Pulling Romney across the finish line
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Pulling Romney across the finish line

Pulling Romney across the finish line

My sense of the talk shows this morning (which I usually don’t listen to but did today) is that the War on Women nonsense is completely dominating the current cycle and will for a long time.

It’s complete and total AxelPlouffe BS, but it’s all the media talks about. The War on Women is working for the Dems, at least in the media.  Romney already is losing the narrative.

Something tells me that the people who are going to have to pull Romney across the finish line in the general election are not the ones who supported him in the primaries.

Given what sore winners Romney supporters are, it’s frustrating to have to do their job for them knowing that there will be no appreciation.  But that seems to be where 2012 is heading.


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DINORightMarie | April 29, 2012 at 1:45 pm

He will only win if enough of us decide to do just that, and not get discouraged.

My hope is that whoever he picks for VP (Allen West? Marco Rubio?) will excite the base, and get more people rallying to the job, and push his messaging toward Conservativism, not the squishy middle.

It will be in SPITE of Romney’s puerile team, not because of them, that Romney and the Republicans will win in November.

    Hope Change in reply to DINORightMarie. | April 29, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    We want to restore the America we love.

    Can we restore the American we love with Romney? Do you think we can?

    We know Obama’s selling Americans a ticket on the Titanic. But the Romney campaign feels like a ticket on the Lusitania.

    I want to restore the legal, constitutional nature of our country, and with it, our prosperity.

    This is about the USA. A fight between Romney and Obama leaves the American People with a damaged country and a damaged economy and no plan to fix it.

    The Song for Newt says it all. It’s about the USA. We want to restore the America we love.


      DINORightMarie in reply to Hope Change. | April 29, 2012 at 9:39 pm

      I agree, and I see your point (haven’t listened to the song, yet, but I will). But I agree with Mark Levin in this point: this is not a one-president issue that can be fixed in 1 or 2 terms. It is going to take a LONG, long time to get this ship of state moving in the right direction, following Constitutional principles, downsized and balanced, as Newt and so many Constitutional Conservatives see.

      I know Newt might have a small opportunity – and with God, all things are possible! When I say that, I mean that I can forsee (not predict, but easily see) that Romney will grow toxic, that his nomination will NOT be possible come August. Given that the Occupy crowd (those organizing it, and funding it) are h*ll-bent on violence; the left is chipping away at our core, dividing and planting seeds of hate and resentment; and just the fact that Obama’s minions in all the guts of the bureaucracy have been – and will avidly continue – working on making ObamaCare and the rest so deeply tied into the bowels of the bureaus and departments (not to mention the executive orders he’s preparing); all that, combined with the attack-take-no-prisoners campaign that is going to hit Romney and the naive, unbelievably tone-deaf establishment Republicans…..well, it’s going to be a blood-bath, IMHO.

      If Romney isn’t taken down with the 99%/1% class warfare, the mythical war on women, the yoot vote, I’ll be surprised; I foresee Axelrod and Co. hitting Romney’s Mormonism religion HARD (Bill Maher has already started, of course)…..SNL is just waiting to use that tack, of course. With the Broadway show “Book of Mormon” as an excuse/aid, they will destroy Mormonism and all Mormons – it is a given. The race card will FLY everywhere, of course……I could go on, but you get the idea.

      Bottom line – Newt can get some support, I believe, at a brokered convention……we’ll have to wait and see.

      But, regardless, if we have a Romney presidency, he is NOT as bad as Obama. He will be similar – and that is why a VP like Allen West or Marco Rubio will be essential. Also, I believe the more Conservative the Congress, the better to hold a Romney president’s feet to the fire of DOING the right things. Eliminating bureaucracies by cutting budgets, by consolidating, etc., is the Congress’ job. They propose the legislation, and if we can get more Conservatives in the House and Senate, then a Romney presidency will have such bills and legislation to sign – with public support and pressure, he will do it, I believe; thus, this is just one step toward the goal of Conservative, Constitutional republican government once again.

      Sorry about the LOOOONG response. But, I empathize. Truly I do. 🙁

        Hope Change in reply to DINORightMarie. | April 29, 2012 at 11:08 pm

        DINORightMarie — great to hear from you. I appreciate your response.

        All I’m saying is that Romney has never done anything that suggests that he understands the destruction Leftism has ALREADY DONE to our system of government.

        The people with money who back Romney are the same people who backed Obama. Soros says either Romney or Obama is ok. The monied interests expect Romney to do their bidding. It’s a crooked game and the AMerican taxpayers are paying the cost.

        Support for Newt is shorthand for saying no more politics as usual. It’s about what has to be done.

        We want a Constitutional Republic with a strong economy. Sending 40 or even 100 conservatives into Washington does not work. The Establishment machine singles them out and co-opts them. That’s how Romney got all those endorsements from conservatives who know better.

        It’s the communist-fascist-gangster-Alinsky method — go after the individual and scare them into doing as you say.

        The coordinated TEA Party spirit is what’s needed. It needs to be Teamed up with a comprehensive plan for shifting the default back TOWARD individual freedom. The American People united are strong enough to do this.

        I agree with you and Mark Levin that a president alone cannot solve this. But a president who understands and agrees would make all the difference.

        If Newt is chosen in a brokered convention, it will be because something makes the American People, including the GOPE, seek Newt’s assistance. I can’t imagine how bad things would have to be for that to happen, and I do not seek for things to be bad. But Newt is the chance of a lifetime and it’s a terrible shame if the USA loses that chance.

          Cheerful in Marin in reply to Hope Change. | April 30, 2012 at 2:19 pm

          I completely agree with all of you and would love to see Newt resurface at the GOP convention (despite possible chaotic circumstances). As tempted as I am now to support Gary Johnson, I plan to stay in tepid support of Romney, for an Obama win will take us over the cliff as a nation.
          I was in Ann Arbor for a long weekend, and only now am catching up on the news since midweek – it was predictable and depressing to be immersed among the “educated” in Ann Arbor; people who are hard wired against conservatism and the America that enables them to enjoy the life and freedoms they have. sigh.

        Lina Inverse in reply to DINORightMarie. | April 30, 2012 at 10:04 am

        The problem with the “fix over a long time” theory, which normally has merit, is that with Obama’s “trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see” we no longer have a lot of time. The world’s appetite for that much US Federal debt is going to end sooner or later and then we’ll have a very nasty fiscal crisis.

        The response of a President Romney won’t be as malevolent as Obama’s, but that doesn’t mean it’ll work much better. It could also cause Bob Krumm’s prediction to come true, that the Republican President elected in 2012 will be the last ever (which for many is a reason to vote for Romney…).

        My bottom line is that I don’t see Romney taking effective proactive measures to avoid this train wreck (the screaming will be much worse than with Reagan, for real cuts will be required, not cuts from an automatically increasing baseline that result in absolute term increases), nor do I have much faith on how he’s going to handle Obamacare. He’s not given me much to vote for him (which to make clear to the Romney sore winners is very different from saying he might get my vote as “Anybody But Obama”).

    There is only one way Romney’s sorry ass can be pulled over the finish line. And, it’s not picking Rubio or the right VP. It will entail Mitt personally reaching out for Palin’s support. There are millions that are waiting for her to say the word. Look what happened when she came out in support of Murdock in Indiana. The establishment weenies had a cow and pulled their financial support for Lugar the rino. Palin is the one, and don’t believe the TP is dead BS. That what the GOP elites and the dems want you to believe.

maybe I missed it, why do people keep saying “Given what sore winners Romney supporters are”

I haven’t seen this yet, the only thing is I would warn them against it being too laid back, Obama & his team are political thugs they will use anything and everything to win, and Romney’s campaign team damn well better be on their toes and fight back and not give an inch.

And as for romney’s campaign team, so far at least I have been pretty impressed, they seem much more ready to fight back against Barry Obama, unlike 2008, where Mccain was practically campaigning for him.

I don’t see Romney being nonchalant about winning, he seems like he wants to win; Mccain I felt was just happy to be the repub nominee, like it was his turn after Bush, but I never thought he wanted to fight tooth and nail to win.

    tsr in reply to alex. | April 29, 2012 at 3:55 pm

    I agree, Alex, that Romney seems to be on top of the zings coming out of the Obama campaign. Some say that he should have criticized the 2.2 number on the economy more forcefully. But, perhaps next week this will happen

    As for the War on Women, Romney has always appeared to be pro-woman in his actions, in both MA, his business and now in his campaign circles. Look who is heading his search for a VP —> a woman! Look who is one of his most charming advisors and spokesperson —> his wife of 42 years. I don’t see any problem with women, which I guess probably rankles the dems so much that they just have to fabricate them!

    Romney, IMO, will run a very organized, responsive campaign, having lots of money and coalescing most factions around his candidacy, when November rolls around, to have a decent shot at pulling it off!

Romney wants something? Let him bring something. He ran a dirty negative campaign and when he was given the chance to govern, he governed like a liberal and ran to the left of Ted Kennedy. Now, after spending $100 million slandering every other contender, he expects their supporters to bankroll him the rest of the way. That’s Meg Whitmanp-grade stupidity.

I have Senate and House candidates that can use all the attention and money I can spare, without wasting my time propping up a window mannequin like Romney.

    TANSTAAFL in reply to richard_mcenroe. | April 29, 2012 at 2:12 pm

    So you’re voting for Obama.


      Superb reading comprehensions skills: he says he won’t support Romney *financially* and you throw out a strawman saying he won’t *vote* for Romney.

      THIS is why so many of us can’t STAND Romney and his supporters–you lie, obfuscate, and distort, when you aren’t busy talking down to those that don’t think Mittens is the greatest thing since Reagan, all while thinking that the only argument you need to support Mittens is that he’s “not Obama.” (Mainly because the only argument you have is that he’s not Obama, since a positive argument is *impossible* to fashion.)

      (I know, I know: you aren’t a Mitt supporter, right? Just “pragmatic”, right? Uh-huh.)

      SeanInLI in reply to TANSTAAFL. | April 30, 2012 at 1:47 am

      “So you’re voting for Obama.”

      I’m not voting for Obama, but I won’t be voting for Romney either. A nice protest vote for the Constitutional Party candidate sounds good to me.

      I see little difference between Romney and Obama, so there’s no way I’d vote for either.

        Aitch748 in reply to SeanInLI. | April 30, 2012 at 9:26 am

        “I see little difference between Romney and Obama, so there’s no way I’d vote for either.”

        That’s where I am. The Romney supporters are reduced to trying to convince us that Obama will destroy the country if the non-Obama isn’t elected. Personally I’m inclined to blame the GOP for responding to the threat of Obama by nominating the closest thing the GOP has to Obama.

        TANSTAAFL in reply to SeanInLI. | April 30, 2012 at 9:14 pm

        Like I said, you’re voting for Obama.

        Thanks for the confirmation.

LukeHandCool | April 29, 2012 at 1:55 pm

Off topic-

Professor, regarding Billy Idol (today’s video of the day), before he had a solo career, he was the singer of the band “Generation X.”

