Eric Cantor has been fighting the good fight for years. Why not?
Here’s the audio (h/t Ace sidebar) of his account of the blow up with Obama yesterday:
Eric Cantor on White House Debt Ceiling Talks by smalera

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No. 🙂
Cantor was frank, open, and right on the money. He was willing to compromise. That needs to be pounded home – it is the DEMOCRATS who will not yield.
This debacle-in-the-making belongs to the Obama/Reid/Pelosi(still) cabal.
Question: is there a video you can link to of this? The audio was tough to hear at times…..sounded like wind interference. Thanks!!
Poor Barack. He’s just so superior to all of us that he should be given his own country, so we can make our’s better.
My only concern with putting Cantor in such a position (and this applies also to Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, Jim DeMint and other ‘real’ conservatives) is that we desperately need them in the congress. Each of these has been mentioned at some point as a good presidential or VP candidate but I think it’s more important to have them where they are. Republicans have a majority in the House, but the majority of Republicans are not conservatives, or at least it seems so. With Mitchy McConnell ready to surrender at the drop of a hat it isn’t in our best interest to have conservative leaders move into a relatively ineffective position like VP.
For now at least, Cantor needs to stay right where he is. Someone needs to keep an eye on Boehner; Boehner isn’t as squishy as McConnell, but I don’t fully trust him either.
Your point has merit, but a real conservative (I mean real, not pseudo like Romney or Gingrich) in the Presidency would be much more valuable than one in the legislature. As for Cantor, I don’t think he would make a good Presidential or VP candidate. His views are solid but he often doesn’t explain them well. I live in his district and have followed him closely for several years.
I’m still undecided (no need to rush) on the candidates, but right now, Rick Perry looks pretty good for President. Bachman or Cain seem like VP possibilities. Rubio would be great as VP, but he says he’s not interested.
I do agree with @abenson – we do need these leaders in the Senate and House. But Cantor would be a great VP candidate, IMHO. My favorite VP choice would be Rep. Allen West. But I believe he would not accept the offer; he wants to represent his people in FL-22, and stand against leftist and RINOis DC ways.
Rep. Cantor is a Republican from a VERY liberal left district in VA. That he has won his seat over several elections is a minor miracle – and a testament to the man of integrity he is. As that re-election record should demonstrate, however, he does have RINOish tendencies at times.
But he is an EXCELLENT negotiator, an experienced statesman who knows how Congress works. As VP, he would be able to get the RINOs still in Congress on his side. He would work with Conservatives. And, he would work hard to woo the Democrats who might be squishy after nearly losing their seats due to Obama’s “you have me this time around” delusional rhetoric – hence the shellacking of Nov. 2010.
Should Cantor be chosen, and the Republican ticket win, the likelihood of his seat flipping is pretty high.
But he would be a wonderful VP, IMHO.
I live in Cantor’s district in central Virginia. Believe me, there’s nothing liberal about it, which is why he keeps getting reelected.
West voted to continue the Pigford payouts. His handlers said that acted on “the information available at the time,” which is comolete hogwash. He tried to apolohize after the vote, but that leaves us with a Congressman who is lying or who is too incompetent to do his due diligence.
Nix. Cantor is an open-borders/amnesty supporter. He is a great conservative only when we are holding a gun to his head. We need someone who does it out of conviction. Every time a compromise is negotiated, there is Cantor right smack in the middle of it. In fact, after all of the trashing of McConnell yesterday over his punt attempt, hasn’t anyone noticed what triggered Obama’s little hissy fit? Cantor was offering his own punt offer of “smaller deal”. Cantor supports McConnell’s plan.
Let’s not put another legislator in the White House. I would like to see Cantor booted out of House leadership. No offense professor, but are you on Karl Rove’s payroll?
