Rick Santorum | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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Rick Santorum Tag

This is the first polling evidence of Newt's surge which has let Romney to relaunch Operation Zany and to haul out Susan Molinari and others to attack Newt. From Rasmussen this morning: The race for the Republican presidential nomination is now nearly even with Mitt Romney still on...

Yes. Headline and story line: Conservative Christian leaders endorse Rick Santorum after Texas meeting A group of about 150 conservative Christian leaders and political activists emerged today from a two-day meeting at a Texas ranch and endorsed former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum for president – a surprising...

Via The Hill: Restore Our Future, an outside group backing Mitt Romney, is taking its first shot at Rick Santorum. The group is running ads in South Carolina and Florida criticizing Santorum for supporting earmarks, part of multi-million dollar ad buys running in the states. Fair? In...

Richard Viguerie has an interesting observation regarding the methodology of Ron Paul's campaign intended to leave Paul as the last not-Romney standing, Ron Paul Goes Bird Hunting: Experienced bird hunters and fighter pilots know you don’t aim for the leader of a flight -- you start...

This video (via Leslie of Temple of Mut) of Rick Santorum has made the rounds as evidence that Santorum is hostile to the Tea Party movement. The key sentence, in which he expresses and intention to "vocally, publicly oppose" the Tea Party, is ambiguous.  Was he saying he...