One of their great songs, “Ready, Steady, Go!”

Generation X is not to be confused with the great L.A. band from the late 70s to early 80s, known simply as “X.” X’s “Los Angeles” *** Language warning ***

    LukeHandCool in reply to LukeHandCool. | April 29, 2012 at 2:02 pm

    Link for X defaults back to first song. Language warning is for the song “Los Angeles,” link at bottom of song list.

    angela in reply to LukeHandCool. | April 29, 2012 at 2:30 pm

    Many years ago I was in Heathrow Airport browsing a magazine rack when I looked up to see Billy Idol standing next to me. He was wearing dark sunglasses and gave me his signature “one corner of his upper lip” snarl before walking away with a half-naked strumpet on his arm. He was dressed like he was making a video. It takes dedication to your look to fly in leather pants.

    X was/is awesome.

      LukeHandCool in reply to angela. | April 29, 2012 at 3:02 pm



      I saw The Jam on their “Modern World” tour in 1978 in a tiny club on Hollywood Blvd. They were almost completely unknown in the U.S. at the time.

      During a lull between songs, I yelled, “Play ‘Batman’!” (they covered the Batman theme on their first album) and Paul Weller glared at me and yelled back, “Piss off! Batman’s dead!”

      Me and Paul. Yep. We is tight.

        angela in reply to LukeHandCool. | April 29, 2012 at 3:31 pm

        Grumpy Weller, sounds about right. Ha! The Jam broke up before I was old enough to see them, and did anyone even like Style Council? I liked his early/mid-90s solo stuff but I don’t think he ever made it to Detroit during that time; though I did see most of the Britpop bands he influenced.

      “Strumpet”. I love that word. I’ll use it in the future when describing Ms. Pelosi, only I fervently pray that she won’t be anywhere near half naked. My eyes would explode.

    kinlaw in reply to LukeHandCool. | April 29, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    Saw X at the Whiskey. Is that the small club you mean? Or was it the Starwood? Roxy?

    I am an old LA punk rocker/new waver.

    JerryB in reply to LukeHandCool. | April 29, 2012 at 7:11 pm

    Weren’t the Dead Kennedys from CA, too?

      LukeHandCool in reply to JerryB. | April 29, 2012 at 8:18 pm

      From San Francisco. The lead singer, Jello Biafra, ran for mayor of San Francisco.

      JerryB in reply to JerryB. | April 29, 2012 at 8:45 pm

      You crack me up!

      BTW, I can’t stand that stuff anymore – tossed all my vinyl 20 years ago. Now my kids warp my brain.

        LukeHandCool in reply to JerryB. | April 29, 2012 at 10:24 pm


        I still like what I liked back then … but I now also like Frank Sinatra, etc.

        Can’t stand rap. So, guess I’m getting old. 🙂

Even if we have to drag him across the finish line, he’s got to beat O. Romney hired Santorum’s campaign manager recently, which is a smart move.

    He hired Palin’s speechwriter too.

    What he says at Liberty University will be important.

      Juba Doobai! in reply to gs. | April 29, 2012 at 4:00 pm

      He hired Palin’s speech writer? Palin is working for Romney?!?!

      hrh40 in reply to gs. | April 29, 2012 at 4:33 pm


      I’m really sick of seeing this line spouted around the blogs.

      Romney hired a Republican speechwriter for hire, who happened to write Palin’s VP speech and a few more for her.

      She was not initially hired by Palin.

      She has not written a speech for Palin for a coupla’ years.

      So no, “Romney hired Palin’s speechwriter” typed breathlessly around the blogs does not mean he just hired a current speechwriter from Palin’s camp.

      Do. some. research.

        gs in reply to hrh40. | April 29, 2012 at 6:56 pm

        1. Well, Palin’s VP speech was fantastic. It established her as the game changer she was picked to be.

        2. From the NYT:

        The speechwriting operation, up until this point largely a joint effort between Mr. Romney himself and Mr. Stevens, will also get a face lift, with Lindsay Hayes becoming the director of speech writing. Ms. Hayes worked on the McCain-Palin speechwriting team in 2008, and was the senior writer for the Republican National Convention that year.

        If Ms. Hayes was lead author on Palin’s most important speech to date as well as on others, I am comfortable with calling her Palin’s speech writer.

        3. Do. some. research.

        For your information, I had read the link in #2 before posting my comment.

        4. Also for your information, I became a Palin supporter in September 2007 (sic) and withdrew my support when she resigned as governor.

        5. My response to you would be more pointed if every vote weren’t needed to defeat Obama. I will be much more pointed about conservative politicians or pundits who try to create distractions, at the convention or elsewhere, from the imperative of defeating Obama. Hopefully there will be none such.

        6. WAJ: Something tells me that the people who are going to have to pull Romney across the finish line in the general election are not the ones who supported him in the primaries.

        I would drag the rotting carcass of a syphilitic camel across the finish line if it was the alternative to Obama.

          hrh40 in reply to gs. | April 29, 2012 at 7:24 pm

          So this speechwriter was not responsible for the Indianola speech or the Madison speech or the CPAC speech or any of the other memorable speeches Palin has given in the last few years.

          And Palin’s VP speech would NEVER come off as well with Romney trying to give it. Because Romney has no record to back it up. That’s why I don’t listen to him now. Just like Obama, good governance is more than reading a good speech off a teleprompter.

          And you haven’t researched why Palin left the governorship if you dropped her for that reason.

          If you’re OK with Romney who also left the governorship by being out of state for 212 days as of midDecember of his last year in office. Except he kept the title and the perks.

          Romney is the same kind of quitter as Obama. He serves for himself and uses his constituents to further his career.

          Sorry you don’t get that it MATTERS who we replace Obama with.

          Replacing him with someone so like him in EVERY way, from bilking constituents who hired him out of months of service so he can go out and further his own career to destroying his own governing records to lying and smearing opponents as the only way to victory to sharing the same policies and policy advisors to giving speeches that have NO bearing on his actual governing record, is not going to save this country.

          Hope Change in reply to gs. | April 29, 2012 at 8:10 pm

          gs, you said “I would drag the rotting carcass of a syphilitic camel across the finish line if it was the alternative to Obama.”

          Think for a moment. Washington has been pulled off course by intentional Leftist unConstitutional machinations, and it’s not just Obama. It’s the judges, it’s the intent to use the UN and international law to replace American Law. It’s the agencies, that make to effort to help Americans but make our daily lives harder and more burdensome. It’s Wall Street, in their unholy alliance with corrupt policy makers who raided the US treasury and gave tax payer money to banks who have bought trash “bundled” by Barney Frank’s +_ Chris Dodd’s Fannie Mae et al.

          this went on under W. Bush. It’s worse under Obama, and more intentionally destructive. But the problem is the Washington-New York Banker-financier-politician corrupt machine.

          What do you think your camel will do to fix the machine. That’s right, nothing. Obama is a virulent SYMPTOM. Obama is NOT THE CAUSE. Obama is a raging FEVER. Obama is not the cause.

          Newt’s plan, of a TEAM approach, in which we REPEAL Obamacare, Dodd-Frank & Sarbanes-Oxley ON THE FIRST DAY, also approving the Keystone Pipeline, also abolishing the White House czars, AND SO MUCH MORE is the ONLY plan that would change the DEFAULT on Washington. With Newt, we replace the corrupt MACHINE.

          You can vote for a sick camel all you want. It just gets you more Leftist failure and the eventual re-election of some dishonest sleight-of-hand artist.

          Newt offers practical, visionary SOLUTIONS to the Leftist deterioration of our government.
          I support those solutions no matter what the GOPE does. I support Newt’s proposals for a free and prosperous USA. Because it’s not about Newt. It’s about a FREE AND PROSPEROUS USA.

          gs in reply to gs. | April 29, 2012 at 8:12 pm

          And you haven’t researched why Palin left the governorship if you dropped her for that reason.

          Wrong again. And I checked the Alaskan aftermath of the resignation.

          I am willing to pursue this disagreement after the election. Or before that, if Palin distracts from the campaign against Obama. Which, I hasten to add, I hope, trust and expect she will not do.

          Joy in reply to gs. | April 29, 2012 at 8:36 pm

          @Hope Change……your promotion of and dedication to Newt is admirable, but what I would like to know is this….will you vote for Romney if he is the nominee or be like an idealistic Paulbot and cast a useless vote that will only add one more to Obama’s tally?

          gs in reply to gs. | April 29, 2012 at 9:04 pm

          Hope Change | April 29, 2012 at 8:10 pm,

          1. Perhaps you weren’t around on Friday when I posted this:

          I’ll repeat what I’ve commented before. The three people in the political domain who transformed American conservatism from an unelectable fringe movement into a national force are:

          Goldwater. Reagan. Gingrich.

          Our host persuaded me that Newt was the best choice among the major candidates, and I supported him.

          However, barring the unforeseeable, Newt lost and endorsed Romney.

          2. Before we can complain what a RINO douchebag President Romney is, we have to get him elected. Since I prefer the rotting carcass of a syphilitic camel to Obama, you bet I prefer a RINO with a business background.

          3. I don’t look for greatness from Romney; I’ll settle for competence. If he stabilizes the country’s finances and enables a halfway healthy business climate, I expect to rate his Presidency a success.

          4. The Left urges me to fear what the future may bring to an open free society. I choose to trust it. I hope that Romney will leave the door cracked open to transformational changes that Obama’s cronyist central planning would lock out. Energy technology is a possibility. So is biotech. There are others.

          Hope Change in reply to gs. | April 29, 2012 at 11:45 pm

          gs – I appreciate your sincere and thoughtful reply. We’re both involved in this experiment in self-government, and we really, really care about our country.

          I don’t perceive the “moderate” “Republican” politicians as competent. They travel to the Left, but only more slowly, and pretending they don’t want to go.

          Conservatives, Reaganites, TEA Party Americans are caught in a game between the overt Left, represented by the Democrat Party, and the covert Left, represented by the GOPE.

          Only someone in love with our Constitutional freedoms, like Ronald Reagan, ever succeeds in restoring our Constitutional Rights.

          To be truly competent, you have to be able to hold the line. You have to believe in something. There has to be a bottom line. Without that, there’s no “there” there.

          These are forces at work here. Humans have been granted free will. How well have we used it? It may be that government of the people, by the people and for the people can’t stand up to the selfish aggrandizement of bankers and politicians.

          But I grieve for our country that there are simple solutions, profound solutions, that I think most Americans would love if they understood them. We can solve out problems so easily.

          And yet, we’re apparently losing this chance to be wealthy, safe, prosperous and a wonderful example to everyone in the world for how humans can live in prosperity and freedom.

          We want the same things. No hard feelings, gs. And this is not partisan. I would love to see it differently. But Romney is the Lusitania. He’s being set up to lose. He’s a fall guy. Romney doesn’t have what it takes. I’m sorry, I can’t help it, that’s how I see it.

