Benjamin Korn of Jews for Sarah, writing at the JTA, OP-ED: Jews becoming commonplace in conservative ‘new media’:
Many reviews already have appeared of “The Undefeated,” the soon-to-be-released documentary about Sarah Palin’s tenure in Alaska.Yet none of them — even in The Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post or The Washington Post — mentions that nearly all of the film’s many pro-Palin media talking heads are Jews.
The dominant meme that Jews as a group are uncomfortable with Palin or her views seems less than convincing after viewing prominent Members of the Tribe defend her politics and record in elected office. Internet news mogul Andrew Breitbart, nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin and L.A.’s radio phenom Tammy Bruce, a gay Jewish Palinista with a Tammy’s Army of followers, all deliver full-throated tributes to one of America’s most conservative political figures…..
Significant relative newcomers include bloggers such as Ted Belman of IsraPundit, Dan Greenfield of SultanKnish and Ruth King of Ruthfully Yours, along with sites such as Israel Matzav, YidWithLid, Yeshiva World News and the Yiddish-titled but English-language Vos Iz Neias? (What’s New?).
Hey, I may be small potatoes, but I’m not chopped liver. A shout out would have been nice.
Maybe I need a blog name that sounds more Jewish. Any suggestions?
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Professor, perhaps if you wrote some articles in support of the division of Isreal according to Obama’s plan, then more people might think you were Jewish?
Maybe I need a blog name that sounds more Jewish. Any suggestions?
Legal Oyfshtand?
I’ll sell you my (mostly idle) blog name: “Mishigas Central”.
How much will you pay me to take it?
Mr Liver (may I call you Chopped?), cheap shot!
Oy Vey! We Need a Legal Insurrection? Naw, not short enough.
But it’s good to know this after just reading yesterday’s utterly unfathomable poll about massive Jewish support for this president.
You’re going to have problems out-jewishing a last name of “Son of Jacob” without going into stereotypes.
Ipso Facto does have a point, to the Media you’re not a “Real Jew” until you do something opposed to Israel. Perhaps sponsoring a lifejacket on the new Gaza floatilla, they will need some the way it seems to be falling apart.
Son of Jacob? I thought the professor was a Swede, obviously not a Dane or he would spell it Jacobsen.
Does the professor want to clear up this mystery of your surname?
“Mensch Moxie” has a nice ring to it…
Bagel Insurrection
That’s good.
Talmudic Insurrection?
or maybe Lawyers and Tigers and Bear, Oy vay!
If it’s that important, maybe a new photo showing you wearing a Kippah?
Insurrection? fuggedaboutit
Call Rush….he’s familiar with the reputation of the People’s Republic of Ithaca…if you can get him to mention your blog get ready for deluge of fans.
Legal Exodus?
Alter Cocker
The Daily Chutzpah
The Kosher Maven
Nu Saykhel
I haven’t had this much fun since I left BU in the 1980’s. Mazel Tov, we are all counting on you.
Kosher Insurrection
The Leagal Bialy
For this, I went to law school?
Love this.
Oh yeah – I am liking this one!
But, Professor, have you written a review of “The Undefeated”? I think that was the intended common theme – not just pro-Palin Jewish bloggers. Perhaps I missed that post – sorry.
Simple: “Jacobson’s Legal Insurrection”.
Long form: “Jacobson’s Legal Insurrection, maybe you were expecting Perry Mason?”
Simple: “Jacobson’s Legal Insurrection”.
Long form: “Jacobson’s Legal Insurrection, take my blog, please”
Kashruth Insurrection.
May I suggest something clear and concise?
Oye vay would be a wonderful blog name
There already is an Oyvayblog.
Legal Insurrection, Bubala
How about “American Center For Law & Justice?”
I am definitely chuckling – you all have a wonderful sense of humor – if nothing else, it speaks well to both Dear Professor (how does that sound – shades of North Korea), and the readership. I’ve found that only people who can laugh at themselves are emotionally healthy. I’m not Jewish, so I can’t come up with anything snappy like the above, but I can still enjoy it!
From what I can tell, you’re not considered Jewish if you’re not hostile to Israel – haven’t quite figured out the logic there, but that’s why “reason” and “politics” are two words for two different things. Maybe you need to get someone in Israeli govt to denounce you, so you get some street cred???
Mark Levin went on a tirade last week against liberal Americvan Jews, mostly because of their insane positions on Israel. He singled out New York Slimes columnist Thomas Friedman calling him a piece of crap, an idiot, a jerk, and a sell-out because of Friedman’s non-stop praise of China and his hypocritical stance on global warming. It was terrific:
Insurrection Chutzpah(noun or adjective?). Supreme Court Judge A. Scalia used it in the 1973 opinion.From
“…However, in defining chutzpah in the context of American jurisprudence it is also important to note, as a court in the federal district of New Jersey did in 1995, that \”Legal chutzpah is not always undesirable, and without it our system of jurisprudence would suffer.\’\’
Part of the uniqueness of Yiddish words like chutzpah is that their meaning varies depending on context and degree…”
Kosher Insurrection?
