Mitt Romney had a very good line in his victory speech last night (emphasis mine):
Weve seen enough of this President over the last three years to know that we dont need another four. President Obama believes he is unchecked by our Constitution. He is unresponsive to the will of our people. In a second term, he would be unrestrained by the demands of re-election. If there is one thing we cannot afford, it is four years of Barack Obama with nothing to answer to.
The threat of an Obama unrestrained by the need to be reelected is a theme I’ve hit on repeatedly with regard to Israel. There is no doubt that but for the need to keep Jewish votes and money coming, Obama would have lowered the hammer on Israel even more than he has. Obama will force his vision of a settlement on Israel in a second term.
Domestically, Obama has shown a willingness to use the power of his presidency to force deals (e.g. auto bailout) which extinguish or diminish property rights, direct government funds to companies run by campaign donors, slow walk compliance with judicial orders (the Gulf drilling ban), direct stimulus funds as de facto public sector employee union subsidies, and use regulatory powers under the sweeping Obamacare and Dodd-Frank bills to reshape almost every aspect of the economy.
And all that is knowing he needs to be reelected.
The Fourth Greatest President Ever in his own mind wants to be the Greatest President Ever in his own mind.
We cannot afford the Greatest President Ever in his own mind.
Update: h/t HotAir, Mary Landrieu complains about the slowdown of new Gulf drilling …

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And what, exactly, is restraining him now?
“Yes We Can” is not a slogan. It’s a threat.
LI has abandoned Newt! Jacobson goes all Willardite! Ah! Ah! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Sorry, “Obama’s a snob too, as Santorum said.” Feel better now?
Perhaps the only way America will learn is to experience Obama in all his Marxist glory. People want their entitlements, and Obama is handing them out. I really don’t think the current republican field would readdress the root issues anyhow. Slow the inevitable, perhaps. So, if we are going to drive off the cliff, then stomp on the gas and get it over with.
I guess you just have not been listening to Newt Gingrich. Just listen to the speech he gave at the California GOP convention. He answers everything you question. Only Gingrich has linked Obama to Alinsky and how his policies mimic that of the President who taught a class teaching Alinsky at the U. of Chicago. Alinsky, who’s book was dedicated to Satan. To not support Gingrich is to be stupid.
Zelsdorf Ragshaft III | February 29, 2012 at 3:30 pm
I guess you just have not been listening to Newt Gingrich. Just listen to the speech he gave at the California GOP convention. He answers everything you question. Only Gingrich has linked Obama to Alinsky and how his policies mimic that of the President who taught a class teaching Alinsky at the U. of Chicago. Alinsky, who’s book was dedicated to Satan. To not support Gingrich is to be stupid.
Zelsdorf Ragshaft III —-
YES. Exactamundo. Precisely, exactly, incontrovertibly, without doubt, sans doubt vous avez raison! Thank you!
Haven’t seen it expressed so concisely before. Apt!
To not support Newt is to be stupid.
To not support Newt is to be stupid.
And that is why, my friends, I offer the links to the speeches. So that we can all be powerful and smart.
The winds of change are blowing. Change is coming. It will bring greater freedom or less. There’s no standing still.
I want you to be prepared. As Glenn Reynolds once said, his blog InstaPundit is for serious readers, try to keep up.
We’re doing serious transformational work here. This means you are going to have to do some research, thinking, reading and listening, which is work. You can’t just sit around being confused. Think for yourself.
Because this is an AMERICAN campaign of INCLUSION. So we need your input. But that means you have to have something ready. So get to work.
If you’ve been following the news lately, you can see that Bad Luck Barry is not just a dictator wannabe…
He is concertedly working on being a dictator in fact.
Get used to it. With Romney as the nominee, there can be no other outcome.
Ah, raven, but we are in trouble either way if Romney is the nominee. Because, definitely, Romney would very possibly, even probably, lose to Obama.
But if Romney won, WE would still LOSE.
