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Wisconsin Recall LIVE (Update – WALKER WINS!!!!)

Wisconsin Recall LIVE (Update – WALKER WINS!!!!)

We will stay live until the results are in.

You can comment in the Live Feed with any of the usual social media user i.d.’s such as Twitter, Facebook and Open ID (Google, Yahoo, etc.). Your Legal Insurrection log in will NOT work. Please log into the Live Feed to comment, otherwise your comments will be held until we can approve them, which will cause delay. Trolls will be blocked.

The Live Feed will incorporate some key Twitter feeds so you can see commentary from various news sources and pundits as we go, without having to flip channels or websites.

I’ll be posting some important links as we go, including results pages and news coverage.


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[…] SmittyStacy’s location remains undisclosed, and he’s asked me to head up the results. Legal Insurrection has a swell Social Media plug-in. We did that once for, I seem to recall, the ObamaCare vote. Neat […]

[…] his latest barrage against Obama (Hint: the economy is already in recession). But Bill has to wait. It’s Wisconsin recall time. It’s Wisconsin night and already the polls closed. Hold on to your […]

[…] addition to William Jacobson’s live coverage of the results, Smitty is live-blogging, as well, and providing some very interesting links. Share […]

alan markus | June 5, 2012 at 9:34 pm

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel – Interactive Map of Election Results

Shortcut the above link – excellent map of WI broken down by individual counties. Updated about every 5 minutes. Unfortunately it is running slow right now – too many hits mayber?

[…]  providing ongoing updates and already has plenty of material to peruse as you await the results.Legal Insurrection and The Camp of the Saints are also providing coverage. TCOTS is where I found this gem from Pundit […]

Wow Professor!! What a party!! Thank you.
God Bless America!

Dems don’t have a chance in this election… Bwahahaha…

….but still they will try to cheat bad…. I heard about them busing in other union members from other states to vote. …But somehow, I still have this gut instinct that they are just born to lose this election.
no matter how bad they try to cheat… or how bad they claim foul… it just isn’t going to go their way.

Walker will win. 🙂

LOVE THE FIREWORKS! Right out of Return of the Jedi. LUKE SKY(SCOTT)WALKER WINS!!! 59% to Boba-Barret-fett’s 41%!

The music that plays automatically, with the really small pause button at the top of the page, was a loud surprise. But the fireworks that slow down everything are really annoying.

    currently in reply to WarEagle82. | June 5, 2012 at 10:44 pm

    Love the fireworks. They haven’t slowed down my browsing. And I always have my sound muted unless I’m watching a video.

    Roll Tide!

I’d like to go on record as LOVING the celebratory touches, as they aptly reflect my own feelings about tonight’s developments in Wisconsin. (Besides, I love Sousa marches.) Thanks for the extra effort!

LukeHandCool | June 5, 2012 at 10:58 pm

I’m a quiet man … I’m also the member of a public employee union so I would only say,


What do we do with all this popcorn??

Hey, you got a permit for those fireworks?

LOL at the fireworks!

Perhaps some sanity is returning the country. Some. We have a very long, tough road ahead and the battle needs to be permanent.

DINORightMarie | June 5, 2012 at 11:11 pm

Best. Online. Party. Ever.

Fireworks and the patriotic music – love Sousa, 1812 Overture, God Bless America. And, of course, Proud to be an American!!

What a night! Love it!

[…] a labor union or democrat who didn’t love spending other people’s money. Yes, Governor Scott Walker wins tonight’s much anticipated recall election in Wisconsin. Don’t expect the unions or the […]

William A. Jacobson | June 5, 2012 at 11:52 pm

Glad everyone likes the fireworks.

I don’t mean to gloat, but I called this, and I am absolutely positive that we will take the White House back for the people in November.
America is awake.

William A. Jacobson | June 5, 2012 at 11:55 pm

For those who want to comment, the fireworks script does seem to make it more difficult, but hit the Submit button repeatedly and it should work. Particularly if you hit the >> portion of the button.

We’ll figure it out for the next time.

    Not much need to comment on a night like tonight-

    Sit back and enjoy the show…and I am, wholeheartedly.

    So proud- of Wisconsin, America, and Professor Jackobson.

      9thDistrictNeighbor in reply to Browndog. | June 6, 2012 at 8:51 am

      Obviously I must not attempt to press a voting button on my phone…. I wholeheartedly agree with your post!

    “Submit button repeatedly and it should work. Particularly if you hit the >> portion of the button.”

    That’s a precious comment Prof, should work if you add nuance to your submissions, work your PC like a pinball machine…

    -try a hip bump, shove, nudge .. careful that you don’t TILT!

Commenting is a bit of a pain but well worth it considering the magnitude of this election result.

The fireworks and patriotic music are greatly appreciated!

LukeHandCool | June 6, 2012 at 12:11 am

68 years ago today … D-Day. Ike saw the men off personally, tears in his eyes in private, a note in his pocket taking full responsibility in case of defeat.

If D-Day had come 68 years later … if it were happening today … Obama would be tweeting, “Hey, umm, good luck!”

    persecutor in reply to LukeHandCool. | June 6, 2012 at 7:41 am

    If D-Day had come 68 years later … if it were happening today … Obama would be tweeting, “Hey, umm, good luck!”

