A friend in need
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A friend in need

A friend in need

Friend of the blog, blogger, and commenter Ric Locke (warlocketx) has bad news on his blog (h/t Instapundit), It’s Lung Cancer:

Stage III, inoperable. Median survival prognosis: One year after diagnosis.

Which is, as it turns out, the reason I haven’t been accomplishing much, including posting here and making progress on the sequel to Temporary Duty …. The only thing I could really ask for is an oxygen machine. I’m continually short of breath, and my blood oxygen hovers at the low end of the “satisfactory” scale, around 91 or 92….

Money needed… because Temporary Duty sold so well, the IRS took a nice chunk (and wants another $1,555 before July 15th) and Social Security came along behind to inform me that they’re taking back $10K by simply not sending checks, starting in September. I have stuff around the place I can sell, not to mention the place itself, so I won’t starve, but there’s gonna be a lot fewer luxuries for a while.

The sequel to Temporary Duty (well, sorta; same world, different characters) is called Service Call, and it’s somewhere between half and two-thirds done. I can’t guarantee I’ll finish it; what I can guarantee is that at my current mental capacity, it won’t get finished. Think of it as a sort of Kickstarter. If I have enough tipjar hits to get the oxygen machine, it might get done.

I just donated, I hope you will too.

Update — A reader emailed me indicated he didn’t know how to donate.  At the top of the left sidebar of Ric’s blog there is a hyperlink for “Donate” just below “Tip Jar.”  It’s not a prominent visual like on most blogs, but it’s there.  Click on the link.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.



sevenechomike | June 27, 2012 at 3:34 pm

Traditional cancer treatments of radiation and chemo will surely killed your friend… the statistics on people who survive 1, 3, 5 years after diagnosis should be all anyone needs to look at alternatives.

The human body has the ability to kill cancer cells and heal itself. It needs the proper nutrition to work.
First and foremost, you need a healthy gut to get the nutrition. Fermented foods provide the bacteria needed to heal the gut. Visit –


A variety of nutritional based approaches help rid the body of cancer. Not in any particular order are –












Good luck and may God bless and show your friend the way to recovery and health!

Well that is sad news. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Mr. Locke, and I’m sure many others here will as well.

God bless Mr Locke

and thank you seven for taking the time to provide that information.
I wholeheartedly believe this approach is at a bare minimum a means to feel as good as one possible can
and there is so much human evidence this approach can help.
I hope you give it a try

all blessings to you Mr Locke

So he got successful, and the IRS/Social Security smacked him down. Figures. I wish him all the luck he can get.

Just donated. He has a Paypal button now.

Ric is a good egg. You can contribute. I did.