Because the problem is not just Obama. WE NEED AN ACE ON THIS.
The problem is the distortion of the federal government with the czars, the extra-legal agency decisions, the extra-legal shoving legislation through not according to proper procedure, the constant march to the Left in the courts. And on and on.
Newt understands this. Newt’s plan allows US to fix this. We will break up the Establishment. Newt knows how and we have the energy and will. THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE.
Obama’s ready for R & S.
OWS is ready for them, Wall Street, MSM, Goldman Sachs. They all play the game the same way, strategize in the same way, color inside the lines, hire the same consultants.
They have no surprises! No game-changers! Oh, the thought of it makes me want to pull the covers over my head!
If Newt is the nominee, Newt’s strategy of a TEAM election will be something the MSM-Establishment-Left MATRIX will have trouble with. Because the energy of the TEAM will be the WILL of the American People.
Many of us love Newt’s speech from 2009: “2012: VICTORY OR DEATH.” It comes in 5 parts.
Just start with Part 1, which is 8:22. If you are ready, find out for yourself. Think for yourself.
1. We cannot afford the Greatest President Ever in his own mind.
Too bad nobody told the Republicans that. The 2010 Congressional gains were driven by Tea Parties which the GOP Establishment despises. The Presidential field has not been an embarrassment of riches. Despite that, November is by no means a foregone loss, but sometimes, alas, you have to pay for things you can’t afford.
2. Despite the negatives which Bill has correctly pointed out, a President
RINORomney, I mean Romney, would be clearly better than Obama.General tip for fellow internet comment readers:
Whenever a commenter types “clearly,” they have no concrete evidence or logic for whatever follows.
They’re using a leading adverb instead of reasoned argument to get you to believe their point.
Clearly watch out for this and you’ll discover the pattern.
1. General tip for fellow internet comment readers:
Whenever a commenter types “clearly,” they have no concrete evidence or logic for whatever follows.
Speaking of “no concrete evidence or logic”, that is what you offer in support of your assertions.
2. If you disagree that Romney would be a better President than Obama, I suggest you say so.
3. I’m surprised at the number of thumbs-down’s my post has gotten. I’m surprised at the number of thumbs-down’s for Mutnodjmet’s post, which cited an occasion on which Romney behaved commendably as an individual.
4. This blog has quickly and deservedly attracted attention on the Right. It wouldn’t surprise me if it has also attracted attention of a different kind on the Left. This is interesting:
Just sayin’.
5. Iirc I have previously wondered about the motives of some Romney opponents. Our host has pointed out strong reasons to oppose Romney, but to an anti-Mormon bigot they would be pretexts rather than reasons.
People are savvier about this stuff than you think.
RINOism is the ideal ecology for leftist proliferation and empowerment.
When did Left make their greatest gains in history? Under RINO George Bush.
Leftism is by nature a resistance movement, an activist and protest force – not a ruling party movement. As such it perversely gains power when out of power. To elect a president who does not understand this and does not consider it his mandate and mission to scour and cleanse our government of its Leftist hives and legacy influences – e.g., eliminate entire bureaucratic empires, restructure the tax code, zero-out Planned Parenthood, confront the media at every turn, overturn Media Matters’ tax exempt status (just a few examples) – would be worse than simply allowing leftism to remain in power and face the rotting consequences of its own bankrupt policies and unregenerate corruptions. Romney is not remotely capable of this awareness or performance. He wouldn’t know a leftist if he stepped on one, and wouldn’t call one out if he did.
Another RINO presidency right now would strengthen and inspire the Left for a return in 2016, and do far more lasting damage to conservatism (even under the faux conservative Romney) than Bush did. It would be like taking the wrong antibiotic for a specific bacteria. The bacteria would only come back with greater ferocity and immunity.
raven, you took some words out of my mouth. I was considering writing a snarky comment asking Real Conservatives where they were while Bush was setting the stage for Obama. (In 2004 I did not vote for Bush or Kerry; I donated to the SwiftVets.)