          Newt — Newt’s SOLUTIONS — are the only way we can get back to lawful, constitutional government and a wonderful, prosperous nation with abundant opportunity.

          Thanks again for your thoughtful response. We’re all in this together and I wish you every good thing.

          Hope Change in reply to gs. | April 30, 2012 at 1:15 am

          Hi Joy —

          Hope Change | April 30, 2012 at 1:07 am
          Hi Joy — IIRC, you’ve been a Romney supporter throughout. So it’s likely you have no idea what I’m talking about when I say that with Newt, we can solve our problems easily and restore the lawful Constitution and with it, our prosperity.

          You ask me what I’ll do.

          Do you understand, can you put yourself in my point of view for a moment and think about it — the Titanic has sailed. We see she’s headed for the iceberg. This is a catastrophe. no one wants to even contemplate.

          You offer the alternative of what, to me, looks like a trip on the Lusitania.

          That’s how this looks to me. What on earth can I say at this point? No one with an ounce of sense would get on either ship.

          It’s not about Newt. It’s about the solutions Newt is proposing. With them, the ship sails. Everyone is safe. The economy recovers and thrives.

          The point of view of those who support Romney seems like a form of insanity to me.

          Romney = Gerald Ford = Bush 92 = Dole = McCain. How do you not see this? They LOSE. They’re DESIGNED to lose.

          Axelrod and the MSM are ready for Romney. They’re going to slice and dice Romney.

          But they can’t stand up to Newt. Newt will win in the fall. Romney will either lose the election, or lose the post-election.

          We are in such mortal danger of losing our Constitutional liberties. It’s not SAFE to “settle for competence.”

          I was reading about Frank Capra tonight. Here is what Capra’s father said when their ship brought them to New York Harbor when Frank was six years old, having grown up in poverty in Sicily:

          “However, Capra remembers the ship’s arrival into New York Harbor, where he saw “a statue of a great lady, taller than a church steeple, holding a torch above the land we were about to enter.” He recalls his father’s exclamation at the sight:

          ‘Cicco, look! Look at that! That’s the greatest light since the star of Bethlehem! That’s the light of freedom! Remember that. Freedom.’”


          The LEFT is in power in Washington. Romney has no means of countering the LEFT in Washington. We are in danger of losing our freedoms. Without freedom, there can be no prosperity. The GOPE don’t even understand this.

          It’s not about Newt as a person. But it most certainly is about the TEA Party energy and the Traditional American love of liberty, “Don’t Tread on Me,” Reagan, all of it.

          That’s how it looks to me, Joy. So that’s the only answer I have for your question.

          [This reply to Joy also appears in another copy is at the end. Sorry for the mistaken double post.]

          tsr in reply to gs. | April 30, 2012 at 1:35 am

          Romney is said to write most of his own speeches. He is branching out hiring speech writers, at this point in his campaign.

          gs in reply to gs. | April 30, 2012 at 1:39 am

          Hope Change | April 29, 2012 at 11:45 pm,

          1. Please consider your generous sentiments reciprocated.

          2. I like to quote this from Tolkien:

          ‘Come, come!’ said Gandalf. ‘We are all friends here. Or should be; for the laughter of Mordor will be our only reward, if we quarrel.’

          3. You wrote some thought-provoking things that I’d like to follow up, but the hour is getting late and I’m getting older (late middle age, I remind myself, late middle age).


          Hope Change in reply to gs. | April 30, 2012 at 7:19 pm

          Thanks, gs. Thanks for your kind words. We’re in this together.

          Here’s my problem with the analogy. IMO, you’re planning to elect Saruman. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saruman

          We need for safety to return to the country of the Hobbits. This require a restoration of the magic of the Constitution. We need for people to be better off. We need to fix the problem. The problem is the MORDER COMPLEX. They’re the ones supporting Romney.

          How do you not see this? Romney is programmed to lose. He will either lose the election or the battles after the election. He is a man pwned by the Establishment. WHY do you think they are backing him.

          We need an extraordinary response to this very dangerous situation. We have to enlist Gandalf and Hobbits. Newt is the only one who can outsmart the LEFT. The American People are the only ones who have the strength to insist that we return to the Constitution.

          WoodnWorld in reply to gs. | May 3, 2012 at 2:50 pm


    Hopefully the strategy will be better than driving a near empty bus around Obama-Biden speaking venues. http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/team-romney-offense-biden-event/477336

    As Tony Lee points out not a word from the Romney smartset about White House women making less than White House men. https://twitter.com/#!/TheTonyLee/statuses/196618207317082112

    With Reagan people had someone to vote FOR not just someone to vote AGAINST. This will be close with lots of people on both sides staying home.

Republicans can blame themselves for at least a part of the loss of narrative. Lets think about individual events and misframed responses that have landed us in this position:

1. The Komen and Planned Parenthood argument
2. Obamacare and The Catholic Church birth control issue
3. Congessional hearings ^^
4. The Fluke fiasco

That gets us started.
Talk about walking into a trap and handing the other side a paint brush to paint us as somehow waging a war on wonmen.
And I know..its difficult sometimes for politicians to resist speaking out on a perceived injustice but there is risk and a price to be payed.
We start down the road with distractions…no win distractions? Was it worth it politically to argue the Catholic Church position for them?
Was it worth it to inject ourselves into the Komen v Planned Parenthood issue?

And sure..easy to look back and see misteps but here we are faced with these opinions (voting public)

* Those republicans are against birth control
* Those republicans want to see Planned Parenthood out of business and force us to back alleys
* Those republicans tried to make sport of that Fluke woman
* Those republicans just dont understand what women want

Its sickening looking back knowing that none of those perceptions is true.
I hope Romney has at least smart management so at least he avoids no win distractions. Stick with what he knows best and dont attempt to be an all around answerman for every issue.

Sorry for the down attitude but sheesh.
Im not enthusiastic.

    jimzinsocal in reply to jimzinsocal. | April 29, 2012 at 2:23 pm

    Lemme add. Im not defending how part of the public thinks. Candidates need to be real careful what they say on issues..and Romney isnt great at holding his words. Focus on the important like gs said in his post.

      doombroker in reply to jimzinsocal. | April 29, 2012 at 6:04 pm

      When Romney declared his support for NDAA, he was dead to me. I’m nearly positive there are many, many people who feel the same way.

        doombroker in reply to doombroker. | May 1, 2012 at 10:40 am

        I guess at least one person in the audience feels that giving the Federal government the power to indefinitely imprison an American citizen without evidence, and without the benefit of a trial by jury of his or her peers would NEVER be abused by our drunkenly reckless, out of control government. Only TERRORISTs would be affected by this grossly tyrannical legislation endorsed and passed by almost every member of Congress, including signature GOP representatives. I’m sure our children will thank us for allowing this to pass as “normal” unchallenged. Meanwhile, let’s talk about something REALLY important, like abortion!

Forget the astroturfed Democrat WOW. Romney has to talk about the abysmal economy, 24/7.

He wins in a cakewalk.

Hey, the crapped all over us conservatives while cramming their liberal Democrat down our throats and wanted open primaries so that Democratic voters could cross over and vote for that candidate. Somehow, they expect those Democrats will return to again vote for Romney in the general while assuming that the conservative vote is automatic. It is NOT an entitlement. What a strategy.

Having never secured their base, now let’s see how “running to the center” works for them as they blow liberal kisses to the coveted “independent” voter.

I believe that if Romney starts to pull away and it begins to look hopeless for the Dems, Hillary will somehow sneak in there and replace Obama on the ticket. Good luck if THAT happens Romney.

Don’t fight on the enemy’s terms. Counterattack. Five messages:

1. This is how to wreck an economy. As businesses struggle to grow, create new regulations and monitoring requirements on which they have to spend whatever resources they have left.

2. This is how to wreck a nation. During a time of hardship, don’t stress what Americans have in common. Instead, stress their conflicts and disagreements. Divide Americans into clashing groups, each group clawing for transient advantages that grow government power and damage the overall nation.

3. Obama’s statist proposals are flawed on their face, and they are also refuted by his record of failure. Obama’s interventionist policies have failed failed failed. His response: give the government even more power and intervene on an even bigger scale!

4. In 2008 President Obama was elected on his pledges to repair the economy and unite the country. Instead the economy remains broken and the country is more divided than it’s been in decades. Obama wants to get elected because of the problems he created! How stupid does he think we are?

5. Obama can’t solve the problem. Obama is the problem!

Are you better off than you were four years ago?
I don’t have time to rewrite the above, but IMHO each attack therein should be paired with a positive statement about the ability of free Americans to work together to improve their lives and create overall prosperity.

Americans are optimists. Optimism wins elections. Don’t be nasty to the Left; it just makes them act more self-righteous. Mockery exposes their shtick as ridiculous. Mock them! Mock them!

And really, the Democrats have had, what, 3 or 4 self-exploding cigars over the last 2 weeks?

They are still pushing the War on Women crap? And people are still buying it? I honestly don’t understand. What are their talking points? Birth control and abortion? Is that really all that some women think about?

I guess I need to start paying more attention to what the Left is telling women. Right now I’m just angry that it seems the majority of my gender are believing whatever lies they’re told. If George W. didn’t take away your precious “right” to abortion, squishy Mitt Romney sure the heck isn’t going to.

    9thDistrictNeighbor in reply to angela. | April 29, 2012 at 4:02 pm

    “Birth control and abortion? Is that really all that some women think about?”

    I think a lot of women have been swayed by the drumbeat propaganda that to be a ‘feminist’, to be supportive of women you have to favor abortion at the very least in a wishy-washy ‘I’d never have one myself but I’m not going to say that someone else can’t’ sort of way. The mushy moderates I know, men and women, vote RINO because of abortion.

stevewhitemd | April 29, 2012 at 2:27 pm

Better bring the bottle of lotion, the Professor is wringing his hands again.

Look: it’s APRIL. It’s six months, a whole summer, two conventions, one to three debates and a whole lot of organizing away from the election. If AxelPlouffe & Co. want to waste their time and ammunition on the ‘War on Women’, LET THEM.

Goodness knows lots of people see through this. The more Champ talks about this and the other nonsense he’s been putting out there, the less people are going to pay attention to the same nonsense in the fall, when it matters. People get fatigued, they get tired of hearing the same thing over and over.

I’m guessing here because Mittens certainly doesn’t call me at 3 am: but I think the Romney camp is keeping their powder dry. He is going to talk about the economy, the economy, the economy, and little less through October; it’s all he needs to do, and it’s the one topic that people won’t get tired of hearing about since they live it every day.

In the meantime April, May and June are the times when you raise money, build organizations, hire people, write the big speeches and try like heck not to say stupid stuff to the media. Romney seems like he’s doing all that. I credit the man for not getting sucked into the mud pit.

Now’s the time to counter-punch, always focused on the economy. Deflate the AxelPlouffe nonsense with humor. Mock them (or get Treacher to do it). Mittens doesn’t need anyone to ‘pull him over the finish line’; that isn’t possible and the game plan doesn’t require it.