Could I make a suggestion? Let’s leave the GOP presidential selection discussion out of discussions involving the fight going on here and now. The Rovian “anybody but Obama” and “electability” campaign is very frustrating. If you are a conservative, the most important thing we need to accomplish this year is to get Rove and his dirty money out of the power loop. He is THE anti-conservative whose agenda strongly parallels Obama’s. He is fighting for the very same interests. He is using a different narrative but let’s not forget that he is advocating re-instating the very same GOP leadership that laid the foundation for Obama. All they are fighting for today is to be the ones leading the new ginormous government.
Every time you hear Rove or one of his minions attacking a conservative over or opining about how wrong the House conservatives are, block your ears. He is as much of an enemy to conservatism as is Obama.
I agree with much of your assessment of Rove. But this is right on the money, IMHO:
The WSJ Editorial page, today.
The One owns this fiasco.
Obama storms out of the room in a hissy fit, and yet Harry Reid, the man who has violated the law by refusing to pass a budget for over two years, says Cantor is the “childish” one and shouldn’t be allowed at the negotiating table. You can’t make it up.
If Cantor gets under Barry’s skin then the GOP needs to keep him at the table.
Yep. Cantor doesn’t roll over and cave to Obama and that’s construed as being “rude.”
Before I saw Bibi’s defense of Israel while seated besides Obama in the White House, I’d heard reports of how supposedly inappropriate it was. When I finally saw it, I couldn’t help but think, “That’s being rude? He’s just stating his people’s case … in a polite but firm way. How is that rude?”
Cantor is a RINO. No thanks.
What good would he (or West, or Rubio, or anyone) do as VP? That’s a pretty toothless position. I mean, how much has Biden done? If the position had any power, Biden would’ve screwed something up big time by now.
Nah, Palin/Jindal is the ticket
Cantor is a squish. He talks the talk but he sells out quickly.
I have been impressed with Eric Cantor since his book GOP:Young Guns was published. He is pro-Israel (has met with Mr. Netanyahu several times), Pro-life, a squeaky clean attorney with a long history in political life back to interning while an undergraduate, and Jewish who has publicly spoken out against the U.S. foreign aid to the Jordanians who the lamestream media inaccurately called Palestinians.
Do you really think that he is electable? He would be an incredible VP but in the anti-semitic atmosphere currently in this country, it is more likely a woman would be elected than a person of Jewish ancestry. There has never been a Jewish VP (Levi Morton was Presybterian and Levi was his birthname). In your previous posting it said that the non-religious Jews read the NYT like it is the Torah and vote Democrat regardless of how anti-semitic the candidate is Look at the 2008 election results, 77% voted for the most anti-semitic candidate in American history. Eric Cantor is the lone Republican of Jewish descent in the entire Congress.
In my view,the VP candidate’s purpose before the election is to broaden the appeal of the ticket. After the election, the VP is usually relegated to the bone pile. It is true that many VP’s have become President, but during the waiting period, they are typically not doing much.
I would hate to see men the caliber of Rep. Cantor taken out of a position of affectiveness. Same with Rubio, West, etc. Then again, if Rubio can bring home the bacon, maybe he can cut a deal not to be such a minor player in the VP position? While I think Cantor is an excellent man, I don’t see him bringing home the bacon.
Actually it’s not true “that many VP’s have become president”, if you exclude those who did so by their president’s death or resignation. For a sitting VP to be elected president is extremely rare. Before George H. W. Bush managed the feat in 1988, I don’t think it had been done since Martin van Buren in 1836.
The reason is that presidents almost always become unpopular around their 6-year mark, and by the time they’ve had their 8 years people are tired of them and want someone new; voting for their VP is usually seen as voting them a “third term”. Even Nixon and Gore, following relatively popular presidents, were defeated in their attempts to succeed them, if only barely. Nixon was later elected in his own right, but that would almost certainly have happened even if he’d never been VP; indeed, had he not been the sitting VP he might even have eked out a win in 1960.
Well of course Cantor won’t bring home the bacon! But maybe he can bring the pastrami, or the lox…
What jumps out at me is that the numbers the administration is pushing keep dropping every time they come to the table. Honestly it sounds like a real frog boil going on here.