I’d expect the Left to label a RINO President as a conservative in order to skew the political spectrum to their advantage, but I’m not willing to ride that train of thought as far as you seem to be.
raven, thank you for this post.
you continue to astonish me with the depth and subtlety of your understanding and analysis.
raven said: “RINOism is the ideal ecology for leftist proliferation and empowerment. When did Left make their greatest gains in history? Under RINO George Bush.
Leftism is by nature a resistance movement, an activist and protest force – not a ruling party movement. As such it perversely gains power when out of power.
To elect a president who does not understand this and does not consider it his mandate and mission to scour and cleanse our government of its Leftist hives and legacy influences (…)
would be worse than simply allowing leftism to remain in power and face the rotting consequences of its own bankrupt policies and unregenerate corruptions.
Romney is not remotely capable of this awareness or performance. He wouldn’t know a leftist if he stepped on one, and wouldn’t call one out if he did. [end of raven’s comment]
This is what I’m talking about.
People do not seem to understand the meaning and seriousness of the push of the Leftward drift. People do not understand that the house has been flooded and the mold has to be cleaned out. We can’t go on living in the house as if it’s ok. and the house, as you say, raven, was flooded, using my metaphhor, on the watch of Bush senior and W. Bush, who are SUPPOSEDLY “conservative” — ha!
One of the best things I have ever seen on this is Bill Whittle at a TEA Party talk in he did in California. Let me see if I can find the link. “OUR PROGRESSIVE NIGHTMARE.”
Got it.
Watch this. It will change how you understand politics in the USA right now. (Unless you are waaaaay savvy; in which case, watch it, because you will find a kindred soul and scholar of superb merit in Bill Whittle.)
raven, it is a joy and a relief to me when you put the analysis so clearly. Thank you.
Professor: Here is a story about Romney for your consideration. SOMETIMES IT TAKES A HERO:In 1996, 14-year-old Melissa Gay from Connecticut disappeared in NYC. After about a week of fruitless searching, the father turned for help: Robert Gay’s boss didn’t hesitate. He said, ‘I don’t care how long it takes, we’re going to find her.’ A few hours later, he and other executives of the Boston-based firm were on the shuttle to New York; preparing to organize a huge volunteer effort. “My business partner stepped forward to take charge”, Robert Gay recalls. “He closed the company and brought almost all our employees to New York.” For Melissa Gay, a hero had appeared.
That hero was Mitt Romney.
Melissa was reunited with her parents. Check the link for the full, compelling story. Then, contrast it to what Obama would likely do in a similar situation.
So let him start a company searching for missing 14 years olds. That’s what he qualified for. And while your at it give him the Nobel Peace Prize and throw in an Academy Award.
What about socialized medicine? That’s all I care about and Romney is the Father of Socialized Medicine in this country.
My sister risked her life to save a dog when she was 14. She didn’t “organize” a rescue, she performed it. And she has more moral courage in her fingertip than Romney has in his entire being. She’s also a Marxist.
What’s the point?
Okay Raven, that post was just silly and you know it. I respect your thoughtful opinions on Gingrich, Romney and the wider ideological conflict which informs this presidential election. I certainly disagree with many of your conclusions, but I do find them insightful.
But here you’re bordering on petty. Assuming there’s some substance to the Romney article (perhaps not a good assumption), can’t you at least give the man credit for his admirable behavior here? You don’t have to endorse him politically to concede that maybe (just maybe), he is a decent human being.
Oh please, BurkeanBadger —
This wasn’t being offered to say, of course Romney is terrible politically, of course he’ll destroy the Republican brand for the foreseeable future, I wouldn’t want you to vote for him, but in this one instance, he was a decent human being.
Let’s see. You consistently disparage Newt. Newt loves animals. What if someone posted something here about how NEwt has donates to a zoo? Which Newt has.