    And TOTUS would be saying, “It’s Bush’s fault!”

According to Fox, the vote is now too close for me.

I am really enjoying this ‘ole “election night 2004” feeling I’m having right now.

I spent that night reading the Democratic Underground and laughing hysterically.

Much better reading the live feed here.

    Sanddog in reply to angela. | June 6, 2012 at 12:24 am

    I ventured over there about a half hour ago. They’re even more unhinged than usual… and that’s saying a lot.

After suffering 18 months of blue-fister vitriol….YES,YES,YES!!!!! On Wisconsin!

Great Job Professor Jacobson! Thank you! Great music choices and I like the fireworks too!

Fiscal sanity wins again. Thank you Wisconsin!

2010 was apparently just a warm up for 2012.


theduchessofkitty | June 6, 2012 at 1:30 am

WOOHOO!!!! 🙂

Sweet Sweet Schadenfreude! Charles Johnson on the Walker recall

BannedbytheGuardian | June 6, 2012 at 1:52 am

Sarah Palin said months ago -As goes Wisconsin -so goes America.

There is no referee -now they are on the ropes you must attack .

L’attaque Toujours L’attaque.

LukeHandCool | June 6, 2012 at 2:05 am

Oh my God, this is funny…

“Game over, man!! Game over!!”–pIY

Come on, dude.

We’re not like those alien creatures that’ll suck all the juices out of your body and put you in a gooey pod.

Or are we? Hahahahahaha!!!

theduchessofkitty | June 6, 2012 at 2:12 am

Loved the fireworks.

But honestly, Professor, I’d rather have the lizard dancing to Monty Python. Or the Hamster Dance…


All these people have left is violence. And they’re going to use it.

Look for plans to prevent the election in November — with the aid of Eric Holder and the rest of the Obama thugs.

Juba Doobai! | June 6, 2012 at 2:19 am

To paraphrase, Sarah Palin, Obama’s dog is cooked!

Juba Doobai! | June 6, 2012 at 2:22 am

Heck, I missed the fireworks, missed the whole nine yards. While y’all were slacking off an’ celebratin’, I was here workin’ like a dawg, y’all, jus’ workin’ like a dawg!

Life is good. I’m hunting for the percentages of the Walker victory, but it looked like it was a good ol’ fashioned a*se whippin’. Yeeehaw!

BannedbytheGuardian | June 6, 2012 at 2:27 am

I just saw the 18 minutes of Sarah’ interview with Greta.

From the time Sarah (& Cain ) faced a hostile crowd in Madison & stated -” We are Here – We are Clear” & the famous ‘Game on ” to Obama , she has been rock solid & public about her supoort for Scott Walker , David Prosser ( a lonely endorsement at a time when it lpooling was low ) & a strong endorsement of Rebecca Kleefish SP has been a rare Republican Warrior in deepest blue Wisconsin.

Tonite she was prescient & clear as a bell. “it’s not going to be close ” & a big throwdown of Barrett. “Recall the Union leaders for waste of unionists money’


I had to work and was bummed that I missed the live blog… moment I came back around 10:30 I clicked over to LI, then turned to pour a cup of coffee… and there was this glorious music! … and when I turned around… fireworks! Good show! Here’s to election night!

Haha! I’m reading a news article and this popped up. Contest for dinner with Barack. No donation necessary to enter. (But if you win, you’ll have to pay taxes on the “value”!)

Re post of the day, not taking losing very nicely: would these be members of the teachers’ union — or those they’ve taught?

I just thought of something horrible. if I were on the left, and I had their scruples and ruthlessness — and rabid, useful idiots — I would do whatever I could to get rid of Romney near the election. I have this horrible feeling that’s going to happen.

There doesn’t seem to be a shortage of people willing to help:

BannedbytheGuardian | June 6, 2012 at 4:13 am

I just read a magin 53.3 vs 46.3 .

A few days ago I predicted a 7 points margin .

Hope it holds up so I will look good.

Also not mentioned here -one of the Dems won a Senate seat.

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to BannedbytheGuardian. | June 6, 2012 at 5:25 am

    So the ‘pubs lost control of the WI legislature, correct?

    Trying to catch up. Sorry I missed the party – family emergency/mishap, all is well now.

[…] noticed Scott Walker spanked Tom Barrett in the recall election in Wisconsin. The unions in Wisconsin, teachers unions in particular, wanted […]

[…] Scott Walker wins (again). Thank goodness. Unions spent big money in Wisconsin. I hope it’s their last stand. We need to get rid of public employee unions in this country. Private employee unions can decide amongst themselves if they want to be unionized or not. It’s up to them, and doesn’t affect me. Public unions affect me every day. […]

A great victory for Wisconsin and America!

The people of Wisconsin and America gave the finger to unions and Obama.

[…] as the campaign continues and the poll numbers get more favorable.  Now, in the aftermath of Wisconsin Governor Walker’s triumph over Barrett and the unions,  on the heels of the news that Romney is ahead of Obama in true-blue Michigan, of all places, the […]