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I support the 3rd Amendment, and I vote

I support the 3rd Amendment, and I vote

There have been over 200 bumper sticker posts since the first post on June 24, 2010.

We have covered the 1st, 2nd and 10th Amendments numerous times, but never the 3rd Amendment.  You know, the one that says, umm, you know, yeah I took Con Law and I teach in a law school, … the uh … Oh yeah:

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

As noted in this article in the, er, “press” in 2007, anti-quartering groups have a long history of successfully defending our 3rd Amendment rights:

The National Anti- Quartering Association, America’s foremost Third Amendment rights group, held its annual gala in Washington Monday to honor 191 consecutive years of advocating the protection of private homes and property against the unlawful boarding of military personnel.

“This is a proud day for quarters-owners everywhere,” said the organization’s president, Charles Davison, in his keynote address. “Year after year, we have sent a loud and clear message to the federal government and to anyone else who would attack our unassailable rights: Hands off our cottages, livery stables, and haylofts.”

Apparently someone on my street in Ithaca is a 3rd Amendment fanatic, too:


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Funny thing is it’s the third amendment that I use when arguing against Moonbats who rant about how bad it is for corporations to be considered an individual as laid out in Citizens United. I tell them to imagine you own a small business with a nice little store. One day you’re at work and a military officer walks in. He hands you an order signed by George W Bush (always their nemesis) saying that the Army is taking over your store and their are going to use it to house Army troops. Think Citizens United is wrong? Fine- your store has no constitutional rights and all you can do is hand the keys over to the Army officer, go to McDonalds and ask them for a job application.

Long live the Third Amendment! 😉

Of course, in thinking about it, the other claim to fame for the Third Amendment is that it is probably one of only two amendments the ACLU has never defended. The other being the Second.

I have to hand it to the National Anti-Quartering Assoc., they must be really powerful and effective. I mean, the results speak for themselves. Kudos.

It’s important to find something your passionate about! 🙂

It’s the great unsung battle of American history. Thank God they’re on the ramparts against illegal quartering.

Liberty is under attack on all fronts. Now, more than ever, groups are needed to specialize in defending each and every liberty accorded its citizens of the constitution of the United States of America.

However, a Bing Search of American Anti-Quartering Association suggests this is a joke, when the Facebook page led me to an article in The Onion.


Can anyone provide a “real” website to disprove the apparent joke – which I am sure the left thinks is hilarious?

The last time my wife and I were flying, approaching the TSA checkpoint, my wife said “I should get one of those t-shirts with the 3rd Amendment printed on them in lead ink, you know, so they show up on the scans and these goons have to read it?” I said “The TSA is threatening to quarter troops in our house?”. She said “Which one am I thinking of?”. Hehe. I still tease her about protecting her “3rd Amendment rights”.

If I remember correctly there was a Thrid Amendment case back in the Sixtys. A state sued the Federal Government for using state property without permission to quarter troops flown in for riot duty. I don’t remember the result.

I think the last one before that was in the 19th Century.

Hank’s Eclectic Meanderings

[…] SUPPORTING THE WHOLE CONSTITUTION: I Support The Third Amendment, And I Vote! […]

ShootingBuddy | October 8, 2011 at 10:26 am

How did that Third Amendment work out for ya in New Orleans during Katrina?

Engblom v. Carey, 677 F.2d 957, was a 1982 court case decided by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. It is the only significant court decision based on a direct challenge under the Third Amendment to the United States Constitution.