This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:
There is a curious argument used to paint the Tea Party movement and conservatives as racist.
The argument goes that since slave owners and segregationists invoked states rights, and since the Tea Party movement and conservatives invoke states rights, therefore the Tea Party movement and conservatives are racist.
Of course, there is no logic to this construct. Just because one use of the 10th Amendment was for racist purposes does not mean that all other invocations of the 10th Amendment are racist. Unless of course the 10th Amendment and our federalist structure itself is racist.
Nonetheless, it is a theme the Jesse Jacksons of the world push day in and day out in order to play the race card in favor of Democrats, in this case having a crowd repeat “big government is us by another name.”
Jackson repeated the theme days ago at an event honoring the civil rights movement:
Jesse Jackson said Thursday that the Tea Party’s tenets are reminiscent of state’s rights philosophies used in decades past to oppose federally mandated integration.
“The Tea Party is not new,” Jackson said at a luncheon honoring civil rights pioneers on Thursday. “It’s just a new name for an old game.”
It never seems to grow old, although Jackson’s political influence has. He’s become a caricature of himself, as the world has passed him by. But he hasn’t given up. He’s keeping his race card hopes alive.
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You know, I’ve seen Jesse Jackson eat food. You know who else eats food? The terrorists. According to his logic, he must be a terrorist!
He wears pants. And you know who else wore pants? Nazis, that’s who!
Poor Jesse, some of us are old enough to remember when he was actually relevant.
Maybe when he started out he was okay, but I bet MLK’s spinning in his grave to see how he turned out.
No, he was always bad.
God it must be frustrating when you take the difficult and provocative scenic route up the Capitol steps armed with the oversized Flinstones gavel and numerous videocameras recording each step as you part the sea of emotional and frustrated tea-party activists on your way to an historic vote.
For not one single person to have yelled out the n-word when you are basically begging/prodding/teasing them to do so … when in a crowd that size, the simple math almost dictates there’s going to be at least one or two knuckleheads who will take that bait … to have to resort to then claiming you heard the n-word yelled out numerous times … but on all the videotapes nobody else can hear it and a $100,000 offer for video evidence goes untouched … well … there’s only one thing you can do … up the ante again … even though it’s getting to be way beyond pathetically ridiculous.
Do racial demagogues ever get laid off?
Did anyone notice that in their rush to accuse Tea Party types as racists that the accusers conveniently ignore the original intent and purpose of the amendment?
Having to rely upon the bastardization by (fellow traveling) racists in the South of the Tenth instead of basing their argument upon The Federalist Papers should be sufficient to discard their claim out of hand.
@ Cowboy Curtis. I’m pretty old and I’ve never experienced that. In my time “The Revarund” has always pretty much of a professional racist – and a windbag, too.
Heck, I was just a kid but I can remember him actually winning a presidential primary in ’84 (or was it ’88?). Once upon a time, the democrat establishment actually listened, or rather pretended to, when he spoke.
I remember like 49erDweet. The Reverand Jackson had aspirations of being the next MLK. He never quite got there, in fact is a long, long way from there. He had a Rainbow Coalition that seemed like a good idea, but he had no good ideas. He talked in rhyme and interation, saying nothing, and eventually devolved into a bitter old man. His only purpose in life has been to keep the race wars going so he could make a living. It has been a good living at the expense of a lot of people, mostly black people who became arrogant at his command. It has been downhill ever since.
Guys, I’ve not said there was anything good or positive about the man. He’s always been, and always will be, a shakedown artist and a race hustler. But he used to be one with some political and cultural muscle (hence, relevance). Now he isn’t.
All I heard was the zombie-like repetition by some audience members of his words. Sounds like an audience of hypnotized bots.
The pro-slavery South only invoked the 10th amendment when it was convenient. The classic counterexample is the Fugitive Slave Act, which required Northern states to return escaped slaves to the South.
Thanks for this.
Before we get all down on the South, lets remember that slavery existed in non-Southern states at the founding, and in all fairness, was certainly one of the many, many, legal matters placed outside of Congress’ jurisdiction by the lack of any grant of regulatory power to it (beyond the importation of slaves after a certain time) under the original Constitution (and presumptively reaffirmed by passage of the 10th).
Which isn’t to say slavery was a good thing, or that the 10th Amendment is bad (I think its critical), but rather, that 19th century politicians who cited it as prohibiting Congress from interfering with that peculiar institution had a solid legal point. Lincoln even conceded as much.
People who support the Tea Party should combat the vile charge of racism by never again mentioning the name of the movement alone without saying exactly what it stands for.
The name of the movement should henceforth always be used in conjunction with its tenets like these two examples:
1. “I support the Tea Party principles of constitutionally limited government, sound fiscal policies and free markets”.
2. “…the Tea Party, which supports constitutionally limited government, sound fiscal policies and free markets is making great progress because…”.
