Who cares about duplicate signatures in Wisconsin Recall?
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Who cares about duplicate signatures in Wisconsin Recall?

Who cares about duplicate signatures in Wisconsin Recall?

Apparently not the Governmant Accounting Board according to the McIver Institute (h/t CharlieSykes):

The state board overseeing the potential recall election of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker tells the MacIver News Servicethat they will rely upon temporary workers to scrutinize recall petitions and those individuals will not be expected to catch any duplicate signatures submitted by recall organizers.

This revelation comes as one statewide liberal group is actively promoting the collection of duplicate signatures, paving the way for a lengthy process wherein Walker supporters will challenge the validity of the recall petitions.

One Wisconsin Now, a liberal non-profit, posted on its website “You can circulate or sign a recall petition even if you have already signed another recall petition.”

This advice, however, will complicate the signature challenge process and runs counter to the advice of nonpartisan state election regulators.

“While it is not illegal to sign more than once, we do not suggest people sign a second time unless they have good reason to believe the first petition they signed was somehow fraudulent,” Reid Magney, GAB Spokesman.

Anti-recall forces will have to establish their own database and run checks for duplicates, in other words, do the government’s work for it.

Update:  Petition circulators have been getting aggressive, as this affidavit reflects (via @SteveEgg):


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Considering Wisconsin’s Secretary of State is a die-hard Progressive, chances are these temporary workers won’t have the purest of motives in reviewing the signatures. I’d check their bank accounts to see if any extra, untraceable funding has been deposited lately.

And it’s off to the Supreme Court.

How does any rational being make a ruling like that and expect it to stand scrutiny?

A five year old can see that they’re being illogical, unfair and undemocratic.

If there’s ever an example of the lowering of I.Q. when one becomes employed in government, this is it.

And it extends all the way up and down the line. From cops on the beat to teachers/principals in school to judges in court. Some really stupid and illogical and downright evil opinions have become public policy or allowed to stand as law.

I wonder why they don’t use that blue ink that was so popular in Iraq in the US

Great! More lawlessness in the name of social justice. (sarcasm)

They are getting ahead of themselves. They don’t even have a candidate to rally around, and anyone who wants a political future in WI is not going to run against Walker because you have already lost half the vote of a people who are deeply scared about what their own government is doing to them to enrich politically connected groups. After splurging all this money to attack an entrenched incumbent is stupid.

This is why hand gun ownership is incredibly important in this country. When the Police, the judges and the rest of the state can no longer be trusted to execute their powers properly there is nothing left but the natural right to defend yourself from the lawlessness. Its true, no matter how far we have come as a society, we are always on the tipping point into anarchy.

“You can circulate or sign a recall petition even if you have already signed another recall petition.”

Nothing like handing R’s the evidence they need to get a lawsuit going that will challenge the signatures.

Obama has some former employees that are very effective at getting signatures tossed off petitions, think they’re available?

As the Democrats often say, vote sign early, vote sign often.


Your said: “Anti-recall forces will have to establish their own database and run checks for duplicates, in other words, do the government’s work for it.”

That is precisely what True the Vote in Houston did prior to the 2010 mid-term elections http://www.truethevote.org/

With 30 donated computers and hundreds of thousands of hours by volunteers, True the Vote compiled, sorted and reported the irregularities to Leo Vasquez, the voter registrar.

“Most of the findings focused on a group called Houston Votes, a voter registration group headed by Sean Caddle, who also worked for the Service Employees International Union before coming to Houston. Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid.

The other registrations included one of a woman who registered six times in the same day; registrations of non-citizens; so many applications from one Houston Voters collector in one day that it was deemed to be beyond human capability; and 1,597 registrations that named the same person multiple times, often with different signatures.”

The Harris voter registrar, Leo Vasquez,reported the fraud to the District Attorney. “The outcome of the efforts grew in importance the day after Vasquez made his announcement. On the morning of Aug. 27, a three-alarm fire destroyed almost all of Harris County’s voting machines, throwing the upcoming Nov. 2 election into turmoil. While the cause wasn’t determined, the $40 million blaze, according to press reports, means election officials will be focused on creating a whole new voting system in six weeks.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/09/23/voter-fraud-houston-tea-party-truethevote-texas/#ixzz1fDDAkmqP

Here’s the official Harris County Briefing Report dated August 24, 2010, with photocopies of some the actual fraudulent voter registrations.


If some enterprising volunteers will come together, access the recall petitions (which are public records), enter the data in an excel spread sheet, sort and cross check names and addresses, Wisconsin has a shot at shining the bright, disinfecting light of day to the validity of the signatures.

