Mark Levin: “Obama, it would seem, wants to deny to others what he will not deny to himself. He wants to deny to the children of others what he will not deny to his own children. He wants to amass riches, but he doesn’t want you to amass wealth. He doesn’t mind private school for his own children, but he minds it for your children. He doesn’t mind eating whatever he wants to eat, but he minds what you eat. He doesn’t mind taking that 747 one frivolous trip after another, one self-serving fundraising after another, but he minds what you drive and how much fuel you use. And we can go on and on.”
Get A Slice, Give Half The Cake: GM Gets It’s Golden Share Back, Cedes Control Of Chinese Sales: “A financially weak GM has sold its future to a Chinese partner.
LEAKED STRATFOR EMAILS: Democrats Manipulated The 2008 Election Results: “John McCain’s 2008 campaign staff allegedly had evidence that Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in Pennsylvania and Ohio on election night, but McCain chose not to pursue voter fraud, according to internal Stratfor emails published by WikiLeaks.
Why Democrats should save GOP Senator Richard Lugar: “If Democrats care about bipartisanship, and are disgusted by the congressional Republicans’ wall of resistance to any policy associated with Obama, they should jump in and save Dick Lugar.”
Infinite Affirmative Action? “Later this year, the Supreme Court will review the constitutionality of the use of racial preferences in college admissions in the case of Fisher v. University of Texas. The battle lines will once again be drawn over the meaning of the equal-protection provisions of the Constitution. So it’s noteworthy that Attorney General Eric Holder has just made it clear he’s never bumped into a racial preference he didn’t like, and that he sees no time limit on such policies.”
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speaking of silverware…. #ObamaEatsDogs
sorry could not resist 🙂
Spooned, forked, sliced, pressed, diced… DONE.
Well done, Professor.
1. So, according to the Globe, conservatives turned on Lugar because he stopped Soviet nukes from falling into terrorist hands.
2. Iirc I recently commented that the Obama campaign apparently is turning a deliberate blind eye to foreign money. Apparently Stratfor believes the shoe will drop.
I don’t know Stratfor’s track record. I do recall the 2008 buzz about the so-called Michelle Obama whitey tape. Its imminent release was supposed to sink the Obama campaign.
If the GOP is to win the election, they’ll have to do it the hard way on a tilted playing field. A deus ex machina would be wonderful, but magical thinking about it is deleterious IMO.
3. According to Eric Holder at the link, “When do people of color truly get the benefits to which they are entitled?”
If people of color got the benefits to which they are entitled, some of them would be happy and some would be unhappy indeed. The name of a certain First Lady comes to mind.
Iirc I recently commented that the Obama campaign apparently is turning a deliberate blind eye to foreign money. Apparently Stratfor believes the shoe will drop.
This excerpt from an internal Stratfor email on 11/7/2008 that was leaked by Wikileaks:
The hunt is on for the sleezy [sic] Russian money into O-mans coffers. A smoking gun has already been found.
together with the open mike comments by Obama to Medvedev regarding missle defense:
“This is my last election,” Obama interjects. “After my election, I have more flexibility.”. Washington Post
raises all kinds of red flags.
That the email was written in 2008 and the ‘smoking gun’ is apparently residing in an obscure warehouse among the stacks of ubiquitous crates, such as the one containing the ark of the covenent, is another issue entirely.
good point
Obama is campaigning to Russia with his same old message of “hope and change”. Get him reelected, and he’ll sell out America to the Russians (for campaign money, and just on his principles).
Maybe Medvedev is just another of Obama’s bundlers, like the solar company guys that got billions, or the GM unions that got bailed out. But as president for the world, Obama accepts bribes from any that help in his “War on Capitalism”. And who better to ally with than a (fellow?) communist?
For the first time in American history, there is institutional discrimination of individuals by their race, gender, etc. That’s some kind of progress, but only through a detachment from reality can it be considered positive.
You piece of shit McCain, those were OUR VOTES you didn’t stand up for when you didn’t pursue the voter fraud.
And these RINOs ask for our trust?
Just being a maverick, you know.
freaking piece of shit.
quiznilo | April 22, 2012 at 11:08 pm
You piece of shit McCain, those were OUR VOTES you didn’t stand up for when you didn’t pursue the voter fraud.
And these RINOs ask for our trust?
This +100.
Never trust anyone who reaches across the aisle, and runs out to support Dick Lugar.
The political question before us, and it is the only question, is whether or not Socialism will survive past 2012. The Cold War ended in 1991 and Communism was left laying on it’s back. We all relaxed and many of us thought Socialism had finally died. But it has risen it’s ugly head again with the newer leadership of Barrack Obama and his Congressional and international supporters. I firmly believe that this Presidential election will mark the end of Socialism, but not without a tough political fight. The Cold War lasted 46 years and almost defeated Socialism. What we are seeing take place in the US today is a small remnant of that sad piece of history that will take one final blow to defeat but defeat it we must. It will take all of our strength to finally ki ll the ugly beast and return us to a “nation conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”. It is now finally up to us and no one else. Let’s k ill this beast once and for all.
The Prof mentioned: Infinite Affirmative Action? “Later this year, the Supreme Court will review the constitutionality of the use of racial preferences in college admissions in the case of Fisher v. University of Texas. The battle lines will once again be drawn over the meaning of the equal-protection provisions of the Constitution. So it’s noteworthy that Attorney General Eric Holder has just made it clear he’s never bumped into a racial preference he didn’t like, and that he sees no time limit on such policies.”
Thus the continuation of the dumbing down of America will be nonstop. Never mind the nurturing of the best and brightest indeed…
Sorry, Bill, but you forgot one: SCREWED.
Levin is very intelligent.
McCain is a RINO. He did serve and suffer greatly, but do not reward that with high office.
Talk about “entitlements”, WE, THE PEOPLE are entitled to an honest, small government.
Brilliant quote “We, The people are entitled to an honest, small government.”