Even The Boston Globe has come out against the bullying of Chick-fil-A by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino because of the position of Chick-fil-A’s President and his father (the founder) on marriage:
The president of Chick-fil-A opposes gay marriage. While this view goes against the grain in a state that made history by embracing it, it’s no reason for Mayor Thomas M. Menino to oppose a Chick-fil-A restaurant in Boston….
Chick-fil-A must follow all state and city laws. If the restaurant chain denied service to gay patrons or refused to hire gay employees, Menino’s outrage would be fitting. And the company should be held to its statement that it strives to “treat every person with honor, dignity and respect — regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation, or gender.” But beyond the fact that Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays, the religious beliefs of the company’s top executive don’t appear to control its operations….
Ironically, Menino is citing the specific location along the Freedom Trail as a reason to block Chick-fil-A. A city in which business owners must pass a political litmus test is the antithesis of what the Freedom Trail represents. History will render judgment on the views of Chick-fil-A executives. City Hall doesn’t have to.
Michael Graham (h/t DaTechGuy) points out that Menino’s litmus test doesn’t apply equally to all religious beliefs, Mayor Menino Donated Tax Dollars To “Homophobic” Group In Boston!:
This is the Islamic Society of Boston’s mosque in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood, a.k.a. “Menino’s Mosque.
Mayor Menino “sold” $2 million worth of city property to the ISB for $175,000, despite their well-documented links to Muslim extremism. The mosque teaches a form of Islam that condemns homosexuals to death.
And Menino won’t let a guy spend his own money opening a restaurant because he doesn’t support same-sex marriage? Hey, Mayor Moron—when we the last time Chick-Fil-A stoned a gay guy to death?
And Chicago! Rahm Emanuel is backing an Alderman’s call to block Chick-fil-A:
Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday said he supports a Chicago alderman’s plan to block the opening of a new Chick-fil-A location in the city because the president opposes gay marriage….
“They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents,” Emanuel said. “This would be a bad investment, since it would be empty.”
Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy said in an interview published July 16 that he is “guilty as charged” in support of “the biblical definition of the family unit.”
“We are a family-owned business, a family-led business and we are married to our first wives,” Cathy told Baptist Press.
Would this be the same Chicago which just permitted Louis Farrakan’s Nation of Islam to reopen a restaurant?
The jewel of 79th street is returning with the early July [2012] reopening of the Nation of Islam built Salaam restaurant.
Calvin Hollins, the new executive director, said the $5 million Salaam restaurant will officially reopen for business July 6 and July 7. The reborn Salaam includes three restaurants under one roof: A bakery, the Crescent Café and Fine Dining. That means a choice of coffee and pastries, casual dining, or a special night on the town in the upstairs dining room.
“I think anyone off the street who comes into this facility will find something palatable to their needs and their likes,” said Mr. Hollins.
The facility is for everyone but springs from the mission of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and Nation of Islam and is rooted in the hallmarks of healthy eating, economic self-sufficiency and community building, said Mr. Hollins and executive assistant Carla X. “We are continuing to fulfill what the Hon. Elijah Muhammad established for us,” said Carla X, a Muslim in the Nation of Islam. “It’s not just a restaurant; it’s us doing for self.”
Here’s Louis Farrakhan’s position on marriage:
Minister Louis Farrakhan recently responded to President Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage calling him “the first president that sanctioned what the scriptures forbid,” according to a video posted by the Nation of Islam’s “official” news source, Finalcall.com.
During an address at the California Convention Center on Sunday, the Nation of Islam leader ridiculed the media for its portrayal of Obama after the announcement, and chastised politicians and clergy for hypocritically supporting gay marriage despite the fact that the Bible forbids it.
The Mayors of Boston and Chicago are bullies in the truest sense, they have selected what to them seems like a safe target for their outrage and abuse of government power.
Menino and Emanuel have selected evangelical Christians for their selective bullying knowing full well that in Boston and Chicago there will be no repercussions. Yet they will not take on more powerful groups who espouse far worse views on homosexuality and gay marriage.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
The obvious question is, how many accusers of homophobia and bigotry will en mass viciously assault Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam for having such “hateful” opinions?
I’m betting zero.
The unholy alliance between Progressive Left and radical Islamists forbids any war between these allies and friends.
Ironic, isn’t it, that Rahmbo would support a group of Islamists who follow a religious cult that subscribes to slavery since slavery is the only issue that African Americans hang their hat on? Does he not realize that the Islamic purists (those of Middle Eastern heritage) would enslave every black American if given a chance?
This vendetta against Chick-Fil-A is nothing more than veiled religious bigotry and fits right in with Obama’s persecution of the Catholic Church. Marx, Lenin and Gramsci would be so proud of the modern day Democrat. And it also proves that the gay “movement” has progressed far beyond wanting to be able to maintain privacy, it has turned into a full blown political, not social, movement, its goal all along.
Just last week, noted anti-gay bigot Louis Farrakhan opened a restaurant, called Salaam, in Chicago.
