Three bank robberies are the crime of the week in the Crime Stoppers program.
In all three cases, the robber wore a baseball cap and a hoodie and gave the teller a note demanding money.
He was described as white, in his late 20s to early 30s, about 5 feet 8 inches tall, with a medium build and light-brown facial hair. He may have a cross tattoo on his neck.
Via Montreal Gazette:
At a recent bank-robbery trial before the Ontario Court of Justice, a Bank of Montreal teller described how she thought it was “odd” when two young men entered the bank wearing bomber-style jackets with their hoods up.
One of the youths approached the teller and demanded money, while the other youth stayed back.
In a ruling on March 13 that found the second youth not guilty because of lack of evidence, Justice Dianne Nicholas took issue with the teller’s characterization of the suspects’ hooded attire.
“She thought this was odd,” the judge said. “It was, however, winter and, in my view, there was nothing unusual in that their dress and clothing were age and season appropriate. They do not appear to be disguised in any way.
“Their appearance is what one would see on a daily basis on the streets or malls of this city in winter time. Hoodies are now commonplace attire and no longer have a nefarious connotation.”
But during the sentencing of a serial bank robber in B.C. provincial court in December, Judge David St. Pierre offered a more sympathetic view of those who might cast a distrustful eye on hoodie wearers….
“The first thing that pops into your mind after going through one of these events is that something bad is going to happen. It goes to destroy the fabric of our safe communities and our society. That is sad.”
Via CBS6 (Richmond, VA):
Two women were arrested and charged in connection to the robbery of a Family Dollar Store in Hopewell, Virginia, according to an email from Hopewell Police Captain Billy Costanzo.
Costanzo said on March 29, 2012, Hopewell officers were called to the Family Dollar Store at 3317 Oaklawn Blvd. after someone complained of “suspicious parties with hoodies in the business.”
When police arrived they discovered the store’s main doors were locked, Costanzo said. Looking through the window, the officer saw someone inside pointing a gun at a store worker. That person was wearing a hoodie, mask, and gloves, according to police.
Via NBC6 Miami:
A mustachioed man wearing a red hoodie robbed a Bank of America on SW 117th Avenue in Kendall Monday afternoon, according to the FBI.
The agency said the robber hit up the bank at 6901 SW 117th Ave. at about 4:10 p.m. He went in, showed a weapon and demanded money from an employee. Money was indeed taken – he made off with at least one bag’s worth, as the photo above shows – but the FBI did not disclose the amount.
Related: Speculative hoodie symbolism.

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bet they didn’t have their pants pulled up either. Good grief, these people thrive on seeing if they can look menacing.
1933 Oxford Dictionary: Hoodlum US slang 1872 A youthful street rowdy; a dangerous rough.
Oxford English Entomology: origin c.1870 in San Francisco.
You give some excellent real-life examples of why “hoodies” have a negative reputation.
But, frankly, let’s face it – the people who live and idolize “gangsta” know this……..and that is why they pull up the hoodies, wear the baggie pants, etc. etc. It is intended to look tough, menacing, and “cool” as in, “I could take you out if I wanna” (with much more vile language, of course, being the norm amongst gangsta-types).
If the crime rate statistics involving African Americans were not so high, and the disproportionally HUGE murder rates involving young African American males (both as shooter/killer and victim) were not FACT – and even culturally encouraged in some areas – then this faux outrage over so-called racial profiling and/or racism/prejudice might hold some merit.
This is just the latest in the Van Jones/leftist bag of tricks to keep dividing, agitating, and stoking the fires of hate – especially to distract from the miserable failure that is Obama and his administration (Chicago-on-the-Potomac is an understatement, it seems.)
Question: what will happen, given this hate-fest over a manufactured “raaaacist” crisis, if/when Obama LOSES in November?? Will the usual agitators rise up and call for riots in the streets because of the “obvious raaaaacist hate” of NOT voting for Obama?!
I suggest this is just a practice run for what they plan in November, should Teh Won not win the election.
Van Jones promised leftist (implied racial) violence – and I am sure that this is all being orchestrated by him and his fellow-traveler, OWS-loving, community organizers. Some of whom are in, or work with, the White House admin. Not that this is provable, yet………but many there are fellow-travelers and sympathizers, for certain.
So, I can wear a hoodie when I vote?
What’s the more important theft here? A pair of tennies, or a vote? We want to be able to identify suspects in petty crime but we’re not allowed to question the theft of our blood-bought vote through intimidation and outright theft.
In the age of security cameras, this is just cheap, effective counter-measure.
A hoody, shades or a bandana, and cheap cotton gloves, and nobody would even know your race from most video. It works.
Where I bank, there is a sign requiring the removal of ALL headgear before entering. First thing inside is a manned (personned?) “customer service desk” with a person who will remind anybody who forgot to remove his/her cap/hat/stetson/hoodie. Failure to comply elicits abundant attention.
p.s. “headgear” includes ski masks and stocking caps (stocking caps are standard uniform for the over-the-hill follicularly challenged guys on cold days).
Yes, I recall reading an article the other day saying someone walked into a bank wearing sunglasses and were told to remove them.
Sadly, this is what it has come to now.
And I thought young men wore hooded jackets because they are inexpensive, serviceable clothing. And that one removes his hat anyway when he enters a building.
So what we have here is apparently the outcome of misplaced tolerance for lack of manners. How about just profiling that.
I grieve for the hoods I have worn all my life.
Living in windy upstate New York has made them a part of my life. I own winter coats with hoods, hooded sweatshirts are a necessity when Spring begins to counter the unexpected rain showers that insist on trying to spoil my walking about, I even seek out T-shirts with hoods for protection from the sun at times. BUT when I enter a building it just makes no sense at all to keep said hood covering my head and hiding my face.
I hereby request a moment of silence in honor of the innocent hoodie.
You can send your thanks (and condolences) to the rappers, gangsta’s, and overall “boyz (and girlz) from da ‘hood” at your leisure.
The hooded Grim Reaper is much more polite.
[…] Since the Trayvon Martin incident the media and protesters have been going into overdrive over “hoodies” and stereotyping. William Jacobsen has a few media examples of reactions over at Legal Insurrection. […]
As a NY Jets fan I demand that they arrest hoodie wearing Bill Belichick, the Patriots coach has always struck me as a suspicious type, especially considering the infamous taping incident.
As a NY Jets fan..
Prefacing your comment with “I denounce myself”.
I like it-
Bank in WA has no problem w/open carry.
Don’t know their policy regarding headgear…