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Morning No Way

Morning No Way

The Hill reports that John Cornyn and other Republicans in Washington, D.C. are trying to recruit Joe Scarborough to run for Senate as a Republican in Florida, GOP woos ‘Morning Joe’ for Fla. Senate:

Republicans in Washington are trying to recruit Joe Scarborough to run against Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) next year.

Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), who heads the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), told The Hill on Thursday that he has talked to Scarborough a couple times about a Senate bid. And he indicated he’s still working on persuading the MSNBC host to run for the upper chamber.

I say NO WAY (note to readers, on the internet all CAPS signifies indignation and outrage) to Morning Joe.

It is bad enough when the NRSC backs milquetoasty RINOs like Charlie Crist.

But recruiting a founding member of the No Labels group is a step way too far.  Joe Scarborough already said he wanted no part of you, what don’t you understand about “no labels”?

And recruiting someone who is out front in proving he can bash Sarah Palin harder than any Democrat will lead to a revolt and schism in the party, Joe Scarborough tells GOP to man up and confront Sarah Palin

“What man or mouse with a fully functioning human brain and a résumé as thin as Palin’s would flirt with a presidential run? It makes the political biography of Barack Obama look more like Winston Churchill’s, despite the fact that the 44th president breezed into the Oval Office as little more than a glorified state senator.”

If John Cornyn wants to rip this party apart, then he has found the way. Does he want our energy and money devoted to stopping a GOP senatorial candidate, or stopping Barack Obama?

The fact that the NRSC even is considering recruiting Joe Scarborough leads me to believe the bloggers at Not One Red Cent will be back in action soon.  And maybe I’ll join them.

So tell me, who is the next Marco Rubio in Florida?

Update:  Commenter Viator suggests that this person is the next Marco Rubio.  He was on my Top 10 List in November.  What do you think?

Update No. 2 – Per the comments, Cornyn says he spoke with Scarborough about running in New York, not Florida.  Is that any better?

Uh Oh, per commenter PasdenaPhil, Scarborough is confirming the original story at The Hill that he was approached about Florida, contrary to Cornyn:

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough on Friday said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) has asked him about running against Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) in 2012.
Scarborough said in an interview with The Hill, “John suggested last month that I consider running for the Senate against Bill Nelson. His intent was clear and unambiguous and echoed his quotes in The Hill. However, I love the job I have and have no intention of running for the Senate.”

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