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It’s a part of his plan

It’s a part of his plan

You’ve been warned before.

The devil in Obamacare is not in the 2000 pages, its in the regulations to be promulgated.  For every page, expect several regulations.  It will push up the cost of health insurance and suffocate the private insurance markets as a result.

When cost of private insurance becomes prohibitive, consumers will fall into the arms of waiting government option and eventually single payer advocates.

We’re well on the way, Health plans ordered to cover birth control without co-pays:

Most healthcare plans will be required to cover birth control without charging co-pays or deductibles starting Aug. 1, the Obama administration announced Friday.

The final regulation retains the approach federal health officials proposed last summer, despite the deluge of complaints from religious groups and congressional Republicans that has poured in since then. Churches, synagogues and other houses of worship are exempt from the requirement, but religious-affiliated hospitals and universities only get a one-year delay and must comply by Aug. 1, 2013.

The religious freedom objection masks the real problem.  No co-pay and no deductble isn’t free, it just means someone else is paying for it.

Destroying the private insurance market and pushing people towards single payer — it’s almost like it’s part of the plan.


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DINORightMarie | January 20, 2012 at 3:36 pm

I appreciate your sarcasm in this:

“Destroying the private insurance market and pushing people towards single payer — it’s almost like it’s part of the plan.”


Any context on that video – when it was made, etc.? Just wondering if it was before 2008, as many of his “slip-ups” of honesty have been.

    Midwest Rhino in reply to DINORightMarie. | January 20, 2012 at 4:17 pm

    It was before 2008, I think more like 2004. But Obama can do a complete flip, and we are supposed to trust him, even when it is obviously premeditated fraud.

    MaggotAtBroadAndWall in reply to DINORightMarie. | January 20, 2012 at 4:35 pm

    DINORightMarie: I don’t think that is sarcasm at all. The plan all along has been to use regulations to gradually bankrupt the private insurance companies by preventing them from raising insurance premiums enough to recoup their costs as the government mandates an ever expanding array of services to create a dependency class. When the private market collapses, the dependent public will DEMAND government provide healthcare. (There’s a video out there somewhere of Pelosi saying something like [paraphrasing] ‘they’ll be begging us to provide the healthcare’.)

    And at that point you will have surrendered the last drop of your liberty to a tyrannical state because the state will have a financial interest in how you live every second of your life. To keep health costs down and to incentivize the kind of behavior the state expects from you, it’s not inconceivable they will fine you if you don’t exercise as much as they want you to; fine you for every pound overweight you are; fine you for every pound underweight you are; fine you for smoking; drinking; eating sweets; and forcing you to pay a fine/tax if you want to engage in any kind of risky behavior (take your pick, examples might include: football, skydiving, skiing, hunting, whatever the state deems is excessively risky behavior which may cause them to spend money on your well being). Rationing through “death panels” will certainly be a feature. It won’t happen overnight, but it is the ultimate endgame.

    I believe to my core every word of this. It is not sarcasm or hyperbole. It’s why I have been so vehemently opposed to Obamacare at every step of the way from day one.

    I’m disgusted when I reflect on the amount of individual freedom and liberty our grandparents and parents voted away. But they look like pikers compared to what my generation has done. And if Obamacare is not repealed or deemed unconstitutional, the “American Experiment” of self government is over and we will have answered the question Reagan asked in his “A Time for Choosing Speech” in 1964:

    “[Do] we believe in our capacity for self government, or [do] we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite, in a far distant capitol, can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves?”

    We voted to surrender our individual sovereignty and have demanded that a bunch of bureaucrats tell us how they think we should live.

Yup. It would seem that the only apparent way for religious non-house-of-worship entities to opt out would probably be to simply not provide their employees any insurance coverage at all, thereby not having to “include” the “free” birth-killing provisions and casting their employees into the devouring maw — er, um, I mean — the “warm embrace” of our compassionate, efficient health-care system (the demon-spawn of the “best” of the DMV, IRS, and TSA [menage-a-trois govt trifecta?] all rolled into one).

Oh goody, goody gumdrops.

I loved the justification of “providing birth control will mean fewer people will get sick” . What Pregnancy is now a sickness that needs to be combatted? That would make a great campaign commercial, according to Obama, having kids is a sickness.

One thing that makes shopping at Whole Foods more palatable:

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, “The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare.” For a former semi-hippy, he sure sounds like a conservative on this issue:

MSN Money columnist, Jim Jubak: “Let Wal-Mart fix U.S. health care.”

A couple of good reads to share with friends that make you stop and think, “Yeah, why not try these commonsence approaches first before going radical?”

Repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal, repeal!

I’m in favor of Obamacare. The GOP has done nothing on its promise a year ago to hold hearings and draft legislation. Nothing. I know I can’t trust the GOP to deal with this issue.

