Another faux Obama fundraising ad from Patricia.
Please, let’s not have another repeat of what happened the last time.
It’s fake, but it could be real, which is what’s so frightening:
Update: From friend of the blog Jeff, this pie thing apparently has a history:

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Professor: I will believe you. If you say this is a parody, then that’s what I’ll think. But, how are you sure?
I do believe that the 0bama’s are part of the reason why many places require a photo ID before they give you your birthday freebie. They strike me as the sort who would have a birthday a month for the free stuff.
Remember how in Men in Black, they consult the tabloids for news of aliens? We’re not far from that. Taranto refers to the Onion regularly.
Hey RNC … hire Patricia!
And Bill Dyszel!
After the wedding gift/birthday present promo…
is there really any room left of parody…???
1. You didn’t bake that pie.
You didn’t bake that pie all by yourself. It came out of your oven and that’s great, so keep a big piece of it. Barack and Liz will take the rest and distribute it fairly.
2. LI regulars know that our host likes to play little jokes on his readers. I wonder when he’s going to post some Leftist fundraising materials which we will dismiss as parody.
See, this is what I’m talking about!
Mockery! Merciless mockery! Race-free mockery!
Dammit. Fake! How do I get my $5 back?
Don’t worry, Our ‘Enry.
Misdirected donations are automatically entered in the “BFCuppa Joe with Joe” sweepstakes
The new “Breakfast at Carney’s” sweepstakes where a lucky guest gets to enjoy breakfast with WH Press Secretary Jay Carney while quizzing a tongue-tied Jay on which breakfast items are kosher.
Obviously done by the same team that came up with the Bridal Registry donation.
Off-topic, but urgent!
Hey guys, is anyone here from the Houston area? There’s going to be a rally at The Woodlands at 6 p.m. tonight with Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin.
I’m going.
Is anyone here interested in attending the rally? Can I meet you there? They want us to arrive there at 5 p.m. to get the better spots.
Just let me know what you want to do here at this site or here.
I am from just outside H-Town! We have an appointment at 4 p.m. but we’ll try to be there.
The best thing we can do now is cajole our friends to come to the polls with us. I gave three people rides today that were “busy and not sure if they’d vote”. I took three to four minutes to get in and vote. And yeah, it cost me lunch for two of ’em. We went to Chick-fil-A. 😀
I just went to Chick-fil-A a couple of days ago. Might stop by on my way to The Woodlands.
Do you know how to get there? The address is:
Town Green Park, 2099 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX 77380
If you have some kind of automated map or GPS, program it. Otherwise, go to Google and trace your route there.
Is there any Obama fundraising parody I would not believe is real?
Yes, I would not believe there could be a fundraiser where a single woman like Obama’s mythical Julia would donate money in the hopes of an winning artificial insemination from the president. Second place would be a black velvet painting of Barack and Michelle with lifelike eyes that follow you around the room.On further sober reflection, no there isn’t.
“Narcissists gonna narce!” – G. P. Salvatorelli
I would have believed it if it were about waffles. Pie, not so much.
“You know how much Barack loves dog.” That would definitely be a joke.
Donate today to send our President a birthday card with his photo on it.
I’m told there is a post on the AR15 blog on the subject of “How to bury yourself in an Obama urn”
AR15 is blocked by my work, so I can’t check it out. 🙂
Dear Duchess,
Americans have been so polarized and stratified by jurisprudential academia (because no plebicite has been held) animated by diabolical progressivism that I declare in this campaign: Levity, thy name is dog whistle.
Thank you,Professor.
I’m at the rally! Twenty minutes away from starting.
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