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But who do we vote in?

But who do we vote in?

There’s an ornery mood out there.

Thanks to reader Bob, who writes:

Bumper sticker seen at a restaurant in Loveland, Colorado.  I saw it going into the restaurant and didn’t think much of it. On the way out I saw the owner of the truck getting in it and mentioned to him that I agree with his bumper sticker, his response was “I didn’t serve my country to put up with this crap.”

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Spoken like a true Marine. Semper Fi.

The sentiment is good, but the new people would probably be no better than the old ones. Better to figure out which is which including incumbents.

On the other hand, term limits would probably help the situation a bit. Limit the time people could serve in the House and Senate combined. It is the Washington atmosphere that corrupts, not the individual houses.

Also, greatly reducing the central government’s power would greatly reduce the opportunities for corruption.

    DougV in reply to JayDick. | September 15, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    Jay – precisely. When politicians have the power of the purse strings – i.e. able to vote for laws that favor one interest group over another, or the ability to direct tax payer funds to their constituents or other favored parties, then corruption (even “mild” corruption) is darned near inevitable. If we quit allowing the federal government to choose winners and losers through earmarks and tax policy, their power declines, and with it the temptation to abuse it. Power corrupts. The more the power, the greater the chance for corruption.

As a sentiment, it probably serves as a useful shot over the bow to politicians of all stripes.

But if a significant number of people take that nonsense seriously, there is nothing that would guarantee a Democrat victory faster.

I value the gentleman’s service, as my brother is a Marine officer; I cannot overly fault his political sentiment, recognizing the potential risks.
I might suggest changing the position of his stickers however: I first mistook it for a criticism of the Marines and their role (e.g. “Marines: Vote Them All Out”) Clearly, that is not his point, but one could make the mistake.

The combination of authority and involuntary exploitation is the foundation for a corrosive environment. It is imperative that we control the factors which contribute to progressive corruption of individuals and society.


He wants to vote out all of the Marines? I don’t think that’s wise.