I’m sure you would write, oh, he likes animals and at least it shows he’s a decent human being. right?
Don’t try to say that that wasn’t a sly sideways special pleading for Romney.
Get this straight. We have big, deep reasons we don’t want Romney. Constitutional reasons. Freedom and Liberty reasons.
Romney does not understand conservative constitutional principles. Romney thinks being a conservative is the same as being severe. He is a totally unprepared for the task that faces us if we want to restore our constitutional government.
I don’t care what nice thing Romney may have done. I wish Romney well in his life and I wish his wife all manner of healing and health.
I just don’t like communism, and I don’t want a half-baked liberal-“severely conservative”-wishy-washy “say anything to get elected” for president. Period.
Watch Newt’s “2012: VICTORY OR DEATH” speech and then specifically tell me ANYTHING you think Romney could do that would compare with what we’re going to accomplish with Newt’s leadership.
The ONLY think Romney or Santorum could have done to convince me of their conservative CONSTITUTIONAL principles would have been to have said to NEwt in early December, 2011, “Hey, Newt, what can I do to help?”
I’d bet Romney “ran the numbers” with his PR team before making the decision. It would be good PR for Bain and for his future in politics. I wouldn’t rule out that there was some good will, but that kind of PR can be invaluable.
I still hope for a Newt rebound, but I’ll take Romney over Santorum at this point.
And I know a guy who saved a kid from drowning, so maybe I should vote for him, at least he doesn’t support Romneycare.
I was reading a story about how Israel might attack Iran and I found this gem of a link tucked in the middle …
Related coverage:
Iran teams with terror group to kill Iran’s nuclear scientists, U.S. officials tell NBC
“Imagine Obama completely unrestrained” – I definitely can. Jefferson said that people pretty much get the government they deserve. If people think that Obama’s great, then they (in aggregate) deserve him. I’ve heard it said that Democracy lasts up until the moment that everyone realizes they can vote themselves a large slice of the pie. We reached that moment.
The media will, eventually, regret their decision – you can’t put into power someone who wants total control, without that person suppressing you eventually. But for now, they’re finally part of something big, for the first time in their lives. They’re making it happen – the movement is FINALLY here. And for a Liberal, that’s their whole dream in life. They’re not going to stop the party, just as it finally got started. Everyone else is voting themselves big slices of pie – who cares if the govt goes bankrupt in 5 years, if you’ve gotten an extra $10 million in the meantime?
Yep – those who vote for a living almost outnumber those who work for a living.
Next stop, slavery to the state.
That’s a good line, and I’m now convinced. I’m going to vote for Romney’s speechwriter.
High gasoline prices will make research into such alternatives more urgent, [Energy Secretary] Chu said.
“But is the overall goal to get our price” of gasoline down, asked Nunnelee.
“No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy,” Chu replied. “We think that if you consider all these energy policies, including energy efficiency, we think that we can go a long way to becoming less dependent on oil and [diversifying] our supply and we’ll help the American economy and the
American consumers.”
1.) The existence of elections in November is not a certainty, at least not since last September when elected and appointed Democrats began calling for their cancellation or modification; with absolutely no negative reaction from the media or either party. I find the silence of the Institutional Republicans to be most troubling indicating that they may have reached agreement on a modus vivendi with the Democrats in such a case.
2.) The accurate counting and reporting of the vote is in question if the elections do take place. We know that the voter rolls nationwide are neither secure nor do they reflect the actual number or existence of real, live, legally eligible people registered to vote. We further know by deed and public declaration that Obama’s Department of Justice, among other criminal acts, will actively abet and protect voter fraud nationwide.
3.) Even if Obama is defeated at the polls, and such is publicly known, given what is known about his character; his leaving office voluntarily is not guaranteed.
4.) With reference to items 2 and 3 above, Obama and the Democrats will have the full voiced support of the media, which is an integral part of their political operation.
