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The insurrection reaches the outskirts of Chicago

The insurrection reaches the outskirts of Chicago

At Obama campaign headquarters in downtown Chicago they can hear shouts of “OMG WTF” and “How’s that ‘Hope & Change’ thing working out for you?,” like the sound of slowly rumbling thunder just over the horizon.

Thanks to reader Norbie who spotted this in Elgin, Illinois, not far from Chicago, and writes:

I’ve seen this truck tooling around town, but mostly I’ve seen it parked at the recreational center, where this particular picture was taken.  For whatever reason, I get the impression that the fellow to whom the truck belongs is an older fellow, possibly a Vietnam vet – fwiw, I think a lot of his cohort are ticked at all the baloney Obama is pulling.


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DINORightMarie | October 24, 2011 at 8:46 am

I particularly like the pro-Israel stickers.

Is that one on the left a picture of Golda Meir? What does it say……?

Glad that this person is stating his views in Deep Blue Illinois; very encouraging!!!

The darkest hour is just before dawn.

(OT – did you hear the Victory Session interview with Newt? Steve Bannon of The Undefeated documentary did the interview on radio in LA.

Newt rising – he sounds good!!

My questions to Newt (which Steve Bannon didn’t ask): If you are nominated and won the 2012 election, what are your plans for the post election phase? During the “lame duck session” after the election, we have reason to expect the worst of this administration; what do you foresee this administration doing, and what do you plan to do to counter it?

I would LOVE to hear Newt’s answers to those questions!!)

    nordic_prince in reply to DINORightMarie. | October 24, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    The Golda Meir sticker says, “There will be no peace until they love their children more than they hate us.”

    My fave is the “I’ll keep my guns, freedom, and money…you can keep the ‘change!'”

    If only more people had realized in 2008 that not all change is positive…

Finally! Illinois is beginning to see the light. Last week, an article was published stating that Uhhbama only has the support of 51% of the electorate.

Although I grew up in the south, I’ve now lived in Chicago for 12 years and the two things that depress the Hell out of me are local politics and the fact that Obama can rape a goat on live TV and he’d still get more than 50% of the vote here.

What makes it worse is how much money liberal Jews here (I’m an orthodox Jew) still give to his (and for who-knows-what-reason Jan Schakowski’s) campaign. It’s a very screwed up city. Although, much of the Jewish money comes from the northern suburbs, and not the city (can’t be living amongst “those people” you know).