Um, making birth control free won’t increase costs, it will lower them. Pills are a helluva lot cheaper than babies.

    William A. Jacobson in reply to tutakai. | January 20, 2012 at 4:27 pm

    That assumes the insured will not use birth control without other policyholders subsidizing them, and will not shift to more expensive birth control methods since it’s now all free.

    You can get a free condom from the government worth $.50 yet this doesn’t seem athwart irresponsible idiots from behaving stupidly.

    A pill from the government will just make the idiots dumber.

    dmacleo in reply to tutakai. | January 20, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    I am so happy I get to cover other people f’ing around at will.

    Henry Hawkins in reply to tutakai. | January 20, 2012 at 10:15 pm

    “Um, making birth control free won’t increase costs, it will lower them. Pills are a helluva lot cheaper than babies.”

    Yeah, and Fords are a helluva lot cheaper than BMWs. Now finish your argument – explain why we should buy either of them for you.

Keep your sex life out of my wallet so that I won’t be forced into concerning myself with what you do in your bedroom.

What is the idiotic ideology of Feminism?

“We are Womyn hear us roar, big sugar Daddy Government give us more, more more”

    janitor in reply to syn. | January 20, 2012 at 5:54 pm

    How about insurance coverage for viagra?

      dmacleo in reply to janitor. | January 20, 2012 at 6:05 pm

      like when its prescribed after prostate cancer treatments to make blood flow?

        janitor in reply to dmacleo. | January 20, 2012 at 6:35 pm

        Like when it’s prescribed by doctors just for the asking, one of the most popular recreational prescription drugs ever invented.

          BannedbytheGuardian in reply to janitor. | January 20, 2012 at 8:32 pm

          A recent Argentinian study has confirmed that Viagra cures Jetlag in mice.

          Plus it helps descent sickness in mountaineers- not that the Appalachians are very high -but maybe running down quukly.

          Sandoval could have used either study to affirm his travels.

          But who can forget his soliloquy ?

          dmacleo in reply to janitor. | January 20, 2012 at 9:13 pm

          mixed feeling.
          birth control makes something not work.

          viagra makes something work.

          birth control used to allow playing with no repercussions or responsibilities.

          viagra allows couples trying to have kids do it and accept the responsibilities.

          but yeah they are the same thing.

      Henry Hawkins in reply to janitor. | January 20, 2012 at 9:55 pm

      One time I mixed up my Rogaine and Viagra and I looked like Don King for a week.

    This move is pure politicking, and it’s not necessarily what women want.

The one thing most people miss about Obamacare is that it will have to mandate Doctors to accept it. As of now, Doctors have a choice to accept certain insurance and Medicare. The ONLY way to increase access under Obamacare will be to mandate Doctor coverage under penalty of suspending their medical licenses. That leads to another problem since now it is the States that manage medical licensure. The entire system, from pre-med to medical school and other medical professional careers will then HAVE to be managed at the federal level.

Goodbye freedom.

    jimbo3 in reply to iambasic. | January 20, 2012 at 5:02 pm

    I think you’re wrong about that. Do you have a link, iambasic?

      iambasic in reply to jimbo3. | January 20, 2012 at 7:23 pm

      I didn’t say it does that…yet…but for the thing to work as advertised, that would eventually happen – when the system goes single payer – if we don’t repeal it

don’t forget HHS sec. was given the authority to make any regulation she wants. similar to dodd/frank bill there is no oversight and a LOT of power.

Wonder if gays are going to call this discrimination since it’s providing something based on sexual orientation? Since neither pairing – gals or guys – require actual birth control isn’t this unfair?

I would have no problem subsidizing or even providing free birth control to registered Democrats.

Obama is a charlatan. Nearly every statement he makes is full of lies by omission. Everything he does is presented to be one thing, when it is actually quite another. The man has no shame whatsoever about employing subtle deception, because he knows he’s covered by his color and the MSM.

And yet, despite Obama’s blatant deception and dishonesty about so many issues, the Republicans can’t seem to get it together to communicate his dishonesty in a simple coherent message that they can repeat every time they get on camera for any reason so that it will stick and follow him everywhere he goes.

How about:
1. Pay no attention to his words – his actions are what matters.
2. The President is not doing what he is saying.
3. Obama says one thing but does another.
4. If only he would speak the truth.
5. We all know the President is incorrect when he says _____
6. President Obama said one thing when he campaigned but….
7. Mr. Obama is being disingenuous yet again when he says….
8. If only we could believe what President Obama says.

Just pick one God damn it, and use it every single day to make sure that Obama’s dishonesty becomes the hallmark of his presidency in the minds of every American.

JimMtnViewCaUSA | January 20, 2012 at 6:35 pm

“The roots of the tree of Liberty…”
At a certain point, I suspect a bunch of us will have to stand up on our hind legs and fight back.