5.) Given that, the only rational hope to bring a constitutional end to the Obama administration would be for the Republican party to put forth a candidate who could and would credibly take on the Obama administration in the elections and fight him tooth and nail.
6.) The Institutional Republicans have instead insisted on forcing a candidate that is detested by most of the party, whose political record is not in opposition to the actions of the Obama Administration, and who as of yesterday functionally promised not to attack the administration; specifically because it would raise his popularity with the party base. As far as this election cycle is concerned, the primary focus of the Republicans is an attempt to force the submission of the TEA Party/Patriot Movement rather than the defeat of the Democrats.
7.) Many members of the TEA Party/Patriot Movement have functionally given up on the presidential election and are concentrating on down ticket candidates. That is worthwhile both for intra-party battles later if electoral politics remains relevant, or to shape the battlefield if they do not. However, we have seen the Legislative Branch, especially the Republicans, purposely yield their powers under Article I of the Constitution to the Executive for the last 3 years; making legislative action a weak reed indeed.
8.) One can make a rational argument that in fact electoral politics are no longer relevant to the governance of the country; and that we are merely in the phase before the removal of the velvet glove over the mailed government fist.
We already may well be beyond the point where Obama is restrained by the Constitution of 1787. That places us in unknown territory for this country. The possible paths forward are well known elsewhere, and perhaps can be a warning.
Subotai Bahadur
“…when elected and appointed Democrats began calling for their [elections] cancellation..”
It was first term Governor Bev Perdue of NC who made the most notable and widely publicized call for suspension of the 2012 elections. Perdue has been thoroughly and deservedly excoriated for it, as well as for her lame claim she was joking, driving her NC job approval rating down to about 34%. And she got her wish. There will be no election for Perdue in 2012 – she announced last month she will not be seeking reelection.
*[Four of her highest level campaign staffers were indicted for $-related felonies last fall. One has pled guilty and the others go on trial soon. It is suspected this is part of what caused Perdue to announce she’s not running. The thinking is that the one who pled guilty will testify against those who are going to trial, and that at least one of those three will turn on Perdue and get her indicted as well. If so, that means the Democrats will be holding their 2012 convention in a state where the Democrat governor is underwater and not running, possibly facing indictment, and a state where the last governor, Mike Easley, also a Democrat, faced indictment and debarring for wrongdoing, and had staff members indicted. In recent history, the NC Democrat Party has seen its NC House Speaker Jim black go to prison, as well as its Ag Secretary, as well as several NC Lottery officials. This is all a perfect local backdrop during the 2012 Democrat convention, an excellent chance for the GOP to reveal the inherent corruption of the Democrat Party. Of course, they will blow the opportunity because, you know, it might upset independent voters.]
Henry Hawkins, I truly love your comment.
“[Four of her highest level campaign staffers were indicted for $-related felonies last fall. One has pled guilty and the others go on trial soon. It is suspected this is part of what caused Perdue to announce she’s not running. The thinking is that the one who pled guilty will testify against those who are going to trial, and that at least one of those three will turn on Perdue and get her indicted as well. If so, that means the Democrats will be holding their 2012 convention in a state where the Democrat governor is underwater and not running, possibly facing indictment, and a state where the last governor, Mike Easley, also a Democrat, faced indictment and debarring for wrongdoing, and had staff members indicted. In recent history, the NC Democrat Party has seen its NC House Speaker Jim black go to prison, as well as its Ag Secretary, as well as several NC Lottery officials. This is all a perfect local backdrop during the 2012 Democrat convention, an excellent chance for the GOP to reveal the inherent corruption of the Democrat Party. (…)]”
All except that last sentence about how the Republicans will blow this chance to reveal the inherent corruption of the Democrat Party. Of course, the Establishment Republicans would blow it.
Part of the reason I support NEwt is that there is so much about the Democrats that is just on the verge of collapse. AND so much about the Republican Establishment, ditto. VERGE OF COLLAPSE.
