In 2008, when Barack Obama was in the midst of a historic campaign to become the leader of the free world, he firmly positioned himself to be the man the American people could unite around.
Time and time again, Presidential candidate Obama vowed to reach across party lines in a way no other President had done. He was fresh, he was young, and he was articulate. He was a man who had yet to be corrupted by the ills of Washington, D.C. In fact, to the average voter listening to him speak at the time, it seemed as though he was utterly impervious to it.
In his inaugural address, President Obama spoke about responsibility, about transparency, and about unity. He said that we would “restore science to its rightful place and wield technology’s wonders to raise health care’s quality…” Yet what has ultimately occurred is the squandering of billions of dollars on foolish scientific endeavors and scandals like Solyndra and A123 Systems. In attempting to raise health care’s quality, Obama’s Affordable Care Act has succeeded only in increasing its costs.. The Act is also repugnant to the first amendment, indicating that the “rightful place” of science Obama spoke of in his address occupies a higher position on his totem pole than the free exercise of religion, a fundamental American right which has been protected since the ratification of our Constitution.
He declared that, “those of us who manage the public’s dollars will be held to account, to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day, because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government.” Yet today, we live in a time where billions are wasted without the slightest hesitation on the part of those who spend it. In just over three years, President Obama created an America where the national deficit grows annually, not by millions or billions, but by trillions.
He urged us to “recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with the sturdy alliances and enduring convictions.” Yet today we have left Israel, one of our most stalwart and longstanding allies, increasingly isolated and feeling unsure of whether they can count on us during their times of need.
He recounted that, “because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass…” Yet despite this talk of racial unity, Obama has personally injected himself into local incidents like that of the Cambridge Police Department debacle, and the killing of Trayvon Martin by a neighborhood watchman. In doing so, he forced local problems into the national spotlight, and elevated racial tensions to levels we have not seen in decades.
President Obama may fancy himself a man who can unite this country, but everything he has done up to this point indicates just the opposite.
Any bill that is up for legitimate debate in our Congress almost exclusively passes along party lines. The accountability in the spending of public dollars he promised, has given way to 3 consecutive years without a passed budget, and an increase to the national deficit of more than $5 trillion. The unity he was to cultivate among our people, has degenerated by way of politically charged rhetoric into toxic cyclical bouts of race warfare, class warfare, and gender warfare. The continuous onslaught of such rhetoric has left our country increasingly more divided, all in the name of reelection, and the acquisition of the swing vote.
So where is the unity, the responsibility, and the transparency that we were promised? One can be certain that it is further away today, than it was in 2008.
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I don’t think he meant it.
“… because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation …” we now have to taste the bitter swill of 4 years of Obama.
Sub-S filers…the Deemocrats have a plan for YOU…
Congressional Democrats and the White House have agreed to pay for a bill to freeze student loan interest rates for a year by raising taxes on so-called S Corporations, according to a top Senate Democrat and senior House and Senate aides, but Republicans said the tax increase may ensure the bill’s defeat in the Senate.
“We’ve got it worked out,” Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, said on Tuesday of the formula for paying for the legislation. Harkin spoke after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he will introduce within the next day a bill to prevent interest rates from doubling to 6.8 percent on July 1. That sets up Senate action on the bill next month after senators return May 7 from a one-week recess. A spokesman for House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she and House Education and Workforce ranking member George Miller, D-Calif., also signed off on the proposal.
The bill will require S Corporations with three or fewer shareholders who declare income of at least $250,000 a year to pay employment taxes, according to Harkin and Democratic staffers involved in the talks. An S Corporation is a specially structured entity that pays taxes under rules that allow earnings or losses to be passed through shareholders, reducing federal tax payments.
Okay, then. You and Tom and Dick and Harry each buy a 1% interest in my professional services S Corp, and I’ll buy a 1% interest in each of yours… Maybe we start an exchange to match up similar professional services corps…
Or we’ll just bite the bullet and give up our S Corp elections.
(Obnoxious proposal.)
Thinking after my own heart!
I can usually find ways to wire around their crap!
Obama is so easy to figure out:
Take what he says to mean the opposite.
Take what he accuses others of as an admission of what he himself is doing.
Stereotypical progressive.
“He was fresh, he was young, and he was articulate (sic!!).”
Every major address was given in bland generalities on-teleprompter. Off-prompter, he was a bumbling, stumbling jackass liable to tell the truth – such as his “typical” racist grandmother or his love of “spreading wealth around,” whatever the Hell those meant.
and the “…sss” whistle that is added to endless words even during a telepromter speech!
I agree, I do not understand how anyone ever thought he was an articulate or eloquent speaker, in fact, I cannot recall hearing a WORSE public speaker in my entire life! He is awful. Compare and contrast Mitt’s speech last night for instance, with pretty much any speech form zero. Same goes for speeches by Santorum and Newt too (and to give credit where it is due, yes, even Ron Paul gives a far better speech than Obama which is probably part of why his supporters are so enamored of him), all inspiring and better than anything we’ve seen from Captain WTF. Barry is hostile, negative, stumbling, stuttering, nasty, mean, petty and looks like he is watching a ping pong match as he looks from one teleprompter to the other.
Debates should be interesting since he is so incapable of speaking off the cuff, even Mitt should not have a problem with him despite his own shortcomings. Mitt might occasionally get distracted, but he’s smooth and recovers quickly, whereas Barry quickly devolves into gibberish when he’s off-script.
Silly Professor.
You can’t have a communist revolution with unity, responsibility and transparency.
[…] Deal Harry Truman. This year was supposed to be the year Barack Obama switched persona, again. No longer the great and wise Abraham Lincoln (and extravagantly gaudy Mary Todd’s spouse), Barack Obama was to refashion himself into give […]
The only “unity” 0bama is capable of bringing is that we will unite to get him the hell out of office!
You bet!
Vote early to send O’bammy ‘n gang their eviction notices in November. Send ’em all back to Chicago!