predictable? Indeed.
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Perhaps repealing laws against dueling should be at the top of the list. Would any of these turds be running at the mouth if they had to back up it up?
Is it too early to nominate Brian Ross for an oscar for best actor in “The Boy Who Cried Tea Party”?
“Indeed, certain right-wing movements are highly prone to attracting psychopaths and mentally ill, unstable personalities, because their rhetoric and appeals so closely replicate the discontents of these people’s interior lives…”
Ummmm see Arthur Brooks’s work which shows that conservatives are much happier people, on average, than liberals. Much happier, much more generous, much less prone to violence.
I hear that movie theaters will not allow masks to be worn from now on. Even Guy Fawkes masks?
The comments to these left wing screeds show who the real crazies are.
I will believe there is an equivalency between the left and right when there is a terrorist on the right who is not completely excommunicated and who goes on the be a respected member of academia and a mentor to the Republican presidential candidate.
I also read somewhere that this guy may have had ties to the OWS Black Bloc group which was the one that planned to kill police officers. Supposedly there was a link on the OWS site showing this but when I went there the page had been deactivated or locked so I couldn’t verify the claim.
But wait, there’s more. And if you call within t..
Cuckoo of the day: FBI staged Aurora shooting to pave way for gun grab
From the post: “This won’t turn out to be motivated by right-wing politics. A wingnut shooter would shoot up an indie film or a Sean Penn film or a film with Susan Sarandon or Rosie O’Donnell in it. Or something gay-themed or maybe sympathetic to Muslims.”
Says the open minded liberal.
Nothing frustrates a liberal more than reality not fitting the chosen narritive. Nothing.
Notice how skillfully the issue slides away from any sort of back and forth talking to try and figure out what the shooter was all about, and ends up in the same sewer as if indeed the guy was some Right Wing nutjob. The desired narrative is the motivating force…the same way we saw with ABC News.
Confronted with the reality the guy is indeed a well educated and a medical school student as well..liberal heads spin faster than the pea soup spewing brat in the Exorcist.
Not fitting the mold also ensures a predictable path for media. Well hear about every possible problem with society that drove this poor misguided soul to murder..beginning with that strawberry milkshake he was denied at age 8.
Wait and see and compare and contrast: Media handling of Zimmerman and this lastest guy. I suspect liberals and their media will display great compassion that was denied Zimmerman.
But what we’ll never hear about is how a breakdown in social morals and traditions, how solipsism, nihilism and contempt for decency and personal responsibility (which are shot through the Progressive educational model), might have caused this. Modern society is their ruin, their project, and we are blamed. The worse it gets, the more the truth becomes clear, the greater the hysteria and demonization.
The comments above from Lefists confirm the retarded, self-reinforcing echo chamber that is their world. Ask one if he’s ever even been to a tea party. None of them has. I guarantee it. Their world-view is a saturating emotional narrative, a collective lunacy of fear, denial and projection. We — conservatives — become the manifestations of their self-loathing.
Yea, I’ll go there.
It goes much, much deeper than that.
They do not feel love. They do not know love. They are in a very, very dark place.
God is love. They stand apart. Evil fills the void.
Very nice backhanded way to blame atheism. At least the liberals don’t try to blame when there’s absolutely no evidence. Congratulations, you’ve managed to sink lower than the liberals have.
That statement borders on comical. Are you really that naive? What do you call ABC ‘News” Brian Ross defamation of the Tea Party’s James Holmes?
(By the way, I think Holmes has a very good case. There very well was actual malice on ABC’s and Ross’ part: the statement was false, and they demonstrated a reckless disregard for whether it was false or not. And this high standard applies only if s Tea Party Holmes would be considered a public figure.)
Fine, browndog’s just just as bad as the worst of the liberals, is that really what made me naive? Did you miss the entire point of my statement?
HELLO! Anybody home? That is EXACTLY what liberals do! EVERY damn time!
Hey, look, there’s even evidence against your attempt to blame atheism, go figure! http://www.christianpost.com/news/james-holmes-went-to-church-weeks-before-colo-shooting-78629/
It’s just beyond me how someone could respond to an article about why its wrong to stretch facts in order to blame some group for a horrific act like this, by stretching facts (or, heck, not even stating them) to blame a different group. I wouldn’t think of blaming “knowing God” for something like this, don’t blame not believing.