People will be eager to support us if can just help people see what we’re going to do. It will help everyone.
The Establishment’s fear of the will (and the wrath) of the American people is why Romney has been wrapped in all this Wall Street money.
The Establishment cannot afford to have the Fed audited. They can’t afford to have Constitution-loving House and SEnate elected this fall. They’re desperate to have a go-along-get-along guy elected. If it can’t be Romney, ok, fine, it can be Santorum. BUT THEY DON’T WANT NEWT!!!
If NEwt is the nominee, we will audit the Federal REserve. WHERE DID OUR MONEY GO???
This has the Establishment up at night. Big Time.
So it is my hope that WE, the small-government TEA PARTY ENERGY, WILL CHOOSE NEWT, and will be a STRONG PRESENCE in the Republican Party by the time of the Democrat convention.
Otherwise, thank you and I agree 100% with your VERY informative post.
Thank you for all that information. You deserved a huge “like” for it and I wanted to say why I wasn’t able to. Thanks!
Wow! Thank you! And you’re very welcome!
You’ll be further pleased to know the national DNC is not at all happy with Perdue bowing out, because, like Olympia Snowe, she did so without warning or coordination with the national teams. Also, like Snowe, Perdue had been fervently raising money and making all the moves an incumbent makes when running for reelection. The sudden bow-out fuels the ‘is an indictment coming?’ suspicions (hopes).
Even better news – caught without an available ‘name’ candidate to replace Perdue on the Dem’s governor ticket, they’ve turned to…… Bob Etheridge, he of the ‘Who are you? WHO ARE YOU?’ viral video fromlast summer.
NC turned all GOP in state congress in 2010 and now we’re looking at a very high probability that Pat McCrory (R) will be the next governor (he barely lost in 2008). McCrory was the long time mayor of Charlotte NC – where the Dem’s 2012 convention is to be held, plus the dumbasses picked a right-to-work state: they’ll have to use local non-union labor or ship in union workers, a losing political proposition either way. NC hasn’t had an all GOP congress and the governor’s office in many many decades, if ever. We are giddy with the prospects. Now if we can just get rid of US Senator Kay Hagan….. (our other Senator Richard Burr is rated the 7th most conservative in congress).
Former NC US Senator Jesse Helms (R), bless his curmudgeonly soul, is dancing the macarena in his grave right about now. Senator No would be proud.
Frabjous day, Henry Hawkins!
Thank you! I, for one, would always be interested in more updates.
The winds of change are blowing. Power to the People. The American People.
It is exceedingly difficult to drive people onto the entitlement rolls, making them dependent politically on the liberal Democrats, if they’ve got things like, you know, paying jobs and stuff.
“Domestically, Obama has shown a willingness to use the power of his presidency to force deals (e.g. auto bailout) which extinguish or diminish property rights, direct government funds to companies run by campaign donors, slow walk compliance with judicial orders (the Gulf drilling ban), direct stimulus funds as de facto public sector employee union subsidies, and use regulatory powers under the sweeping Obamacare and Dodd-Frank bills to reshape almost every aspect of the economy.”
This is the most important part of your post.
You can make the argument that we should be afraid of Obama without the restraint of need for re-election stick, but you must include factual statements of the blatant executive malpractice characteristic of this administration — every single time.
I know this, because I know reasonable people of good will and suitable intelligence and values, who get their news from NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the networks. These people have no idea why “conservatives” are upset with this administration. They also assume that ONLY conservatives are bothered by the extremism, lawlessness, and orwellian doublespeak employed by this administration.
For example, they think Solyndra, if they recognize the name at all, was an isolated case, and that there are many other examples of “good investments” by this administration, and that we can just ignore it, because it isn’t important. That belief can be traced directly to NPR.
I would suggest careful consideration of keywords in such summaries, so that a curious novice might be able to find a start in Google. This may not be easy, but if enough of us keep pounding on it, we will blaze a trail through the garbage that has been thrown all over our news and original documents.