Stay focused, have faith, and wait until you see the whites of their eyes. Then unload, baby.

It’s complete and total AxelPlouffe BS, but it’s all the media talks about. The War on Women is working for the Dems, at least in the media. Romney already is losing the narrative.

Note the bolded. You admit that you normally dont watch the Sunday talkies; probably for the same reason I gave up on ALL televised news programs 8 years ago. Because even if it is breaking news, there is always news analysis going on. And if it is news analysis, it really is opinion – expert opinion, producers opinion, newscasters opinion, editors opinion… But, as many others have noted, Obama’s war on women, much like his war on students, is not directed at the swing voters; it is directed at solidifying his base. Furthermore, both are imagined big guns to Axelrod/Plouffe. They have lived far too long in the incestuous echo chamber that is the left (and yes including the media) to realize that their schtick does no longer sell. It’s not even May and TeamRight knows how to counter such scurrilous attacks. And TeamRight knows that what matters most is the state of the Union.

Given what sore winners Romney supporters are…

Not to mention the sore loser Gingrich supporters, and to a lesser extent the sore loser Santorum supporters…

As a side-note, from the last sentence quoted first, it almost seems as if the dieheart Gingrich supporters would like that. It is disillusion to think that Gingrich would have or could have eluded similar scurrilous attacks. What is amusing to note, is that this site, and several other partisan Gingrich supporting sites have argued that Gingrich forced Romney to “show himself”; to address all the skeletons in the closet, so to speak. Yet ignored is that Ron Paul and Rick Santorum and, yes, Mitt Romney forced Gingrich to address all of his. And guess what? Voters were more comfortable with Romney’s foibles than they were with Gingrich’s.

It is a constant battle. Too often the one with whom one is debating thinks that their position isn’t getting through, yet can not comprehend that their position did get through… but was rejected.

    bains in reply to bains. | April 29, 2012 at 2:50 pm

    Please note: I have not seen the term TeamRight used anywhere. I use it not as a imitation of TeamRomney, rather a moniker for those who recognize that four more years of an unfettered Obama will likely succeed in his 2008 campaign pledge to “fundamentally transform America”. TeamRight are those committed to righting the wrongs wrought by the current administration.

      (side note: re: the like/don’t like button, ooops, I hit the red by mistake, I AGREE with this comment – TEAMRIGHT is what is needed.)

Another trap waiting for Romney. So far he hasnt said anything.


Republicans voted in unison to block the bill, the Paycheck Fairness Act, when it came to the floor in November of 2010.

Democrats say it will be difficult for GOP senators to back out of their opposition, especially because the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has staunchly opposed the legislation.

Mitt Romney will either have to split with Republicans and an important business group or take a position that could further erode his support among women.

See how thats framed? In the last sentance? The subliminal is complete…speak against the bill = being against women.

    Ragspierre in reply to jimzinsocal. | April 29, 2012 at 2:47 pm

    Why do you immediately drop to a fetal defensive position?

    You DO see that stupid ploy is readily countered, right?

      Draft response:

      There they go again.

      Democrats are saying some passengers need better seats—on a sinking ship.

      Americans are good people, fair-minded people who want to do the right thing by all. They understand that a fair and open society is essential to maintain our leadership in a competitive world.

      But our first and overriding task is to save the ship. We must replace Captain Ahab Obama before he runs us into any more icebergs.

      Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | April 29, 2012 at 3:26 pm


      Conservatives understand that the only fair paycheck is one you and your employer negotiate. We don’t think of either of you as children the government has to play “nanny” to.

      Naturally, this assumes there IS a paycheck…someone willing to offer a job you are willing to take.

      For too long…and for far too many Americans…Washington has made jobs scarce. Conservatives want you to enjoy a competitive market for your skills, hard work, and dreams.

      jimzinsocal in reply to Ragspierre. | April 29, 2012 at 3:44 pm

      Of course it can be countered yet the impression will remain with a compliant media….for the typical voter.
      And dont mistake understanding how the war on women pitch is being made with a retreating/fetal position.
      The reality is candidates often blow their responses or the media will twist the responses.
      Romney needs to get out of the “boardroom” mentality thats centered on “nice guy” qualities and realize this is his opponent:

      Propaganda must label events and people with distinctive phrases or slogans.(war against women)
      a. They must evoke desired responses which the audience previously possesses

      b. They must be capable of being easily learned

      c. They must be utilized again and again, but only in appropriate situations

      d. They must be boomerang-proof

        MrMichael in reply to jimzinsocal. | April 29, 2012 at 6:04 pm

        Hey Jim! (Fluff here.) I sorta disagree… while it’s all well and good to recognize what the Obama team’s propaganda is, it’s also good to recognize what you CAN do about it, and what you CANNOT.

        Strategy wize, right now is not the time to get into these fights… once you engage, you cannot win. IF you get the best of them, they’ll just reload and refire. But if you screw up, it will help to shape the narrative. Ignore it and you give them the juvenile pleasure of shouting “HE WON’T RESPOND BECAUSE HE CAN’T!!!11!1!” So, respond with a well aimed mushy statement, and wait until it matters.

        You know the canard about not fighting below your weight? That’s why Romney shouldn’t get into these BS fights and should stay in the Boardroom. For now.

        He’s not the Republican Candidate yet. The only voters who matter in November aren’t really paying attention to words yet, just impressions. Team Romney, as boring and as uninspiring as they are, are doing it right, right now. I need a rolleyes icon right here. 😉

The Obama/Axelrod strategy is very straightforward – pander to the lowest of the low interest voters, and bury everyone else in a flood of trash so that they lose interestjj8i.

People are feeling pretty good about the recent attacks that have ‘boomeranged’ back on Obama. But don’t be fooled, none of them have resulted in a net pickup of votes for Romney.

Romney’s people, who purchased the GOP nomination by trashing conservatives, now think they can rally the base by merely feeding them a steady stream of Obama’s biliousness. It will not work, and it especially will not work in the swing states where the combination of Obama’s PAC money, incumbency, and the direct aide of the MSM will dwarf anything that Romney can spend.

But remember this:

He has – and we have – not yet begun to fight.

“Obama/Axelrod pandering to the low interest voters” and countering it by mocking: That is exactly why Jim Treacher’s tweets about Obama eating dog was such a great thing. It mocks Obama’s own words and writings. AND it had a very negative effect on young women’s opinion of the President.

They are grossed out by this. It also exposes on a base level that he is not like us – Americans do not eat their dogs.

Let Romney campaign on the issues like the economy, debt, jobs, but hire Treacher and others to mock Obama on the level that the low interest voters can understand.

    ThomasD in reply to tazz. | April 29, 2012 at 5:50 pm

    Your mere presence here says you are probably not a vote that matters (no offense.) The only chance you matter is if you happen to live in someplace like OH, PA, FL, NC, or VA. In which case you need to consider what that episode meant to the people around you who aren’t so into politics.

    And especially consider whether any of those people even know who ‘Jim Treacher’ is. Because if they don’t then the dog eating thing is worthless.

    I cannot help but suspect that many people are going to learn a hard lesson about confirmation bias this fall.

I guess I will add my two cents worth since I’ve already been labeled “a sore loser Gingrich supporter” by bains.

I will not be carrying Governor Romney across the finish line. He has to do that himself by convincing the conservative branch of the Republican party. He distanced himself right away from us with the thinking that we would “rally around” later.

A lot of people aren’t aware of what’s been going on in Facebook, and what people are saying. Many people are very upset with the GOP/RNC for the candidate they threw at us and told us to “get our asses in line” as said by John Boehner. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a revolt!

As for the “war on women” it’s all phoney and I doubt that many people are buying into that.

Governor Romney will have many surprises coming his way from the DNC. Some of them he won’t like and should be prepared for. If not, we all lose.

I will also mention that Obama is counting on several states with counties that commit voter fraud. It worked in ’08 and I’ll just bet it works again.

How do we win in November when the votes are counted by a company in Spain that George Soros owns? So, drag Governor Romney across the line? Not me, but yes I do intend to vote, but nothing more.

By the way, Professor, thank you for the Billy Idol video, I love his music.

    bains in reply to Scorpio51. | April 29, 2012 at 7:19 pm

    If you believe that only Romney will have needed people who did not support him in the primaries to “pull [him] across the finish line in the general election”, then yes, you are a sore loser.

    All of the GOP candidates would have had to rely upon supporters of other primary candidates were they to win the nomination. The thing that sets me off about this site (and the majority of its commenters) is the unfounded presumption that Newt would have faced far less attacks from the left, and far more support from the right. It is a delusion.

    All of the GOP candidates would face a barrage of scurrilous attacks from the left, and numerous apprehensions (and some attacks) from the right. Every time I comment here I have to repeat that I was, and still am, a Michele Bachmann supporter because every time I comment folks accuse me of being a Romney shill.

    I had no illusion that she could waltz to win either the nomination, nor the general election. ALL of the GOP candidates have flaws that are ripe for attack by both friend and foe. And ignoring that is folly.

    This site is up in a dander because Newt is not the nominee. Get over it. You blame Mitt’s money and some nebulas GOP establishment. Well wake up! If Gingrich cant make it past Mitt’s money and establishment, then it is unlikely that he would have been able to make it past Obama’s money and real (both gov and media) establishment.

    I knew all along that Bachmann was an outside chance. But I dont harbor animus towards any of her opponents. Those that cant get over their own animus are not members of TeamRight.

NC Mountain Girl | April 29, 2012 at 3:33 pm

It would be nice if Ann Coulter, Jennifer Rubin, Myra Adams, SE Cupp, Erika Johnsen and company all stepped forward on this issue. So far Rubin’s the only one I’ve seen mention it and that as in terms of how the real war on women and gays is in Muslim nations. Oh and Coulter said something about it on Fox News that’s now on You Tube with 522 views.

We need women to come forward and point out almost all of the disparity in wages is because women on average work fewer hours than men and are more likely to take time off in the middle of their careers. That like much of the feminist agenda it is aimed at a handful of women who are of who want to be in the 1% of professional women.

On Thursday, Rush said that Romney could win in a landslide:
I said, “I’m not predicting it, but I won’t be surprised if this is a blowout.” And I cited the 1980 campaign as an example. I said, “Effectively we’re going through Jimmy Carter’s second term here, only worse.” And I’m mentioning this to you only because I believe it. And also I’m mentioning it to you because it explains why I am not wringing my hands over Romney and his flip flops.


    Scorpio51 in reply to Kitty. | April 29, 2012 at 4:19 pm

    I heard Rush say that, but I’m not sure he has all the facts either.

    Rush, has pretty much ignored some facts about Romney. Perhaps its because of Clear Channel being owned by Bain, I don’t know.

    Rush always says he lives in realville and honestly believes this will be a blow out election. I have my doubts.