That’s not evidence of anything. How do you know the shooter wasn’t scouting locations (if he even went there and this isn’t a publicity ploy).
That would be the difference between evidence and proof. It’s evidence he wasn’t an atheist. I can’t believe there are so many people downvoting a comment that’s saying stop trying to just blame groups you disagree with. Does anyone actually have proof atheism caused this?
Also, more evidence he wasn’t an atheist. http://openchannel.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/21/12878372-photos-of-james-holmes-camp-counselor-for-underprivileged-kids
Nothing you’ve cited is evidence of anything. Atheist children of religous parents attend their family’s church, too. Getting a job as a camp counselor for an organization of a different religon doesn’t strike me as being an act of particular piety.
I’ve walked into a Victoria’s Secret more than a couple of times, I guess that’s evidence (to you) that I’m a supermodel.
Yep, its physically possible for an atheist to be “active” in their local church, being active in a church is still EVIDENCE that you’re not an atheist. You’ve again managed to confuse evidence with concrete proof. Under your view, there’s no such thing as evidence someone wasn’t an atheist, after all, its physically possible to be an ordained minister and an atheist. Also, neither you nor browndog have provided any EVIDENCE that this guy was an atheist. Do you even read what you write?
You agree that atheists become clergy (even high ranking clergy), but still maintain that mere fact of church attendance can contribute anything meaningful to our knowledge of a person’s theistic beliefs? Okay.
That’s right, I believe you can have evidence for something without having concrete proof. In fact, I think its very rare that one has concrete proof of anything. Is anyone else reading this? You have to be trolling me, you can’t seriously believe the mere possiblity of an alternative makes evidence useless, you wouldnt be able to accept anything if that were the case. How do you eat at resturants? Its possible the food is poisoned. The fact that no one has been poisoned there before is evidence that it isn’t, but its still possible.
For all you know, his mother made him go to church while he lived at home (though he didn’t really want to go), and his attendance at the “Church of the Jacked Up” Elevation Chirstian Church (if he really even went to one of their services) was to be able to tell her truthfully that he’d been to church to get her off his back about going. That’s fits your “evidence” at least as well as your idea that going to this “it’s okay to not be okay” psuedo-ministry indicates he’s devout. If your “evidence” fits multiple contradictory theories, it’s not really “evidence” of anything.
For all you know, that hypothetical resturant hasn’t poisoned anyone yet because they’re just waiting to poison you. For all you know, this whole event never happened, and everyones just been paid off to cover up some alien crash landing. Evidence almost always fits multiple theories, that hardly means its not evidence of anything, particularly when one scenario is more likely, and unless you’re saying half of people that go to church are atheists, you can’t make the claim that him having attended church isn’t evidence of him not being an atheist. You seem to be instead arguing that I don’t have strong evidence this kid was not an atheist, and perhaps that’s true, but since im not making positive claims about what caused him to do this, I really don’t have to provide any evidence until you or browndog actually provide evidence that he was.
For all you know, that hypothetical resturant hasn’t poisoned anyone yet because they’re just waiting to poison you. For all you know, this whole event never happened, and everyones just been paid off to cover up some alien crash landing. Evidence almost always fits multiple theories, that hardly means its not evidence of anything, particularly when one scenario is more likely, and unless you’re saying half of people that go to church are atheists, you can’t make the claim that him having attended church isn’t evidence of him not being an atheist. You seem to be instead arguing that I don’t have strong evidence this kid was not an atheist, and perhaps that’s true, but since im not making positive claims about what caused him to do this, I really don’t have to provide any evidence until you or browndog actually provide evidence that he was.
For all you know, that hypothetical resturant hasn’t poisoned anyone yet because they’re just waiting to poison you. For all you know, this whole event never happened, and everyones just been paid off to cover up some alien crash landing. Evidence almost always fits multiple theories, that hardly means its not evidence of anything, particularly when one scenario is more likely, and unless you’re saying half of people that go to church are atheists, you can’t make the claim that him having attended church isn’t evidence of him not being an atheist. You seem to be instead arguing that I don’t have strong evidence this kid was not an atheist, and perhaps that’s true, but since im not making positive claims about what caused him to do this, I really don’t have to provide any evidence until you or browndog actually provide evidence that he was.