Anyone think Farrakhan had any trouble getting his restaurant’s business licenses approved in Chicago?
Freedom Trail, Government Persecution now official Government support of radical islam, could this get any more ironic?
It is really a downer to persecute people who will turn around and cut your head off. Where’s the fun in that?
Now, Christians…??? Oh, YEAH…!!! They might accidentally brush you with their turning cheek, but that’s all.
Maybe its time for some serious law suits.
Serious mockery might be more effective. The influence of the GLBTG community grew vastly disproportionate to their numbers because the prime mode of public communications became hip irony. With recent over reaching the GLBTG are now more than ripe to have that weapon turned on them.
Hey, I believe in multi-tasking.
Or, a several pronged attack, all aimed at the jugular. (I am like that.)
Hit ’em high, hit ’em low. Hit ’em with your nukes and make ’em glow.
@NC Mountain Girl
Absolutely. I think Chick-fil-A could use this to its advantage and playfully name its food items funny names teasing those “tolerant” hypocrites who want to stifle non-PC opinions.
DOJ: Family Can’t Run Their Business as Catholics
July 25, 2012
This is precisely the point that I made on facebook last night to some friends who were conflating Chick-fil-A with the Westboro Baptists. I told them the reason they don’t come out against mosque’s etc is that basically they are afraid of blow back.
[…] insurrection notes the double standard isn’t restricted to a Mosque in Boston:. It extends to Chicago as well Menino and Emanuel have selected evangelical Christians for their selective bullying knowing full […]
Can anyone say, “Selective Outrage”?
If Chicago
thugspoliticians say that Chick-fil-A “will be empty,” then let them prove their point by letting the business open. We’ll see whether the marketplace or the warehouse of political correctness wins.A Christian says that he’s “opposed to gay marriage”. The Nation of Islam preaches death to homosexuals. Yet, one is wrong and the other one is… ignored.
Yeah! Gimme some ‘a the Southside Chicago Values! With extra outrage, too, please!
“History will render judgment on the views of Chick-fil-A executives.”
Even when liberals avoid categorical totalitarianism, they can’t escape incidental stupidity. It might be said that “history” has already “rendered judgment” on the “views” of these executives: that they hold a morally sensible and sustainable view backed by logic and centuries of tradition.
I can’t find where Mr. Cathy said ANYTHING remotely offensive to any rational gay person.
I’ve read his interview, and it is a positive assertion of support for marriage. Period.
The press has corrupted his views to be some kind of slur…which you cannot find in his actual words.
So I’m assuming that Chicago will be “banning” any rib joints as well? Or Denny’s that serve bacon?
Isn’t this religious discrimination by a government official?
One religion can open a restaurant and another can not. Both have the same viewpoint on marriage but one is blocked for their viewpoint, and one is not.
And the left still laments the days of McCarthyism. Shame on all of them and shame on Obama. Some legacy Mr President.
Dont’ worry. The guys at The Weekly Standard, never able to resist a chance to show how smart they are, penned a blueprint showing Obama how to use the Chick-fil-A issue to his political advantage as a Sister Souljah moment. If Obama takes their advice, I agree that it could prove to be effective at solidifying support from fence sitters and middle of the road moderates.
Isn’t it great to have them on our side?
With the Senate in play, not only has Tom Coburn donated money to a Democrat senator to help him get re-elected, and a Republican Alaska Congressman has appeared in a campaign ad for one of the most liberal Democrats in Congress from Hawaii who is running for Senate against a former Republican governor who is well liked and can win, but now we’ve got “conservative” publications giving pretty solid advice to Obama about how he can profit poliitcally from the phony Chick-fil-A controversy.
It’s a mystery how Republicans ever win when they repeatedly try to sabotage themselves.
Yeah, that’ll never happen, Obama has already expounded the wisdom and solid advice of Sasha and Malia as the primary driver of his gay evolution.
Who go to high class quaker school.
We will do all of our fast food purchases @ Chick-fil-A. Have never been there before this coordinated attack by the dumocrats. The No. 2 basic chikburger is tasty with the waffle fries and lemonade.
The hypocrisy, it burns…
Narcissism demands a Self-serve restaurant.
Here is the letter from Boston Mayor Menino to CEO Cathy:
Chicago Mayor “Tiny Dancer” Rahm Emmanual said that Chick-fil_A does not represent Chicago vaules. Truer words have not been spoken.
“Chicago Mayor “Tiny Dancer” Rahm Emmanual said that Chick-fil_A does not represent Chicago vaules.”
Yep. “Chicago Values.”
Al Capone. Lucky Luciano. Joe Kennedy and bootlegging. Lots’a voter fraud. Bill Daley, senior and junior. Jeremiah Wright. Louis Farrakhan. The dead voting. Bill Ayers…
‘Nuff said.
Not representing “Chicago Values”? As Scott Brown said not long ago, “Thank God!”
Don’t forget fearful leader.