      This is the time when Rush always goes jazz hands and jimmy legs. Despite all of his conservative talk between elections, we always finding carrying the water for the liberal Democrat nominated by the GOP into the election.

      He should join us and take the Operation Counterweight pledge. We conservatives are again going to find the White House at war with us no matter who wins. We need to man all stations in Congress and be ready on day one.

        Ragspierre in reply to Pasadena Phil. | April 29, 2012 at 6:05 pm

        I’m STILL really confused about who this “we conservatives” could be.

        They are not free-market capitalists like me, because you have clearly expressed enmity to market economics in favor of government controlled economics.

        They cannot be TEA Party thinkers like Bill Whittle (and me), since you have openly endorsed the whole “1%” canard.


        So, I remain confused. What species of “conservative” are you?

          The statistics I provided are absolutely correct. Either prove them wrong or STFU. Truth is not found by first subjecting your “facts” to the Republican test or whatever filter you put your “facts” through. Deal with the truth and drop your brain-dead hack jobs on me.

          Everything else you said is just your typical personal assassination. I guess Alinsky tactics are allowed so long as you’re a Kennedy/Bush/Rove Republican from Texas? You’ve doing this to me for years to no avail. Now go make me some cookies. I’m hungry.

          Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | April 29, 2012 at 7:09 pm

          OK, here’s what I got as your expression of your “conservative values”

          1. your facts are inviolate if I don’t refute them.
          (I did…repeatedly) You still adhere to the “1%” of the Collectivist OWS movement meme.

          2. personal attacks on me, including name-calling. (Note I never called you anything, slimed you as anything, etc. I asked you a civil, simple question.)

          3. you employ the tactics of the Collective (“Shut up”, he explained).

          4. if you insist on post a representative of “conservatives”, everyone here has a right to know what that means

          I would be happy to provide a brief exposition of what I mean by my use of the term “conservative”.

          Why are you afraid and angry when asked to do that?

          Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | April 29, 2012 at 7:11 pm

          OK, here’s what I got as your expression of your “conservative values”

          1. your facts are inviolate if I don’t refute them.
          (I did…repeatedly) You still adhere to the “1%” of the Collectivist OWS movement meme;

          2. personal attacks on me, including name-calling. (Note I never called you anything, slimed you as anything, etc. I asked you a civil, simple question.)

          3. you employ the tactics of the Collective (“Shut up”, he explained) and go into attack mode;

          4. if you insist on posting as representative of “conservatives”, everyone here has a right to know what that means (especially when you impugn Rush Limbaugh)

          I would be happy to provide a brief exposition of what I mean by my use of the term “conservative”.

          Why are you afraid and angry when ask to do that?

        Ragspierre in reply to Pasadena Phil. | April 29, 2012 at 7:21 pm

        You cited…without criticism…to this…


        The main point you were making was that “income inequality” (a Collectivist meme) was real and had to be dealt with.

        I cited you to this…


        And asked you to refute Pethokoukis’ point that your Collectivist “income inequality” stuff was NOT factual.

        You called me names and slimed me in your usual retort.

      bains in reply to Scorpio51. | April 29, 2012 at 7:48 pm

      Rush, has pretty much ignored some facts about Romney. Perhaps its because of Clear Channel being owned by Bain, I don’t know.

      Obviously. Tell us when last Mitt Romney was CEO of Bain Capitol, and when last he had a voting interest?

      Seriously, I think several of the commenters here are false flag Obama supporters.

        Aitch748 in reply to bains. | April 30, 2012 at 9:12 am

        “Seriously, I think several of the commenters here are false flag Obama supporters.”

        Yes, I think so too. People who are actively trying to encourage support for Romney wouldn’t be going around loudly and proudly insulting the people who are expected to support Romney.

          WoodnWorld in reply to Aitch748. | April 30, 2012 at 2:06 pm

          No one is asking you to support Romney. Rather, we are asking you not to support Barry by continually blessing each other with your insipid, stream of consciousness, hyperventilations about how hard it is going to be for any of you to pull the level for *anyone* against Barack Obama.

          For some reason you think that after talking months worth of smack, after getting knocked down to the mat and out of the race the winner and his supporters are supposed to coddle you? Beg for your support? Your vote? Please.

          You (royal you there Aitch) have made it abundantly clear how much you loathe everything Mitt Romney stands for and what little regard you hold his supporters in. Yet you have the nerve to wonder why, immediately after being made out to be a complete fool (ermmm, I am going to withdraw from the race…. next week…) we aren’t falling all over ourselves to include you in, well, in anything? Why would we want to work with you? A majority of conservatives have helped make Mitt the nominee, if you aren’t one of them you can bet your ass you are now part of the minority.

          You heard it here first Aitch: No one is going to suck up to you for your vote. Not from the right. That’s not how we roll. You can either get on board or throw yourself over the side. We are clearing the decks for battle. Help lug the lines or get the hell out of the way. Either way, this race is much bigger and the threats arrayed against us are much more serious than any of your fragile feelings or delicate sensibilities.

Juba Doobai! | April 29, 2012 at 4:04 pm

Romney has to ask for my vote. He’s spat in my face, dissed me. His bots have done the same. He has to come to me and ask for my help, ask for my vote. He has to heal the wounds he made.

All this hand-wringing, wishful thinking melodrama over “sore winners” and not one word about “sore losers.” I personally have no desire to fawn all over any of you. I know I am supposed to play nice now, to hold my tongue and stay my “Submit” urges here because every vote counts but, I can’t bring myself to it. Not with people who have spent so many years swearing the person who just spanked them so soundly would NEVER get to where he is today, people who spent so many months viciously belittling, insulting and demeaning anyone who dared speak up for that person (of course, all while crying incessantly about how often those same supporters insulted, demeaned and belittled them in response).

You want your bottoms patted, asses kissed and weepy eyes wiped because you are convinced that the fate of this election rest in your hands. You want to believe it’s all about you. It’s not about you. If Obama is not incentive enough to put your “big boy pants on,” to get the sand out of your panties then we, collectively, are best left leaving you kicking and screaming on the floor while the rest of the adults set themselves to winning this thing with the candidate the majority of conservative America picked to do this thing.

The primary is over and you are still crying about how hard it is going to be for you to “pull us over the line?” What about the last line? The one before that? Who pulled whom over those? If I had a penny for every time the goal posts, those “lines,” have shifted over the last six months I would have a lot of pennies.

Romney is not your enemy. We, his supporters, are not your enemy. Barack Obama and the Democrats are your enemy. Join the winning team. Or don’t. Either way, you cannot be an active part of the general solution while simultaneously trying to perpetuate, instigate and propagate the problems of the primary’s past. The wounds you are all licking now are largely self-inflicted and I, for one, will spend no time trying to salve your bruised egos and heal your wounded pride.

    Yeah, can’t bother asking for the conservative vote after trashing us. No time. Too busy moving to the center to get that liberal vote. Good luck with that. This is how Republicans lost to the two most unpopular politicians in CA in 2010, Jerry Brown and Carly Fiorina. Forever finding a way to snatch victory out of the jaws of victory. Try not running big government liberals and at least be nice to conservatives.

      Sorry, that should have said Barbara Boxer, not Carly Fiorina although it could be argued that since they lost to the two most unpopular politicians in CA, that Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina are even less popular.

      WoodnWorld in reply to Pasadena Phil. | April 29, 2012 at 7:59 pm

      Give it a rest. Enough with the high school drama production already. What world do you any of you live in where you can bash whomever you choose for whatever reason you want (concocted, constructed, manufactured or not) and the people you have spent months tearing into are expected to prostrate themselves in front of your feet? Where you make bold predictions, back a (series of) flawed candidate(s), lose whatever credibility you ever had (AND the race with it) and the winners are now supposed to cater to your oh-so-delicate sensibilities?

      I thought we (conservatives) were supposed to be made of stronger stuff than this… Honestly, I admired so many of you so much more when you were fighting and arguing for what you believed in as opposed to this whining and crying and moping and moaning phase so many of you have slipped into simply because the world did not listen to your oh-so-sage pronouncements.

      Many of you have, for months and years now, had no filter or shown any emotional restraint but it’s the rest of us who are supposed to worry about intra-party “blue on blue?” Please. You have attacked anything and everyone who does not see the world, the primary or this race the way you do, whether they were conservatives or not. You attacked when you thought you were winning; you attacked when it was obvious to everyone else (but you apparently) that you were losing and now that you have actually lost you are still attacking and you wonder why other conservatives might want to take your hearts out with a plastic spoon?

      Don’t start none, won’t be none. (Re)direct your fires and ires at Team Champ and the rest of the Democrats and you will find no fiercer and no less committed allies. After we have won the general, taken back the Senate and made gains in the House you may feel free to revert back to telling the rest of us how right you are, how wrong we are and how you are the only “real” conservatives out there. In the meantime, drop the posing and posturing and get on board for a win. Or don’t.

      People are going to say things you don’t like and/or don’t agree with. That’s life. You don’t have to seek them out and magnify every word they say. If you want to find ammunition against Romney, or his supporters, you will find it. If, however, you want to turn your attentions to the real threats and the real enemies you will never have to hunt or dig for material to work with. Every day presents fresh incentive and new cause to vote against this administration in November.

        Juba Doobai! in reply to WoodnWorld. | April 30, 2012 at 6:24 am

        If this were my blog, I’d say eff you, no more how much I deplore obscenity. What I cannot abide is your condescending, snotty, self-righteous paternalism, you immoral RINO Romneybot POS.

        Notice, I have used no exclamation points, therefore aim not angry or upset. What you have above is my well considered opinion of anyone who supported Romney while he spewed lies and filth on Conservatives, even as he told himself they have no choice but to vote for me

        You Romneybots don’t have the sense that God gave a box of rocks. You crow and crow like the bastards you all are. Well, I have news for you, vae victis is not a good motto to live by when you need people to drag your lying-assed flip-flopping candidate across the finish line into the WH.

        Now, you lickspittle, go back and tell Romney that I demand an apology or I and mine will snatch the nomination from his hands at the eleventh hour.

        Jubadoobai! (In case you didn’t know, that’s my battle cry.)

          WoodnWorld in reply to Juba Doobai!. | April 30, 2012 at 8:19 am

          Can’t “abide” it huh? Lol. Hey, at least you have used no exclamation points! (Well done!!!) I am glad you aim not angry or upset too Dubai. Aiming angry will throw your shot group off every time…

          I just got off the phone with Romney and told him what you said about the nomination and the “eleventh hour.” He asked me to inform you that it’s 8:00AM the next morning, the nomination is OVER, you missed it.

          I like the battle cry; it’s cute!

        DocWahala in reply to WoodnWorld. | April 30, 2012 at 6:29 am

        You get a big amen from this corner of the world. When they trash Newt, I make note and move on. When the others trash Mitt, I make note and move on. When they trash Obama, OWS, or Progressives, I sit up and whisper to myself… “someone finally gets it, the real enemy of America is already sitting in the White House.

        Now we just need to fire her husband.