For all you know, that hypothetical resturant hasn’t poisoned anyone yet because they’re just waiting to poison you. For all you know, this whole event never happened, and everyones just been paid off to cover up some alien crash landing. Evidence almost always fits multiple theories, that hardly means its not evidence of anything, particularly when one scenario is more likely, and unless you’re saying half of people that go to church are atheists, you can’t make the claim that him having attended church isn’t evidence of him not being an atheist. You seem to be instead arguing that I don’t have strong evidence this kid was not an atheist, and perhaps that’s true, but since im not making positive claims about what caused him to do this, I really don’t have to provide any evidence until you or browndog actually provide evidence that he was.
Thank you for today’s “he can’t be gay, we’ve eaten at Hooters together” profile in logic.
And thank you for todays demonstration of what someone with absolutely no reading comprehension debates like. And “some evidence” is totally analogous to “he can’t be gay”.
A degenerate act during a movie that celebrates degenerate acts. A culture that views extreme violence as entertainment. Children among the casualties.
And we’re the problem?
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
“Indeed, certain proggtard
right-wingmovements are highly prone to attracting psychopaths and mentally ill, unstable personalities, because their rhetoric and appeals so closely replicate the discontents of these people’s interior lives…” see : #occupyHave any of these left-wing lunatics ever asserted what the “real” motivations of the Tea Party are: less government, more liberty, and a fiscally responsible government?
Never. Not once. It’s always some psychological mumbo-jumbo claptrap about being scared of immigrants or brown people or some other nonsense.
BTW, I’d just like to say that Steve M., of the blog No More Mister Nice Blog, is the most loathsome person on the internet.
He makes an unflushed toilet seem charming.
Dan Savage of homosexual fame can easily be found in the lower regions. [Pun intended.]
Was Colorado Shooting Staged By The Government?
Don’t dismiss this assertion without reading it.
Considering who Obama has proven to be, as well as his murderous “Fast and Furious” escapade — and considering what is at stake with the coming UN Small Arms treaty, these assertions make for a frighteningly persuasive case:
That theory assumes a level of advanced organisational prowess in the Obama administration that I’m not sure I’m willing to grant them.
Also, cuckoo.
s_dog —
Would you have said the same thing about Fast and Furious before they got caught?
And as for ‘it is cuckoo:’ cuckoo is what these people do most, and do best.
I have to agree with S_Dog on the Regime being able to pull off something like that. You’re entering black helicopter territory.
More like drone territory.
First off, Betteridge’s Law of Headlines: Any headline that is a question, can be answered, “No.”
But, I’ll explain why.
Surrendering to the police is perfectly consistent with wearing body armor: he didn’t want to die or get beat up. And warning the cops is not very surprising, lots of perps talk to the police when it’s not remotely in their interest to do so. He might have also thought there’d be painful repercussions if he was a cop killer.
None of the gear was “exotic”. Search Amazon for “swat uniform”, “ballistic helmet”, “gas mask”, “kevlar body armor”, “acog”, “smoke grenade”. Body armor is only expensive if you get plates, which you don’t need unless you’re expecting to be shot at with rifles. (Again, consistent with surrendering to police, who have rifles, unlike a civilian armed with a concealed pistol.) Shopping around, I imagine he spent maybe four grand on gear, and maybe two on ammo.
And, money-wise, if he’s unemployed but paid his bills on time, he could have put it all on a credit card. I doubt he’s terribly worried about his credit score right now.
I’m doubtful that he used CS gas; CS is not just hard to breathe, you can’t breathe, you can’t see, and you quickly panic. (It clears the heck out of your sinuses, though!) Smoke does feel nasty if you’re breathing it in an enclosed area, and I wouldn’t be surprised if people thought it was tear gas. Normal smoke and tear gas look the same.
A small explosive device doesn’t require quantities of dual-use materials that will trigger suspicion, and the instructions are all over the Internet. A medical student would be well suited to be a self-taught bombmaker. Further, while making a bomb is pretty easy, making it really deadly is what takes training or at least trial and error. We don’t know that the devices were actually effective.