How difficult would this be? If people who support the Tea Party always include these three basic principles when they mention its name, it would be very difficult for the racism charge to take hold. In addition, whenever anyone calls the Tea party racist, they should simply be asked what they have against constitutionally limited government, sound fiscal policies and free markets, and why they believe it is racist to believe in such principles.
Let us not forget the ever-spouting, also a “Reverend,” Al Sharpton, as part of the waaacism industry hollerers. Will he bring MSDNC’s dismal ratings up? I wouldn’t put my money on it.
Since yelling “waaaacist,” and criticizing evangelicals seem to be the latest tactics, at least these past couple of weeks, I’m looking forward to the next W. H. campaign tactic and labeling. There has been so much name calling that it’s hard to think what epithet will be hurled next. I am a certified and getting repetitive in my signature, what the media and pols have called an:
“ankle biter peasant angry mob moron raaaaaacist troublemaker evilmonger astroturf stupid disruptive rightwingnut Indy hick Neanderthal kkk applicant K street Lobbyist hired mob un-American Nazi-loving brown-shirt bitter clings to guns and Bible homophobic xenophobic redneck teabagger irrational extremist whacky maverick fire-breathing nut job just want to see you die bigot nativist Islamophobe mosque basher psychopath nuts whacko fruitloop flat-out crazy paranoid unwashed ignorant illogical subversive unhinged fanatic loon enemy coward exterminationist captive to my fears don’t think clearly hater scared moonbat flat earther birther carny barker full of extreme rhetoric and vitriol desperate and dangerous with a sloping forehead goofball weasel destructive child Walmart shopper low information voter fragger (baby-kidnapping) terrorist extremist suicide bomber bomb throwing democracy threatening Al Qaeda (Christian)Taliban hostage taker jihadist ignoramus destructive child delusional ignoramous economic terrorist tyrant hobbit real enemy maintaining states rights and slavery going to hell.”
Nothing will ever be colorblind to some people who see life through pigment-colored glasses.
As for Jackson, he’s the one playing the tired old game of “give me your money and r-e-s-p-e-c-t I speak for you” grievance hustle.
Aren’t they using an illogical syllogism?
Or am I just being raaaaacist?
@jakee308: two answers. A.) 41. B.) Yes.
Hey, I just noticed something. Jesse relies on the First Amendment right to assemble and so does the KKK. Q.E.D.: Jesse Jackson is a member of the KKK.
Jesse Jackson is a joke. Remember when he went to the WH to counsel Billy Joe after the Monica Lewinsky debacle. The joke is that this guy could counsel anybody on sexual malfeasance especially when he was guilty of the same thing but went one better and fathered a child. At least Billy Joe didn’t penetrate or so he says. I have a hard time believing anything these dim serial liars say. The IRS, to my knowledge, has never audited Rainbow Push. I read a few years ago that Rainbow Push took in millions of dollars to help poor black youths get a college education but Rainbow Push had only dispursed about $45,000. This alone shows what a crook he is.
Eddie Bernice Johnson is a Representative, and a member of the House Black Caucus. That Caucus collects moneys for scholarships for young blacks to go to college. The Caucus does not require it’s members to disclose how much was collected, how much was dispersed or who received it. Apparently she has given some money to relatives of hers, or relatives of staff. I do believe other representatives have had similar problems. Seems to me the African-American community has been let down by their political leadership.
But we knew that. Margaret Sanger knew that the key to selling abortion on demand, and her “Negro Project” was to enlist the aid the Black clergy. They cooperated. Planned Parenthood is responsible for the deaths of more African-Americans than any other group in America.
Ipso: why don’t we spell it TEA, as in an acronym for the “Taxed Enough Already” business?
AS for Reverend Jackson, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in April of 1968. Reverends Jackson and Sharpton are de facto the leaders of the African-American community. Jesse was there when King was shot, and that was 43 years ago. Where are the new and upcoming leaders of the Black community? Certainly not the current leader of the NAACP. (Who, like BHO, had a White mother and a Black father.)
The usual race-mongering suspects can call we TEA Party-ers racist every single day and twice on Sunday, but that only works if we believe it of ourselves. For my part, since I know that my motives are not racist, it’s all noise with no effect.
Because the TEA Party movement is entirely organic in nature, they have to convince each individual member to self-identify as a racist in order to make any headway. They have to further convince every single individual, politically-wavering person with two brain cells to rub together that agitating for fiscal responsibility and smaller government is racist.
Given that the race card has been stretched almost as far beyond it’s limit as the federal budget, that’s a rather tough row to hoe.
[…] Read it. This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain… […]
Tell us again how much you value family and tradition after all of those news reports of you paying off mistresses and illegitimate children, Jesse. You are no better than the race-baiting third-rate con artist Al Sharpton. Why don’t you has-beens just retire and shut up?