        DocWahala, remembers what Lincoln said about a house divided…. Which is exactly what the Dems are counting on because they want us to keep our attention of the one thing they can’t fight… Their record on the economy.

          DocWahala in reply to DocWahala. | April 30, 2012 at 6:37 am

          The big amen is for WW.

          I’ve said it before, Mitt was my last choice…And just because my first four choices didn’t make it, doesn’t mean I am giving up on seeing the master of economic disaster get booted from the office.

          DocWahala, looking forward to the next six months being unlike anything ever before seen. Sure would be nice if we didn’t just roll over and stop fighting because the lineup is not 100% what we want.

          WoodnWorld in reply to DocWahala. | April 30, 2012 at 1:46 pm

          Sincerely, thanks Doc.

    OcTEApi in reply to WoodnWorld. | April 29, 2012 at 5:34 pm

    There’s no sand .. its grits y’all!

    katiejane in reply to WoodnWorld. | April 29, 2012 at 6:39 pm

    Hey – all you folks early in the thread scratching your head wondering about “sore winners” – come and lookie here:

    I personally have no desire to fawn all over any of you. I know I am supposed to play nice now, to hold my tongue and stay my “Submit” urges here because every vote counts but, I can’t bring myself to it.

    Just in case you’re still confused. /s

    OcTEApi in reply to WoodnWorld. | April 29, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    Either way, you cannot be an active part of the general solution while simultaneously trying to perpetuate, instigate and propagate the problems of the primary’s past.
    “…put your big boy pants on..”

    Back in the day all we had was Rhinoism, and we liked it !

    back in the day
    a spongebob Megadeth tribute

      WoodnWorld in reply to OcTEApi. | April 29, 2012 at 8:33 pm

      Ah yes, back in the day. Three years ago. When most of you picked up the Constitution of the United States for the first time.

        OcTEApi in reply to WoodnWorld. | April 30, 2012 at 4:09 am

        What does your undying support for squishy conservatism have to do with the US constitution?

        If these are the type of weak arguments you’re planning to forward in support of Romney then WE are in deeper trouble than I had previously thought.

          WoodnWorld in reply to OcTEApi. | April 30, 2012 at 4:28 am

          What does YOUR showing up late to a fight that has been raging for decades have to do with true conservatism?

          Many of you did not even think to switch on to the political process, to pay attention to what has been happening for years until it affected you personally. Now you neophytes want to preach about ideas and arguments? Please. You can wear the label, it doesn’t make you a designer. Put on the jersey, it does not make you a professional athlete. Assume the airs and make all of the “right” noises, it doesn’t make you a “real” conservative.

          I don’t plan “to forward” any “arguments” in “support of Romney.” I have never once made a case for him and see no need to do so now. Mitt has done well enough supporting himself without me and in spite of your “previous thoughts.” weak/flaccid or otherwise.

    Scorpio51 in reply to WoodnWorld. | April 29, 2012 at 7:44 pm

    Memo to WoodnWorld…the wounds I have are from the Romney supporters who got out their knives and proceeded to slice and dice supporters of any other candidate. Mitt must have passed out Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” teaching the tactics for winning any way possible.

    Carving up the opponent with lies and mistruths falls right in line with that agenda.

    But when all else fails, get out the checkbook, pay off a lot of people, secure the nomination that way. Nothing like winning fair and square.

    So don’t say that my wounds are self inflicted, far from it.
    And surely you gest that I would want any help from you to treat my wounds. I take care of myself quite nicely.

    Maybe you ahould take note that Mitt Romney is going to get hit with millions and millions of dollars of ads about his Mormon religion running 24/7, so the public won’t forget it. Also, the MSM will be assisting President Obama free of charge for running them on their networks.

    So get used to it, it’s going to get nasty.

      WoodnWorld in reply to Scorpio51. | April 29, 2012 at 8:26 pm

      Oh, this is rich. The commenter who was shocked (SHOCKED!) that a political primary is actually a full-contact sport, that candidates raise and spend money (well, some of them at least) to win the nomination *now* wants to inform me how “nasty” the general election is going to get?

      Duly noted. Thanks for the memo! Any other pearls of wisdom you want to offer?

    Aitch748 in reply to WoodnWorld. | April 29, 2012 at 10:44 pm

    So WoodnWorld’s point is basically “Oh just STFU you crybabies.”

    Gosh, whatever could the professor POSSIBLY have meant by “sore winners”? It’s just so BAFFLING.

      WoodnWorld in reply to Aitch748. | April 30, 2012 at 3:50 am

      Nononono. You have it all wrong Aitch.

      It’s: “Oh please, for the love of GOD and everything great and holy, STFU and STFD you thin-skinned, bratty, snot-nosed, stubborn, candy-assed, little crybabies.”

      Please, get it right.

      You whined before. You are whining now. You are going to whine in the future no matter what anyone else says. You lost the battle, not the war. Get over it. Move on to the next fight. Or don’t. Either way, please do not pretend that while you are actively working against the conservative nominee you are somehow all secretly working for the greater conservative good. You are not. You are working for yourselves.

      I get it. Some of you are trying to salvage some tattered fragment of your shredded dignity after being proven oh so wrong oh so many times in the last six months, others are trying to balm their bruised, over-sized egos and yet others still are just trying to drive blog traffic, boost the comment count, and shore up their continued, loyal readership by throwing red meat to the few remaining die hard Newt trolls, thereby furthering their own immediate personal purpose(s) while further driving the rest of us apart from one another with a critical, general election looming over us. Really, it’s transparent.

      You are all, Professor Jacobson included, cherry-picking from anyone and everyone (myself included) who might further justify your continued intransigence. Many of you (thankfully not all) were never going to support this candidate under any circumstances, have said so in no uncertain terms many many times before, and are only now looking for an excuse to continue on the path so many of you have assured us you would take should the “inevitable” actually happen.

      I no more speak for Team Romney than the new writer at Hot Air or the old writer at the Washington Post. If you want to use my words, or anyone else’s to shoot yourself in the foot, by ALL MEANS… please help yourself. Whether we win or lose in November though, please know that serving as continued advocate against TeamRight will be perceived in both real time and retrospect as advocacy for TeamLeft.

        Aitch748 in reply to WoodnWorld. | April 30, 2012 at 7:08 am

        I don’t think I’ve posted often enough here for you to have a history of my supposed whining.

        You obviously want the anger to continue or you wouldn’t be picking at the scab. Either that or you’re just a troll.

          WoodnWorld in reply to Aitch748. | April 30, 2012 at 9:12 am

          I don’t think you have posted often enough here to have history of my responding in every one of the Anyone But Romney threads, in any one of their many guises, over at least the last four months.

          I use the royal “you.” If the shoe fits…

          As far as anger is concerned, I don’t care if you are angry or not. What I do care about is anyone who claims to be more angry with Mitt Romney than they are Barack Obama. I care about anyone who pretends to wear the mantle of “real” Republican or “true” conservative in one breath and threatens to sit this upcoming general election out with the next. I care when people demean Romney supporters and then gripe and groan when a handful of us give it back to them in spades.

          I don’t care if you don’t like Mitt Romney. I don’t care if you don’t send him a check, volunteer for him or make calls on his behalf. You don’t have to help him. What I do care about though is anyone who, through their writings, through their words or through their actions claims to be a “conservative” and then actively works to undermine Mitt Romney against the Democratic incumbent. Even then, the absolute worst I am capable of is typing out a post you don’t have to read and can easily ignore. If you don’t like it citizen, you are perfectly free to move along to the next commenter.

          As far as picking at scabs and feeding the trolls, I am not the one actively seeking out back bench authors’ quotes to perpetuate the differences of a past primary battle. I am not the one instigating a continued fight between conservatives. This is Bill’s blog. He can do with it as he chooses. I choose to quietly agree with every other post he puts up here and save my own comments for threads like these and commenters like “you.”

          Romney was not my first choice; he is my last choice. If you attack “my” guy, I will not cry, I will not whine, I will not complain about how sarcastic you are being or how mean your posts are (*sniffle*) and I will not take the time to defend him. I will, however, come after you with a rhetorical brickbat for losing sight of the real threat facing America(ns) right now and chastise you for aiding and abetting the small army of progressive undergrads, the real trolls, who, for $50.00 a day, are about to flood every conservative blog in the sphere with their own “concerns” etc. about Mitt Romney.

huskers-for-palin | April 29, 2012 at 5:17 pm

Weekend at Bernies….dragging a corpse across the finish line.

“Something tells me that the people who are going to have to pull Romney across the finish line in the general election are not the ones who supported him in the primaries.”

Well, yes, basic math proves that… Romney got maybe 30% of the National Vote during the Primaries, and some of those are voters but not supporters. *Shrug*

I would hope that we don’t fall into the ‘dark side’ of the Politics of Personality. The ‘Bright Side’ would be the last Obama campaign, where so many people voted for Obama because they liked him, the really, really LIKED him! They just assigned to him whatever quality they thought they wanted in a President BECAUSE they liked him. And they did it for Him, not the Country.

The ‘dark side’ of the Politics of Personality would be when you won’t actively work to save America because you don’t like Mitt Romney personally. He OFFENDED you. He isn’t INTERESTING. His campaign doesn’t reflect your political preferences. You are going to assign to him all of the things you don’t like about politicians whether it’s actually true or not. You’ll stand back, and hold your nose, and vote… you’ll otherwise hold back all of our support, because of Him.

I’d like someone who’s a cross between Palin and Ryan. I don’t want to BALANCE the Budget, I want to slash it until the US takes more in taxes than we spend, and pay down that evil debt. I want to take advantage of the abilities afforded us by technology, and let places like Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and all of Europe defend THEMSELVES militarily… closing all those bases we can.

But no candidate is even going to RESPOND to those plans, they are too ‘out of the mainstream’. So who do I support? The Candidate who goes up against Obama. When do I support them? As soon as they are official. Cash. Conversation. Advice. Whether they accept any of it or not. Heck, let them disown me, refuse my money, disown my ideas. I’ll still support the Candidate who best serves America’s future.

Operation Counterweight will be my real focus, since I live in Seattle and cannot hope to support any of MY Senate or House candidates’ campaigns. But I CAN support Mourdock or any of the OTHER people who’s claimed plans will either oust somebody I think is BAD for America, or actually improve it.

But most of all I don’t do it for me, and I don’t do it for the Candidate… I CERTAINLY don’t do it because of their campaign.

I’ll be doing it for America. Please join me. ~Mr. Michael

Prof Jacobson, when you go all emo on me, and your Debbie Downer alter ego emerges, I have no choice but to tune you out. I suggest you do the same with the Sunday morning talking heads. Otherwise, you ain’t never gonna make it to November; we’ll have to put you on suicide watch.

Here: Make this your Video of the Day. Guaranteed to cure your sore winner blues.

So many “Dislikes”. We all need to get behind Romney or suffer 4 more years of Obama. Keep the House, take back the Senate and get Rubio or West ready for 2020.
Oh, and stop watching the Sunday shows. No one else does.

