A tale of two videos of RI Guardsman killed saving girl in Afghanistan
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A tale of two videos of RI Guardsman killed saving girl in Afghanistan

A tale of two videos of RI Guardsman killed saving girl in Afghanistan

Rhode Island Guardsman died saving Afghan girl:

According to the Rhode Island National Guard and the U.S. Army, [Spc. Dennis] Weichel was in a convoy a week ago with his unit in Laghman Province, in northeast Afghanistan. Some children were in the road in front of the convoy, and Weichel and other troops got out to move them out of the way.

Most of the children moved, but one little girl went back to pick up some brass shell casings in the road. Afghan civilians often recycle the casings, and the girl appeared to aim to do that. But a Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected vehicle was moving toward her, according to Lt. Col. Denis Riel of the Rhode Island National Guard.

MRAPs, as they are known, usually weigh more than 16 tons.

Weichel saw massive truck bearing down on the girl and grabbed her out of the way. But in the process, the armored truck ran him over, Riel said.

The little girl is fine. Weichel died a short time later of his injuries.


Accolades pour in for fallen RI soldier: wpri.com

His death makes this video from last Christmas all the more emotional:

Local soldier gets home for holidays: wpri.com


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I’m stunned and heartbroken for Spc. Weichel and his family.
May God bless his soul.

LukeHandCool | March 30, 2012 at 9:07 am

Absolutely heartbreaking. The video with his kids is painful to watch.

    Tamminator in reply to LukeHandCool. | March 30, 2012 at 9:42 am

    It’s like being punched in the chest. Such awful news to start the day.
    I can’t stop thinking about his poor children.

    alan markus in reply to LukeHandCool. | March 30, 2012 at 11:30 am

    You are more of a man than I am – I can’t bring myself to click on that video.

    Wonder how much attention this hero’s death gets versus the Trayvlon (or whatever the F his name is)thing.

Juba Doobai! | March 30, 2012 at 9:46 am

What’s the word from that silk-wearing, Taliban-lovin’. SOB who calls himself the president of Afghanistan? Has he called this guardsman’s family yet to express his sorrow for their loss and gratitude for the sacrifice th son made? Has he gone on TV and thanked the American military for the good they have done?

Haven’t heard.

May God’s eternal light shine on this guardsman that he may find rest in our Lord. To his family, tears, sympathy, comfort, gratitude. God bless America. God bless all those who server her.

This is a tragedy. My condolences to SPC Weichel’s family.

MSM is suppressing information about foreign policy failure of Obama’s accelerated pullout of 23,000 troops by October.

[…] a bunch of baby killers. Posted on March 30, 2012 4:33 pm by genes Not. A tale of two videos of RI Guardsman killed saving girl in Afghanistan According to the Rhode Island National Guard and the U.S. Army, [Spc. Dennis] Weichel was in a […]

When is Obama going to call this man’s family and offer his support? He’s the Commander In Chief, no matter how little he deserves the title. This man came to death by Obama’s orders. He died so that another, someone he owed nothing to, could live.

When is that sad sack of suet running Afghanistan going to sing the praises of this man? He is damned quick to bad mouth our troops when one does something wrong. When is he going to call up this man’s family and offer his sympathy and gratitude? If his countrymen could stand up on their own two legs and do something beyond killing and betraying their own kind this man may have been home instead of dying to save the life of a little girl in a far away place. A place where girls like her are mistreated by their own relatives with astonishing frequency.