Time to get going Posted by William A. Jacobson Friday, March 2, 2012 at 07:00am 4 Comments Print Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link Another one from reader Bruce, taken in Manhasset, NY: Print Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn WhatsApp Email Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link More Sharing Options Pinterest Digg Buffer Pocket Blogger Yahoo Mail Flipboard Viber Skype Facebook Messenger Copy Link DONATE Donations tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. 4 4 Comments Bumper Stickers Tags: Bumper Stickers
And the obligatory, “Who is John Galt?”
Something tells me that would be the bumper sticker for AFTER the complete collapse. 😉
Guess he is “Going Galt” all the way:)
Wonder how long it would take to get them on the ballot? Must get me one of these.
In my dreams…