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Obama Debt Crisis Speech In One Sentence

Obama Debt Crisis Speech In One Sentence


I’m not going to be ignored, John, or blamed.


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Problem is, he’s liable to succeed – not ignored and not blamed. Most folks still blame Bush for the economy.

Cowboy Curtis | July 25, 2011 at 9:38 pm

Did anyone else notice Obama looked like an angry orange pumpkin man? He’s morphing into Charlie Crist before our very eyes!

Oregon Mike | July 25, 2011 at 9:42 pm

Well, so far as I can tell, I’ve done a pretty good job of ignoring him tonight. And, now that I think of it, I think I’ll blame him for this fiasco as well.

So, there, Erkel!

bob aka either orr | July 25, 2011 at 9:51 pm

Well phrased, professor!

President Obama a committed idealogue, lambasting others for being “idealogues.” Now that is rich.

So his oppositions is all …

The link is to the DHS Archived PDF that Michelle Malkin posted in 2009 …….An Oh So appropriate reminder of where
“The Administrations Head” is today.

The direct link to the DHS PDF IS

…but headsup a ‘file damaged’ error means you have to find a system with Adobe Reader 9.0 or so [I use Adobe 5.0]


My husband is reporting that the O-bots are crashing the House of Representatives email system. If you appreciate one of the House plans proposed, or simply don’t like Obama’s scare tactics, let them know. If you liked Boehner’s speech, let him know.

    StacyS. in reply to Mutnodjmet. | July 26, 2011 at 6:47 am

    Great idea, Mutnodjmet! We bought an inexpensive telephone/fax machine worth a million (or a billion) for this reason. Fax ’em!

[…] Professor Jacobson has the Obama speech in one sentence: “I’m not going to be ignored, John.” He borrowed the line from Fatal […]

[…] Washington Post, March 12, 2009The OtherMcCain: “Spooky Kabuki : More Summer Bummer Obama Drama”Legal Insurrection:  Obama’s Speech in One Sentence: “I’m not going to be ignored, John, or blamed.”Related […]

Sounds to me like he’s in panic mode…:)

Sorry, my teleprompter messed up my smiley face…now repaired 🙂

Not that I didn’t have ‘issues’ with the 8 years of the Bush “BigGovernment” administration it took most of 8 years for his Rasmussen Presidential Approval index to bottom out at -30 …January 5, 2009.

Fearless Leader has hit -24 several times, most recently Sept 9, 2010:

It’s not coincidental that the first of the “White House Insider” pieces was dated Sept 7, 2010.

Today’s pre-speech ranking is -21 and it would not surprise me to see new records broken.

So the result is the worlds very first “Trillionairs” [Obama/Reid/Pelosi/DNC/MSM] are demanding that I, surviving on Tuna and Spam, get out the pitchforks to chase the evil Conservatives.

Progressives started this game before my grandparents 100 years ago when TR split off in the 1912 Election
“The Socialist Party” got 6% of the popular vote in that one for fourth place.

That year “The Government” was miniscule in comparison to private business.

2011 the biggest and most profitable company in the world is the American Federal Government and the Rich Upper Class Rulers who need to pay more of ‘Their fair share’ are exactly the Obama/Pelosi DNC and RNC who’ve been playing See-Saw…..for decades now

If Visualization helps – Here’s 15 Trillion, Pass It On!

H/T a facebook friend

[…] Legal Insurrection: Obama’s Speech in One Sentence: “I’m not going to be ignored, John, or blamed.” GD Star Ratingloading…share: Digg this post Share on fark Share on FriendFeed Buzz it up share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tumblr it Buzz it up Tell a friend /* […]

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Hope all these links work, I’m trying to assemble a complete and easy to use (clickable) list. But, let them know you appreciate what they are doing. Braveheart: “Hold! Hold! Hold!”

[…] don’t like Obama’s scare tactics, let them know. If you liked Boehner’s speech, let him know. A Legal Insurrection fan, Rose, added more contact information that I would like to […]

Nice catch, prof, talk about a ‘tell’. If he weren’t already being both blamed and ignored, he’d never have made such a statement.