The only unexplained aspect is why he didn’t stop and think, “it would be wrong to harm innocent people.”
That’s the sort of thing a smart leftoid operative would use to try to make the rest of us look crazy for resisting the UN gun control agenda.
Placing the forest before the trees is more likely to engender an authentic expression of discontent. Philosophies which marginalize individual dignity and empower elite factions are the cause of the worst human and civil rights violations throughout history.
Unfortunately, while the left is dominated by cuckoos, their existence on the right occurs in the exception. Both, obviously, must be dealt with in order to preserve a civilized state.
Leftist Divide & Agitate 101’ers turn anything to their warped agendas.
The Tucson Shooter was a crazed leftist whack-job who was “obviously” directed by Sarah Palin to shoot a moderate blue-dog Dem who openly supported the 2nd amendment and a Conservative Judge and randomly shot others.
There are reports this shooter donated to one Barack Obama and has ties to Occupy Wall Street.
Boston Mayor ‘Mumbles’ Meninino jumped in on the lynching of the 2nd Amendment like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson on a lynching of Mexican-American George Zimmerman.
…and the beat goes on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umrp1tIBY8Q
Why are all these disgruntled college kids killing en masse?
-Columbine (yea H.S., big diff)
-Virginia Tech
-Ft. Hood (Hey, it wasn’t jihad–never even heard the word–gotta be something)
So there’s that.
Ft. Hood Muslim terrorist psychiatrist. The rest, just psych meds.
By the time they get to college, many young people realize their narcissistic failures are permanent unless they are willing to change — they realize they are not the center of the universe, nor will they ever be. Some grow up as a result, some go into permanent mourning in their parents’ basements, some dream of going out in a blaze of narcissistic glory, and some actually carry out that malignant dream.
The worst cases are exploited by the left (as ‘Occupy’ protesters), or as voters. But it is becoming apparent the worst cases are very well being exploited by people in our government.
People are going to be profoundly shocked (finally!) what comes out of this ‘Batman shooter’ case.
i.e.; they figure out everything they believe, everything they’ve been taught…is a lie.
They exact their revenge.
I’ve only been shocked twice in my life: Nov 22, 1963 when Kennedy was assassinated, and September 11, 2001. There were conspiracy theories for each of these, too, but at least people waited longer than 24 hours to advance them. This is the kind of crap that keeps things stirred up and there is not one shred of real evidence that anything of this nature has taken place. But that won’t stop this goofy-assed story from being told. I already told a good friend of mine today to drop this. I would suggest you do the same, but I saw your website and doubt that will happen.
This enlightened guy that rattled off reasons why it could not be a Tea partier … didn’t seem to recognize the corollary … those are the reason it was “probably” a left wing radical nut.
Supporting evidence:
the OWS movement has been the violent movement
the lefty unionists are the kneecappers
the Obama administration has stated “in the end it comes down to the barrel of a gun”
the Obama administration ran guns to Mexican murderous drug cartels with no effort to track them
Obama supports killing babies/fetuses (whatever you want to call them, as Obama states it) only a few months younger than the one murdered in Aurora
That’s kinda what I was thinking as I listened to the news throughout the day and heard them repeatedly report this as “worst mass murder in American history” …
R v W and Planned Parenthood were unavailable for comment.
Have the progtards forgotten 9/11?
Let’s take that first quote to its logical conclusion, instead of leaving threads dangling loose, shall we?
If we accept the premise that a right-wing shooter would have necessarily shot up an indie festival or a Sean Penn movie screening, we should ask when was the last time such an event happened. I’m guessing…never? So, that means that right-wing shooters don’t exist.
So, let’s stop laying blame there and focus on the true motivations of twisted shooters. We’d get a lot more accomplished, capisce?
That was my reaction as well. “Lots and lots of examples of Republicans and Tea Partiers shooting up art galleries and film festivals, eh?”
The thing these leftist morons never seem to comprehend?
If we on the Right were half as violent as they think we are, they’ll all be dead already.
Yet, there they sit. Untouched.
Good post.
Spot on. Excellent post.
Re: the wing-nut theory author, I thought the writer was only 99% cuckoo, until he suggested that Rosie O’Donnell would ever again tempt us at the box office. With that, I know he 100% certifiable!!