This three minute video shows some drillers being crushed by Obama’s extended “moratorium”. Obama shut some huge businesses down, while they continue to have expenses. It contrasts their pain to Obama’s exhortation to less safe operations in Brazil, where he promises to be their best customer.
As one guy says, “Obama’s energy plan is to import more oil”, while obstructing our own resource development. It is just more evidence that Obama’s plan to fundamentally transform America involves crushing a lot of productive America, while supporting the opposition.
“Obama shut some huge businesses down, while they continue to have expenses. It contrasts their pain to Obama’s *extortion* to less safe operations in Brazil, where he promises to be their best customer.” There, that sounds more like it.
With Obama, it’s always extortion, fraud, corruption…
ha .. yeah
Obama said he would use office to punish his enemies (Republicans) and reward his friends (Soros with his investments in Petrobras). If he can’t extort from them, he’ll just punish them and reward the competition. At least one deep water rig left for Brazil … won’t come back any time soon.
That video helps put a face on the real harm done by our community agitator in chief.
yikes .. worse than I thought
“Even before the 10 rigs cited in the document from Vitter’s office pulled out, eight other rigs that were planned for the Gulf were detoured away, Briggs said.
If Obama is reelected I fear for the future character of this country and I fear for Israel’s existence.
Thank you Prof. for continuing to point out to us just how bad it can and will be if the liberals are unrestrained. This primary has gotten so out of control, the actual shot of us winning looks slimmer all the time, thank you oh wise one’s of the Establishment. As for Rombo, still won’t even consider him as an option. Doesn’t really matter whether I vote for him or not, if you have actually analyzed all of Rombo’s eeked by wins, you’ll notice that Romney/Rove (yes Karl, we know your the man behind the curtain)have won by using all of Obama’s campaign methods from the 2008 election. For Obama, the campaign actually worked, but he had two big differences- 1. his base did not hate him (in fact most of the dems. were thrilled with either the choice of him or Clinton), independents liked him and even some republicans said he was an OK person but not thrilled about his political positions – 2. all the different tactics that Romney/Rove are using to steal/win the primary, were fairly new and no one wise to how easy it is to steal/buy an election. Sadly, Rombo/Rove aren’t in the Dems. league when it comes to stealing an election. They picked the most plastic politician as well as the most moderate Repub. to somehow woo the independents, and like most of us Repubs. they don’t really like him or even really respect him. Repubs/conservatives, are sick to death of Romney. I had it with him the last election, then had 4 years of him on Fox News telling us he’s running for election this time around, and now he’s as pathetic as John McCain was. With as much money as Romney has spent to win a handful of states in the primary, how in god’s name does anyone think this bozo is going to win the GE. I agree with the person who said it’s now coming down to will 4 more years of horrible with Obama be worse than 4 yrs of Romney where we have no idea of what he will cave to in Congress (as he did with dems in MA) and since he’s not that different than Obama (Romney now added Kid Rock to his list of IOU’s when he gets in office) and will have to payback the Establishment (Fox News,Karl Rove – all his campaign advisers)as well as all the millions he owes his friends for the Super Pac & much of his campaign finances)he will also have to come up with bills like TARP and bailouts so us Taxpayers can pay them back (and if those don’t pass Congress, he’ll find ways to give back to them through the Healthcare Law he will not appeal, anybody who cares to read on Romneycare will find that Romney had lots of paybacks to his buds when Romneycare passed – yeah he’d be different then Obama, NOT). Professor I sense a third rising from Gingrich, and it’s our only hope!!!