Perhaps, that effort could be “crowd-sourced”, as the New York Times called for crowd-sourcing to comb through Sarah Palin’s e-mails.

    alan markus in reply to logos. | November 30, 2011 at 2:24 pm

    A very credible commenter (he used to be WI legislative aide) at a different site noted that there could be 70,000 to 80,000 signature pages handed in. I don’t know what that would cost to copy them and enter into a database (searchable & sortable by name and address), but it would be well worth the costs. Hello, Koch brothers?

    As a resident of WI, I would be one of the first to look to see if my name was in there (it better not be). I would also look to see if addresses I know match the people that I know live there.

    It would also be useful for boycott & harassment purposes – that’s the way the game is played now, if prior practice by the local Dems is precedent.

      Milwaukee in reply to alan markus. | November 30, 2011 at 6:51 pm

      We can not wait for somebody to come in and set something up. (I’m no longer a Wisconsin resident, but I have a pension coming from Wisconsin, and I figure I have a dog in this fight.) I looked at some of the petitions which came in from the Senate Recalls. PDF files were put on line. So, a website is set up for volunteers. We pick a spreadsheet format which is distributed. Volunteers get assigned a PDF file. They transcribe so many pages into the spread sheet. Those spreadsheets are compiled and merged, looking for dupicates or irregularities. (Exactly how many people live at address?) Effort will need to be made to have redundancy: if a trolls say they are going to transcribe certain pages and don’t, it isn’t done. So having more than one volunteer to a petition is important. Having security, so evil-deed-doers can’t sabotage the process by planting malicious material is important. That’s just a start. But that ground work can be laid now. Actually, I would hope the Republican Party of Wisconsin, or the National Republican Party, would organize this. Or some of the funds for the Walker Campaign would be diverted in this direction.

      The recall people have indicated they will wait until the last possible minute to turn in their petitions. Something needs to be ready before then. Besides, once an organization is ready, it could verify regular elections as well.

      Didn’t challenging opponents election petitions help 0bama in some of his early elections?

The irony is that in terms of elections, it is a government duty to ensure they are fair; and they can’t or won’t even do that.

The Underground Conservative | November 30, 2011 at 2:20 pm

What color is the sky on the planet that Reid Magney is living on? Of course it is illegal to sign more than once, just like it is illegal to vote more than once.

Congratulations to the Badger State. We’ve now become a Third World Banana Republic, more corrupt than Chicago when it comes to voter fraud and election theft.

    Here is more of the “Third World Banana Republic” behavior we put up with:

    Apartment building owned by Sen. Taylor being investigated

    MILWAUKEE- Major developments in a case involving allegations of voter fraud.

    It also involved an apartment building owned by state Senator Lena Taylor.

    TODAY’S TMJ4’s can confirm the City Neighborhood Services is investigating, “The Lovehouse” for possible code violations. The big question still remains, how many people are living under that one roof and registered to vote?
    The state senator’s mom lives there, along with others who are part of her religious community.

    Apparently, a lot of them vote. 36 voters are registered at the address. 23 voted in the closely contested State Supreme Court race in April. 11 registered the day of the election. Election records show Lena J. Taylor, the senator’s mother, vouched for at least seven of those voters.

    The article does not identify State Senator Taylor’s party affiliation. She is a Democrat.


Althouse has linked this thread.

Maybe the New York Times or Washington Post will put out an appeal for readers to crowd-source this.

“The article does not identify State Senator Taylor’s party affiliation. She is a Democrat.”

That’s pretty much a given, Alan Markus.

I left Milwaukee, and Wisconsin, on December 30th of last year. I moved to Iowa and registered to vote there. However, I am still listed as a registered voter in Milwaukee, at my old address. Any ideas on how I get “unregistered” in Wisconsin? Many states are slow to purge their voter lists. I don’t want to vote in Wisconsin, and I don’t want anybody else using my name to vote. Or sign petitions!

    I have no answer to your question and can only suggest that you might check the website of the Secretary of State.

    mknecht01 in reply to Milwaukee. | December 1, 2011 at 10:47 am

    In PA, voter registration is by county. I had to write to my (former) county voter registration office when I moved in order to have my name removed from the rolls in that county.

So this is “how democracy works” eh. These idiot democrats wouldn’t know a democratic process if it bit them in the rear. As is the usual tactic with the left, lying, cheating, threatening and fraud will be out in force.

Republicans have to get ahead of this one and start putting obviously phony names on the ballots. When the Leftards think they have enough names, they’ll quit. Then when all the phony/duplicate names come out, the petition will be easy to challenge. Personally, I like to use either Adam Baum or Vincent Van Goghphuckyerselph. The moron who took my Vincent name on his MoveOn petition gave up trying to pronounce “my” last name after the “van”. Not sure he even knew who Vincent Van Gogh is.

What’s an “explicative”?

[…] Fraud: via Instapundit – SIGNATURE FRAUD IN WISCONSIN RECALL PETITIONS? Does the Justice Department’s Voting Rights office know about this? Hey, stop […]