Have you noticed, there have been a lot of handwritten, or in this case painted, anti-Obama signs on vehicles lately. It’s almost as it a mere bumper sticker cannot contain the rage.
Thanks to Jane from Olympia, Washington:
Thought you might like this—there was more writing on the other side of the van, and lots of bumperstickers too.
Unfortunately Jane did not photograph the other writing or bumper stickers, and the van was gone when she went back.

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Yeah, I was thinking of doing that but I have a newly leased PRIUS and I don’t want it keyed. I’m guessing that van wouldn’t be taking the same risk.
“Have you noticed, there have been a lot of handwritten, or in this case painted, anti-Obama signs on vehicles lately. It’s almost as it a mere bumper sticker cannot contain the rage.”
Or people are now so broke they think of bumper stickers as “luxury items”.
If the van is an indication of the income level of the person driving it, then perhaps it is a sign of great hope for our nation.
It is saying to me: Those who are economically challenged are NOT happy with the ever-encroaching “compassionate” government. They do not like or want to be dependent on a “benevolent” welfare state.
Or, perhaps, it just means the person couldn’t afford to get a new car in these tough economic times, even with the cash-for-klunkers “stimulus”.
Regardless, it reflects the discontent of so many – and that we will NOT be stifled. 🙂
And it goes without saying that it is great to see it is driving around in that leftist bastion known as Washington state!!
(I wonder if this person even knew anything about Woodrow Wilson before Obama was elected? I know I didn’t – not the truth, that is, of how he hated the US Constitution and wanted to be in essence a dictator, justified by hs Progressive ideology. I thought he was a “great” war president, who had a stroke and left a “great” legacy. Boy, was I misinformed!)
That van is a work vehicle.
I’m impressed by the mention of Woodrow Wilson.
Clearly, we are being presented the vernacular for “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.” Those King James translators could turn a phrase.
Even more impressive, it was located in the capitol of the People’s Republic of Washington. Woo-hoo. I live in the sane, Eastern side of the state – unfortunately the progressives dominate the Western half. Hopefully we can change that.
Obviously another Koch Bros. astro-turf!
” … and the van was gone when she went back.”
Drone strike.
OBAMA: Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin.
(meaning numerous former supporters have weighed Obama’s performance and will go conservative this time around).
OBAMA – Your chickens are coming home to roost.
2012 – Make Obama Jobless too.
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin