But only because I feel it my duty as a healthy (knock on wood), free (at this time), American (until this country is indistinguishable from a bankrupt European social democratic or one-world nation) to be as absolutely optimistic as I can muster with all my might.
Very revealing, as you say, comment, Say_What, from WoodnWorld.
Life is good?
We have an effective unemployment rate of something between 11% and 16%, according to some ways of measuring — much higher in some cities and parts of the country. And life is good because your favored politician won a primary?
In Washington, they’re trying to remove as many of our freedoms as they can in a totally extra-constitutional way. With very little push-back from Establishment Republicans.
The MSM and Establishment are trying to push their Obama-lite candidate on the TEA Party so there will be no real difference in the fall election.
Hard for me to believe you’re ex-military, WoodnWorld. Don’t our military have more love for our country and our people than that?
WoodnWorld. Life is good? Doesn’t that seem, even to you, somewhat selfish and short-sighted?
Good points, HC. I doubt you’ll get a response. Mitt won a primary and “life is good.” These people are children. We’re losing liberties on a daily basis as our Constitional infrastructure is devoured by leftist termites, our economy and even our historical presumptions of what an economy and free market mean are under assault in every way imaginable, our military is being gutted and our troops demoralized with pay and benefit cuts as public employee unions get only pay increases, Israel is increasingly regarded as a pariah state and treated with contempt. But “life is good” because a perennial RINO loser and admitted “progressive” eked out a primary victory in his home state.
Very revealing, as you say, comment, Say_What, from WoodnWorld.
Forgive me if I do not place much stock in either your’s, Say_What’s or our perpetual little ray of sunshine, warmth and political positivity, Raven’s, dime store psychoanalysis. Your predictions and collective analysis hasn’t exactly been spotless lately, has it? I see the three of you now, pensively pulling on your plastic “TEA Party Patriot” bubble pipes, scratching your chins, tsking one another, “He put an 8?!”
Yes life is good. In spite of all of your “Oh noes!!” and “The sky is fallings!” we are making serious headway. I know what our unemployment rate is, effective or otherwise, and so does everyone else in America. It’s the latter part of that sentence that makes me happy, not the former. I am happy because this President is weaker than he appears. I am happy because in spite of everything you are chewing at the curtains about, we are, God willing, less than a year out from what has been a 3-4 year nightmare. You see the end of the world as we know it and desperately hope Newt will be both your Atlas and your Hercules, your Frodo and your Harry Potter (or whatever, other fictional character you want to invoke in your daily hyperbole) while I see light at the end of the tunnel and the prospect that we can start turning things around.
I don’t know if you have been paying attention, but my “favored” politician has been *steadily* winning primaries while you and yours have been trying to make the case that winning isn’t actually winning, turnout is being suppressed by just one candidate in this race (not lately I notice) and that, while whistling past the graveyard, Newt’s increasingly tough electoral map is something that will be instantly overcome by *magic* in Georgia. You better hope Newt wins by a commanding margin in his “home state,” if he doesn’t you are all going to look like fools and political neophytes. I know this contest will go past Super Tuesday and am under no delusions that Newt will get a serious bump now that Rick is crashing, in the end it will not matter. Time is not on your side.
Hard for me to believe you’re ex-military, WoodnWorld. Don’t our military have more love for our country and our people than that?
I don’t doubt that there are, this subject included, any number of things that are “hard” for you to “believe.” On the one hand, as usual, I do not care what you believe. On the other hand, I am glad it is hard for you to believe I am not “ex-military,” because I am not. It’s “prior service Marine.” Once a Marine, always a Marine, Citizen. Get it right. (Or don’t, I don’t care.)
“Don’t our military have more love for our country and our people” than WHAT? Than the absolute certainty that you conflating, from atop your soapbox perch and from behind your keyboard, a choice between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich in a primary election with my “love” for the nation is a new low for a well-known blowhard? Good. question. Please Hope, I am used to you being bombastic and hyper-inflated with your rhetoric but this is a bit much, even for you.
Hope Change. Raven. Life IS good. No, it doesn’t seem, “even to me,” to be either “selfish” or “short-sighted.” On the contrary, I look at what you two and you all are bitching about back home and I look around me now. You both have a lot of nerve. It’s you who are short-sighted and you who are selfish. You, and most especially Raven, are angry, yes angry (little attack muffins?), angry that the rest of the GOP, the rest of conservatism and the rest of the nation does not see the world the same way you do.
You self-righteously wrap yourself in the Red White and Blue, call yourself and everyone like you “true patriots,” and “true defenders” of liberty and freedom yet you have never truly had to sacrifice an ounce to defend either. “Oh no! My taxes might go up! I might have to pay more for gas! My heating bill is going through the roof! My internet is down!” Give me a break.
Yes, life is good. We have it good back home. There are people actually reporting on the myriad problems we face, Professor Jacobson included, and there is a better than even chance that, because of that reporting, that push back, we will actually fix a number of our current problems even as even more problems arise. You don’t have to worry about being dragged out of your house, shot in the back of the head and dumped in a ditch. You don’t have to worry about tanks lining up on your corner and shelling your friends and family. Yes, life is good. Sure, we have problems, but they could be much, much worse. We have a chance to change things in America. There are many people in the world who do not have that luxury so get off your high horse, get over yourself, put your poopy perception(s) into perspective and look at the big picture.
I am happy but it has very little to do with Mitt Romney. (I admit, I do enjoy watching you all cackle, clap your hands and jump up and down when he says something stupid on one day and then eat your feet on the next when he steadily marches on.) I am happy because we stand a very good chance of ending Obama’s reign in November. I am happy because in spite of everything I have endured and been through, I have a great education, am making incredible money doing something I enjoy, have the love of a beautiful woman, we are going to have a beautiful family and a beautiful future together and absolutely nothing about this primary election has even the slightest chance of changing or affecting any of that. Nowhere else in the world could a young man like me be looking at the opportunities I am right now; you two want to see the worst? Fine. Knock yourselves out. Don’t knock me and my little 8 though. I don’t see the world, this nation, its people, liberty, or freedom the same way you do but I have had to do without and know what it means to earn what I have. Have you? Do you?
I love that it’s only the things you disagree with that are considered rants.
As far as what I am getting paid to do or not do: less than a year out of college and well into 6 figures? And I have some time to respond to things here? Yeah. I am doing alright. Life is good.
Lol, what fate? Have you taken a look at the delegate “score” lately? Romney *still* has won more by himself than all the other candidates have combined. Nothing has changed. I am as happy now as I was a week ago, Michigan and Arizona only gave me an excuse to set work aside long enough to flaunt it!
On the real though, easily 6 of the 8 has nothing to do with Mitt Romney but rather from Obama acting even more desperate and weak than I ever could have imagined. I have never thought this clown was more beatable than I do now, that is why I am happy!
If by this expression, on which I just, coincidentally, used above, you mean Newt’s supporters (you included) are ignoring the long-term electoral reality, I absolutely agree.
I freely admit that I am a nitpicker, but I need context! My mood re: candidates? election? Obama’s agenda? etc. My mood, in any political instance, is quixotic–with the exception of voting in November. I am MOST decidedly a 10 in that department!
My all time favorite political slogan was “54 40 or fight!” Not absolutely sure we really needed Oregon or Washington State but we’re stuck with’em now, still that old sentiment rings a bell in today’s world.
Also, keep our powder dry and remember always, the command is “Ready, Aim, do something.”
There is much chatter of the “three is a charm” rise of Newt. Santorum and Romney seem to be imploding, making unforced errors and setting themselves up for a grand MSM takedown. All of which merely sets the stage for Newt to shine.
I will only be a “1” if Obama wins in November. I was sick for 3 days after he won in 2008. That was a horrible, dark time. Today there is much hope! The South looks promising for Newt; and, no matter what – it’s all about ABO for the general, and icing on the cake if it is Newt!!
(BTW-did you hear the caller on Rush’s show today – a “Reagan Democrat” called GIDDY about how Newt?! She was rejoicing: Newt is just in the right place, that the strategy and plans were all coming together, that the 1980 election where the Reagan Democrats pushed RR into the White House are now mature and READY to WORK HARD to get Newt there this November. She was contagious!)
Don’t let the MSM and elitist, establishment talking heads take down your hope. That’s what they want to do – don’t let them!! Courage. Cheerful.
DINORightMarie– thank you for the tip. I was able to hear her call.
Rush said Kate from the Rockford, Illinois.
So articulate. Quick, smart, lots of good, clear points.
She was saying that the Michigan result was not a huge win for Romney. That the NEwt supporters and the Reagan Democrats, of whom she considers herself one, wanted to see if Romney’s numbers would be down versus a conservative, and they were.
She was saying the insiders in the REpublican Party are the ones who are gloomy, but we NEwt supporters don’t see it as a victory for Romney. It’s his home state! It would have been predicted to be a landslide 6 months ago!
She talks about Reagan and how much the Establishment had written him off. He was divorced, from California, he couldn’t win. And Rush added, “He was an actor.” And yet Reagan won.
And she said we now are all grown up and we have the money and the ability to help Newt get elected. And we have the internet, and newt.org and newtsnetwork.com
And we’re doing it, she said. We’re just having a ball, she said. She said, we have a strategy, and Newt’s GOT this thing!
I love her! I love Kate from Rockford, Illinois.
DINORighMarie, thanks for the tip. I want so much to restore our country.
Kate from Rockford, Illinois is wonderful! Thank you, Kate!
I put 3 – which for me is extremely pessimistic. At this point – I just don’t see any CARING to speak of on the Republican side – and those of us who do care, what do we do? And how? Does your Central Committee have it together? A GOTV? Are they prepared to help candidates? With voter lists? Donor suggestions? People who will volunteer? Put up signs?
Any of the infrastructure in place to win?
OK – I AM in California, so it’s a moot point, I know, but where is everybody? I know we’re out there… it’s very frustrating.
Wow, Rose, I put 7 — because there is trouble ahead, and we can handle it.
What’s this stuff about a Central Committee? We don’t need no stinkin’ Central Committee. We have the Internet, and anybody who cares to can get in touch with the local TEA Parties as well as either of the regular Parties and the relevant person in the Executive Branch. We have not yet begun to raise hell.
There’s very little wrong with California, and all of it could be handled by the legislature: they need to pass a right-to-work law, and bleed the volatility out of the revenue stream. The members of the legislature know it, and they know what needs to be done. They haven’t done it, because the situation simply isn’t bad enough.
I would be deeply surprised if California went for the Republican in the next Presidential election. If they run the right one, he’ll win, anyway. Otherwise, there will be gridlock, and BO will be impeached. Our government is divided precisely because our founders planned for times when a deeply corrupt political party decides to put its personal finances ahead of the welfare of the country.
I started feeling just a whole lot better about the upcoming election when I realized that the Republicans actually have a viable candidate for the office of the President, provided they choose to run him. For me, it was hugely counterintuitive that Newt Gingrich could or should run for the Presidency, but the more I see of him, the better I like him. That man is intelligent, accomplished, diligent, and creative. He has been busy thinking and talking about the solutions to this nation’s problems for years. He grew when he last left public office, and it turns out all those ethics charges were mere political maneuvering. He has an open mind, and he is willing to make common cause with anybody who will agree with him on a given issue, regardless of how they fight on another issue. This is who our country tried to elect in 2008.
If Barack Obama gets elected, we will survive, and it will be painful. If Newt Gingrich is elected, we will have a quick, huge turnaround.
But if they don’t, money and moral support is going to magically flow to those critical Senate races.
Reading the other comments gives me hope. Right now, I’m at a 2 because I haven’t figured out how we’re going to defeat the media. Take the media out of the formula, and it’s a lock that Obama will go down.
Professor, you put this up on a very bad day for me… unusually pessimistic after reading all that is going on and because Newt has been so … well, so low key and less than I had expected. Yes, I know we’re heading South now and the mood should improve. I hope, I hope!!!!
6 because Obama is very vulnerable and I have a feeling any of our top three candidates can potentially beat him, and that is the most important thing for our country right now. And keeping the House and gaining the Senate seem all but foregone conclusions. But its only a 6 because, even if one of out top three candidates wins, its still going to be one of these three candidates, and we’ve been reduced cat-fights about which one sucks less than the others and is least likely to blow his campaign up during any given week.
2.5 or so. I lost interest in the political process after it became a slugfest between Romney and Santorum—two mediocre candidates that I just can’t get excited about.
If Newt pulls a Lazarus for the 3rd time, I’ll be glued to sites like this one again to keep up on things. Or if by some miracle, Paul starts coming out ahead, I could get behind that as well.
I’m a “1”. I’m completely turned off by the presidential race. Time to switch gears to “Operation Counterbalance”. Wouldn’t that be something if in a year where everyone is running away from their party’s presidential candidate, all of the excitement is in the Congressional races?
I put an 8 as well. I can see Newt’s strategy. You don’t plan for 14 years to take over congress if one, you are not patient, two, strategic, and three persevering.
These qualities have served Newt well and will show their results on Super Tuesday!
“Laura Ingraham, who brings intuition to her take, said Tuesday morning on Imus that if Romney wins Michigan, look for a Gingrich insurgence on Super Tuesday. In a word, Gingrich will finally have commandeered the insurgent’s role, taking it finally from Santorum (and Perry, Cain, Bachmann and Paul). And since Sarah Palin was named VP by John McCain in 2008, conservative culture has been in a grassroots insurgency; it is an authentic insurgency in search of its Trickster, and that could well be Newt Gingrich… Who would be the single combat warrior to oppose? Newt Gingrich. And bring back Rick Perry as VP… When history finally completes its purposes, it tends to move on. Is it possible to see Gingrich winning a debate with Obama? Entirely. And thus the presidency? The country has been in a fever these past three years. Absolutely.”
“Now watching Romney and Santorum each beat the other’s brains out in Michigan I think I finally figured out what Newt is up to. Waiting for it to finish so that he can move south and east again. Just like he always does. And if I’m right it means we’ll look back and see that both Romney and Santorum showed up for a chess match, clutching a box of checkers. From day one Gingrich could only win the nomination if he was the only conservative alternative to Romney. That a fact and that’s his baggage. And so Michigan was the set-up Newt was waiting for. Let Romney be defeated in his home state he was finished and then Gingrich could take Santorum in the areas of the country where Monsignor Rick doesn’t play all that well. Let Romney win and Santorum’s momentum would peak and a week he’ll be polling 10-15% again. Heads I win, tails you lose because either way Gingrich will be the only conservative alternative to Romney.”
I almost opted for “3”, but I chose “7” as a more positive outlook because I think Newt will rebound on Super Tuesday and build on his momentum and cinch the nomination by the end of the primary.
After reading several comments, I saw a lot of you chose “3” for the same reason I was going too, Rick and Willard just don’t excite you either.
I put down “1” as a reflection of my mood (more anger than pessimism) on the current status of the establishment and its degenerate achievement to destroy those most equipped to fight the Left and hysterically advance those political imbeciles who cannot even identify the Left much less inspire and lead a war against them.
But this will not last, and indeed my state of mind (which I gather is shared by many) may be the appropriate precursor and mental preparation for the ultimate battle to throw down the establishment. This clash is coming. It cannot be dodged. The reckoning will arrive. It will leave Romney and the rest of them stunned and ruined and finally begging for handouts and a place at the table of the new, rising power, a power that knows the humility, rigor and responsibility of true, constititional American public service.
raven | January 29, 2012 at 9:49 pm
Who do you support?
WoodnWorld | January 30, 2012 at 12:47 am
Honestly? Right now, I just don’t know.
…”Bottom line: I am going to wait to see who wins before I back one over the other.”
“In fact, I have had too many of my “Communist” or “Squishy Middle” friends tell me they both like Mitt and would vote for him in a heartbeat over Barack.”
“… I have kept myself to myself and tried to be as objective as possible throughout this process.”
As a troll, you’re lame. As a political analyst, you’re sad. As a credible commenter, you never were.
Hi raven, Say_What, Henry Hawkins — and all who have been following what I guess is a last-ditch attempt to demoralize those of us who have joined the Newt Skywalker Rebel Alliance.
It’s interesting to me. After I though about it, it occurred to me that here is a commenter who, for the most part, tries to make his point by sneering at others and disparaging others and trying to hurt people’s feelings. Niiice! He thinks life is good because HIS life is good. He’s doing very, very well; very, very, very well indeed. Hmmmm, which candidate does that most typify? So I guess the alignment is appropriate.
I stand with the heroes of our American History. I stand with Jefferson, Washington, Madison. Ben Franklin. The hard-working. Independent. Fierce. The civic-minded. Equality before the law. Sovereignty belongs to the individual, by natural, God-given birthright.
And as I’ve previously mentioned, I don’t confine my allegiances to non-fictional characters. I stand with Frodo, Aragorn, Galadriel and Gandalf; Princess Leia, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. I’m with the Rebel Alliance. I don’t like Death Stars. I like Newt Skywalker.
High morale depends upon the mental and spiritual company you keep. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; that which is essential is invisible to the eye.” Saint-Exupery
Those who would choose Romney are choosing with the eye. They want to continue the Establishment Death Star structure that runs along the Power Corridor between Washington, D.C. and New York City along the East Coast, the corridor of power and crony corruption.
They claim that Romney is electable. Ha!
All that WAll Street, “bailout-so-it’s-really-taxpayer-money-anyway’ money isn’t for electability. All that money is because they know they can control him. Romney will play ball. Romney thinks being conservative is “severe.” The man does not have a clue. The Establishment LOVES a man who does not have a clue.
So I stand with Newt, who is willing to take on the Death Star Establishment, which wants to control money, power and PRESTIGE, and which is willing to SELL US OUT TO THE LEFT if it means holding on to THEIR OWN.
I stand with the man who wants a vibrant economy, a bright future of excitement and promise, possibility and American ingenuity!
Coming from you Raven, I will actually take that as a compliment. I see you as a consistent little ball of hate on here and sincerely hope at least one down vote in any post I make here has come from you.
I figure we’re going to pick up 6-8 Senate seats, the White House and a few Governor’s Mansions this year.
US House we’ll probably lose a little, but still have a solid majority.
State Legislatures we’ll continue to gain, and consolidate the massive gains we got in 2010.
The only downside is that I’m not really thrilled about Santorum, and I think Mitt would do the Republicans nationally what Schwarzenegger did to CA Republicans – govern like a Democrat and ruin the brand.
If you’re not that happy about Santorum, and you think Romney would destroy the Republican brand (a point I agree with very much, btw) would you consider taking a look at Newt.
Newt may not be your cup of tea for some reason. But constitutionally, he is sound. Really sound. We can get our economy humming again in a really short time. We can undo Obama’s distortions of our government structure and the plans are already being made for how to do that, LEGALLY.
If you could look at these, I think you will see why I think Newt has the solutions that will help us and those who will come after us to have a much better tomorrow.
Here are three links.
1. CPAC 2012 How we win the election and start to restore our liberties ASAP—-
http://newtgingrich360.com/profiles/blogs/newt-2012-cpac-2012-american-campaign-newt-man-with-the-plan (I put a loose transcript there so you can skim through it if you want.)
2. 2009 speech at Restoration Weekend. George Washington and American History; the wasted opportunity of the 2004; the meaning of the 2006 election; what will happen in 2010; and how we can win and why we MUST win in 2012—-
“2012: VICTORY OR DEATH.” http://kitmantv.blogspot.com/2009/11/part-ii-part-iii-part-iv.html
3. Energy and jobs right now — Newt, right now, specifically on the economy and energy and how EASY it will be to fix this —-
“FULL AMERICAN ENERGY, INDEPENDENCE AND PROSPERITY: HOW WE DO IT” https://legalinsurrection.com/2012/02/28-minutes-to-energy-independence/#comments
Aarradin, salud! — greetings! — salutaiotns! I think we are allies in our hopes and intentions for the future of our country.
If you’re not that happy about Santorum, and you think Romney would destroy the Republican brand (a point I agree with very much, btw) would you consider taking a look at Newt.
Newt may not be your cup of tea for some reason. But constitutionally, he is sound. Really sound. We can get our economy humming again in a really short time. We can undo Obama’s distortions of our government structure and the plans are already being made for how to do that, LEGALLY.
If you could look at these, I think you will see why I think Newt has the solutions that will help us and those who will come after us to have a much better tomorrow.
Here are three links.
1. CPAC 2012 How we win the election and start to restore our liberties ASAP—-
http://newtgingrich360.com/profiles/blogs/newt-2012-cpac-2012-american-campaign-newt-man-with-the-plan (I put a loose transcript there so you can skim through it if you want.)
2. 2009 speech at Restoration Weekend. George Washington and American History; the wasted opportunity of the 2004; the meaning of the 2006 election; what will happen in 2010; and how we can win and why we MUST win in 2012—-
“2012: VICTORY OR DEATH.” http://kitmantv.blogspot.com/2009/11/part-ii-part-iii-part-iv.html
3. Energy and jobs right now — Newt, right now, specifically on the economy and energy and how EASY it will be to fix this —-
“FULL AMERICAN ENERGY, INDEPENDENCE AND PROSPERITY: HOW WE DO IT” https://legalinsurrection.com/2012/02/28-minutes-to-energy-independence/#comments
Aarradin, salud! — greetings! — salutations! I think we are allies in our hopes and intentions for the future of our country.
This weekend temp is a 9 because I am heading to a Washington caucus on Saturday and can’t wait to ask people that actually support the candidates what their solutions are. I have only heard solutions from Newt. Reform elections are always won by the will and action of the people not by campaign machines or just the candidate.
Here’s hoping some of your optimism will rub off on me. Right now I’m underwhelmed… and angry that the powers that be are trying to saddle us with less than inspiring candidates. McCain redux in the making. Here’s hoping Newt rises like the proverbial phoenix.
[…] like most of us, your political mood could be considered bleh at best. Professor Jacobson has a poll you can take part in trying to gauge the electorate. Tweet Tagged with: Arizona […]
Hi everyone, I’m new so be kind. I’ve been following the discussions on this site for some time and decided I need to join in. I picked 6 but it’s a nervous, down in the mouth sort of six. I’m also, as the founder of the local Utica NY tea party, gung ho for Newt. My sister was a district organizer for his campaign for the house. So he’s sort of in our blood. What worries me is that today Santorum was saying that he’s up in Tenn, and Okla. and that Newt is third in Ohio. I find that hard to believe, and perhaps it’s just his way of making us think he’s the real conservative, but if that’s, I’m a minus 10. I can’t understand why people would go with someone who has no actual experience at running anything. We have that now and you see how that’s working out. Anyway, that’s my two cents worth.
I’m so glad to hear you and your sister are for NEwt.
Remember, everything the MSM or Santorum or Romney says is highly, highly suspect. Would you advise Snow White to trust the wicked queen? Same deal. the only question you ask is, hmmmm I wonder if any of THAT is true? Never, never, never trust Drudge or NYT or even Fox without verifying. Just say, hmmmmm I wonder if that’s true.
My spirits were considerably brightened tonight when I had a chance to hear the caller to Rush today, Kate in Rockford, Illinois. She says NEwt has a strategy. I wrote a lot of it down and it’s in a comment on this thread in response to DINORightMarie.
(If you key command-F simultaneously for “find,” and type in Kate from Rockford in the little window that shows up in the upper right corner of the page, I think it will come up. then you can read it.)
Newt is being ignored by the MSM. They hope Newt will disappear. We just have to live through this time. The campaign is gathering supporters. The campaign is getting strong and better, but it’s just under the radar. Newt is rising because NEwt has solutions we want.
So welcome, Bittersweet. Together, we will restore our country. Getting Newt elected president is just the beginning.
I’m absolutely sick and tired of the whole mess, but there wasn’t a choice lower than “1”.
The animosity has reached an unbelievable level, and that’s just between GOP hopefuls. Both parties laughingly support a belief that “their guy” can straighten our mess out.
We’re too far gone; Washington will never change, regardless of person or party, and anyone who believes otherwise is an idealistic dreamer.
I’d advise putting hopes of a political solution aside and concentrating on stockpiling necessities such as food, water, and ammo – and don’t skimp on the latter.
Newt would be the best against Obama and, I think, for the country. However, it seems too many can’t get beyond his past. It’s not clear what any of the others we see now will do to straighten out the government and the economy – and REALLY doing it is going to be difficult and painful for a lot of us. Commissions, study groups, super committees, delays, compromises – none will work. They just prolong the problems and make it more difficult to address them ourselves, if we ever do, or more disastrous if we find ourselves confronted with a calamity beyond our control. Anyone who beats Obama and really goes after the government and economy will be crucified constantly and unmercifully. Each and every fix will be met with howls of outrage and a deluge of law suits from everywhere. We are up to our eyeballs in debt, regulations and regulators, our laws are a shamble, and money supply is through the roof (the part of high gasoline prices no one talks about). The debt grows by the minute and the others become more deeply entrenched as more come on stream week after week. I’ll vote ABO. I’m pessimistic. I want to be wrong.
Here, you can choose to be with the George Washington crowd and face all of this and call it what it is, and rally the American People to save their country.
Or you can help the corrupt statist tyrants who love nothing better than for you to feel helpless and hopeless so they can continue to steal your rights and your property until you have to ask them for a place to live, medical care and food to eat.
Your attitude is your responsibility. What you choose to watch is up to you. Friends don’t let friends watch CNN. Or sometimes even Fox. Or sometimes even listen to Rush. Certainly not read Drudge. I know this time is hard.
Have you taken a moment to refresh your spirit with some American History or some strategy whereby we will restore our country. That’s actual hope for real change.
Remember the election of 2010. There is a huge energy in America to restore our country.
The MSM want you to think you’re all alone. WEll, you’re not. You’re with us.
Find the little notes about what Kate from Rockford, Illinois said today on Rush. Newt has GOT this thing!
“While the Gingrich team spoke of the need to see Mitt Romney lose his ‘home state’ the reality of Rick Santorum going down after his campaign and the PAC supporting him spent a fortune in Michigan is stark. The bloom is now officially off the Santorum rose. Enter Gingrich… The pro-Gingrich PAC has suddenly received a major cash infusion from its greatest proponent just in time to save the former Speaker of the House from endless negative Romney associated ads in Gingrich’s ‘home state’ of Georgia. In addition, the Gingrich forces now have ads up in numerous states where they believe their man can accumulate delegates. The Gingrich PAC’s Georgia ad… drives the central issue of questioning Romney’s true conservative bona fides. It will likely be enough to give Newt Gingrich a win in the Peach State, allowing him some (if not scant) time to aim at a few other states. With Santorum’s drop Gingrich could become a last minute substitute for the ‘anyone but Mitt’ vote in Tennessee and Oklahoma. With so little time left, Ohio becomes problematic for Gingrich. But Alaska and several other states could yield delegates to Newt.”
I picked ‘8’. Newt sees the big picture. Though it may hurt some people, Obama’s financial chickens are coming home to roost late summer (at the latest). The Bernanke and/or Geithner will have to be thrown under the bus to save President Algae, but it will make him wish his only issue was an Iranian Hostage Crisis. Don’t forget who is firmly in Newt’s corner…..Art Laffer. ‘nough said.
[…] have to agree.One area where I’m not in agreement with the bulk of conservatives is the whole gloom thing. Legal Insurrection’s little mood ring of a poll isn’t all that meaningful, but one […]
Newtcerto, Dino, Hope, Browndog, Tammy, Raven & Prof. – thanks guys, I put a 4 but feel closer to a 6 (and hopefully going up in few days)after reading your specific posts & Prof. thank you for allowing us to vent!!! Also thanks to all of you who keep us in touch with the other web sites (good or bad news) and provide great links for verifing, & great footage of news I myself don’t always find. Surfing the net for me is like going to the Dentist, (especially when looking for any decent political insight)rarely pleasant (Fox News), sometimes excrutiatingly painful (pretty much any MSM – Huffpost, Daily Kos, Realclear polt.) but is definetly something I can’t ignore without causing myself more pain. Coming here, even on bad days, lifts up my spirits and reminds me to pull-up my big girl pants and get out there and fight for my child’s future. NEWT NEEDS TO BE PROPELLED BY THE PEOPLE – HE’S TRULY A GIFTED LEADER, BUT THERE MUST ALSO BE SOLDIERS TO WIN THIS FIGHT. If you haven’t volunteered, you don’t have to, simply go to more conservative blogs and state WHY NEWT IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE TO TURN AMERICA AROUND. It’s that simple. Go to twitter and put the #250newt hash on you tweets. Advertising works – and this is all FREE ADVERTISING!
I agree. This fight is about the future of our children and grandchildren.
Also, have you seen yet what Kate in Rockford, Illinois said today on Rush? Newt has GOT this thing!
Remember that the MSM is trying to sap your spirit. They want you to feel hopeless. They want you to be hypnotized so you can’t think a different way from what they offer. It’s a kind of poison. Even when it’s not political, it make you feel as if the world is a meaningless place with meaningless wickedness. Beware the MSM. I’m not saying never watch them, but be very aware and very discerning and very sparing.
I think we are seeing the advent of the Army of Davids that Glenn Reynolds of InstaPundit wrote about so presciently in his book by that name. Newt is going to have the energy and genius of the AMerican People behind him.
That is what the campaign is all about. Freedom, Constitutional government, the founding documents, fair play.
Courage! We’re in this together. And remember, even a few minutes listening to one of Newt’s speeches about American History or THE PLAN can refresh you.
Did you listen to Levin, one of his last callers was a Newt supporter, he said to her “You really want to shake things up” I found that an odd comment for him to make considering he is a Santorum guy, however, my thought on it was – You damn right we do! Isn’t that what this country needs now and Newt will shake things up and save us. Now is the time, Washington is the place and Newt is our man!!
I was so motivated after that, I donated again to his campagin! LOL
I haven’t been listening to Levin. He’s not on the air in my area, and I listen to him, when I do, on the internet. But I was pretty shocked that a man of Levin’s insight, acumen and caliber would support Santorum. Santorum is all about cultural flame wars. Have you seen the video of Santorum saying he doesn’t support the TEA Party? Please.
(Also Santorum saying he doesn’t trust the TEA Parties)
So I haven’t been seeking Levin out. Although I do think Levin is generally a brilliant guy.
I’m sure you know Levin interviewed Newt last week.
I was impressed with the professional way Levin conducted the interview. He asked questions that I thought went right to the heart of what we need to know — what will you do about the economy, which Supreme Court justices do you think are best —
Terri, thanks for the direct communication. It feels good to know we are all working in the same direction. I enjoy reading your comments and I often learn something new, which I pretty much always appreciate. Thanks!
WE do want to shake things up if that means breaking up the cozy, corrupt Establishment between money and power that “American’s Ruling Class” has managed to construct for themselves.
Yes, I listen to Mark Levin more than Rush these days. I listened to Rush today though. My husband is a big fan of Mark and he seems more fair in his reporting and has defended Newt when needed, which is more than I can say for Glenn Beck, who broke my heart with the way he went off on Newt constantly for weeks maybe even months (which I stopped watching/listening to ALL together) Yes, I find it odd that he supports Santorum especially after reading his Ameritopia, doesnt fit Santorum AT ALL – The Teaparty, etc.. Oh well.Thanks for the links I have seen a couple of them but not “Angelo Codevilla from July, 2010 “America’s Ruling Class” will watch it! Thanks again for the conversation, it’s nice to have someone to “talk” to that shares the passion regarding Newt!
Sorry – put wrong info on hashtag – s/b #250gas. And Hope – no problem – keep on reminding us THAT THERE IS A WAY – IT’S UP TO US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, AND WE DO HAVE THE POWER WHEN UNITED. Sorry so corny – but it’s still true!
what they have made us feel is “corny” are some of the most vital feelings about life and freedom that any human being can have or express.
Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for expressing your strength and determination when you say, “THERE IS A WAY – IT’S UP TO US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, AND WE DO HAVE THE POWER WHEN UNITED.”
It does more good than we can possibly measure or maybe even imagine.
Thank you to all those of you who said “Hi, and Hello,” I think I’m going to like it here. I see where Thomas Sowell had some fine things to say about Newt. I have to say that the biggest selling point for me concerning the candidates is that Newt is a man of big idea’s. He’s not just satisfied to say lets fix the economy. He say’s “and after that we’re going to do this or that. We’re going to be a great nation again. Do great things, go back to the moon.” People thought Kennedy was a little nutty when he said that but we did it and look at all that came from it. We’re using one of the inventions right now.
I read some of the comments on other sites and I just shake my head. People are commenting on things that have long since been proven untrue. Oh, he’s been married three times. Yeah, and so have half the people in Hollywood but we still spend money to see their movies, and buy their records. Oh, he was involved with Fannie and Freddie. Yeah but he never passed a health care bill that was the blue print for ObamaCare. I could go on, but to spare all of you, I won’t.
I work at the polls on election day, and I do believe that a Constitution test should be given. If you don’t pass, you don’t vote. In our last election we had a woman bring in her two girls both under ten. She shows them the ballot and then said “Okay, who should we vote for.” I almost ripped the pen out of her hand and used it to write Shame on her forehead. I didn’t because a friend stopped me.
Anyway, thanks for listening.
Thank you to all those of you who said “Hi, and Hello,” I think I’m going to like it here. I see where Thomas Sowell had some fine things to say about Newt. I have to say that the biggest selling point for me concerning the candidates is that Newt is a man of big idea’s. He’s not just satisfied to say lets fix the economy. He say’s “and after that we’re going to do this or that. We’re going to be a great nation again. Do great things, go back to the moon.” People thought Kennedy was a little nutty when he said that but we did it and look at all that came from it. We’re using one of the inventions right now.
I read some of the comments on other sites and I just shake my head. People are commenting on things that have long since been proven untrue. Oh, he’s been married three times. Yeah, and so have half the people in Hollywood but we still spend money to see their movies, and buy their records. Oh, he was involved with Fannie and Freddie. Yeah but he never passed a health care bill that was the blue print for ObamaCare. I could go on, but to spare all of you, I won’t.
I work at the polls on election day, and I do believe that a Constitution test should be given. If you don’t pass, you don’t vote. In our last election we had a woman bring in her two girls both under ten. She shows them the ballot and then said “Okay, who should we vote for.” I almost ripped the pen out of her hand and used it to write Shame on her forehead. I didn’t because a friend stopped me.
Anyway, thanks for listening.
my PT depends on the day. If Newt wins some states on March 6th, it will go up.
I put “2.”
But only because I feel it my duty as a healthy (knock on wood), free (at this time), American (until this country is indistinguishable from a bankrupt European social democratic or one-world nation) to be as absolutely optimistic as I can muster with all my might.
I really wanted to vote 1-1/2.
That’s OK…. I feel like I have had my political temperature taken by a veterinarian.
I’m in a great mood, the Rombots and RINO establishment are freaking out, and we are heading South to the land of Newt. What’s not to love!
Who is freaking out? Life is good brother, I put an 8!
Very revealing comment.
Very revealing, as you say, comment, Say_What, from WoodnWorld.
Life is good?
We have an effective unemployment rate of something between 11% and 16%, according to some ways of measuring — much higher in some cities and parts of the country. And life is good because your favored politician won a primary?
In Washington, they’re trying to remove as many of our freedoms as they can in a totally extra-constitutional way. With very little push-back from Establishment Republicans.
The MSM and Establishment are trying to push their Obama-lite candidate on the TEA Party so there will be no real difference in the fall election.
Hard for me to believe you’re ex-military, WoodnWorld. Don’t our military have more love for our country and our people than that?
WoodnWorld. Life is good? Doesn’t that seem, even to you, somewhat selfish and short-sighted?
Good points, HC. I doubt you’ll get a response. Mitt won a primary and “life is good.” These people are children. We’re losing liberties on a daily basis as our Constitional infrastructure is devoured by leftist termites, our economy and even our historical presumptions of what an economy and free market mean are under assault in every way imaginable, our military is being gutted and our troops demoralized with pay and benefit cuts as public employee unions get only pay increases, Israel is increasingly regarded as a pariah state and treated with contempt. But “life is good” because a perennial RINO loser and admitted “progressive” eked out a primary victory in his home state.
Forgive me if I do not place much stock in either your’s, Say_What’s or our perpetual little ray of sunshine, warmth and political positivity, Raven’s, dime store psychoanalysis. Your predictions and collective analysis hasn’t exactly been spotless lately, has it? I see the three of you now, pensively pulling on your plastic “TEA Party Patriot” bubble pipes, scratching your chins, tsking one another, “He put an 8?!”
Yes life is good. In spite of all of your “Oh noes!!” and “The sky is fallings!” we are making serious headway. I know what our unemployment rate is, effective or otherwise, and so does everyone else in America. It’s the latter part of that sentence that makes me happy, not the former. I am happy because this President is weaker than he appears. I am happy because in spite of everything you are chewing at the curtains about, we are, God willing, less than a year out from what has been a 3-4 year nightmare. You see the end of the world as we know it and desperately hope Newt will be both your Atlas and your Hercules, your Frodo and your Harry Potter (or whatever, other fictional character you want to invoke in your daily hyperbole) while I see light at the end of the tunnel and the prospect that we can start turning things around.
I don’t know if you have been paying attention, but my “favored” politician has been *steadily* winning primaries while you and yours have been trying to make the case that winning isn’t actually winning, turnout is being suppressed by just one candidate in this race (not lately I notice) and that, while whistling past the graveyard, Newt’s increasingly tough electoral map is something that will be instantly overcome by *magic* in Georgia. You better hope Newt wins by a commanding margin in his “home state,” if he doesn’t you are all going to look like fools and political neophytes. I know this contest will go past Super Tuesday and am under no delusions that Newt will get a serious bump now that Rick is crashing, in the end it will not matter. Time is not on your side.
I don’t doubt that there are, this subject included, any number of things that are “hard” for you to “believe.” On the one hand, as usual, I do not care what you believe. On the other hand, I am glad it is hard for you to believe I am not “ex-military,” because I am not. It’s “prior service Marine.” Once a Marine, always a Marine, Citizen. Get it right. (Or don’t, I don’t care.)
“Don’t our military have more love for our country and our people” than WHAT? Than the absolute certainty that you conflating, from atop your soapbox perch and from behind your keyboard, a choice between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich in a primary election with my “love” for the nation is a new low for a well-known blowhard? Good. question. Please Hope, I am used to you being bombastic and hyper-inflated with your rhetoric but this is a bit much, even for you.
Hope Change. Raven. Life IS good. No, it doesn’t seem, “even to me,” to be either “selfish” or “short-sighted.” On the contrary, I look at what you two and you all are bitching about back home and I look around me now. You both have a lot of nerve. It’s you who are short-sighted and you who are selfish. You, and most especially Raven, are angry, yes angry (little attack muffins?), angry that the rest of the GOP, the rest of conservatism and the rest of the nation does not see the world the same way you do.
You self-righteously wrap yourself in the Red White and Blue, call yourself and everyone like you “true patriots,” and “true defenders” of liberty and freedom yet you have never truly had to sacrifice an ounce to defend either. “Oh no! My taxes might go up! I might have to pay more for gas! My heating bill is going through the roof! My internet is down!” Give me a break.
Yes, life is good. We have it good back home. There are people actually reporting on the myriad problems we face, Professor Jacobson included, and there is a better than even chance that, because of that reporting, that push back, we will actually fix a number of our current problems even as even more problems arise. You don’t have to worry about being dragged out of your house, shot in the back of the head and dumped in a ditch. You don’t have to worry about tanks lining up on your corner and shelling your friends and family. Yes, life is good. Sure, we have problems, but they could be much, much worse. We have a chance to change things in America. There are many people in the world who do not have that luxury so get off your high horse, get over yourself, put your poopy perception(s) into perspective and look at the big picture.
I am happy but it has very little to do with Mitt Romney. (I admit, I do enjoy watching you all cackle, clap your hands and jump up and down when he says something stupid on one day and then eat your feet on the next when he steadily marches on.) I am happy because we stand a very good chance of ending Obama’s reign in November. I am happy because in spite of everything I have endured and been through, I have a great education, am making incredible money doing something I enjoy, have the love of a beautiful woman, we are going to have a beautiful family and a beautiful future together and absolutely nothing about this primary election has even the slightest chance of changing or affecting any of that. Nowhere else in the world could a young man like me be looking at the opportunities I am right now; you two want to see the worst? Fine. Knock yourselves out. Don’t knock me and my little 8 though. I don’t see the world, this nation, its people, liberty, or freedom the same way you do but I have had to do without and know what it means to earn what I have. Have you? Do you?
I love it when Woodn rants. I hope he is being paid by the number of words:)
Didn’t Hank tell you not to feed the “troll?”
I love that it’s only the things you disagree with that are considered rants.
As far as what I am getting paid to do or not do: less than a year out of college and well into 6 figures? And I have some time to respond to things here? Yeah. I am doing alright. Life is good.
Wow Woodn that’s great, I’m happy for ya, I didn’t know a person could make that much money working out of their parents basement:)
Oooooh burn. Good one Say_What!
The Romneybots will all be very happy that they escaped their fate yesterday.
Lol, what fate? Have you taken a look at the delegate “score” lately? Romney *still* has won more by himself than all the other candidates have combined. Nothing has changed. I am as happy now as I was a week ago, Michigan and Arizona only gave me an excuse to set work aside long enough to flaunt it!
On the real though, easily 6 of the 8 has nothing to do with Mitt Romney but rather from Obama acting even more desperate and weak than I ever could have imagined. I have never thought this clown was more beatable than I do now, that is why I am happy!
Whistling past the graveyard…
If by this expression, on which I just, coincidentally, used above, you mean Newt’s supporters (you included) are ignoring the long-term electoral reality, I absolutely agree.
I’m a solid 6. IF we had somebody BESIDES the Mushroom Media conducting these “debates”, I might be an 8.
I’d love to vote my ‘2’ but the poll doesn’t want to take the selection….
And, why yes, I AM in a good mood today…..
Plus I love long walks on the beach, and if I could be reborn as an animal I’d want to be an eagle.
LOL Henry, you are on a roll today:)
Too many doughnuts = roll.
If you were a tree…….
Excellent choice
I freely admit that I am a nitpicker, but I need context! My mood re: candidates? election? Obama’s agenda? etc. My mood, in any political instance, is quixotic–with the exception of voting in November. I am MOST decidedly a 10 in that department!
My all time favorite political slogan was “54 40 or fight!” Not absolutely sure we really needed Oregon or Washington State but we’re stuck with’em now, still that old sentiment rings a bell in today’s world.
Also, keep our powder dry and remember always, the command is “Ready, Aim, do something.”
I’m a “3” on some days.
I put an 8 – encouraging and optimistic.
There is much chatter of the “three is a charm” rise of Newt. Santorum and Romney seem to be imploding, making unforced errors and setting themselves up for a grand MSM takedown. All of which merely sets the stage for Newt to shine.
I will only be a “1” if Obama wins in November. I was sick for 3 days after he won in 2008. That was a horrible, dark time. Today there is much hope! The South looks promising for Newt; and, no matter what – it’s all about ABO for the general, and icing on the cake if it is Newt!!
(BTW-did you hear the caller on Rush’s show today – a “Reagan Democrat” called GIDDY about how Newt?! She was rejoicing: Newt is just in the right place, that the strategy and plans were all coming together, that the 1980 election where the Reagan Democrats pushed RR into the White House are now mature and READY to WORK HARD to get Newt there this November. She was contagious!)
Don’t let the MSM and elitist, establishment talking heads take down your hope. That’s what they want to do – don’t let them!! Courage. Cheerful.
That SHOULD say:
…a “Reagan Democrat” called into the show, GIDDY about Newt?!
Proofreading error. Oops.
That lady caller was uplifting. Her call is what got me to 3 rather than 2.
DINORightMarie– thank you for the tip. I was able to hear her call.
Rush said Kate from the Rockford, Illinois.
So articulate. Quick, smart, lots of good, clear points.
She was saying that the Michigan result was not a huge win for Romney. That the NEwt supporters and the Reagan Democrats, of whom she considers herself one, wanted to see if Romney’s numbers would be down versus a conservative, and they were.
She was saying the insiders in the REpublican Party are the ones who are gloomy, but we NEwt supporters don’t see it as a victory for Romney. It’s his home state! It would have been predicted to be a landslide 6 months ago!
She talks about Reagan and how much the Establishment had written him off. He was divorced, from California, he couldn’t win. And Rush added, “He was an actor.” And yet Reagan won.
And she said we now are all grown up and we have the money and the ability to help Newt get elected. And we have the internet, and newt.org and newtsnetwork.com
And we’re doing it, she said. We’re just having a ball, she said. She said, we have a strategy, and Newt’s GOT this thing!
I love her! I love Kate from Rockford, Illinois.
DINORighMarie, thanks for the tip. I want so much to restore our country.
Kate from Rockford, Illinois is wonderful! Thank you, Kate!
I put 3 – which for me is extremely pessimistic. At this point – I just don’t see any CARING to speak of on the Republican side – and those of us who do care, what do we do? And how? Does your Central Committee have it together? A GOTV? Are they prepared to help candidates? With voter lists? Donor suggestions? People who will volunteer? Put up signs?
Any of the infrastructure in place to win?
OK – I AM in California, so it’s a moot point, I know, but where is everybody? I know we’re out there… it’s very frustrating.
Wow, Rose, I put 7 — because there is trouble ahead, and we can handle it.
What’s this stuff about a Central Committee? We don’t need no stinkin’ Central Committee. We have the Internet, and anybody who cares to can get in touch with the local TEA Parties as well as either of the regular Parties and the relevant person in the Executive Branch. We have not yet begun to raise hell.
There’s very little wrong with California, and all of it could be handled by the legislature: they need to pass a right-to-work law, and bleed the volatility out of the revenue stream. The members of the legislature know it, and they know what needs to be done. They haven’t done it, because the situation simply isn’t bad enough.
I would be deeply surprised if California went for the Republican in the next Presidential election. If they run the right one, he’ll win, anyway. Otherwise, there will be gridlock, and BO will be impeached. Our government is divided precisely because our founders planned for times when a deeply corrupt political party decides to put its personal finances ahead of the welfare of the country.
I started feeling just a whole lot better about the upcoming election when I realized that the Republicans actually have a viable candidate for the office of the President, provided they choose to run him. For me, it was hugely counterintuitive that Newt Gingrich could or should run for the Presidency, but the more I see of him, the better I like him. That man is intelligent, accomplished, diligent, and creative. He has been busy thinking and talking about the solutions to this nation’s problems for years. He grew when he last left public office, and it turns out all those ethics charges were mere political maneuvering. He has an open mind, and he is willing to make common cause with anybody who will agree with him on a given issue, regardless of how they fight on another issue. This is who our country tried to elect in 2008.
If Barack Obama gets elected, we will survive, and it will be painful. If Newt Gingrich is elected, we will have a quick, huge turnaround.
But if they don’t, money and moral support is going to magically flow to those critical Senate races.
4: in the neutral zone but shaded pessimistic.
For me, “Politics” is all encompassing-
From the 3 branches of the Federal Government, to the City Clerk and School Board.
I’m afraid as a nation we are becoming Detroit–politically speaking.
Since we’re not….yet…I went with a 4.
Reading the other comments gives me hope. Right now, I’m at a 2 because I haven’t figured out how we’re going to defeat the media. Take the media out of the formula, and it’s a lock that Obama will go down.
I’m at 3. This circular firing squard called The
Stupid PartyRepublican Party really has been discourage at this time..
I went with 2. I would have gone with 1 but I think it could actually get worse so I better save that for November.
Professor, you put this up on a very bad day for me… unusually pessimistic after reading all that is going on and because Newt has been so … well, so low key and less than I had expected. Yes, I know we’re heading South now and the mood should improve. I hope, I hope!!!!
Well, chew on this:
In Michigan, Newt got some of his best results (percentage wise) in some of the most rural and desolate counties.
Not sure what to make of it, but I find it very, very interesting.
Newt at the NRA, this might be a partial reason for rural support. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nbGbKbGZsGY#!
Yea, I had the other half watch it-
She decided to vote Newt instead of Santorum after watching it-
Besides–the militant liberals were coming out in droves to vote Santorum anyway
6 because Obama is very vulnerable and I have a feeling any of our top three candidates can potentially beat him, and that is the most important thing for our country right now. And keeping the House and gaining the Senate seem all but foregone conclusions. But its only a 6 because, even if one of out top three candidates wins, its still going to be one of these three candidates, and we’ve been reduced cat-fights about which one sucks less than the others and is least likely to blow his campaign up during any given week.
Convention look at Perry?
2.5 or so. I lost interest in the political process after it became a slugfest between Romney and Santorum—two mediocre candidates that I just can’t get excited about.
If Newt pulls a Lazarus for the 3rd time, I’ll be glued to sites like this one again to keep up on things. Or if by some miracle, Paul starts coming out ahead, I could get behind that as well.
My head hurts.
I can’t vote.
I think I’m going to need a lobotomy after this thing is over.
Oh, and I think my neighbors are sick of hearing screaming coming from my house.
I put a 3. I just can’t muster any excitement at the thought of Romney or Santorum.
Since reporting on this is “slow”
Romney did not win Michigan.
At best it’s a tie, with one outstanding precinct (last I checked) that could give Santorum the W.
Gee, that would be the second state where Romney was widely reported to win, and that Santorum actually won.,
It’s been declared a tie they each get 15 delegates:
I’m a “1”. I’m completely turned off by the presidential race. Time to switch gears to “Operation Counterbalance”. Wouldn’t that be something if in a year where everyone is running away from their party’s presidential candidate, all of the excitement is in the Congressional races?
I put an 8 as well. I can see Newt’s strategy. You don’t plan for 14 years to take over congress if one, you are not patient, two, strategic, and three persevering.
These qualities have served Newt well and will show their results on Super Tuesday!
Bernie Quigley, at The Hill:
“Laura Ingraham, who brings intuition to her take, said Tuesday morning on Imus that if Romney wins Michigan, look for a Gingrich insurgence on Super Tuesday. In a word, Gingrich will finally have commandeered the insurgent’s role, taking it finally from Santorum (and Perry, Cain, Bachmann and Paul). And since Sarah Palin was named VP by John McCain in 2008, conservative culture has been in a grassroots insurgency; it is an authentic insurgency in search of its Trickster, and that could well be Newt Gingrich… Who would be the single combat warrior to oppose? Newt Gingrich. And bring back Rick Perry as VP… When history finally completes its purposes, it tends to move on. Is it possible to see Gingrich winning a debate with Obama? Entirely. And thus the presidency? The country has been in a fever these past three years. Absolutely.”
Richard Miniter, at American Thinker:
“Now watching Romney and Santorum each beat the other’s brains out in Michigan I think I finally figured out what Newt is up to. Waiting for it to finish so that he can move south and east again. Just like he always does. And if I’m right it means we’ll look back and see that both Romney and Santorum showed up for a chess match, clutching a box of checkers. From day one Gingrich could only win the nomination if he was the only conservative alternative to Romney. That a fact and that’s his baggage. And so Michigan was the set-up Newt was waiting for. Let Romney be defeated in his home state he was finished and then Gingrich could take Santorum in the areas of the country where Monsignor Rick doesn’t play all that well. Let Romney win and Santorum’s momentum would peak and a week he’ll be polling 10-15% again. Heads I win, tails you lose because either way Gingrich will be the only conservative alternative to Romney.”
I almost opted for “3”, but I chose “7” as a more positive outlook because I think Newt will rebound on Super Tuesday and build on his momentum and cinch the nomination by the end of the primary.
After reading several comments, I saw a lot of you chose “3” for the same reason I was going too, Rick and Willard just don’t excite you either.
Honestly, if there was a negative number? I would’ve chosen that. So, I picked 1.
I can’t stand any of our candidates. Just get me to November so I can vote against Obama.
I put down “1” as a reflection of my mood (more anger than pessimism) on the current status of the establishment and its degenerate achievement to destroy those most equipped to fight the Left and hysterically advance those political imbeciles who cannot even identify the Left much less inspire and lead a war against them.
But this will not last, and indeed my state of mind (which I gather is shared by many) may be the appropriate precursor and mental preparation for the ultimate battle to throw down the establishment. This clash is coming. It cannot be dodged. The reckoning will arrive. It will leave Romney and the rest of them stunned and ruined and finally begging for handouts and a place at the table of the new, rising power, a power that knows the humility, rigor and responsibility of true, constititional American public service.
Oh, the melodrama. You angry? Nooo….
raven | January 29, 2012 at 9:49 pm
Who do you support?
WoodnWorld | January 30, 2012 at 12:47 am
Honestly? Right now, I just don’t know.
…”Bottom line: I am going to wait to see who wins before I back one over the other.”
“In fact, I have had too many of my “Communist” or “Squishy Middle” friends tell me they both like Mitt and would vote for him in a heartbeat over Barack.”
“… I have kept myself to myself and tried to be as objective as possible throughout this process.”
As a troll, you’re lame. As a political analyst, you’re sad. As a credible commenter, you never were.
Thank you, raven! Thank you, Henry Hawkins! Ha!
Hi raven, Say_What, Henry Hawkins — and all who have been following what I guess is a last-ditch attempt to demoralize those of us who have joined the Newt Skywalker Rebel Alliance.
It’s interesting to me. After I though about it, it occurred to me that here is a commenter who, for the most part, tries to make his point by sneering at others and disparaging others and trying to hurt people’s feelings. Niiice! He thinks life is good because HIS life is good. He’s doing very, very well; very, very, very well indeed. Hmmmm, which candidate does that most typify? So I guess the alignment is appropriate.
I stand with the heroes of our American History. I stand with Jefferson, Washington, Madison. Ben Franklin. The hard-working. Independent. Fierce. The civic-minded. Equality before the law. Sovereignty belongs to the individual, by natural, God-given birthright.
And as I’ve previously mentioned, I don’t confine my allegiances to non-fictional characters. I stand with Frodo, Aragorn, Galadriel and Gandalf; Princess Leia, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. I’m with the Rebel Alliance. I don’t like Death Stars. I like Newt Skywalker.
High morale depends upon the mental and spiritual company you keep. “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; that which is essential is invisible to the eye.” Saint-Exupery
Those who would choose Romney are choosing with the eye. They want to continue the Establishment Death Star structure that runs along the Power Corridor between Washington, D.C. and New York City along the East Coast, the corridor of power and crony corruption.
They claim that Romney is electable. Ha!
All that WAll Street, “bailout-so-it’s-really-taxpayer-money-anyway’ money isn’t for electability. All that money is because they know they can control him. Romney will play ball. Romney thinks being conservative is “severe.” The man does not have a clue. The Establishment LOVES a man who does not have a clue.
So I stand with Newt, who is willing to take on the Death Star Establishment, which wants to control money, power and PRESTIGE, and which is willing to SELL US OUT TO THE LEFT if it means holding on to THEIR OWN.
I stand with the man who wants a vibrant economy, a bright future of excitement and promise, possibility and American ingenuity!
I stand with Newt.
Newt is the man with the plan.
Coming from you Raven, I will actually take that as a compliment. I see you as a consistent little ball of hate on here and sincerely hope at least one down vote in any post I make here has come from you.
I figure we’re going to pick up 6-8 Senate seats, the White House and a few Governor’s Mansions this year.
US House we’ll probably lose a little, but still have a solid majority.
State Legislatures we’ll continue to gain, and consolidate the massive gains we got in 2010.
The only downside is that I’m not really thrilled about Santorum, and I think Mitt would do the Republicans nationally what Schwarzenegger did to CA Republicans – govern like a Democrat and ruin the brand.
Hi Aarradin –
If you’re not that happy about Santorum, and you think Romney would destroy the Republican brand (a point I agree with very much, btw) would you consider taking a look at Newt.
Newt may not be your cup of tea for some reason. But constitutionally, he is sound. Really sound. We can get our economy humming again in a really short time. We can undo Obama’s distortions of our government structure and the plans are already being made for how to do that, LEGALLY.
If you could look at these, I think you will see why I think Newt has the solutions that will help us and those who will come after us to have a much better tomorrow.
Here are three links.
1. CPAC 2012 How we win the election and start to restore our liberties ASAP—-
http://newtgingrich360.com/profiles/blogs/newt-2012-cpac-2012-american-campaign-newt-man-with-the-plan (I put a loose transcript there so you can skim through it if you want.)
2. 2009 speech at Restoration Weekend. George Washington and American History; the wasted opportunity of the 2004; the meaning of the 2006 election; what will happen in 2010; and how we can win and why we MUST win in 2012—-
“2012: VICTORY OR DEATH.” http://kitmantv.blogspot.com/2009/11/part-ii-part-iii-part-iv.html
3. Energy and jobs right now — Newt, right now, specifically on the economy and energy and how EASY it will be to fix this —-
“FULL AMERICAN ENERGY, INDEPENDENCE AND PROSPERITY: HOW WE DO IT” https://legalinsurrection.com/2012/02/28-minutes-to-energy-independence/#comments
Aarradin, salud! — greetings! — salutaiotns! I think we are allies in our hopes and intentions for the future of our country.
Hi Aarradin –
If you’re not that happy about Santorum, and you think Romney would destroy the Republican brand (a point I agree with very much, btw) would you consider taking a look at Newt.
Newt may not be your cup of tea for some reason. But constitutionally, he is sound. Really sound. We can get our economy humming again in a really short time. We can undo Obama’s distortions of our government structure and the plans are already being made for how to do that, LEGALLY.
If you could look at these, I think you will see why I think Newt has the solutions that will help us and those who will come after us to have a much better tomorrow.
Here are three links.
1. CPAC 2012 How we win the election and start to restore our liberties ASAP—-
http://newtgingrich360.com/profiles/blogs/newt-2012-cpac-2012-american-campaign-newt-man-with-the-plan (I put a loose transcript there so you can skim through it if you want.)
2. 2009 speech at Restoration Weekend. George Washington and American History; the wasted opportunity of the 2004; the meaning of the 2006 election; what will happen in 2010; and how we can win and why we MUST win in 2012—-
“2012: VICTORY OR DEATH.” http://kitmantv.blogspot.com/2009/11/part-ii-part-iii-part-iv.html
3. Energy and jobs right now — Newt, right now, specifically on the economy and energy and how EASY it will be to fix this —-
“FULL AMERICAN ENERGY, INDEPENDENCE AND PROSPERITY: HOW WE DO IT” https://legalinsurrection.com/2012/02/28-minutes-to-energy-independence/#comments
Aarradin, salud! — greetings! — salutations! I think we are allies in our hopes and intentions for the future of our country.
Sorry for the double post.
This weekend temp is a 9 because I am heading to a Washington caucus on Saturday and can’t wait to ask people that actually support the candidates what their solutions are. I have only heard solutions from Newt. Reform elections are always won by the will and action of the people not by campaign machines or just the candidate.
Aarradin | February 29, 2012 at 6:27 pm
Here’s hoping some of your optimism will rub off on me. Right now I’m underwhelmed… and angry that the powers that be are trying to saddle us with less than inspiring candidates. McCain redux in the making. Here’s hoping Newt rises like the proverbial phoenix.
I’m being a optimist at a 3.
[…] like most of us, your political mood could be considered bleh at best. Professor Jacobson has a poll you can take part in trying to gauge the electorate. Tweet Tagged with: Arizona […]
Hi everyone, I’m new so be kind. I’ve been following the discussions on this site for some time and decided I need to join in. I picked 6 but it’s a nervous, down in the mouth sort of six. I’m also, as the founder of the local Utica NY tea party, gung ho for Newt. My sister was a district organizer for his campaign for the house. So he’s sort of in our blood. What worries me is that today Santorum was saying that he’s up in Tenn, and Okla. and that Newt is third in Ohio. I find that hard to believe, and perhaps it’s just his way of making us think he’s the real conservative, but if that’s, I’m a minus 10. I can’t understand why people would go with someone who has no actual experience at running anything. We have that now and you see how that’s working out. Anyway, that’s my two cents worth.
Welcome, Bittersweet —
I’m so glad to hear you and your sister are for NEwt.
Remember, everything the MSM or Santorum or Romney says is highly, highly suspect. Would you advise Snow White to trust the wicked queen? Same deal. the only question you ask is, hmmmm I wonder if any of THAT is true? Never, never, never trust Drudge or NYT or even Fox without verifying. Just say, hmmmmm I wonder if that’s true.
My spirits were considerably brightened tonight when I had a chance to hear the caller to Rush today, Kate in Rockford, Illinois. She says NEwt has a strategy. I wrote a lot of it down and it’s in a comment on this thread in response to DINORightMarie.
(If you key command-F simultaneously for “find,” and type in Kate from Rockford in the little window that shows up in the upper right corner of the page, I think it will come up. then you can read it.)
Newt is being ignored by the MSM. They hope Newt will disappear. We just have to live through this time. The campaign is gathering supporters. The campaign is getting strong and better, but it’s just under the radar. Newt is rising because NEwt has solutions we want.
So welcome, Bittersweet. Together, we will restore our country. Getting Newt elected president is just the beginning.
I’m absolutely sick and tired of the whole mess, but there wasn’t a choice lower than “1”.
The animosity has reached an unbelievable level, and that’s just between GOP hopefuls. Both parties laughingly support a belief that “their guy” can straighten our mess out.
We’re too far gone; Washington will never change, regardless of person or party, and anyone who believes otherwise is an idealistic dreamer.
I’d advise putting hopes of a political solution aside and concentrating on stockpiling necessities such as food, water, and ammo – and don’t skimp on the latter.
Newt would be the best against Obama and, I think, for the country. However, it seems too many can’t get beyond his past. It’s not clear what any of the others we see now will do to straighten out the government and the economy – and REALLY doing it is going to be difficult and painful for a lot of us. Commissions, study groups, super committees, delays, compromises – none will work. They just prolong the problems and make it more difficult to address them ourselves, if we ever do, or more disastrous if we find ourselves confronted with a calamity beyond our control. Anyone who beats Obama and really goes after the government and economy will be crucified constantly and unmercifully. Each and every fix will be met with howls of outrage and a deluge of law suits from everywhere. We are up to our eyeballs in debt, regulations and regulators, our laws are a shamble, and money supply is through the roof (the part of high gasoline prices no one talks about). The debt grows by the minute and the others become more deeply entrenched as more come on stream week after week. I’ll vote ABO. I’m pessimistic. I want to be wrong.
Owego — In life, we have a choice.
Here, you can choose to be with the George Washington crowd and face all of this and call it what it is, and rally the American People to save their country.
Or you can help the corrupt statist tyrants who love nothing better than for you to feel helpless and hopeless so they can continue to steal your rights and your property until you have to ask them for a place to live, medical care and food to eat.
Your attitude is your responsibility. What you choose to watch is up to you. Friends don’t let friends watch CNN. Or sometimes even Fox. Or sometimes even listen to Rush. Certainly not read Drudge. I know this time is hard.
Have you taken a moment to refresh your spirit with some American History or some strategy whereby we will restore our country. That’s actual hope for real change.
Remember the election of 2010. There is a huge energy in America to restore our country.
The MSM want you to think you’re all alone. WEll, you’re not. You’re with us.
Find the little notes about what Kate from Rockford, Illinois said today on Rush. Newt has GOT this thing!
Keep the faith! Power to the People!
