Sorry, this cannot wait for the Saturday Night Card Game.
Jonathan Chait of New York Magazine, leading liberal blogspheric/journalistic light, has figure out why Obama’s “you didn’t build that” speech isn’t going over that well (h/t Crawdad Hole).
It’s because OBAMA SUPPOSEDLY SPOKE LIKE JONATHAN CHAIT THINKS CONSERVATIVE WHITES THINK BLACKS TALK (after three and one-half years of blogging, I finally go all caps):
The key thing is that Obama is angry, and he’s talking not in his normal voice but in a “black dialect.” This strikes at the core of Obama’s entire political identity: a soft-spoken, reasonable African-American with a Kansas accent. From the moment he stepped onto the national stage, Obama’s deepest political fear was being seen as a “traditional” black politician, one who was demanding redistribution from white America on behalf of his fellow African-Americans….
This is why Obama is suddenly pivoting to positive ads, with him talking to the camera. It is the soft-spoken Obama of old, with a gentle musical background….
What concepts is Obama associating himself with here? Hard work, middle class. It’s people getting out of bed early, tossing bales of hay into trucks, wearing business attire in office settings. Not lazy-welfare-underclass.
The entire key to the rise of the Republican Party from the mid-sixties through the nineties was that white Americans came to see the Democrats as taking money from the hard-working white middle class and giving it to a lazy black underclass. Reactivating that frame is still the most mortal threat to the Democrats and to Obama. That is why Obama is reacting so urgently to reestablish himself.
Many things are revealed here, including that Jonathan Chait thinks Obama talks in a black dialect sometimes, and projects those insecurities onto people who didn’t like Obama’s words regardless of the dialect in which they were stated.
We’re not worried about Obama’s dialect, we’re worried about his dialectic.

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Warren was speaking in a Cherokee dialect…?
Color me confused. (Can I say that…?)
Here, let Hillary clear up your confusion. (Fast forward to 37 seconds)
This is one of the great clearer-uppers in American history. And also one of the biggest laughs. The following night she appeared at an AIPAC convention and did an hour of Jackie Mason. The delegates just kvelled.
If you’ve never heard Shirley Q. Liquor from Michael Berry in Houston, here’s a taste….
But he’s kidding, right? Hillary was serious.
These people twist themselves into pretzels trying to prove black is white…oops, racial comment. Up is down? Is that better or can the libs find something racial in that too. I’m sure Chait is speaking only to the choir who want to believe his nonsense. Unfortunately, a good many in the general public, who only get their news from the media, will buy this schleck.
Obama is the worst thing to happen to this country since the invention of Marxism – I’m saying that in a black dialect so it isn’t racist.
The first rule of rhetoric is to write intelligently. I can think of nothing else to add. I am still shaking my head in disbelief that someone could write dribble of this nature.
“This is why Obama is suddenly pivoting to positive ads, with him talking to the camera. It is the soft-spoken Obama of old, with a gentle musical background…”
1 day ago
After spending more than $100 million airing mostly negative ads in the last three months, President Barack Obama’s campaign, outspending Mitt by nearly 4-1, has failed to move voters opinions.
Mr. hopey changerson making a comeback with positive ads?
Whether its old and busted 2008 snake oil, or new and improved 2012 snake oil.
People still aren’t buying it.
Obama Built That
©2012 Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch
It is the soft-spoken Obama of old, with a gentle musical background…”
-Still cracking up
Get your CAPS ON!
“…Argue with friends and neighbors get in their face.”
Sept 2008
Oabma’s idea of a positive twist:”… build from the middle out, not the top down”. Well, I guess… What’s the name of that song? Oh, “shakin’ the beer gut”. Is that the middle he’s talkin’ ’bout. Notice my negro dialect.
Whoever this johnathan clown is, he’s an IDIOT.
Wotta maroon.
Like Barbara Billingsley (of Leave It to Beaver), I too speak jive.
I understood Obama perfectly. He aims to fundamentally change the United States by redistributing what the producers have produced and give it to the non-producers.
Our Constitution has one purpose and one purpose only: to contain government.
Can someone be committed as a danger to himself or others because the stuff he writes is so insanely stupid?
No. Otherwise the WaPo and NYTimes would be publishing out of the day room at that place where R. P. McMurphy and that Big Ol’ Indian were locked up. Seriously.
Obama is twisting into a pretzel in his attempts to put a different spin on that remark!
BTW, heard you on John Batchelor show, the other evening. Sounded good!
I’m confused. Is Chait saying that Obama puts on fake dialects? And that when he gets angry he falls back into a natural dialect? Or just that his current one is fake, and he’s been put into a position of trying to fool “white” people? Or that the way Obama talked in the 2008 campaign was fake?
(And all this time I thought when went into his drawling, folksy thing, he was trying to sound like Jimmah…)
The wisdom of Jonathan Chait, clarified by yours truly (No need to thank me, Jonathan. I’m just reaching across the aisle to help.):
Now, why would they ever get an idea like that?
The key thing is that Obama is angry, and he’s talking not in his normal voice but in a “black dialect.”
baracky sounds more like choom gang dialect
baracky is as close as he will let himself get to ebonics, or as some would call it “jacksonspeak or sharptonspeak.”
So. It’s the messenger’s color and not the message?
Let’s let them keep thinking that. Take down this blog entry, immediately. Let the Progressocrats think they’re onto something. Then, they will do it again. And again.