Hi Joy — IIRC, you’ve been a Romney supporter throughout. So it’s likely you have no idea what I’m talking about when I say that with Newt, we can solve our problems easily and restore the lawful Constitution and with it, our prosperity.

You ask me what I’ll do.

Do you understand, can you put yourself in my point of view for a moment and think about it — the Titanic has sailed. We see she’s headed for the iceberg. This is a catastrophe. no one wants to even contemplate.

You offer the alternative of what, to me, looks like a trip on the Lusitania.

That’s how this looks to me. What on earth can I say at this point? No one with an ounce of sense would get on either ship.

It’s not about Newt. It’s about the solutions Newt is proposing. With them, the ship sails. Everyone is safe. The economy recovers and thrives.

The point of view of those who support Romney seems like a form of insanity to me.

Romney = Gerald Ford = Bush 92 = Dole = McCain. How do you not see this? They LOSE. They’re DESIGNED to lose.

Axelrod and the MSM are ready for Romney. They’re going to slice and dice Romney.

But they can’t stand up to Newt. Newt will win in the fall. Romney will either lose the election, or lose the post-election.

We are in such mortal danger of losing our Constitutional liberties. It’s not SAFE to “settle for competence.”

I was reading about Frank Capra tonight. Here is what Capra’s father said when their ship brought them to New York Harbor when Frank was six years old, having grown up in poverty in Sicily:

“However, Capra remembers the ship’s arrival into New York Harbor, where he saw “a statue of a great lady, taller than a church steeple, holding a torch above the land we were about to enter.” He recalls his father’s exclamation at the sight:

‘Cicco, look! Look at that! That’s the greatest light since the star of Bethlehem! That’s the light of freedom! Remember that. Freedom.'”


The LEFT is in power in Washington. Romney has no means of countering the LEFT in Washington. We are in danger of losing our freedoms. Without freedom, there can be no prosperity. The GOPE don’t even understand this.

It’s not about Newt as a person. But it most certainly is about the TEA Party energy and the Traditional American love of liberty, “Don’t Tread on Me,” Reagan, all of it.

That’s how it looks to me, Joy. So that’s the only answer I have for your question.

    Hope Change – instead of writing the equivalent of a short story in answer to many posts, such as you have done here to my question, please at least attempt to try listen to what others are saying and respond accordingly.

    I have never been a Romney supporter and have always backed Newt from the time my preferred choice did not become an option!

    I asked you a simple question – I’m still waiting for a one-word answer.

      Hope Change in reply to Joy. | April 30, 2012 at 7:29 pm

      Hi Joy — Thanks for responding. I gave you the very best answer I’ve got.

      Sorry — I wasn’t aware that you supported Newt.

      I asked you to imagine for a moment how this looks to me. If you thought that you were being offered a ticket on the Lusitania, what would you say?

      Joy — WHY are the same monied interests supporting Romney as support Obama? Think about it.

      The danger is already installed in Washington. You’re sending a salesman and you need the U.S. Marines.

        Hope, while I truly admire your dedication to Newt, there are other considerations that will make many of us vote for whoever wins the nomination whether or not he is the ‘perfect’ candidate. Your words “The danger is already installed in Washington” is the reason why.

        The Obama administration is replete with an abundance of people who seek to destroy the essence of freedom, not just here, but all over the world and all of your clever non-answers to my question do not impress me.

      Hope Change in reply to Joy. | April 30, 2012 at 7:47 pm

      Hi Joy — I just found this at the Tip Line. This article explains it much better than I’ve been able to.

      We care about our country and our freedoms. IMO, voting for Romney is a terrible idea. This article posted by Terri explains.

      Terri | April 30, 2012 at 1:09 pm
      Voting for Romney (D-​​Mass.): The Worst Mistake a Conservative Could Make


        Am I to assume that this is the answer to my question? Your smugness overwhelms me!

        From the article:

        “But I am urg­ing con­ser­v­a­tives and lib­er­tar­i­ans: DO NOT VOTE FOR ROMNEY (D-​​MASS.)! You will be assist­ing the cor­rupt machine that despises you, and you will be help­ing to install a pup­pet who will ensure that con­ser­vatism is kept in check at the fed­eral level. You will be vot­ing against every­thing you hold dear.
        Vote for Obama to kick the GOP in the crotch. Vote for Gov­er­nor John­son because you think he’s most qual­i­fied. Skip the pres­i­den­tial bal­lot entirely when you vote in Novem­ber. Any of these deci­sions is supe­rior to vot­ing for Rom­ney (D-​​Mass.)

        Just don’t vote for Rom­ney (D-​​Mass.), the hood orna­ment of the Repub­li­can spend­ing machine. You will regret it.

        As for me, you can rest assured that I will not. And if one of the Big 2 can­di­dates wins in Novem­ber, I will wake up on Wednes­day morn­ing with a smile, know­ing it wasn’t my fault.”

          Hope Change in reply to Joy. | April 30, 2012 at 11:28 pm

          Hi Joy —

          I’m sorry that I seem smug to you. That certainly is not how I feel.

          I feel terrible anguish because I don’t see how to support my true goals of a free, prosperous, Constitutional America.

          I ask you to imagine for a moment how it looks from my point of view. I genuinely think Romney is programmed to fail. The Lusitania comparison is apt. Even if he wins, WE lose.

          I used to think the GOP was just confused. But now I don’t think so.

          A confused person would have given Newt a chance. A confused person would criticize Newt with honest disagreements, not lies. The GOPE flamed Newt with lies. Honest people wouldn’t act like that.

          I’m not trying to be contentious with you. I gave you the very truest answer I have.
          I care about our country — and I know you do, too.

          The GOPE – the ESTABLISHMENT that took he TARP money — is as lethal a threat as Obama. They take turns. I wish you could see what I see.

          You think Romney is an improvement. I don’t.

          Romney is another face of the same hydra. Romney is hand-picked. Romney will do their bidding. They see that Obama, with his EPIC FAIL of a presidency, is likely to be in trouble. So they got behind Romney early. Status quo.

          Honestly. The country is in trouble. Newt is the only one with a plan to fix it.

          Newt has a clear, comprehensive, workable plan. I don’t know what I can tell you except that’s how it looks to me.

          Joy in reply to Joy. | May 1, 2012 at 2:06 am

          “The GOPE – the ESTABLISHMENT that took he TARP money — is as lethal a threat as Obama.”

          You really believe this?

          Oh, never mind.

For independents, the 2012 vote will come down to 2 questions.

1. Are you better off than you were 4 years ago.
2. Do you believe the country is on the right path.

A “no” to either of them disqualifies Obama.

    DocWahala in reply to Andy. | April 30, 2012 at 6:47 am

    @Andy… Absolutely right….the economy is the only question that should be on the table.

    DocWahala, thinks anyone who wants to extend the last three years, and make this an 8 year firestorm, needs to pul their collective head out of the Porta-John.

I’ve been telling my friends and family members, when asked, that I don’t know of any substantive difference between Obama and Romney. I’ve yet to hear anyone really challenge me on my claim. Given that, within the past decade, Romney has held every position that Obama currently does, there’s far more evidence to support it than disprove it.

Granted, none of them are political junkies like I am, but they’re all pretty resigned about four more years of Jimmy Carter part II.

Anything could happen in the next 6 months, but I’m hoping for a GOP House and Senate to keep Obama in check.

Right now many of us have zero interest in lifting a finger to support Romney’s campaign.

Why? Well, let’s start with the ongoing bashing of Sarah Palin by Republicans.

The latest example? This piece of stupid nonsense published in the Boston Herald, the Romney house media organ.


Memo to the Romney campaign:

Re: How To Help Obama Win

Keep attacking Sarah Palin and other conservatives.

    WoodnWorld in reply to john.frank. | April 30, 2012 at 3:56 am

    You don’t have to support Romney, just don’t work against him. There is a world that separates doing nothing to aid him and doing everything you can to prevent him from winning.

    katiejane in reply to john.frank. | April 30, 2012 at 7:50 am

    Tre have been times in my life where I’ve been more enthusiastic about politics and candidates – not so much now. I have to feel like I’m voting FOR someone rather than against someone. Can’t say that about Mittens.

Tre = There

This seems to say about what alot of us think so far as Romney goes.


Will I support Romney? Of course. Does that support turn me blind to any misteps or blown responses? No.
Id love to say Romney really typifies what conservatives want in a candidate but he doesnt.
Talking about some misgivings with Romney doesnt make any of us less Republican nor does it lessen our desire to see Obama gone.
And I object when the “all in for Mitt” camp attempts to marginalize us when we wince at some of Romneys actions in a similar way we used to wince when Bush spoke off the cuff in public. Lets face it. Bush wasnt a great public speaker. Right out of Bonfire of the Vanities really: No point in calling a turd caviar. To say Romney is without obvious weaknesses is denial.
But here we are and as the Professor has said..we fight the battle with the army we have.

    WoodnWorld in reply to jimzinsocal. | April 30, 2012 at 12:01 pm

    Constructive criticism is one thing. Endless, mindless ridicule is another altogether. I am not pointing the finger at you on this one, only highlighting the fact that too many hide their biases, double standards and psychoses behind the mask of alleged objectivity and professed evenhandedness.

    Anyone who perceives Barack Obama, the possible return of Pelosi to the Speakership, and a potential gamble of “X” Supreme Court nominees as a much larger threat to America, and to conservatism than Mitt Romney is someone I consider an ally, whether we agree on everything else or not.

    If/when we win all three and have bought ourselves a little breathing room I am all for the conservative cage match. Until then, we need to beat back the barbarians at the gate before we can get our house in order.

This WoodenHead guy is a Democrat. Romneybots are stupid, to a man, afflicted with foot in mouth disease, but this is way past footh in mouth. This is assfacia. That is Democrat country.

He says he supports Romney so he comes to a Newt site (Wm, not me) and yanks everybody’s chain, ginning up all the anti-Romney sentiment he can. True, Romney is a jerk. True, his bots are blind morons. However, it takes a totally new level of idiocy to make the utterances this WoodenHead has. That’s a clear signal we’re dealing wi an Obama voter playing a game from the Devil’s Handbook, aka Rules for Radicals.

Exorcism time! Begone, foul spirit! I drive you out in the name of the Father, the Son, and The Holy Spirit! I commend you to Christ.

(ya gotta do what ya gotta do, folks. The only way to deal with Obama Democrats is through exorcism.)

    WoodnWorld in reply to Juba Doobai!. | April 30, 2012 at 11:49 am

    Oh dear… there is actually a part of your brain that thought this was a clever and witty response, something equal to what you were (trying vainly) to respond to…

    Seriously, you really are off your rocker Jooba. Look, either Jesus wasn’t listening to your little voodoo rant or this is not what you think it is. Why don’t you save the faux fire and brimstone sermon, the pseudo preacher’s pose for the President?