Although we’re not into fast food, Chick-fil-A has just won another customer. This hypocrisy must end. Oh, and this is probably the only time I will ever agree with Rahm Emmanuel… Chick-fil-A does not represent Chicago values, thank goodness!
R Emmanual puts out the word to the young black men in his streets its ok to shoot each other , just dont rhoot the kid ; and he has problems with the views of the owner of a chicken place? This whole crowd of preening poser politicos are the product of the process of a chiken squat to acchieve bowel relief !
Drudge just got into the act. Above a picture of Mayor Emanual: Rahm Rejects CHICK-FIL-A: ‘Not Chicago Values’…
Dan Cathy is having a hearty laugh right now!
R Emmanual puts out the word to the young black men in his streets its ok to shoot each other , just dont shoot the kid ; and he has problems with the views of the owner of a chicken place? This whole crowd of preening poser politicos are the product of the process of a chiken squat to acchieve bowel relief !
The way things are going pretty soon prejudice against Christians will become protected under the EPA.
If the restaurant was named Guy-fil-A would that help?
A commenter at The Corner already asked, “How long before Chick-fil-A and Cathay just HAPPEN to pop up for “random” IRS audits?”
I am curious to see when Chicago and Boston are going to tell the Catholic church it is no longer welcome. I mean seriously… have you read their written policies? (see the Bible)
Hey, don’t leave out all the Evangelical Christian churches in the cities, especially the inner cities.
If they want a “crackdown on hate”, they’re going to end up expelling lots and lots of immigrants, along with their churches…
Why did the Chick-fil-A cross the Chicago road?
—It didn’t. Shot in the back. Why the half-completed outline of a chicken on the pavement? Chicago has run out of chalk.
White Fundamental Christian — NO CHICK-FIL-A for you!
Black Fundamental Muslim — SURE, can I have fries with that?
[…] William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection asks: Nation of Islam can open a restaurant in Chicago, but not Chick-fil-A? Would this be the same Chicago which just permitted Louis Farrakan’s Nation of Islam to reopen a […]
This just in….. Chicago Loop to be renamed Hypocrisy Highway.
As Mayor, I have just designated Possum Holler, NC as a Sanctuary City for Chick-fil-A franchisees.
“I hate Illinois Nazis.”
Did you know that there are a street and statue in downtown Chicago honoring the Italian fascist Italo Bslbo?
Sorry, that’s Italo Balbo, not Bslbo. Look for Balbo Drive. The monument is somewhere on the lakefront.
[…] not take on more powerful groups who espouse far worse views on homosexuality and gay marriage. Basically, they all support other things which are far worse (by their own logic), but mysteriously … Political Correctness n.(Abbr. PC)- An acceptable form of thought control and suppression of […]
[…] Nation of Islam can open a restaurant in Chicago, but not Chick-fil-A? […]
Author Sarah Hoyt notes on her blog that this behavior is alienating people such as herself who support gay marriage.
The Illinois ALCU is now telling Chicago
thugsofficials that doing so would run afoul of the First Amendment.Frankly I’m sick of sexual preference of all stripes being an unending topic of the national conversation. I liked it better when sex was practiced in privacy instead of discussed to death in public. A constant diversion from the economy, jobs and unemployment. When you’re starving to death the first thing on your mind would be the next meal I would think, not the next sexual encounter and who approves of it our not.
[…] downtown area alone. Chicago’s mayor apparently had no problem granting a business license to a restaurant that is owned and operated by Mr. Farakhan’s Nation Of Islam, the Salaam Restaurant (their food looks yummy): Exterior view of the Salaam Restaurant in […]
[…] downtown area alone. Chicago’s mayor apparently had no problem granting a business license to a restaurant that is owned and operated by Mr. Farakhan’s Nation Of Islam, the Salaam Restaurant (their food looks yummy): Exterior view of the Salaam Restaurant in […]
Now San Francisco has joined the club:
Pray tell, why would anyone in his/her right mind open a Chick-fil-A franchise in San Francisco?
Imagine having to work from six in the morning to ten at night, Monday through Saturday, living every moment captured by good ole’ Zombie at PJ Media – he’s got the photos. All of them. In particular, the ones on “Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco.” (Caution: Not Safe for View Anywhere! Just wait till the kids are well the heck asleep.)
Once you watch those pictures, imagine yourself wishing every single night you go home from work that you could wash your eyes with chlorine bleach!
Thanks, but no thanks! I love my eyes and my sanity.
Besides, Chick-fil-A attracts families with children – exactly the very same demographic that has been leaving Frisco in droves for the past ten to twenty years.
Nah, I don’t think anyone would be that insane to put a franchise there.
[…] Nation of Islam can open a restaurant in Chicago, but not Chick-fil-A? […]
[…] Nation of Islam can open a restaurant in Chicago, but not Chick-fil-A? (legalinsurrection.com) […]
[…] Nation of Islam can open a restaurant in Chicago, but not Chick-fil-A? (legalinsurrection.com) […]
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