“If we are to be their sworn enemy, let them always underestimate us!” – W.B. Travis, Texian Patriot
I think I prefer that we do a little bit better than Travis and compatriots did at the Alamo. No? Let them remember us as victors, not martyrs.
That quote was from his Rabble Rousin’ days against the Mexican Custons officials. Bill Travis wasn’t in Texas twenty minutes before he was crossways with the Gummint. He set us a mighty high standard!
Shhhh, nah, nah, nah, hush everybody. Let ’em talk, let ’em talk. Say nothing. Just nod and smile – all the while till November.
I think Jonah over at NRO had it about right when he said/replied to the article:
“I don’t think liberals appreciate how much conservatives laugh at this stuff. We’re constantly being told we’re racists and that conservatism is full of racist codes and dog whistles aimed at conservatives. And yet the only people who consistently decipher these codes or hear these dog whistles are liberals themselves. Most of the time it’s a form of projection of course. Liberals see themselves as sinless and heroic on matters racial, so their opposite numbers in politics must be sinful and villainous on matters of race. It’s a form of lazy categorical thinking that completely fails to take account of reality in order to sustain a self-serving narrative”
I didn’t like it when Lakoff said it, in print, so there was no ‘dialect’ to hear – and, correct me if I am wrong, but he is white. As is Warren. Poor Chait. “Forgive them,Father, for they know not what they do.
“Forgive them,Father, for they know not what they do.”
Oh, they know, Rose, they know. They just hope the rest of us don’t cotton to it before November. >:-(
It is the dialect of individuals who, ostensibly, place the forest before the trees; but, it actually elevates select trees in order to improve their political, economic, and social position in a society. The danger with this perspective is that it engenders a monopoly of power and wealth. as well as it denigrates individual dignity and devalues human life.
From its cover, it denies individual dignity. However, its content is selfish, and is characteristic of an appeal to baser appetites to deny reality. It does not represent a reasonable compromise as it fails to preserve individual dignity and fails to mitigate progressive corruption.
I think we can do better to partition individual dignity and the “general Welfare.” I think that American conservatism: classical liberalism tempered by Judeo-Christian principles, is the superior alternative.
Obama’s 2008 speeches contained conversational hypnosis techniques…
Fast vorwarts to 2012 and he’s furiously using a Berkley liberal progressive professor of linguistics to pull the wool over peoples eye’s.
There are few things more frightening than fast vorwarts. Even slow ones are scary.
What flabbergasts me about this is that Chait apparently thinks somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere will believe him.
The only possibility is that he thinks he’s giving a talking point to the various folks who want something to say, no matter how obviously false. Sort of a public service at the cost of looking like a deliberate although not particularly effective liar.
Would anybody take anything he says in the future as worth the time to read it, after this?
It’s as if he’s martyring himself on this one issue. He no longer has the slightest credibility. Must have thought it worth it.
I be thinkin’ this Chait dude he be workin’ on some sorta quota system and be knockin’ out dis writin’ stuff real regular like jus cuz he needs de bread, not cuz it needs to make sense. Cuz de only other esplanashun is dat de folks dats payin’ him are too stupid to unnerstand.
I thought only Hilary Clinton did that…”I ain’t no ways tahrd…”
Yes, I noticed he used black dialect — he was speaking to a predominantly black audience. And you could hear the audience response: “yeah, brother, you go, etc. ” That was the most disturbing part to me at the time . I have always said that blacks are told that whitey got his by stealing from others — so blacks are made to think it is ok to take from whitey.
“Sorry, this cannot wait for the Saturday Night Card Game.”
You’re killing me! Thanks for posting!
Maybe he said it in Hawaiian pidgin.
With a touch of seventies stoner of course!
Sooper Mexican notes the irony of white liberals scolding white conservatives on a half black half white guy who was raised in a non American black household on American black dialect.
Obama made these comments two weeks ago. That dialect was apparent to us conservatives immediately, but it took Chait two weeks to make the connection. Time to change the code…they’re on to us.
Actually, I have never HEARD Obama give the speech. I read excerpts of it though. We all think he is a Marxist idiot because he is a Marxist idiot. We all think Axelrod is a Marxist idiot because he is a Marxist idiot. We all think Plouffe is a Marxist idiot because he is a Marxist idiot. We all think Rahm Emanuel is a Marxist idiot because he is a Marxist idiot. But we just think Joe Biden is a plain old idiot because he is too stupid to know what a Marxist is…
What part of this is so difficult for them all to understand.
The people who carry the “liberal” water don’t understand because they are sub-idiots.
Look at the critical thinking skills journalism school fosters.
I’m sorry but “Kansas accent”? I wasn’t aware that Obama ever lived in Kansas. I know his mother was raised in Kansas but how does Obama, raised in Hawaii & Indonesia, have a Kansas accent?
Ah. Only if he’d been ‘a rais’t up t’ere in Fire-go, Noarth Dah-kootah. Yeah, now, dontcha know.
Obama cannot “reestablish himself”.
Too late. Too obvious. Too untrue.
Only his minions will fall for the new narrative – but his minions will be his minions forever (thank goodness it’s only about 40% of the population).
That means we outnumber them.
[…] » Inevitable – Obama “you didn’t build that” speech not going over well because said in “… […]
“Racism. You keep using that word. I do not think you know what it means”.
[…] award for Best, Most Accurate Analysis and for Most Succinct & Spot-On Comment goes to William Jacobson [emphasis mine]: We’re not worried about Obama’s dialect, we’re worried about his […]
[…] Inevitable – Obama “you didn’t build that” speech not going over well because said in “bla… […]