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Party at my house for Netroots Nation 2012

Party at my house for Netroots Nation 2012

This is almost as good as Ann Althouse having the union protests right outside her window.

Netroots Nation, attended by all of my very good blog-friends, will be held in Providence!

All the nutroots in my home state and not far from my house in the most important presidential election year since the Great Depression.  It doesn’t get any better than that.

I think I’ll purchase a video camera and crash the party with an Andrew Breitbart mask on.

I’ll set up a triage center for RightOnline attendees in my backyard, near the barbecue.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


LukeHandCool | June 20, 2011 at 10:50 am

“I think I’ll purchase a video camera and crash the party with an Andrew Breitbart mask on.”

Haha!! I dare you. I double dare you!

LukeHandCool (who is just about ready to issue a triple dare).

Site looks great Professor! Even better it finally let me register.

If you’ll promise to cover it as Althouse has done in WI, I will hit your tip jar again and again and again.

I can see nuts from my house!

Donald Douglas | June 20, 2011 at 11:43 am

I was already thinking about going next year, but it’ll be hard to skip if you’re having a party, LOL!

Sounds like a fun time for all us radical RI’ers. I’ll see you there Professor. I’ll be the one with the Alan West mask on…

Roxeanne de Luca | June 20, 2011 at 7:34 pm

I’ll wear the Sarah Palin mask and carry a dead caribou.