The Rosey O might tempt me if I had a shovel full of something stinky.
Not so much otherwise.
I took a peek at Cnn & Fox whilst dogsitting & this thing 55/24 /7.
Is this a media driven thing or are people really shocked ?
As someone who has thought Hollywood has been tipping over into the dark side for some time , I just think it is unsurprising someone did what the Joker has been doing in the most recent films.
It is said by those that knew him here that Heath Ledger may have himself gone past just imagination. That conjuring that persona really did affect him.
But then again I never liked to watch scary & evil films. Its a longtime since Batman was fun.
Morgan Freeman played the race card nicely by apologizing to Obama in the form of a $1M donation to his Super PAC. I wonder if Morgan, star of this new Batman flick, will be donating to the victims and their families of this tragedy?
I’m sure you can already guess the answer…
The left will never admit it leads the league in eliminationist rhetoric and criminal activity. Hell, they even reward it. Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn come to mind. Let’s not forget Sandy Berger sacrificed his career for Bill Clinton by stealing and destroying damning evidence of Clinton’s failures relating to BinLaden. The list is long.
Plus this bonus link to Occupy criminality –
I should have added this to my original post, but I forgot I had this little jewel stashed in my favorites.
When talking leftwing crime and eliminationist rhetoric and actual eliminations you have to include unions.
Take a gander at this – http://www.nrtwc.org/multimedia/the-scepter-of-violence/
Ya know I get tired of these mouth breathing metro sexual uber sensitive idiots. The Tea Party had at least 2 gatherings numbering in the hundreds of thousands and God knows how many in the tens of thousands and forget the numbers below that and the biggest ones were pretty much policed by an single asthmatic meter maid in a lawn chair. We left the venues cleaner than we found them ….cut the grass and edged the sidewalks as well. Then you have the liberal occupy turd float …rapes …robberies …. murder……looting ……burning …… and somehow we’re the bad guys. Lord I wish I had absolute power in this country ….I would banish all the liberal/progressive/democrats and their Flying Monkeys in the press to East of the Mississippi and blow up all the bridges and then build a wall to keep the riff raft out as their society crashes around them
Unless sane people begin governing this nation, and have the fortitude to purge PBS, NPR and our schools of leftist loons indoctrinating our children, I believe this kind of separation is coming. This is precedent for it.
People who will bust a gut to find a way to slander others really do not belong in our public dialog. Perhaps that’s why FOX is whipping MSNBC and CNN. FOX sometimes transmits mistaken information, but they don’t sit around a table as a group to figure out how to lie about a story. I sometimes think their management makes their reporters repeat their slogans “Fair and Balanced” and “We report, you decide” as a reminder to the reporters as well as advertising to the viewers.
Shameless self-promotion:
Perhaps the first parody of the Aurora, CO shootings:
A bit of old fashioned basic parenting would have saved one life. A 6 year old should never be taken to that movie anytime but especially not at midnight.
Ditto little Heaven Sutton killed at 7 at 10.30 pm in a Chicago gang war.
Both should have been fast asleep in a bed like normal kids.
The left are the advocates for ordering our society along the lines of those that killed >100 million people and enslaved and impoverished billions more.
But we’re the psychopaths.
I completely comprehend the fatuousness of your ravings. Your commentaries on the Gospels must be a laugh riot: “Rich men are totally analogous to camels?”
While you may question the completeness of the analogy, I believe it was Pope John Paul who said (when someone else suggested the establishment while debating where to eat one night during his visit to Denver for World Youth Day): “More satisfying is the fellowship of the body of Christ to the unbeliever than a meal at Hooters to those unmoved by the physical charms of its waitresses.” Or was it Archbishop Chaput?
You clearly still don’t understand my point about the difference between evidence and conclusive proof. That’s why you took “we have some evidence he wasn’t an atheist” and analogized it with “he can’t possibly be gay”. A simple course in Aristotelian logic would have taught you that the difference between some and all is actually quite big.
Also, you have yet to provide any evidence that Holmes was, in fact, an atheist. Until you do, your ramblings about how evidence is useless unless it is absolutely conclusive contribute nothing to the debate about whether its appropriate to blame atheism for this tragedy, and whether such accusations are on par with, or perhaps even worse than, what liberals do to the tea party.