National Review | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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I didn't want to write about Kevin Williamson. I even emailed Kemberlee and Mary earlier this evening and told them I "don't feel like writing about Kevin Williamson." If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you must not be on Twitter. Consider yourself lucky. Twitter is a pus pocket.

This is how much I've been off the grid today while attending to some family medical issues. I was the last person on the internet to find out about David French possibly being a third-party candidate for the #NeverTrump movement. In fact, I didn't even find out about it from the internet. One of the LI authors texted me at 6:30 p.m.: "You must be excited to see the independent candidate could be a National Review guy, lol." My response, word for word, or should I say word: "Wut?" Here's how the story broke at Bloomberg News, Kristol Eyes Conservative Lawyer David French for Independent Presidential Run:

National Review has a special issue Against Donald Trump, with columns by 22 people, most of whom are familiar conservative writers and media personalities. I skimmed a few of the columns and they make the case persuasively that Trump is not a conservative. You know the arguments already. He's for activist big government, a populist with no conservative ideological compass, and is not what he purports to be even on his core issue of immigration (where he may be to the left of Marco Rubio in reality). National Review Conservatives Against Trump Cover

Tragic deaths seem to dredge up the worst kind of discourse from liberal punditry. The national conversation, particularly in regards to calls for increased gun control tends to go something like this: "Someone broke a law." "WE MUST MAKE MORE LAWS. WE MUST DO SOMETHING." "Yes, but these individuals didn't follow the law to begin with." "WE MUST MAKE MORE LAWS. WE MUST DO SOMETHING." "Because criminals will follow a new law when they're already ignoring all the others?" "WE MUST MAKE MORE LAWS. MOAR LAWS. ALL THE LAWS. SOMETHING. GUNS. SOMETHING. YARRRRGHH." "We must do SOMETHING," is tired mantra and one beginning to show signs of wear and tear. Friday morning, National Review's Charles Cooke joined Morning Joe to discuss the horrific Oregon community college shooting. Cooke writes extensively about second amendment liberties.