Matt Towery, at Southern Political Report:
“While the Gingrich team spoke of the need to see Mitt Romney lose his ‘home state’ the reality of Rick Santorum going down after his campaign and the PAC supporting him spent a fortune in Michigan is stark. The bloom is now officially off the Santorum rose. Enter Gingrich… The pro-Gingrich PAC has suddenly received a major cash infusion from its greatest proponent just in time to save the former Speaker of the House from endless negative Romney associated ads in Gingrich’s ‘home state’ of Georgia. In addition, the Gingrich forces now have ads up in numerous states where they believe their man can accumulate delegates. The Gingrich PAC’s Georgia ad… drives the central issue of questioning Romney’s true conservative bona fides. It will likely be enough to give Newt Gingrich a win in the Peach State, allowing him some (if not scant) time to aim at a few other states. With Santorum’s drop Gingrich could become a last minute substitute for the ‘anyone but Mitt’ vote in Tennessee and Oklahoma. With so little time left, Ohio becomes problematic for Gingrich. But Alaska and several other states could yield delegates to Newt.”
WTH? Now on Drudge – LAZARUS RISING AGAIN?! Newt tracking up in polls! Certo!
I do love the smell of effective strategy in the morning.
I picked ‘8’. Newt sees the big picture. Though it may hurt some people, Obama’s financial chickens are coming home to roost late summer (at the latest). The Bernanke and/or Geithner will have to be thrown under the bus to save President Algae, but it will make him wish his only issue was an Iranian Hostage Crisis. Don’t forget who is firmly in Newt’s corner…..Art Laffer. ‘nough said.
[…] have to agree.One area where I’m not in agreement with the bulk of conservatives is the whole gloom thing. Legal Insurrection’s little mood ring of a poll isn’t all that meaningful, but one […]
Newtcerto, Dino, Hope, Browndog, Tammy, Raven & Prof. – thanks guys, I put a 4 but feel closer to a 6 (and hopefully going up in few days)after reading your specific posts & Prof. thank you for allowing us to vent!!! Also thanks to all of you who keep us in touch with the other web sites (good or bad news) and provide great links for verifing, & great footage of news I myself don’t always find. Surfing the net for me is like going to the Dentist, (especially when looking for any decent political insight)rarely pleasant (Fox News), sometimes excrutiatingly painful (pretty much any MSM – Huffpost, Daily Kos, Realclear polt.) but is definetly something I can’t ignore without causing myself more pain. Coming here, even on bad days, lifts up my spirits and reminds me to pull-up my big girl pants and get out there and fight for my child’s future. NEWT NEEDS TO BE PROPELLED BY THE PEOPLE – HE’S TRULY A GIFTED LEADER, BUT THERE MUST ALSO BE SOLDIERS TO WIN THIS FIGHT. If you haven’t volunteered, you don’t have to, simply go to more conservative blogs and state WHY NEWT IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE TO TURN AMERICA AROUND. It’s that simple. Go to twitter and put the #250newt hash on you tweets. Advertising works – and this is all FREE ADVERTISING!
Hey, thanks, ThreeputtinIL.
I agree. This fight is about the future of our children and grandchildren.
Also, have you seen yet what Kate in Rockford, Illinois said today on Rush? Newt has GOT this thing!
Remember that the MSM is trying to sap your spirit. They want you to feel hopeless. They want you to be hypnotized so you can’t think a different way from what they offer. It’s a kind of poison. Even when it’s not political, it make you feel as if the world is a meaningless place with meaningless wickedness. Beware the MSM. I’m not saying never watch them, but be very aware and very discerning and very sparing.
I think we are seeing the advent of the Army of Davids that Glenn Reynolds of InstaPundit wrote about so presciently in his book by that name. Newt is going to have the energy and genius of the AMerican People behind him.
That is what the campaign is all about. Freedom, Constitutional government, the founding documents, fair play.
Courage! We’re in this together. And remember, even a few minutes listening to one of Newt’s speeches about American History or THE PLAN can refresh you.
Hope Change,
Did you listen to Levin, one of his last callers was a Newt supporter, he said to her “You really want to shake things up” I found that an odd comment for him to make considering he is a Santorum guy, however, my thought on it was – You damn right we do! Isn’t that what this country needs now and Newt will shake things up and save us. Now is the time, Washington is the place and Newt is our man!!
I was so motivated after that, I donated again to his campagin! LOL
Hi Terri —
I haven’t been listening to Levin. He’s not on the air in my area, and I listen to him, when I do, on the internet. But I was pretty shocked that a man of Levin’s insight, acumen and caliber would support Santorum. Santorum is all about cultural flame wars. Have you seen the video of Santorum saying he doesn’t support the TEA Party? Please.
(Also Santorum saying he doesn’t trust the TEA Parties)
So I haven’t been seeking Levin out. Although I do think Levin is generally a brilliant guy.
I’m sure you know Levin interviewed Newt last week.
I was impressed with the professional way Levin conducted the interview. He asked questions that I thought went right to the heart of what we need to know — what will you do about the economy, which Supreme Court justices do you think are best —
You’ve probably heard it, but here it is:
Terri, thanks for the direct communication. It feels good to know we are all working in the same direction. I enjoy reading your comments and I often learn something new, which I pretty much always appreciate. Thanks!
WE do want to shake things up if that means breaking up the cozy, corrupt Establishment between money and power that “American’s Ruling Class” has managed to construct for themselves.
Remember this? Angelo Codevilla from July, 2010 “America’s Ruling Class” http://spectator.org/archives/2010/07/16/americas-ruling-class-and-the/print
Hi Hope Change,
Yes, I listen to Mark Levin more than Rush these days. I listened to Rush today though. My husband is a big fan of Mark and he seems more fair in his reporting and has defended Newt when needed, which is more than I can say for Glenn Beck, who broke my heart with the way he went off on Newt constantly for weeks maybe even months (which I stopped watching/listening to ALL together) Yes, I find it odd that he supports Santorum especially after reading his Ameritopia, doesnt fit Santorum AT ALL – The Teaparty, etc.. Oh well.Thanks for the links I have seen a couple of them but not “Angelo Codevilla from July, 2010 “America’s Ruling Class” will watch it! Thanks again for the conversation, it’s nice to have someone to “talk” to that shares the passion regarding Newt!
Ditto, Terri — glad I came back and scrolled through and found your reply.
I feel momentum building like a tea kettle getting ready to whistle as Super Tuesday comes up. I hope so!
Take care!
— and we may be about to see something very spectacular. I hope so!
Is there a “Voting ‘Present'” option?
Sorry – put wrong info on hashtag – s/b #250gas. And Hope – no problem – keep on reminding us THAT THERE IS A WAY – IT’S UP TO US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, AND WE DO HAVE THE POWER WHEN UNITED. Sorry so corny – but it’s still true!
My friend ThreeputtinIL,
what they have made us feel is “corny” are some of the most vital feelings about life and freedom that any human being can have or express.
Thank you for your kind words, and thank you for expressing your strength and determination when you say, “THERE IS A WAY – IT’S UP TO US, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, AND WE DO HAVE THE POWER WHEN UNITED.”
It does more good than we can possibly measure or maybe even imagine.
Thank you!! Namaste, ThreeputtinIL!
Ok, I feel a little better now
mitty only got half the votes in Michigan and Rick got the other half
Thank you to all those of you who said “Hi, and Hello,” I think I’m going to like it here. I see where Thomas Sowell had some fine things to say about Newt. I have to say that the biggest selling point for me concerning the candidates is that Newt is a man of big idea’s. He’s not just satisfied to say lets fix the economy. He say’s “and after that we’re going to do this or that. We’re going to be a great nation again. Do great things, go back to the moon.” People thought Kennedy was a little nutty when he said that but we did it and look at all that came from it. We’re using one of the inventions right now.
I read some of the comments on other sites and I just shake my head. People are commenting on things that have long since been proven untrue. Oh, he’s been married three times. Yeah, and so have half the people in Hollywood but we still spend money to see their movies, and buy their records. Oh, he was involved with Fannie and Freddie. Yeah but he never passed a health care bill that was the blue print for ObamaCare. I could go on, but to spare all of you, I won’t.
I work at the polls on election day, and I do believe that a Constitution test should be given. If you don’t pass, you don’t vote. In our last election we had a woman bring in her two girls both under ten. She shows them the ballot and then said “Okay, who should we vote for.” I almost ripped the pen out of her hand and used it to write Shame on her forehead. I didn’t because a friend stopped me.
Anyway, thanks for listening.
Thank you to all those of you who said “Hi, and Hello,” I think I’m going to like it here. I see where Thomas Sowell had some fine things to say about Newt. I have to say that the biggest selling point for me concerning the candidates is that Newt is a man of big idea’s. He’s not just satisfied to say lets fix the economy. He say’s “and after that we’re going to do this or that. We’re going to be a great nation again. Do great things, go back to the moon.” People thought Kennedy was a little nutty when he said that but we did it and look at all that came from it. We’re using one of the inventions right now.
I read some of the comments on other sites and I just shake my head. People are commenting on things that have long since been proven untrue. Oh, he’s been married three times. Yeah, and so have half the people in Hollywood but we still spend money to see their movies, and buy their records. Oh, he was involved with Fannie and Freddie. Yeah but he never passed a health care bill that was the blue print for ObamaCare. I could go on, but to spare all of you, I won’t.
I work at the polls on election day, and I do believe that a Constitution test should be given. If you don’t pass, you don’t vote. In our last election we had a woman bring in her two girls both under ten. She shows them the ballot and then said “Okay, who should we vote for.” I almost ripped the pen out of her hand and used it to write Shame on her forehead. I didn’t because a friend stopped me.
Anyway, thanks for listening.