Whaddya want, a Legal Insurrection?
Simple: “Jacobson’s לעגאַל ינסערעקשאַן”
Long Form: ” Jacobson’s לעגאַל ינסערעקשאַן, I should give you free legal advice?”
BTW, tweet me so we can discuss my Supremacy Clause issue.
Legal Insurrection: Loxie with Moxie.
“Yos | July 5, 2011 at 11:21 am
Insurrection? fuggedaboutit”
EEeHhhhhhh!!! That’s Itayian.
Better yet: Legal Insurrection: Chopped Liver.
Lots of great answers here 🙂
Now will someone PLEASE tell me how you managed to post your profile pic?
For the Rich, they Sing. :-)and thems little birds poop on everyone else. Oh well Professor, we know you love Sarah… and she knows too.
Joy, you have to have an avatar associated with your email address which you supplied to get an account here.
More correctly, it is called a “Gravatar.” When I got my wordpress acnt it automatically hooked up a Gravatar for me that follows me around the internet… it is email address specific though. Go to
Thanks for the info 🙂
Prof is Jewish?
I was hoping he would be a Mayan illuminati & could tell me about upcoming 2012 big deal .
Or at least about the Mayan circles & other signs to aliens.
You ask if you are ‘chopped liver’. Being chopped liver is insufficient for membership in the Jewish conservative pundit community. You have to be ‘gefilte fish’.
Legalwitz (Insurrectionstein.)
Professor Jacobson … featuring Rick Perry’s buddy, Kinky Friedman and the Jewboys who sang “They Ain’t Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore!”
I know its a little long for a blog title — but maybe Katie Thompson can work with you on it.
We (us Philadelphians, that is) have Benjamin Korn on the radio every Sunday for an hour without commercials. It’s called Jewish Independent Radio and I love listening to him, he always puts me in such a good mood. Mr. Korn is so happy & cheerful, he’s always so positive & seems almost guileless…hey, wait a minute! Does this guy sound like a real Jew to you?
Something smells fishy about all this and it’s not just the lox.
Start spelling your last name Yakubson and use initials instead of the William A.
You’re trying to get JEWS attention and that William with Jacobson sounds Northern European (anglo branch).
(maybe a picture with you in a kippa and with peyos would help) 😉
I’m not Jewish either but have friends who are. Is that enough cred? 🙂
Jew with a view?
My Mother says …
Tallisman [a play on “talisman”]
The 5 books prof
Bagelman [since most superheros are Jewish, to wit, Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Plasticman, etc. Just pronounce the “man” part as “min” as in Goldman”].
The Frisco Yid [Gene Wilder as “The Frisco Kid”] I am not wild about the “Frisco” part.
Jewsaurus Rex
Yidasaurus Rex
Whoops! Should be Jewasaurus Rex.
Jew with a clue
Dick Morris: Obama losing Jewish voters
“If the election were held today, President Obama would get only 56 percent of the Jewish vote against a generic Republican candidate, down from the 78 percent he won in 2008 and less than the 74 percent John Kerry received in 2004.”
“Obama is in the process of breaking the close relationship between his party and the Jewish community, a liaison first formed by Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s. In increasing numbers, American Jews and Jewish Democrats are leaving the president’s side.”
The Hill
Tribal Issues of Fact
Not that I think you really would do it, but changing the name of the blog would inevitably change its character. To me, that suggests the ultimate wisdom of the old wheeze 9attributed to Bert Lance of Carter Administration fame), that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”
Therefore, my overall reaction to the possibility of actually changing the blog name is, you need that like you need a loch in kup!
Perhaps, however, by further refining or adding to the overall persona of this site, such as through the adoption of something as simple as a corny gimmick or two, you could help avoid a recurrence on the part of Mr. Korn for his grievous failure to recognize the obvious “mentionableness” of this site.
To me, the issue is decidedly less “what were you not doing right?” . . . it is more, “what was he doing wrong?”
Nevertheless, good communication is a two way street. Subtlety can frequently be lost on those not paying close attention, and small signals or helpful reminders might make a difference.
For example, you could feature a “Bubkis Award” of the week (or of the day) for singling out a political comment or proposal by a lefty politician that contributes exactly nothing, or perhaps even a little less than nothing, to our political commweal.
Or, similarly, you could have a farshlepteh krenk award as an identifier of notoriously bad progressive political ideas that just keep coming back to poison the well.