    Dark days ahead, indeed. If Obama wins, I’m convinced secession will be all that remains to retain our freedoms; yes, another civil war.

    But this flip side logic is this, the more solid a conservative wins, especially if there is excitement that runs down ticket to flip a large number of Senate seats, along with retaining (or increasing) majority control in the House, does anyone think Democrats and their ACORN, Occupy protesters will stand idly by as they watch Obamacare, their dream of almost a century, repealed. In their minds of Progressives that will be the opening move in civil war; they will respond in kind, I’m sure of it.

For people saying “This doesn’t matter too much.” Consider the following. Loestrin (one of the common birth Control pills) is often considered a Tier 3 drug. On my insurance that’s a $60 copay. The total cost of the drug sans insurance is about $74. Meaning that the consumer actually pays the bulk of the bill (Drug companies often have prescription discount cards, but those shift the cost to the drug company, so it’s more like marketing in my book.
Now I’m not complaining that Birth Control cost so much, it’s a choice and I personally believe it shouldn’t really be covered at all. The take away from this is that the cost to insurance companies for Birth Control (in this real world example) just went up 600%! That’s an unsustainable number. Frankly the rule shows a complete misunderstanding of how insurance works (or even worse what insurance is supposed to do in the first place.)

Even if you argue “this is cheaper than babies” (like tutakai) you’ve got more than a few problems. Firstly, you’re engaging in Modern Eugenics (the implication here of course is that it will help the poor not have babies, since the wealthy or even middle class should be able to cover the costs without assistance.) Yes, that’s right it’s Eugenics. Negative Eugenics, but still Eugenics. Secondly, you’re shifting the costs in a really stupid way. Right now there are plenty of people who can afford Birth Control w/o any problem. Now they won’t pay for it anymore, needlessly screwing up the market. Even if you assert a positive right birth cotnrol (which is insane, but I’ll grant it for hypotheticals) there’s no reason to make it “costless” (not free, just costless) for everyone, when charity could take care of the the people who can’t afford it.

BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! (Because Obama never stops.) Unless this Regulation has changed, when I read it it had to cover ALL FDA APPROVED forms for birth control, including the more expensive IUD forms. So people who would have had to make do with a inexpensive pill before (life sucks, beggers can’t be chooses and what not) now can free ride on the freaken lexus of birth control with my money. Thanks Gov’t!

9thDistrictNeighbor | January 20, 2012 at 8:43 pm

My concern at this point is that just like in the ’90s with “Hilarycare”, congress, the insurance industry and the medical community ended up implementing much of it anyway…seemingly in a pre-emptive way (you can’t mandate “X”, we already do that…). We can thank Hillarycare for SCHIP, managed care, Medicare prescription drugs, HIPPA. It will be tremendously difficult to scrub the vestiges of Obamacare; no one is trying to get rid of those elements of the Clinton plan that have already become part of the landscape. I don’t know that there is the will to do that, which is why Democrats were so cavalier about passing this in the dark of night.

If we go upstream on the health insurance disaster we find that during WWII price controls by that progressive FDR, benefits were allowed to increase because “benefits” weren’t “wages”. Now we have an infrastructure of health insurance tied to employment, with health insurance benefits being excluded from income taxes. Somehow those need to be uncoupled. And government needs to back out of medicine. Law schools and the practice of law doesn’t seem to have the same level of government involvement. We have way too many lawyers, but a shortage of doctors. Hmmm. While not all lawyers are great, an average doctor might be better than no doctor.

The problem with Obamacare is that there isn’t a person on planet Earth who has the least idea what-all’s in it or what it permits. It is Rube Goldberg meets Leviathan and if anyone tells you they know how to tweak it and make it work, shoot him.
Take back the Senate, keep the House and strengthen it and get rid of Obama. Then, go after these federal departments [Agriculture; Commerce; Education; Energy; Health and Human Services; Housing and Urban Development; Interior; Labor; Transportation]. Look at the link to see what little these Departments actually do. The few sub-agencies that are identified and that may provide an important or safety issue can be maintained without all of the layers of bureaucracy within each agency or which overlaps the Departments.

Wait a minute! Then, go after these federal departments
[1. Agriculture;
2. Commerce;
3. Education;
4. Energy;
5. Health and Human Services;
6. Housing and Urban Development;
7. Interior;
8. Labor;
9. Transportation]

That’s 9 (nine) and I’ve just finished breakfast. When Governor Perry got stuck on the three question, he should have just said something like “Aw shucks, let’s just get started and do 3 a month for a while.” As a teacher, I’m very happy to see Education on your list.

I think the main TEA party point is that we have too much government. We need some, but not so much!

Yes, how correct you are that it is the coming regulations that have to be written that are going to put the stake into the heart of private healthcare in America and we can sum this coming disaster up in three words that are seen throughout the bill: The Secretary shall………