[…] We cannot have Obama unchecked, being unconcerned with reelection for the next 4 years. For those of you venting against the probable Romney nomination, I would urge you to start digging around for reasons to pull the lever for him in November. There are many: Better First Lady, more sane Supreme Court pics, more lucid foreign policy, apt to be much more respect to following Constitutionally-based procedures…. […]
Mut, are you kidding – we’d have a better 1st lady! Wow, if you have to sell Romney with his wife, your in deep doo-doo. Anne can’t even cut it in the primaries, she’s so delicate negative ads about her husband put her in the fetal position. Michelle would eat her up and spit her out. And I dislike Michelle with a vengance. His supreme court nominees would not be conservative, they’d be Rino’s like him, and following the constitution is not his goal. Romney & Co. are all about power and $. This has to be the weakest arguement I’ve ever heard to vote for Romney, and it definetly won’t encourage me to pull the lever for him. GO NEWT.
Temple of Mut, I wonder if you are exactly the kind of person I’m hoping will take the time and watch this by NEwt if you haven’t seen it yet.
You like politics, you care about our country. We HAVE solutions if we are willing to look and think.
Newt’s speech from 2009: “2012: VICTORY OR DEATH.” It comes in 5 parts.
Just start with Part 1, which is 8:22. If you are ready, find out for yourself. Think for yourself.
yes, I know I keep repeating myself. but watch this and see why.
You have to be willing to watch a speech by a guy with the charisma of a raccoon in a business suit, who has been constantly vilified by the Chorus of the Likely Suspects. They’re the Likely Suspects for a reason, and you know that.
THINK FOR YOURSELF. Find out for yourself.
yes, I used some upper case. so what?
Remember “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it”?
Well, we must defeat this president so we can find out what all of the real crimes are.
[…] We cannot have Obama unchecked, being unconcerned with reelection for the next 4 years. For those of you venting against the probable Romney nomination, I would urge you to start digging around for reasons to pull the lever for him in November. There are many: Better First Lady, more sane Supreme Court pics, more lucid foreign policy, apt to be much more respect to following Constitutionally-based procedures…. […]
McCain is already putting it out there that the eventual nominee may be to damaged to win. I’m assuming he means Romney.
But if Newt has a plan to victory, I hope it’s well executed and people stick with him to carry it out.
A lady called in to Rush Limbaugh telling him that Newt has a strategy and not to count him out. He told her he liked her enthusiasm.
Yes, Scorpio51. She is Kate in Rockford, Illinois. She was WONDERFUL.
She said, we’re having a ball! We’ve got a strategy! We’re on the internet with newt.,org and and Newt has GOT this thing!
It was wonderful.
Obama unrestrained is a horrifying thought because we are now seeing a portion of what he has planned.
At some point the people of this country must exercise the right of every citizen. That being to throw off the shackles off the tyrant, by whatever means necessary. There is an amendment in the bill or rights which deals with this issue.
Zelsdorf Ragshaft III — I see what you mean. I do want to say, though, that I’m hoping we can do this without violence.
The Left are strengthened by fear and chaos. They win just whenever things are going badly.
To respond to this upcoming challenge GRACEFULLY, CHEERFULLY is possible if we are smart enough. If we see through their machinations and reach out to the true American spirit in almost all of us.
Newt gets it. If we pay attention, study the plans, think and use our AMERICAN INGENUITY, I believe we can move through this like surfing, skateboarding, skydiving, gliding, aikido. Go with it. Use the energy to accomplish our goals. AGREE with the energy of change to restore the Constitution.
I hear what you are saying, Zelsdorf Ragshaft III, but I am hoping with all my heart that we can do this without violence.
[…] William Jacobson set out perfectly the danger of a second Obama term in office: […]
Professor Jacobson, I read on American Thinker that you used the phrase The Fourth Best President. As the person who actually coined that phrase right after the 60 Minutes Overtime video appeared online (It never aired), I must inform you that I’ve trademarked that phrase. My lawyers will be in touch:
I’m the Fourth Best President™ in American History ~ Barack Obama
ps, I love seeing the phrase everywhere but wish I would have received some acknowledgement. The video sat for 5 days until Newsbusters linked to it and the rest is history.