    Part of this site may very well have been pro-Newt but that is never all of what it is/was. Mark my words, after Newt’s concession speech and his fading from the national narrative, this “Newt site” will have far less to say about all things Gingrich.

“They seem to think, to actually believe, that this coming election is about only voting if you can vote for a candidate you like. Let me disabuse these kids of this silly notion right away. The election of 2012 ain’t a conservative popularity contest. It’s a war to, first, last, and always, destroy any possibility of a second term for Barack Hussain Obama.

This is not a “Vote-For” election. This is a “Vote-Against” election. This is not a “Sit-It-Out-And-Pout” election. This is a “Get-Obama-Out” election. That is what it is about and that is all it is about.

If people can’t understand, at this point, that very simple concept their minds are much too simple to be conservatives and they might as well go off and sit at the kiddy table and write in “Vermin Supreme” with a blunt pink crayon.”


    Aitch748 in reply to TANSTAAFL. | April 30, 2012 at 11:08 pm

    Some of us understand the get-Obama-out concept but still think it’s senseless simply to swap out the Democrat progressive for a Republican progressive (since Romney chose to run for governor in Massachusetts and governed as a hardcore liberal, and has been running for President since stepping down from that position).

    But some people on the Right have descended into full-blown idiocy. They see somebody saying “I typically vote GOP but I’m not voting for that progressive Romney,” and they say “That person is voting for Obama,” or they say “That person is a bedwetting little crybaby who wants to sit in his house and pout on Election Day.” No, some of us just realize we really don’t have a suitable candidate this year, at least not for President. And no, we’ve heard all the scare talk about how a second Obama term means the end of America. Guess what, government spending is what’s going to kill America, and I don’t believe for one minute that either Obama or Romney is going to do a damn thing about that. We badly need a candidate who will rein in the spending and we don’t have one. Talking down to people and calling them stupid crybabies isn’t going to change that. This situation isn’t analogous to a kid throwing a tantrum because he got a sweater for Christmas instead of a Transformers action figure. This isn’t analogous to not getting the dream date you wanted and responding by standing your date up and refusing to go to the dance. This is more like watching your house burning, needing a firefighter, and being asked to choose instead between a couple of pyromaniacs — no, getting yelled at because you won’t settle for the less destructive of the two pyromaniacs.

    Some people need to grow the hell up and figure out that not everybody thinks about this situation in the same way they do.

      TANSTAAFL in reply to Aitch748. | April 30, 2012 at 11:14 pm

      You just go ahead and vote for Obama them, ‘mkay?

        Aitch748 in reply to TANSTAAFL. | April 30, 2012 at 11:20 pm

        Not voting for either Obama or Romney IS NOT voting for Obama. Or is THIS very simple concept beyond you?

          TANSTAAFL in reply to Aitch748. | April 30, 2012 at 11:23 pm

          Obviously reality is beyond your grasp.

          Vote third party, vote for Obama.

          Simple, really.

          Aitch748 in reply to Aitch748. | April 30, 2012 at 11:35 pm

          See, “vote for third party, vote for Obama” is the kind of idiocy that I’m talking about. To you, a vote for “none of the above” is a vote for Obama. Well, this country’s doomed then, since I guess the vote counters will simply tally all of the people who didn’t actually come vote for Romney and count them all as votes for Obama. Right? That’s the way it works, right? The rules were changed this year so that the only possible way to ESCAPE casting a vote for Obama is to vote for Romney, right?

          No. No, of course not. But you’re terrified that, however tired people might be of Obama, Romney still might not be seen as a viable alternative, so you have to try and scare and shame people into voting for Romney. It won’t work on me, and it might not work on enough people to push Romney over the top.

          TANSTAAFL in reply to Aitch748. | May 1, 2012 at 6:43 am

          “I guess the vote counters will simply tally all of the people who didn’t actually come vote for Romney and count them all as votes for Obama. Right? That’s the way it works, right? ”

          Correct. But you got ahead and let the SCOAMF be re-elected. Let the country be destroyed. I’mn sure you don’t care.

          WoodnWorld in reply to Aitch748. | May 1, 2012 at 10:25 am

          See, “vote for third party, vote for Obama” is the kind of idiocy that I’m talking about. To you, a vote for “none of the above” is a vote for Obama. Well, this country’s doomed then, since I guess the vote counters will simply tally all of the people who didn’t actually come vote for Romney and count them all as votes for Obama. Right? That’s the way it works, right? The rules were changed this year so that the only possible way to ESCAPE casting a vote for Obama is to vote for Romney, right?

          Actually, yes, that is precisely the way it works. No, the rules have not changed; the math is still the same today as it was yesterday, and the day before.

          In any election, you have a pool of citizens who *can* vote. Within that pool is a smaller pool of citizens who *will* vote. All things considered equally, if more of the citizens on one side of the aisle (“typical” Party X voters) who *can* vote actually *don’t* vote, that is a vote the other side (Party Y) does not have to earn (a vote “for” that other side).

          Let’s say the pool is 100 deep. There are 100 voters who *can* vote. All things are equal here so each side has 50 “typical” voters (there are no undecideds or independents in this pool). Of those 50 *can* voters in your pool (Party X), you and one other idiot decides to stay home. Your pool of voters who *will* vote in “X” just shrank to 48. Now as long as every socialist clown in the Party Y comes out to vote, they win by two, by default. If you are the only idiot who stays home, “Y” wins by one.

          We know all things are not created equally though. We have to deal with voter fraud, corruption and collusion on the Left. For every fraudulent vote they submit, we have to submit two more legitimate votes to beat it. Your stupidity rests right here. On some level, you understand your votes count and that every vote in this election matters. You (royal you there Aitch) don’t want to be talked down to, some of you want an apology for your vote or to be wooed and coddled for your vote yet you refuse to concede that by being an emo teen, stomping your feet, slamming the door and proving to “Mom” and “Dad” that they can’t make you do something you don’t want to, that you are actually helping your parent’s enemies tear your home apart.

          Be an idiot here Aitch, that’s okay. Say whatever you want here as well, that’s fine too. Just don’t be that clown that stays home in November because you want to prove a point to Mitt Romney and a handful of the commenters here.

      TANSTAAFL in reply to Aitch748. | April 30, 2012 at 11:15 pm

      “Some people need to grow the hell up”….

      says the pouting loser in the corner.

      WoodnWorld in reply to Aitch748. | May 1, 2012 at 7:28 am

      Some of us understand the get-Obama-out concept but still think it’s senseless simply to swap out the Democrat progressive for a Republican progressive (since Romney chose to run for governor in Massachusetts and governed as a hardcore liberal, and has been running for President since stepping down from that position).

      Seriously? If you weren’t masking these little gems behind the guise of well-reasoned analysis, I would swear you were kidding.

      First, you aren’t swapping one for the other. No matter how you try to spin it or justify it, they are not the same. Any changes, any fixes, we are going to make to the national debt and spending crises (that you rightly highlight) are going to originate in either the House of Representatives or the United States Senate. We know for a FACT that even if we win both chambers Obama will wear his veto pen down to the nub blocking any changes/fixes we propose. Do you sincerely believe Romney is going to actively work against a Republican-controlled Congress and do the same? That he would not wear his veto pen down (as he did in Massachusetts) against a Democrat-controlled Congress?

      Second, Romney governed as a hardcore liberal in Mass? That’s interesting because I remember Romney’s victory in that state being declared a massive victory for conservatism at the time. I distinctly remember actual Democrats in Massachusetts eating their livers out because he ran circles around them, vetoed large portions of their agenda and made them settle with far less than what they wanted to get away with. At the time, I also remember what is now referred to as “Romneycare” being hailed as a major coup for the right because we forced the Democrats to, again, settle for something considerably more watered down that what they initially proposed.

      But some people on the Right have descended into full-blown idiocy.

      We could not agree more and my irony meter just exploded.

      They see somebody saying “I typically vote GOP but I’m not voting for that progressive Romney,” and they say “That person is voting for Obama,” or they say “That person is a bedwetting little crybaby who wants to sit in his house and pout on Election Day.” No, some of us just realize we really don’t have a suitable candidate this year, at least not for President.

      You mentioned idiocy above, I highlight it here. Anyone who “typically” votes for the Republicans (a suspect statement by itself as I, and every self-styled conservative I know, ALWAYS votes Republican) and does not vote GOP this time around when we have Obama/Biden on the other side of the ticket is, yes, adding a “plus” to the Left. I assume you have some grasp of basic math and will not condescend to you (further than is already necessary, of course) but you essentially have four choices come November: vote R, vote D, vote 3rd party or don’t vote at all. Precisely because you are someone who “typically” votes GOP, three of those four choices aid the “vote D” category. You do see that right? Take one away from column A, it adds to column B because the margin between the two increased?

      And no, we’ve heard all the scare talk about how a second Obama term means the end of America. Guess what, government spending is what’s going to kill America, and I don’t believe for one minute that either Obama or Romney is going to do a damn thing about that. We badly need a candidate who will rein in the spending and we don’t have one.

      You KNOW for a fact how Obama’s first term has gone and have, if you are honest, a pretty damned good idea what a second term, without the accountability, the burden of needing to worry about bothersome things like re-elections etc. will look like as well. Romney is an unknown. I don’t care what you say, how you try to sex it up or what flawed, teleological historical analogy you cite to try to gild your flawed logic, to predict the future, you have absolutely no idea what will happen two, three, four years from now if Romney is elected.

      Talking down to people and calling them stupid crybabies isn’t going to change that. This situation isn’t analogous to a kid throwing a tantrum because he got a sweater for Christmas instead of a Transformers action figure. This isn’t analogous to not getting the dream date you wanted and responding by standing your date up and refusing to go to the dance. This is more like watching your house burning, needing a firefighter, and being asked to choose instead between a couple of pyromaniacs — no, getting yelled at because you won’t settle for the less destructive of the two pyromaniacs.

      All of the hyperbole in the world isn’t going to change the fact that your argument is flawed for all of the extremely simple reasons highlighted above. Even assuming, and please understand this is a stretch, your analogy about pouting because you didn’t get a Transformer (as if ANY of these candidates during this primary were the ideal) is legitimate, the two “pyromaniacs” are not created equally. One has a history of spending, the other for being a corporate cutter. One pyro will not be accountable to the constraints of a second term, not worried about either a D Congress or an R Congress, while the other absolutely will be concerned about getting re-elected and will have to answer to Congress no matter who controls both chambers. Arguing that Romney and Obama are synonymous is, yes, extremely stupid. Crying because there isn’t a Transformer under the tree this time is, yes, childish.

      Some people need to grow the hell up and figure out that not everybody thinks about this situation in the same way they do.

      Again, we are in absolute agreement although I would like to add, not all “thinks” and “thoughts” about this “situation” are created equally. I would argue that you are not thinking at all but rather, reacting emotionally to real problems that cannot be solved in a single term but, if Obama is re-elected, will absolutely be compounded exponentially.